o Beginning is with Allah's personal name Ar'Reh'maan Who is The Infinitely Merciful. |
فـ+ فـ For reason/ sequel to/ resultantly
ظرف مكان Nominative; (VIII) Root: ق ر ر A place to reside for considerable time safely. قَرَارٍ Noun Root: ق ر ر settle, firm, fixed. reside in the place. مَكِينٍ Adjective Root: م ك ن a place abode, power, vitalizing; strengthening; authority. Root: Nasl The basic perception is of alienation of something, to get separated, to conveniently discharge or get discharged. Posterity.
Root: و د ع ظرف مكان Place; depositary/ receptacle; on the pattern of Passive participle. A place where something is lodged for safety as trust. To leave, alienate and empty something. Understanding/ reconciliation and mutual agreement; [VIII] Desire for something, demand and asking. In passive to find or desire quality of active and(3) to accept the effect of act done
Singular; feminine; passive voice.
Root: د ف ق Ibn Faris said that the basic perception infolded is that of pushing something.
To comprehensively understand the perception and meanings of
c) Creation of Spouse and
Continuation Process of living humanity-The Sperm-its origin and
resting/ maturing place
The saving/retention of information about the dimensions and code of a thing in the memory is possible only and is obliged to existence of more than one thing enabling comparative study/observation of those. The comparative study and the information about the variations, differences, measures, relationships is the primary reason which enables their saving and preservation in the memory. The variation, difference, and relationship is at least between the two.
And in each and everything We have created pairs o so that you people could save/preserve [and remember and recall for narrating]. [51:49] The fundamental principle in the created things is of "pairing". Thus nothing amongst the created things enjoys the status of absoluteness. "Pairing" reflects that each and every thing despite having its individuality and unique distinction is not independent but is dependent. Human being is no exception. O you the living mankind! You people be mindful, cautious and fearsome of your Sustainer Lord Who created you from one singular person; and from that person He created its partner/wife.
It should be noted that Adam
came into existence after certain processes were carried over a
structure/mould/frame [ He is the One Who created you the living people from one singular person; and from that person He created its partner [wife-first relationship] so that he may have the ultimate placidity/tranquility/ serenity with/from/upon. [Refer 7:189]
And Allah has created/declared/appointed for you people from your own selves as mates/companions [Refer 16:72]
And from His demonstrative signs is that He creates from your selves your mates so that you people could have respectively upon her the ultimate placidity/tranquility/serenity; and He has placed amongst you [husband and wife] feelings of love and compassion. [Refer 30:21] He created you the living people from one singular person; afterwards from that person He developed/made the person's partner [wife-first relationship]. [Refer 39:06]
He created/declared/appointed for you people from your own selves as mates/companions. [Refer 42:11]
And from this pair/couple further extraction/expansion was/is now made: And from both two of them He emerged/scattered/separated and spread majority of men and women. [4:01]
By this way [pairing] He multiplies you people. [Refer 42:11]
O you the living people! Indeed We have created you from a male and a female. [Refer 49:13]
And the modus operandi of this emerging/scattering/multiplication is explained as under: And He is the One Who created you, the living people, from one singular person; then/for reason [for continuation process] there is a resting/maturing place [epididymes for Sperm] and a departing/emptying place/depositary/receptacle for seeing off/pouring/deposit as a trust and mutual understanding/promises. [vagina-fallopian tube-uterus].[6:98] And He initiated/originated the creation of first human being from clay [admixed with water] [32:07]
Afterwards his [Adam's] descendants were made from gently and secretively drawn extract from desiccated/diluted/lacking vitality/artfully treated water. [Refer 32:08]
Have We not made you living people from desiccated/diluted/artfully treated water? [77:20]
The process of creation of living progeny of Adam who was created from
Afterwards We made him a sperm in firm/strengthening/stationing place [epididymes].[23:13]
For the continuity of creation there is a
In present day medical science we presumably say that the sperms are
made in the testes [also called testicles-pair of male sex glands,
oval organ about 5 cm/two inches long;
located in a pouch of skin called scrotum]. But the Grand Qur'aan has
stated that the
He created the man from a sperm [16:04]
and afterwards from a sperm [18:37]
afterwards, We created you from single sperm; [22:05]
afterwards, We created you from single sperm; [35:11]
Is it that the man [living humanity[ does not see/give a thought that We created him from the sperm. [36:77]
afterwards, He created you from single sperm; [40:67]
Indeed We have created the man [living humanity] from a sperm mingled. [76:02]
[man should reflect] From which matter/thing He has created him, the human being [man and woman]? He has created human being from a sperm and then He had proportioned him. [80:18-19]
It has consistently been stated that man is
created from Sperm and about Sperm it is told that it is made/developed
in the In our/medical science understanding and statement there is a vivid conflict and contradiction. In one breath we call what is produced in testes as Sperm and in the second breath we say about it that though it is live but infertile and without coordinated motility.
