ح ى ض
Words from this Root in the Grand Qur'aan:
a) Total occurrences: 4
b) No of constructions: 2
flooding, to flood, when it overflow/over brims. Flood rose, its water
rose and flowed:;
a woman to bleed during menstruation: to menstruate.: the menstruation
blood; the days of menstruation or the place from where the blood flows:
this word is also used for menstruation itself:

And people ask
you the Messenger
regarding instructions about abstinence during the state and
happening of Menstrual discharge of respective wives.
You the Messenger
tell them; "the menstrual discharge happening is a
state of little vexation. Therefore, you
husbands are directed to consciously abstain coitus with wives who
are in the currency of the Menstrual discharge.
you should not approach them for matrimonial nearness as
long as they might exhaust-drain out menstrual discharge.
Consequently when they have exhausted-drained out making themselves
cleansed, thereat, you
husbands associate-connect matrimonially with them at location and
point in time that Allah the Exalted has decreed-appointed for
you people.
Indeed Allah the Exalted appreciates and
recognizes those who return-revert to proper conduct-point leading
to right direction;
And He the Exalted appreciates and recognizes
those who maintain cleanliness and purity. [2:222]

Take note about those Wives of
you people who have lost expectation of menstruation: if you
felt double minded unsure about their state, thereby, the intervening period of
their restraint
is three months instead of three menstrual cycles
[prescribed in
in between pronouncement of suspension of
Matrimonial Bond and Culmination-Separation-Untying the Matrimonial
And so is the duration of
three months for those Wives who have not yet menstruated
immediately before pronouncement of suspension of Matrimonial Bond
[otherwise it can much shorten the
period of three menstrual cycles-one happening immediately after
pronouncement of suspension of Matrimonial Bond-this also takes care
of those Wives with removed uterus]
Take further note
that the duration for those alienated wives by pronouncement of
suspension of Matrimonial Bond by the husband, who are pregnant,
shall be till such time that they might deliver their Pregnancy.
Remember that whoever
would endeavour for attaining protection of Allah the Exalted—He
the Exalted will make for him an element of ease in his affair.
1 |
noun/Noun of time: Definite;
genitive. (1)2:222(2)2:222(3)65:04=3
مكان:معرفہ باللام :مجرور |
2 |
Imperfect; Third person; feminine;
plural; Mood: Jussive; نَ
Subject pronoun, in nominative state; مصدر-حَيْضٌ Verbal
مضارع مجزوم و
علامة جزمه السكون /نَ:
ضمير متصل في محل رفع فاعل-جمع مؤنث غائب |

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