We earlier studied that
is laden in the Wind that overtakes a ship in the sea, whereby, the
scenario is like this:

Thereat, a wind
overtook the Ship. One
[masculine active participle]
who makes things revolve and spread
is laden within her/Wind.
And the Waves reached
them from all sides.
And they
apprehensively assessed that they have certainly been
surrounded by it from all sides.
Is this
specific to sea? No, it also visits the Land.

Understand the
similitude of those who persistently refused to acknowledge their
Sustainer Lord.
Their deeds are like ash;
wind became violently irresistible for it during a day marked by the
presence of Twister [masculine active
participle] who makes things
revolve and spread.
They not at all have control to retain-confine what they had earned from scattering-flying away by the wind like
- This is what is called the
far destructive end of neglectfulness-straying-wandering. [14:18]
The feminine counterpart of
in plural are picturesquely portrayed:

swearing is by the sent ones,
in a state of visibly recognized incessant-continuous-successive flow; [77:01]
thereat approaching the
destined point they are feminine rotators, in the manner of continued
rotation clockwise or anticlockwise; [77:02]
and act as spreaders-dispersers, in
the manner of scattering, [77:03]
thereby, they act as
centrifuge-segregators, in
the manner of distancing one thing from another. [77:04]
Passive participle:
Definite; sound plural;
feminine; genitive; [Form-IV]; مصدر-اِرْسَالٌ
Verbal Noun.
Verbal Noun: Indefinite; accusative. It is circumstance in which those
feminine are sent to a destination. It denotes a state of incessant,
continuous, or successive sending.
Conjunction particleفَ
Cause and effect indicative + Active Participle:
Indefinite; sound Plural;
genitive. Reaching the destined point those sent ones become Active
Participle denoting those who are
Verbal Noun: Indefinite, is the accusative Cognate Adverb, which
signifies the manner and magnitude of action, continued rotation,
clockwise or anticlockwise.
Those winds who are rotators, they
are simultaneously doer of something also.
Active participle:: Definite;
Sound plural; genitive.
This signifies those feminine who act as spreaders and dispersers. The
principle of physics do not end here. Those who are rotators and
spreaders and dispersers, they after having done this job they become
performer of another action.
Conjunction particleفَ
Cause and effect indicative +
Active Participle:
Indefinite; sound Plural;
This Active
Participle signifies those feminine who
Verbal Noun is accusative cognate adverb
[مفعول مطلق] which signifies the
manner in which the action takes place. It
denotes segregating and
distancing one
thing from another, one departing away from the other.
Having read this
verbal mirroring of an
un-named feminine object through metaphors, please read about Tornado in
any encyclopedia, or watch a video. However, they will not tell you that
these rotationg winds also play another role for many who reflect.

Thereat, they act as causing exposure-lay in
front, in the manner of message-reminding-admonition, [77:05]
for feeling regret or taking
warning-admonition. [77:06]

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