
Beginning is with Allah's personal name Ar'Reh'maan  Who is The Infinitely Merciful.













































































































Loose earth matter; unconsolidated particles of earth having moisture content or pure dried after subsiding of the waters. It is a combination of organic and inorganic materials.

A mould, structure can be made from it when it is wet, mixed with water.



Root: ص ل ص ل 

Crinkled clay.

Clay mixed with sand which in dried condition creates soft crinkling sound.

Black fetid mud which has been pulverized.

Black mud on [passive participle] rubbing/grinding is odor diffused pulverized compound.

Root: س ن ن



Soil; loose material that covers the surface of the Earth or rocks.



Root: س ل ل

To draw and pull something out from another thing gently, smoothly. Ibn Faris added that it means drawing out gently and secretively. He seems to have taken it from 24:63 where it is qualified as covertly moving out of certain people.





[active participle] one that acts adhesively, sticking.













كَ  Like;

To admire, glory, claim superiority by reason of honour arising from qualities and  relationships.

And negatively it would mean boasting, making mere sounds void of substance.

Iblees did not take into account the "handiwork" of Allah on the selected soil and the additions, extractions, preening, proportioning and moulding/shaping of it and referred only to its basic origin and considered himself of better raw material than the Human Being. Friends of Iblees even today keep regurgitating his opinion.





Creation of Structured Human Being- Person and Spouse.


a) Compatibility of Adam and Easa [alai'himus'slaam] with reference to mode of creation.

b) Facts about initiation of creation of Structured Human Being then person Adam-Created from Matter-Description and quality of selected matter/raw material.

c) Creation of Spouse and Continuation Process of living humanity-The Sperm-its origin and resting/ maturing place and journey in male's body to see him off.

d) Depository/Emptying place/Trustee and place of mutual understanding/commitments for [] Sperm and its developing/creation of .



Qur'aan e Majeed had informed mankind, 1400 years back, as follows:

We will keep showing, to the eyes of those who do not accept Qur'aan, Our acknowledgeable/ recognizable demonstrative signs/knowledge in the Universe and in their own bodies/selves till it becomes evident/manifest for them that this Qur'aan is a statement of proven fact. [Refer 41:53]

The Grand Qur'aan has informed that Allah will keep revealing, the knowledge about the universe and human body, and it will become manifest to the people that the Qur'aan is a statement of proven fact/absolute reality. Why would it become manifest that the Qur'aan is a statement of proven fact when man sees/perceives new knowledge about universe and human body? If the things mentioned in a book written earlier in time and space, but not perceivable by human beings for reason of their hidden nature and not being in their vision, are subsequently found a physical/scientific fact only then it is evident to people that the old Book really contains statement of proven facts and is not conjectural and presumptive.

         The science and knowledge of embryology was in its infancy in the seventh century when Grand Qur'aan was  gradually being revealed and the Last Messenger Muhammad Sal'lallaa'hoalaih'wa'salam was disclosing the hidden realities for the knowledge and study of humanity quite simply and nakedly so that the substance is perceivable by people of even very low level of knowledge and intellect. .


 and he tells you the knowledge/information/data which hitherto you did not have [for lack of Book]. [Refer 2:151]

a) Compatibility of Adam and Easa [alai'himus'slaam] with reference to mode of creation.

           The Grand Qur'aan unfolds the remote past and present realities/facts about human creation. It begins the history record of creation of human beings with this information:

[reverting from parenthetic, continuing their talk with Maryam] When Angels told this to Maryam,

"O Maryam! indeed Allah gives you the good news of the son named Meseiha, Easa son of Maryam, with this word/promise from Him that


  he will be respectable and honorable [unlike other children whose fathers are not known to people] in this world and the hereafter and he will be amongst the near-ones of Allah; [3:45] 


and His word/promise is that he will talk to people in infancy and in the old age  [3:46]

[her this exquisiteness more explicitly in 19:20]

She [interrupting them, under her general knowledge/perception of cause and effect phenomenon] said, "O my Sustainer Lord! [what strange are they talking] How for me could be a son when till now no man has touched me?"

