o Beginning is with Allah's personal name Ar'Reh'maan Who is The Fountain of Infinite Mercy. |
Form-X Verbs signify what is called in Arabic تَكَلُّفٌ which means literally "self-charging" or "self-assigning a task" [It also figuratively means "feigning"]
At nine weeks, the embryo's ballooning brain allows it to bend its body, hiccup, and react to loud sounds. At week ten, it moves its arms, "breathes" amniotic fluid in and out, opens its jaw, and stretches. Before the first trimester is over, it yawns, sucks, and swallows, as well as feels and smells. By the end of the second trimester, it can hear; toward the end of pregnancy, it can see. [Fetal Psychology]. In the same order words are mentioned. The Ears are the organ that enable listening:
Not anything of the shape of an ear is an ear since it cannot facilitate the listening. Idols/statues apparently have ears but:
The sculpted statues, whom some people worship, do have an organ resembling the shape of an ear. However, the genuine ear has three parts. The outer ear collects sounds from the outer world and forwards them to the middle ear, which reinforces the sound vibrations reaching it and transmits them to the inner ear. The inner ear then sends them to the brain by turning them into electrical signals according to their intensity and frequency. After visiting several places in the brain, the messages are finally transmitted to the hearing center where these signals are processed and interpreted, and the process of listening finally takes place. One of the most surprising things is the speed at which the 20,000 micro-hairs in the channels in the ear react. The middle channel vibrates at 256 times a second. The channel immediately above it vibrates at 512 times a second, and the channel above that, at 1,024 times. The micro-hairs’ efficiency in analyzing such fast vibrations allows us to distinguish with great sensitivity the sounds reaching the ears. This constitutes one of the most sensitive and rapid reactions in the body. Even during sleep the ear functions with incredible efficiency. Because the brain can interpret and select signals passed to it by the ear, a man can sleep soundly through noisy traffic and the blaring of a neighbor's television set and then awaken promptly at the gentle urging of a chime alarm clock." (Stevens S.S. [Professor of Psychophysics, Harvard University] & Warshofsky, Fred [science writer], "Life Science Library, Time-Life Books: Alexandria VA, Revised Edition, p.38) The Grand Qur'aan mentions information about this phenomenon in the Episode of some young Believers/Muslims who had run away from their locality and taken refuge in the Cave.
The object of the transitive verb
The nature of their sleep also finds mention:
Allah the Exalted is always mindful of the wellbeing of people. Medical experts might appreciate the consequence if their sides were not kept turning during long period of their remaining in such deep sleep. Listening could become meaningful only when the stated thing has been interpreted and stored in the memory. About the Ears, Grand Qur'aan has also given this information:
Both the words are from Root
"و ع ى".
The basic perception infolded is to "keep or retain".
This fact became known and was recognized in 1960:
The fact about existing realities is that not all are visible to human naked eye. The Primal Creator, or the knowledgeable-observant-scientist, conveys the knowledge about certain realities, not apparent to human eye, with the help of metaphors. The description of the invisibly existing reality through metaphors enables a person to have its general and broader perception-image by relating it to the verbal picturing of characteristic features of the metaphor.
Grand Qur'aan has informed that Allah the Exalted will keep bringing to human
visual access, the knowledge about universe and human body,
whereby the fact that Grand Qur'aan is a Statement of Proven
Fact/absolute reality might become self manifest to the people who keep
denying it. Why a first time observation of hitherto unseen thing manifests
that the Qur'aan is a statement of proven fact? This is possible only
if the same thing finds verbal mirroring of it in the Qur’aan. Verbal
specification and visual observation are two aspects of
identification of a tangible fact of real existence, as denoted by
Arabic word:
We have seen the descriptions in the Grand Qur'aan, made more than 1400 years back, about the Ears exactly corresponding to our knowledge in the 21st century. Should we not respond to this call:
However, we should not expect that all will respond, because Grand Qur'aan tells us:
The verbal data preserves in the memory if we consciously and attentively listen to the narrations. It enables its transmission for analysis/perception and storage in the memory. It happens only if the listener has such intention and desire
Resultantly, the sounds of speech which their ears had collected and retained for few seconds disintegrated from the Echoic memory. Therefore, only those can enable their selves to respond and answer the question who consciously listen.
The tympanic membrane of the Ears of a man in such state will not absorb the sound waves directed by his outer Ears and instead will reflect. Resultantly the membrane will not set in motion/vibration to transmit it onwards for ultimate analysis and storage in the memory. Such man’s depiction: