Root: ك ع ب

Words from this Root in the Grand Qur’ān:

a) Total occurrences: 4 

b) No of constructions: 4 Proper Noun: 2; other Noun: 2

Ibn Faris [died 1005] stated:

(مقاييس اللغة)

الكاف والعين والباء أصل صحيح* يدلُّ على نتوٍّ وارتفاعٍ في الشيء.

That it leads to the perception of protrusion, projection, protuberance, bulge and rise, ascension of a thing.

Lane Lexicon transcribed it:

كعّب , inf. n. تَكْعِيبٌ; The girl's breast swelled, or became prominent or protuberant,  [or began to swell, & see كَاعِبٌ]: or they use the term تَفْلِيكٌ; then نُهُودٌ; and then تَكْعِيبٌ; [as applied to the successive stages of growth of the breast]; It (a reed, or cane,) put forth, or produced, its jointed stem.

Classical Lexicons

Semantic Domain: Human bodyRoot: ج س د

Sub category: Ankle

Oblong; elongated shape, especially a distorted circle. Elliptical

It is used to name the ankles wherein the irreducible feature of the Root is present since ankles are projecting outwards from surface. It is also used to refer to women indicating their maturity in every aspect with subtle reference to beauty of breasts [attraction and weakness of men].

  • O, those/you who consciously proclaim to have accepted/become believers, listen:

  • !اے وہ لوگوں جنہوں نے ایمان لانے کا اقرارو اعلان کیا ہے توجہ سے سنو

  • If and whenever you people stand on the call of the time appointed towards joining the As-sa'laat: Congregational Protocol of Servitude and allegiance:

  • Thereat, for purpose to clean and mentally prepare- refresh memory, wash with water your faces and your hands towards and up to elbows [forearm]

Root: ر ف ق; غ س ل

  • And efface- wipe your skull-hair-heads

Root: ر ء س

  • And wash your feet towards and up to two ankles.

  • And if you were in a state after intercourse with wife; ejaculation-wet dream; thereat put yourself in cleansed state free from clung impurities.

Root: ط ھ ر

  • And if you are suffering from disease

  • Or are journeying

  • Or someone of you who had gone for open defecation has come back from the ditched land

  • Or you have mutually touched your wives (did intercourse):

Root: ل م س

  • Thereby, in these situations: if you could not find water, thereat you should resort to seeking clean earthly dust. Therewith you wipe: lightly rub your faces and your hands.

  • Allah the Exalted does not want to appoint for you something from contracting difficulty-irksome rather He wants to cleanse-afresh you people

Root: ط ھ ر

  • And to complete His blessing-favour upon you so that you people might express gratitude/you also become capable to make things apparent. [5:06]

  • And mature-age wives [coequal, delightful, devoted, eloquent] of same species [78:33]

It is twice used as Proper Noun to refer to Sacred House in Mecca:

  • O those/you, who consciously proclaim to have accepted/become believers, listen!

  • [in view of prohibition imposed-5:01] You should not hunt-slaughter mammals when you are on pilgrimage journey.

Root: ص ى د

  • Take note; if someone of you in such circumstance hunted and slaughtered by design:

  • Then the recompense upon him is sacrifice of domestic mammal of the like he hunted and killed:

  • Garlanded mammal arriving at Kae'bata; to be adjudged by two persons of justice minded repute amongst you

  • And/Or the recompense upon him as expiation is feeding of the indigent; or the remission for this is fasting so that he might taste it as penalty and rectify-improve-settle his affair.

Root: ذ و ق;  ص و م; ك ف ر; ط ع م;  ع د ل

  • Allah the Exalted has ignored that what went before times. However, take note that henceforth if someone repeated violating the prohibition, thereby, Allah the Exalted will award him punishment/requite him.

Root: س ل ف;  ع ف و; ع و د

  • Be aware, Allah the Exalted is the Sovereign, the Holder of Authority to award due punishment-requite to criminals. [5:95]

  • خبردار رہو،اللہ تعالیٰ مطلق العنان حکمران ہیں۔وہ جرم کی پاداش میں سزا دینے کا مطلق اختیار رکھتے ہیں۔

  • Allah the Exalted has appointed and declared Al-Ka'abata, the Sanctified House, as enduringly a place of assembly/stay/congregation for the people

  • And has appointed the sacred month, and the sacrificial mammals and the garlands that mark them [as the symbolic emblems of Allah-5:02 to serve for the assembly and stay of people].

Root: ش ھ ر;  ق ل د

  • This is mentioned so that you people may be aware:

  • That Allah the Exalted certainly knows about whoever and whatever exists in the Skies and whoever and whatever exists in the Earth.

  • Be aware; Allah the Exalted is eternally the knower of absolute: visible and infolded knowledge of physical realm: all that exists. [5:97]

  • اور اس حقیقت سے مطلع رہو کہ اللہ تعالیٰ ہر ایک شئے کا مکمل دائمی علم رکھنے والے ہیں۔

The adjectival phrase: الْبَيْتَ الْحَرَامَ  is: بدل equivalent appositive for: الْكَعْبَةَ which is the first object of preceding verb. The fact of equivalent appositive is also supported by inner-referencing that both are mentioned twice in the text of Qur’ān. The adjectival phrase is mentioned in 5:02 and 5:97 and proper noun:  الْكَعْبَةَ is mentioned in 5:95 and 5:97.

The protuberance, projection is the irreducible semantic feature of Root:: ك ع ب. This feature is also physically present in:  الْكَعْبَةَ . The physical structure renders the people, moving anti clockwise around it, in an elliptical circumference - orbit. This way they synchronize their selves with the entire universe. It is the irreducible effect of the perception - meanings embedded in the Root. The following is the sketch of:  الْكَعْبَةَ:

Apparently it seems a simple building, but I wish mathematic experts research to find that it is par excellence structure built on the principle of Golden Mean.

Proper Noun


Proper Noun: Prefixed Definite Article; feminine; genitive. (1)5:95=1

                                         اسم علم:معرفہ باللام-مجرور


  Proper Noun: Prefixed Definite Article; feminine; accusative. (1)5:97=1

                                                            اسم علم:معرفہ باللام-منصوب


Other Noun


Noun: Definite; dual; masculine; genitive. (1)5:06=1

                                                اسم :معرفہ باللام-مجرور-تثنية -مذكر


Noun: Indefinite; broken plural; feminine; accusative. (1)78:33=1

                               اسم :معرفہ باللام-منصوب-جمع -مؤنث