Root: ب ر ز
Words from this Root in the Grand Qur'aan:
a) Total occurrences: 9
b) No of constructions: 5
Nouns: 2 Verbs: 3
Recurrence: 7 [Form-I=5; Form II=2 Passive]
Ibn Faris [died
1005] stated:
مقاييس اللغة
الباء والراء والزاء أصلٌ واحد،
وهو ظهور الشيء وبُدُوُّه،
That it signifies about a thing its manifestation,
becoming apparent, disseminated and going in open.
The perception and meanings of the Root are rendered
explicit by the text where it is used in Grand Qur'aan:

And when they
came in open confronting Ja'loot [Goliath]
and his troops, they prayed;
"You the Exalted Sustainer Lord
of us! Bless us with coolly perseverance and fortitude,
and make firm our
foothold-strengthen firmness,
and help us for victory over the
unbelieving people." [2:250]

Know it, the Day
Our Majesty will cause the removal
the mountains [converting them into sand]
And you will see the Earth
plainly leveled - widespread.
And We would
have gathered them,
thereby, We would not have left even a single individual behind.
The meanings of
are also rendered explicit by describing the state of Earth on that Day
in these words:

And people enquire from
you the Messenger
about the mountains.
In response you pronounce,
"My Sustainer Lord will blast them, as dust particles. [20:105]
Then He will leave them
plains smooth and leveled;
Exactly leveled that you will
not see - find therein crookedness - variation in alignment and curve - uneven
surface". [20:107]
1 |
Active Participle: indefinite; singular;
feminine; accusative.
اسم فاعل:معرفہ
باللام- منصوب.ر-واحد
2 |
Participle: Indefinite; Sound Plural; Masculine; nominative. (1) 40:16=1
اسم فاعل:معرفہ
باللام- مرفوع-جمع سالم
مذكر |
Verbs Form-I
1 |
Verb: Perfect; Third person; plural;
masculine; [Form-I] + و
Subject Pronoun; nominative state; مصدر
Verbal Noun.
فعل ماضٍ مبنى
على الضم لاتصاله بواو الجماعة/و- ضمير متصل
في محل رفع فاعل-والألف-فارقة/جمع
مذكر غائب |
2 |
Prefixed Emphatic/Apodosis to conditional particle
+ Verb: Perfect; Third person; singular; masculine; مصدر
Verbal Noun. (1)3:154=1
لام التوكيد
واقعة فى جواب الشرط + فعل ماضٍ مبني على الفتح /صيغة:واحد
مذكرغائب |
Verbs Form-II
1 |
Perfect; Third Person; Singular; Feminine;
Passive; [Form-II]; ت Feminine marker with
added vowel sign for reason of breaking cluster of two vowel-less
consonants; تَبْرِيزٌ Verbal Noun.
فعل ماضٍ
مبني للمجهول مبني على الفتح +
تَاء التانيث الساكنة/صيغة:-واحد
مؤنث غائب/باب
تَفْعِيل |

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