Root: ف ل ك
Words from this Root in the Grand Qur'aan:
a) Total occurrences: 25
b) No of constructions: 4
The basic perception and signification infolded in
the Root, in the words of Ibn Faris [died:1005]:
يدلُّ على استدارةِ فى الشىء
That it leads to the perception of circularity,
roundedness, rotation, twirl within a thing. Moreover, he stated.
فَلَّك ثدْي المرأة، إذا
That it refers to the breast of a woman when it
has become twirled, attained the shape of circularity.
Lane's Lexicon: فَلَّك
is said of a girl's breast when it has become
rounded, but less than is denoted by
النهود i.e. swelled,
prominent or protuberant, or full breast. He added that it refers to
anything that is made round or
the whirl of a spindle.
والثُّدِيُّ الفَوالك: دون النَّواهِد.
وفَلَكَ ثديُها
وأَفْلَكَ: وهو دون النهود؛.
It is evident from the above quotes
of famous Lexicographers that they all tried to portray the perception
infolded in the Root by reference to meanings held in general parlance
to developed breast of a girl which is not prominent or protuberant. The
other specifications are circularity, twirl, hemispherical,
whirl of a spindle.
The Grand Qur'aan has the word
occurring twice, used in relation to location of
movement of celestial objects.

Realize it, He the Exalted is the Only
Who has created the Night and the Day, and the Sun and the Moon.
They all are in the
state of swimming in a curved - girl's breast-shaped
course - orbit. [21:33]

is not made possible/befitting [because of set
equations/relationships/devised system] for the Sun that she
might overstep that she might chase/orb the Moon.
Neither the Night is the over stepper to take
lead/be leader of the Day. Know it that they all keep swimming in a
curved/girl's breast shaped course/orbit direction. [36:40]
[It may be interesting to note that the Sun [in
Arabic] is feminine
in character/nature and the Moon has masculine gender. It is not
befitting for her that she orbs a masculine. At the point in time of
creation of our Universe, it is stated as day-the bright beginning. Then
came the first dark night of the Earth of our Universe-initiating the
First Day of the First Lunar Month of the Calendar of Universe]
Verb: Imperfect; third person; plural; masculine;
Mood: Indicative; means. "they keep swimming". It involves effort
directed towards one direction and the mood of verb indicates continuity
and persistence in the performance of the said act/action. This act of
swimming is being performed by them within a place called/designated as
According to the famous Lexicographers, it denotes
the breast before it has become full or protuberant
which in fact is curved and conical.
It is for the experts to appreciate and explain
the similarity or relationship of the orbits of celestial bodies with
the basic perception of the Root, predominantly related to the breast of
a woman.
The Grand
Qur'aan, however, further provides this information about the Sky:

And by the Sky, her peculiar
feature is that she is the possessor
of the curves/spiral tracks/orbits, [51:07]

Cord or rope which one binds/wraps around the
waist; the place of placing the waistline; pieces of wood put together
and bound in the middle with a cord that joins them together and stops
them from scattering.
A streak or line in sand and the like; track; the ripples or wavy forms
of crisp hair as though it was crimped [curly hair]; spiral, continuous
circling flat curve that circles around a central point.
1 |
Collective Noun: Definite; Feminine/Masculine; singular;
genitive. (1)2:164 (2)7:64(3)10:22(4)10:73(5)23:22(6)23:28(7)26:119(8)29:65(9)36:41(10)37:140(11)40:80(12)43:12=12
:معرفہ باللام-مجرور-واحد
مؤنث |
2 |
Collective Noun: Definite; Feminine/Masculine; singular; accusative. (1) 11:37(2)11:38(3)14:32(4)16:14(5)17:66(6)22:65(7)23:27(8)31:31(9)35:12=9
:معرفہ باللام-منصوب-واحد
مؤنث |
3 |
Collective Noun: Definite; Feminine/Masculine; singular;
nominative. (1) 30:46(2)45:12=2
:معرفہ باللام-مرفوع-واحد
مؤنث |
4 |
Noun: Definite; Masculine/Feminine; singular;
genitive. (1)21:33(2)36:40=2
مذكر/مؤنث |
ف ل ن
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