o Beginning is with Allah's personal name Ar'Reh'maan Who is The Fountain of Infinite Mercy. |
Lightning animation depicting inter-cloud lightning in Toulouse, France. This sequence occurred during a duration of 0.32 seconds. Image courtesy: Wikipedia
Supercell thunderstorm-In-Cloud Lightening
Would you believe, if I say that the early 7th century Arabs of desert Hijaz were aware of activities and phenomenon taking place within a single thunderhead like the sort of excited and charged movements all over, and in-cloud luminosity? You will certainly ask for the evidence. Honestly speaking, I do not have any authority or evidence in its support. But, the most famous book of the world, reaching to me from them, i.e. Grand Qur'aan, did say this to those desert Arabs. Therefore, you have either to accept my unsubstantiated statement, or you will have to believe that this Book was not authored by an Arab, living in 7th century AD in the city of Mecca.
The discourse is about verbal portrayal of apparent attitude and internal psyche, state of mind and heart of a peculiar class of people found only in a Sovereign Muslim Society. They are classified and identified by Allah the Exalted, in Grand Qur'aan by a specific "Family Name" in the Species-Human Beings. They are Muna'fi'qeen. [Please do not equate it with English word "Hypocrite"]. Every human being has his apparent manifestations, and an internal world which is of the True Person whom we see, identify and classify as human being from his apparent structure. So is everything, all matter. Let us see their inner self, and apparent conduct from the above parable and metaphors which are used by knowledgeable persons and scientists to verbally portray the invisible secrets for perception and visualization by masses and ordinary people like me.
adjective is elided which is understood by the Exemplifying noun and
presence of following prepositional phrase
The inner self of this Hyperbolic/Intensive active participle- صَيِّبٍ is portrayed by an inverted nominal sentence:
It may be noted that the Verbal Noun The excited and charged state and luminous and gleaming activity is happening within this صَيِّبٍ. Did Arabs of 7th century, or even today does the majority of people world over know about "In-Cloud Lightening"? Majority, in time and space, only knows about Cloud-to-Ground Lightening followed by listening sound of thunder as one sharp crack.
Meteorologists can better adjudge
whether or not
We are left with no option but either to accept this Great Man, who narrated the aforementioned information, as the first best Nephologist or as the Messenger of Allah, the Exalted-the Creator and Sustainer Lord of all that exists. However, the first proposition, of it being his personal observation and knowledge, was negated by himself and is recorded in the same Book He had further stated, under advice from his Sustainer Lord:
Grand Qur'aan informed that Allah the Exalted will keep bringing to human
visual access, the knowledge about universe and human body,
whereby the fact that Grand Qur'aan is a Statement of Proven
Fact/absolute reality might become self manifest to the people who keep
denying it.
Why a first time observation of hitherto unseen thing manifests
that the Qur'aan is a statement of proven fact? This is possible only
if the same thing finds verbal mirroring of it in the Qur’aan. Verbal
specification and visual observation are two aspects of
identification of a tangible fact of real existence, as denoted by
Arabic word