According to Grand Qur'aan
Functions of the Epididymis A. Storage Function
Spermatozoa are stored primarily in the cauda epididymis and may remain
there for 10 to 60 days
depending on the frequency of ejaculation.
From the above functions of the
then/for reason [for continuation process] there is a resting/maturing place [epididymes for Sperm] and a departing/emptying place/depositary/receptacle for seeing off/pouring/deposit as a trust and mutual understanding/promises. [vagina-fallopian tube-uterus].[6:98] And where this
and from that person He created its partner [wife-first relationship] so that he may have the ultimate placidity/tranquility/serenity with/from/upon her. [Refer 7:189]
And from His demonstrative signs is that He creates from your selves your mates so that you people could have respectively upon her the ultimate placidity/tranquility/serenity; and He has placed amongst you [husband and wife] feelings of love and compassion. [Refer 30:21]
And that He created the pairs, the male and the female
from a single sperm; when
she/that [
We have created you people. Then why don't you accept/admit it? Is it for reason you people see that what you people [actually] pour? [into receptacle/vagina of wives]
Do you people create him/that particular single sperm? or We are the Creator? [56:57-59]
[concept of independence is even not there in the process of his creation] Was he not a sperm in the semen who was poured/lodged? [75:37]
Therefore, now have intercourse with them in the nights of fasting and you people seek [the result of intercourse, not son or daughter but desire] what Allah has written for you people;[2:187]
For reason of period completed, when they by taking bath get purified then, for this reason/in this state, you people [husbands] give them/associate [connect matrimonially] from the point Allah has decreed/appointed for you people. [حَيْثُ denotes point in time and point of place. Approaching this حَيْثُ was prohibited during menstruation, after purification one has to return to it] [2:222]
Your wives for you people are
[like] cultivating field [which is ploughed
into certain depth for placing inside seed at appropriate time],
therefore you people give/come to your cultivating field
if and when you desire
[to empty the
Therefore/for reason when he/husband covered her [his mate/wife] she lifted invisibly a light burden and she moves with it.
o Then/for reason/resultantly [of conception and developing/expanding measures] when she became heavy they both two called Allah, Sustainer Lord of both two of them, "if You give us a righteous son certainly we will emphatically be amongst obliged and grateful" [7:189] It has thus
pointedly and nakedly been made conspicuous to humanity that for them
Then/for reason [if he denies the presence of Creator] the man should see with eyes from what he was created?
He was created from one flowing male active participial [sperm] pushed in the water
who/that water secretes/discharges from in between the backbone and the ribs. [86:05-07]
The sperm is created and
stationed at
In men, orgasm occurs in two stages. First,
the vas deferens, seminal vesicles, and prostate contract, sending
seminal fluid to the bulb at the base of the urethra, and the man feels
a sensation of ejaculatory inevitability—a feeling that ejaculation is
just about to happen and cannot be stopped. Second, the urethral bulb
and penis contract rhythmically, expelling the semen—a process called
ejaculation for pouring "him" [ A man is created from a single
active participle called
of Sperm at
Warning: The movie depicts the genitalia of male in a manner of a diagram/animation ordinarily presented to medical students therefore is perhaps not offensive but it certainly clarifies and elucidates the point and meanings of the verse discussed in the article.