Root: ع س ى
Words from this Root in the Grand Qur'aan:
a) Total occurrences: 30
b) No of constructions: 7
is an non-derived [Jamid] verb.
Verbs of approximation are coined to indicate
closeness of the Khabar to its subject.
Verb of approximation: It signifies hope and is
not used in other than the present tense due to its being a partially
inflected verb. In its government it is like "Kana", except that its
Predicate is a present tense verb with Particle "An". Particle is elided
at times.
May well be, perhaps, to be near, be on the eve of might, about to
be, expression expresses eager desire or hope and fear. It also denotes
opinion or doubt or certainty.
1 |
Verb of
approximation: Perfect; third person; singular; masculine,
with prolongation sign.
(1)2:216(2)2:216(3)7:185(4)12:21(5)17:51(6)17:79(7)18:24(8)19:48(9)27:72 (10)28:09(11)49:11(12)49:11=12
ماضٍ ناقص مبني على الفتح المقدر |
من افعال الرجاء |
2 |
Verb of approximation: Perfect; third person; singular; masculine, .
(1)4:84(2) 4:99(3)9:102(4)12:83(5)60:07=5 فعل
ماضٍ ناقص مبني على الفتح المقدر |
من افعال الرجاء |
3 |
Verb of approximation: Perfect; third person; singular; masculine,(1)7:129(2) 17:08(3)28:22(4)66:05(5)66:08(6)68:32=6 فعل
ماضٍ ناقص مبني على الفتح المقدر |
4 |
Verb of approximation: Perfect;
second person; plural; masculine;
Suffixed Pronoun, in nominative state,
Subject noun. (1)2:246(2)47:22=2
فعل ماضٍ ناقص مبنى على السكون لاتصاله
بضمير الرفع/تُم-ضمير
متصل في محل رفع اسم عسى جمع
5 |
Conjunction particleفَ
[Cause and effect indicative] + Verb of
approximation: Perfect; third person; singular; masculine, with
prolongation sign
(1) 4:19(2)9:18(3)28:67=3
حرف فَ
ماضٍ ناقص مبني على الفتح المقدر |
6 |
Conjunction particleفَ
[Cause and effect indicative] + Verb of
approximation: Perfect; third person; singular; masculine
حرف فَ
ماضٍ ناقص مبني على الفتح المقدر
7 |
Conjunction particleفَ
[Cause and effect indicative] + Verb of
approximation: Perfect; third person; singular; masculine. (1)18:40=1
حرف فَ
ماضٍ ناقص مبني على الفتح المقدر |

ع ش ر
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