  He told her, "This information of getting child without having been touched by a man is because, Maryam, Allah creates from nothingness whatever He desires/willed;

[exactly same information in same words in 2:117;19:35;40:68]o

  when He finalizes/decides about a matter/thing the sequel is that He orders for that to become evident/come into existence and resultantly that thing/matter get physical execution/appearance/ existence". [3:47]

Indeed the peculiarity/individual characteristic of Easa [alai'his'slaam] given by Allah is like the peculiarity/individuality of Adam whom He created from clay, afterwards [proportioning/preening the structure/Bashar] He said for him, "Be into existence" and resultantly he got physical existence as Adam [from structured being/Bashar]. [3:59]

This [what We have narrated to you about Easa alai'his'slaam in the Grand Qur'aan] is The Statement of Established/Proven Fact from your Sustainer Lord. [Refer 3:60]

             One method to make things easier for perception is to explain a thing with an example. An example [مَثَلُ] is something that is representative by virtue of having typical features of the thing it represents. It is an illustration that supports or provides more information on an opinion, theory, or principle. An example is one that is visible/perceivable by senses. In the Ayah Metaphor has not been used which is vividly different and distinct from the word example [مَثَلُ]. Metaphorical explanation is not easy to comprehend for men of lowly intellect but example [مَثَلُ] is conveniently understood by men of even ordinary prudence.

               Easa [alai'his'slaam] has been exemplified with Adam [alai'his'slaam] with specific reference to mode of creation. Adam was initially structured from clay and it was said for him to take existence and resultantly he got existence as living being. Thus the existence of Easa [alai'his'slaam] is like the first man brought into existence. The peculiarity and similarity of both is that they are the direct creation from clay. Easa [alai'his'slaam] is the only person who is not the posterity of Adam but he is like Adam and he is the only person whom Allah has called and named exclusively as son of Maryam and for everyone else He commands that they should be called by the name of their fathers since they all have fathers. And Easa alahissalm is the only Messenger who has not been called and declared as brother of the nation towards whom he was designated. Nor he, unlike other Messengers of Allah sent to respective nations, called and addressed the people as "O my nation".

                     The words/phenomenon has explicitly been used for Adam [alai'his'slaam] and for the like of him i.e. Easa [alai'his'slaam]. For no other person this phenomenon has been used.

b) Facts about initiation of creation of Structured Human Being then person Adam-Created from Matter-Description and quality of selected matter/raw material.

                    Immediately after explaining the similarity in the mode of creation of first Man, i.e. Adam [alai'his'slaam] and Easa [alai'his'slaam], Allah and His Messenger keep educating us about the creation of human beings and Qur'aan tells next bit of information in these words:

[Similar info in 6:98;7:189;39:06]

O you the living mankind! You people be mindful, cautious and fearsome of your Sustainer Lord  Who created you from one singular person;

[Similar information in 7:189;39:06]

and from that person He created its partner [wife-first relationship] [Allah has not disclosed in the Grand Qur'aan as to how she was created. Hence all what is said in this regard is nothing but conjecture and scum to be discarded straight away in line with the injunction not to pursue about which we do not have the knowledge]

and from both two of them He emerged/scattered/separated and spread majority of men and women. [Refer 4:01]

      It may be noted that while giving information about the mode of creation from the pair of both,  the word [ALL] has not been used and instead has been mentioned. This word can be used for great number and majority which could be 99.99 out of 100 but never refers to all 100 percent.

      The fact mentioned about Grand Qur'aan is that there is no conflicting statement in it. The word instead of is for the reason that an exception from this mode of creation by the combination of both, first man and the first woman, has earlier been indicated in respect of Easa [alai'his'slaam] that his mode of creation is like the creation of First Man Adam who was created directly, and within from whom his pair/wife was brought to existence. Therefore All women are not created by combining of a male and female; there is one exception to this mode and she was  the first woman.

        The similarity is that Adam is the ONLY  Man from whom one Woman was created singly which could be considered by some as that the Woman owed obligation for her existence to the Man. And Easa [alai'his'slaam] is the ONLY Man who was created singly by a Woman, his mother Syeda Maryam. The matter got equated, only one woman from a man and only one man from a woman. It thus reflected that none owes one's existence to the other. It is Allah's will that He creates in whatever manner He likes. He does not have any restraints and constraints.

         And it should be remembered during onward study that the Grand Qur'aan is meant for and addresses only the living humanity and not the dead ones including Easa [alai'his'slaam]. We will try to study in sequence both of the Grand Qur'aan and of creation.

