The recognition of Allah, Ar'Reh'maan
the Exalted:
the Sustainer Lord of the universes - all that exists.
The personal names
introduce the unique Personality - Being. The name of a
thing or of a person/being, in Arabic:
yields the same effect that is the basic perception infolded in its Root:
س م و.
The name gives the basic cognition of existence and presence of a thing and
person. Hence, name is the introduction for cognition of a thing and person. Cognition
of the code/name of a thing or person is the elementary/first step in
gaining knowledge about the thing or person. Name of a thing or person
gives it or him a vivid distinction from all other things and
persons, makes it or him distinguished/identified/definite/isolated/prominent/popularized [معرفة]
and grants an ability to others to
identify and describe/remember/recall/mention it or him.
The name/code serves as a basis/foundation for others to enquire and
study about it to gain knowledge.
Physical presence of an object before the eyes does not yield knowledge when we do not know their names, since seeing alone does not give us the ability to describe them individually because of lack of prerequisite/first stage of knowledge i.e. cognition of the code/name. Nothing can preserve/save in the memory [of humans as well of computer] without knowing or assigning a code/name to it.
Epistemology studies the nature of knowledge, justification, and the rationality of belief. After cognition, the process of knowing, is recognition: the act of recognizing or the condition of being recognized. The recognition is a relational phenomenon; a person and object can be recognized only by knowing its relationships with others; this can be described as empirical or posteriori knowledge. How should Allah, Ar'Reh'maan the Exalted be recognized? This is the next point disclosed in the Divine Discourse:
The Infinite Glory and Praise stands specified eternally and exclusively for Allah the Exalted, the Sustainer Lord of the Known-Multiple universes-All that exists—[Recurrence: (1)1:02(2)6:45(3)10:10(4)37:182(5)39:75(6)40:65=6]
The EXCLUSIVE recognition of Allah - Ar'Reh'maan the
Exalted is described by Possessive Phrase: . It can be taken in the
nominal, simple declarative sentence as
adjectival or Apposition: بدل for:
The Noun:
Plural; masculine; genitive state. It is: مضاف إليه Possessive Noun
which has rendered the First Noun definite. Its Root is
ع ل م and knowledge is only of that
which exists in reality.
The Grand Qur'aan concatenates facts in perfect sequence
and chronological order. On creation by the Creator the first ever
relationship that comes into existence is that of :
the Sustainer Lord of all that exists which is known and is knowable; it
is a relationship
between the Independent and the dependant. All that exists owes its
existence to Allah the Exalted. Hence the first obligation upon the
created ones is to collectively-universally acknowledge and explicitly
pronounce the eternal declaration:
since the process of creation of universes was initiated. This
declaration does not apparently specify the subject, the one who is
declaring this. Hence this declaration has the added connotation of
eternity and universality being beyond time and space; "The Infinite
Glory and Praise stands specified eternally, entirely and exclusively,
universally -
not bound to time-frame or event, for Allah the
Exalted Who is the Sustainer Lord of Universes - all that exists".
This phrase, with different inflections, finds mention 42 times in these Ayahs of Divine Discourse: [(1)1:02(2)2:131(3)5:28(4)6:45(5)6:71(6)6:162()7:61(7)7:54(8)7:61(9)7:67(10)7:104(11)7:121(12)10:10(13)10:37(14)26:16(15)26:23(16)26:47(17)26:77(18)26:98(19)26:109(20)26:127(21)26:145(22)26:164 (23)26:180(24)26:192(25)27:08(26)27:44(27)28:30(28)32:02(29)37:87(30)37:182(31)39:75(32)40:64(33)40:65(34)40:66(35)41:09(36)43:46(37)45:36(38)56:80(39)59:16(40)69:43(41)81:29(42)83:06=42
Allah the Exalted has introduced His Majesty as the Sustainer Lord of Universes - all that exists:
Thereupon the moment he arrived at perceived fire point [reclusively] he was loudly called—
From the right side of the Valley, located in the blessed portion, call seemingly emanating from the Tree—
That "O Mūsā! Indeed Me, I am Allah; the Sustainer Lord of the Worlds - All that exists." [28:30]
In human history, Pharaoh was the only person who enquired about this Phrase as to what is meant or to whom it refers:
Know it, on reaching there; Mūsā [alai'his'slaam] said: "O Fir'aoun [Pharaoh]!
Indeed, I am the Messenger who has brought a message of the Sustainer Lord of the Universes-all that exists. [7:104]
Therefore, you both go straight to Fir'aoun/Pharaoh, whereupon both tell him, "Indeed we are Messenger of the Sustainer Lord of the Worlds—all that exists—[26:16]
The message is that you send with us Bani Iesraa'eel." [26:17]
Fir'aoun/Pharaoh said, "Explain whom you refer by the Sustainer Lord of the Worlds?" [26:23]
Mūsā [alai'his'slaam defining the word "Worlds"] said, "He the Exalted is the Sustainer Lord of the Skies and the Earth and all that which is in between them;
If you people—all in Levee—were who inferentially make sure attaining certainty." [26:24]
Fir'aoun/Pharaoh addressing those who were around him said, "Are you people not listening what is he saying?" [26:25]
Mūsā [alai'his'slaam] said, "Sustainer Lord of the Worlds is the Sustainer Lord of you people and the Sustainer Lord of your earlier forefathers" [26:26]
Fir'aoun/Pharaoh said, "Indeed the Messenger of you people; he who has been sent to you people, is certainly obsessively deluded." [26:27]
Mūsā [alai'his'slaam] said, "Sustainer Lord of the Worlds is the Sustainer Lord of the East and the West and whatever is in between them;
If you people—the elite of Egypt present in Levee—were applying intellect to differentiate and comprehend" [26:28]