o Beginning is with Allah's personal name Ar'Reh'maan Who is The Infinitely Merciful. |
Structure of Place of Human Creation: Three-Coats/Layered Darkness
The fact about existing realities is that not all are visible to human naked eye. The Primal Creator, or the knowledgeable-observant-scientist, conveys the knowledge about certain realities, not apparent to human eye, with the help of metaphors. The description of the invisibly existing reality through metaphors enables a person to have its general and broader perception-image by relating it to the verbal picturing of characteristic features of the metaphor. It is a fact that all the knowledge acquired by human beings, until seventh century, was through naked eye observation. The naked eye observation of an object and reality grants conviction and faith about its existence and acceptance as an established fact. The feel and thought of existence of invisible realities was all along there in human mind that kept him busy in developing theories to gain a perception about various phenomena. The turning point was when the Creator of all that exists, Allah the Exalted, Who had initiated creation with self-imposed obligation of Mercy, personified the Mercy for all in the person of Muhammad صلى الله عليه وسلم, His Last Messenger. The Grand Qur'aan, life sustaining [8:24] and path illuminating Visible Light came to humanity along with him.[7:157] It disclosed that a new era of visualization of realities is ushering in:
The Grand Qur'aan has informed that Allah the Exalted will keep bringing to human
visual observation, the knowledge about the universe and human body,
whereby the fact that Grand Qur'aan is a Statement of Proven
Fact/absolute reality might become self manifest to the people who keep
denying it.
Why a first time visual observation of hitherto unseen thing manifests
that, the Qur'aan is a statement of proven fact? This is possible only
if the same thing verbally finds mention of it in the Qur’aan. Verbal
specification and visual observation are in fact two aspects/methods of
identification of a tangible fact of real existence, as denoted by
Arabic word
The science and knowledge of embryology was in its infancy in the seventh century when Grand Qur'aan was gradually being revealed and the Last Messenger Muhammad Sal'lallaa'hoalaih'wa'salam was disclosing the hidden realities for the knowledge and study of humanity. Realize it that he/the Messenger Muhammad Sal'lallaa'hoalaih'wa'salam tells you the knowledge/information/data which hitherto you did not have [for lack of Book]. [Refer 2:151]
2. The description of environment of location of man's creation in mother's belly About human creation, the Grand Qur'aan disclosed this fact:
He keeps creating you, the living human beings. This creation takes place within the bellies of your mothers. The manner of creation is successive, creation after a creation. This multiple creative process happens inside/within the three-layered darkness. [Refer 39:06] In this statement, there is disclosure of four facts; the first two are: 1.
These two facts are apparent and visible to human eye and are/were as such in their perception. Generally, we use "belly" as the location of under-developing offspring:
[Allah was listening, when the wife of Imr'aan said] "My Sustainer Lord! I have pledged/assigned him who is in my belly" [Refer 3:35]
3. The third fact disclosed in the above statement is about the manner of creation of human being:
The manner of creation is successive, creation after a creation. [explicitly indicating successive creation from one form to another]
4. The fourth fact told in the previously mentioned statement is the specific place/location [فى] in the belly where these developments of changing measures and lengths during the process of human creation occur:
This multiple creative process happens inside/within the three-layered darkness.
Successive Layers of darkness, one after the other [for reason of gradual absorption of colours of visible light] [Refer 24:40]
The place inside the
belly where the human being undergoes various stages of
development is stated as of three-layered darkness, but is not
specifically named. This
place is given the specific name
and We implant/reside in the wombs whom We so will, towards a determined length of time with appointed termination moment. Afterwards [lapse of appointed duration] We discharge you as an infant. [Refer 22:05]
The female reproductive system
"The uterus is
composed of three layers of tissue. On the outside is a serous coat of peritoneum (a membrane exuding a
fluid like blood minus its cells and the clotting factor fibrinogen)
which partially covers the organ. In front it covers only the body of
the cervix; behind it covers the body and the part of the cervix that is
above the vagina and is prolonged onto the posterior vaginal wall; from
there it is folded back to the rectum. At the side the peritoneal layers
stretch from the margin of the uterus to each side wall of the pelvis,
forming the two broad ligaments of the uterus. 4. However, pregnancy is of two types. Few men may develop in Fallopian Tube. It is also three layered. The statement, "within three coat/layered darkness", is quite general. The information, we studied in the Article "Pregnancy is of two types", the location of developing embryo either may be Uterus, or in some cases the Fallopian Tube. Fallopian Tube [Wikipedia] The Fallopian tubes are paired, tubular, seromuscular organs whose course runs medially from the cornua of the uterus toward the ovary laterally. The tubes are situated in the upper margins of the broad ligaments between the round and utero ovarian ligaments (Fig. 2). Each tube is about 10 cm long with variations in length from 7 to 14 cm. The tubal wall consists of three layers: the internal mucosa (endosalpinx), the intermediate muscular layer (myosalpinx), and the outer serosa, which is continuous with the peritoneum of the broad ligament and uterus, the upper margin of which is the mesosalpinx. The endosalpinx is thrown into longitudinal folds, called primary folds, increasing in number toward the fimbria and lined by columnar epithelium of three types: ciliated, secretory, and peg cells. In the ampullary and infundibular sections, secondary folds of the tubal mucosa also exist, markedly increasing the surface areas of these segments of the tube. The myosalpinx actually consists of an inner circular and an outer longitudinal layer to which a third layer is added in the interstitial portion of the tube.
5. Creation involves process of successively changing measure and length.
The manner of creation is successive, creation after a creation. [explicitly indicating successive creation from one form to another] The various forms of creation involved in the process of creation of human being are elaborately mentioned. This fact of development in stages is specifically mentioned separately too:
and while the fact is that indeed, He created you people in state of diverse stages-in changing measures and lengths.[71:14]
In this context another information is given that
the place
Allah knows what females invisibly carry; and how much uteruses contract/get inside and how much they expand [Refer 13:08] In an adult virgin, the uterus is 7.5 centimeters (three inches) long, five centimeters (two inches) in breadth, and 2.5 centimeters (one inch) thick, but it enlarges to four to five times this size in pregnancy. Let us prove ourselves to be rational human beings, accept and state this fact: Certainly this Qur'aan is undoubtedly the one which is absolutely convincing statement of proven truth/absolute fact. [56:95] And certainly this Qur'aan is undoubtedly the one which is absolutely convincing statement of proven truth/absolute fact. [69:51]