O you the Mankind, you people be subservient/allegiant to your Sustainer Lord Who is the One Who created you people and those people [earlier generations] who existed in times before you.  [Refer 2:21]

How can [being men of intellect] you refuse to accept Allah since you were matter then/for reason [with a determined purpose, by design/will] He gave you people life. After lapse of time/period [determined of your life 6:02] He will cause you all to die;  [Refer 2:28]

He is the One Who created you people from clay [matter]; thereafter He decided/appointed a term of life for you people [individually]; [6:02]

And indeed We have created you the living people [from one person], afterwards We shaped you;


afterwards the preening/shaping, We had said for [to] the Angels "You show obeisance for Adam" [when he takes final shape after preening of his mould and gets created-15:29;38:72]thereupon in compliance thereof they showed obeisance, but Ieblees [in response to the command given to him separately demurred]; he was not amongst those who humbled. [7:11]

Allah said, "What hampered you that you should not humble/show obeisance when I had commanded you [Iblees] for it?"


He replied, "I am better than him. You created me from fire and You have created him from clay" [7:12]

And indeed We had created man from the sand mixed crinkled clay from odor diffused pulverized compound. [15:26]

[Similar information in 38:71]

And when your Sustainer Lord said for the Angels, "I am about to create a structure of a being from the sand mixed crinkled clay from odor diffused pulverized compound. [15:28]

[Mirror/Replica 38:72]

Then/for reason when I have stretched and proportioned/preened him and have blown into him from My command [kun], then/for reason of his taking existence/in pursuance of My command you all show obeisance for him [Adam]"[15:29]

[on being questioned for disobeying command given to him separately] He replied, "I am not one to show obeisance for the structured being  whom You created from the sand mixed crinkled clay from odor diffused pulverized compound" [15:33]


[on being questioned for disobeying the command given to him] He replied, "Should I make obeisance for the one whom You created "dusty"/from clay?" [17:61]

"Do you deny Him the One Who created you from clay"  [Refer 18:37]

O you the living humanity! if you people are in irritating confusion about revival of life, then [why don't you reflect] that We indeed created/structured/moulded you from clay [sticky wet earth]. [22:05]

And indeed We created the man from a gently and secretively drawn extract from clay. [23:12]

And He is the One Who created from/with water the structured human being. [Refer 25:54]


And it is part of His demonstrative/cognizable/recognition signs that He created you people from clay, afterwards [having given you life] you scatter as structured beings. [30:20]


And He initiated/originated the creation of first human being from clay [admixed with water] [32:07]

 And indeed Allah created you people from clay initially; [35:11]


Indeed We have created them from the clay that acts as adhesive/sticky. [37:11]

[Similar information in 15:28]

When your Sustainer Lord said for [to] the Angels, "I am about to create a structure of a human being from the clay. [38:71]

[Mirror/Replica 15:29]

Then/for reason when I have stretched and proportioned/preened him and have blown into him from My command [kun], then/for reason of his taking existence/in pursuance of My command you all show obeisance for him [Adam]" [38:72]

[Same statement in same words in 7:12]o

He replied, "I am better than him. You created me from fire and You have created him from clay" [38:76]

He is the One Who created you living people from clay [initially] [40:67]

He/Ar'Reh'maan created the man from sand mixed crinkled clay alike the baked admirable/ excelled/outstanding pottery. [55:14]

              Allah in the beginning of Grand Qur'aan asked the humanity to behave rationally and accept the fact that they are the created ones and hence they must express and demonstrate their allegiance to their Creator and Sustainer Lord as every particle of matter acts remaining subservient to its creator. And then they are reminded that before being given life they were also matter and were given life purposefully for a determined period of time.


Were they created from other than matter? Or were they themselves the creators? [52:35]

                The description of the raw material selected for the creation of human being is given as   and and water which is also separately described as source of giving life to every living thing. The nature and quality of selected particles of soil/Earth is described as one that acts as adhesive/sticky. It is further elaborated as from and secretively drawn extract from . And lastly the raw material of human creation has been disclosed as like the admirable baked pottery []. This whole process of creation of Human Being is reflective of these Traits of the Creator:

He/Ar'Reh'maan is Allah-The Original Creator, The Extractor, The Creator of Dimensions/Shape/ Manifestations. [59:24]

               It is Iblees who considered the raw material used in the creation of Man as comparatively of low and inferior nature/quality and refused to pay respects/obeisance to Adam. He was not commanded to pay obeisance to the  being/mould structured from clay [] but it was to be done after Allah had stretched and proportioned/preened him and blown into him from His Command resulting in the existence/creation of Adam. In view of this, and restricting ourselves to the perception and meanings infolded in the Roots of these words, we must not use words of inferior import for the raw material of human beings. Carbon becomes diamond when pressed/rubbed/pressured and "baked". And so admirable is the raw material of human beings.  

c) Creation of Spouse and Continuation Process of living humanity-The Sperm-its origin and resting/maturing place and journey in male's body to see him off.