o Beginning is with Allah's personal name Ar'Reh'maan Who is The Infinitely Merciful. |
Root: و د ع ظرف مكان Place; depositary/ receptacle; on the pattern of Passive participle. A place where something is lodged for safety as trust. To leave, alienate and empty something. Understanding/ reconciliation and mutual agreement; [Form VIII]
d) Depository/Emptying place/Trustee and place
of mutual understanding/commitments
And He is the One Who created you, the living people, from one singular person; then/for reason [for continuation process] there is a resting/maturing place [epididymes for Sperm] and a departing/emptying place/depositary/receptacle for seeing off/pouring/deposit as a trust and mutual understanding/promises. [vagina-fallopian tube-uterus].[6:98] In our earlier study we found that the sperm after having been pushed into water that secretes from prostrate gland and seminal vesicles located at a place which is the middle point of the back bone and ribs and that water propels it to the point of good bye/lodging as trust, which is only the vagina of ones wife, who herself has already been made safe and secure by the bond of Nikah. The next stage in the process of creation is told in these words:
then [why don't you reflect] that We indeed created you from clay [initially]afterwards, We created you from single sperm;
afterwards from the joined/implanted/clung [zygote-Greek "zogotus" meaning "joined"]; [22:05]
Afterwards [having been poured/transferred into the receptacle] We created the sperm into the joined and implanted/clung one [zygote-Greek "zogotus" meaning "joined"]; [23:14]
He is the One Who created you living people from clay [initially] afterwards, He created you from single sperm;
afterwards from the joined/implanted/clung clot [zygote-Greek "zogotus" meaning "joined"]; [40:67]
[concept of independence is even not there in the process of his creation] Was he not a sperm in the semen which is poured/lodged? [75:37]
Afterwards he was in a state of a "joined one" and implanted/clung. [75:38]
He created the man, living humanity from a "joined one" that implants/clings [zygote]. [96:02]
Ibn Faris stated that the basic perception infolded in the Root is to join/attach a thing with an upwardly/elevated thing. Such attachment will give to the attached thing an appearance of suspended/hung thing. The Greek word "zogotus" only reflects one fact of joining but Arabic word is far more accurate and nearest to the actual description of the joining of sperm at an elevated place with the female egg and its suspension. In medical science perhaps we do not have a term to describe the fact of suspension. Ibn Faris also said that it is used when love and affection attaches one with the other. And today we have the evidence that the sperm is attracted to the fluid surrounding the egg, an element of love/attraction. In the basic perception and meanings of the Arabic Roots all the physical/scientific realities relating both to matter and life are embedded.
The sperm after having been seen off and "poured" into
[Refer 32:09]
afterwards, [having made sperm a joined one] He declared/made you pair/male and female. [35:11]
And indeed He created you people in diverse stages-in the manner of changing measures and lengths. [71:14]
And We created you as [composite] pairs. [78:08]
[92:03] [95:04]
He created the man, living humanity from a "joined one" and implanted/clung clot [zygote]. [96:02]