1 حَرِجَ حرج , aor. حَرَجَ , inf. n. حَرَجٌ, It (a number of things) became collected together: and, necessarily, became close, strait, or narrow: (so accord. to an explanation of the inf. n. by Er-Rághib, in the TA:) said of anything, it was, or became, close, strait, or narrow. (KL.) One says of dust, حَرِجَ إِلَى حَائِطٍ, or سَنَدٍ, It rose, (Lth, Az, TA,) in a narrow place, (TA,) and became collected [against a wall, or an acclivity or the like]. (Lth, Az, TA.) ― -b2- حَرِجَ صَدْرُهُ, aor. and inf. n. as above, (assumed tropical:) His bosom became strait, or contracted; (S, A, Mgh, Msb, TA;) not expanded, or dilated, by reason of what was good. (TA.) And حَرِجَ alone, aor. and inf. n. as above, (assumed tropical:) He became disquieted, and contracted in bosom: and (assumed tropical:) he became in doubt; he doubted; because doubt disquiets the mind. (So accord. to explanations of the inf. n. by Er-Rághib, in the TA.) ― -b3- Also حَرِجَ, aor. and inf. n. as above, [(assumed tropical:) He became straitened, or in difficulty: and particularly, by the commission of a sin, or crime: (see حَرَجٌ, below:) and hence, simply,] (assumed tropical:) he committed a sin, a crime, or an act of disobedience for which he deserved punishment. (Msb.) ― -b4- Also He looked, and was unable to move from his place by reason of fear and rage. (T, TA.) And حَرِجَتِ العَيْنُ, (S, A, K,) aor. حَرَجَ , (K,) inf. n. as above, (TA,) (tropical:) The eye became dazzled, (حَارَت, S, K, TA,) or sank in its socket, (غَارَت,) and its vision became straitened: (A, TA:) or it did not turn about, nor wink, by reason of intent gazing. (TA.) ― -b5- Also, (S, A, K,) aor. as above, (K,) and so the inf. n., (S, K,) (tropical:) It was, or became, forbidden, or prohibited, (S, A, K,) and attended with straitness, or difficulty. (A.) So in the saying, حَرِجَ عَلَىَّ ظُلْمُكَ (tropical:) The wronging of thee is forbidden, or prohibited, to me. (S, TA.) And حَرِجَ عَلَيْهِ السَّحُورُ (tropical:) The meal termed سحور became forbidden, or prohibited, to him, (A, TA,) namely, a man fasting, and attended with difficulty, (A,) by reason of the straitness of the time thereof. (TA.) And حَرِجَتِ الصَّلَاةُ (tropical:) Prayer became forbidden, or prohibited, (A, and TA as from the K, [but not found by me in the copies of the K,]) عَلَيْهَا to her [by reason of legal impurity, as is shown in the A]. (A, TA.) ― -b6- حَرِجَ إِِلَيْهِ (tropical:) He betook himself, or had recourse, to him, or it, for protection from a strait, or difficulty. (TA.) And حَرِجَ إِِلَى كَذَا وَ كَذَا (assumed tropical:) He betook himself to such and such things. (TA.)


 2 حرّجهُ حرج حرجه حرجة , (TA,) inf. n. تَحْرِيجٌ, (S, K,) (assumed tropical:) He made it strait, or difficult; (S, K, TA;) and forbade it to be violated; namely, a right. (TA.) ― -b2- حرّج عَلَى حَيَّةٍ (assumed tropical:) He said to a serpent, [by way of warning, lest it should be a Jinnee,] Thou wilt be in a strait if thou return to us; therefore blame us not if we reduce thee to a strait by pursuing and driving away and killing. (TA from a trad.)


4 احرجهُ احرجه احرجة أحرج أحرجه حرج He made him to betake himself to a narrow, or confined, place; and so أَحْجَرَهُ and أَحْرَدَهُ. (TA.) And He made him (a dog or a beast of prey) to betake himself to a narrow, or confined, place, and then attacked him. (TA.) [Hence,] احرجهُ إِِلَيْهِ (assumed tropical:) He constrained him to betake himself, or have recourse, to him, or it. (S, A, K.) And احرجهُ إِِلَى كَذَا وَ كَذَا (assumed tropical:) He made him to betake himself to such and such things: (TA:) or he, or it, caused him to want such and such things. (AA, TA in art. دمغ.) ― -b2- (tropical:) He caused him to fall into a strait, or difficulty: (A, TA:) he straitened him; reduced him to a strait, or difficulty. (TA.) ― -b3- (assumed tropical:) He made him, or caused him, to fall into a sin, a crime, or an act of disobedience for which he deserved punishment. (S, K, TA.) ― -b4- أَحْرَجْتُ الصَّلَاةَ (assumed tropical:) I made, or pronounced, prayer to be forbidden, or prohibited. (K.) -A2- احرج كَلْبَهُ, (A,) or احرجهُ مِنْ صَيْدِهِ, (As, TA,) He gave to his dog a portion of his prey. (A.)


5 تحرّجهُ أحرج حرج تحرج تحرجه تحرجة (assumed tropical:) He made it strait, or difficult, to himself. (TA.) -A2- And تجرّج (tropical:) He put away, or cast away, from himself, sin, or crime; (TA;) he shunned, avoided, or kept aloof from, sin, or crime; (Mgh;) he did a deed whereby he shunned, avoided, or kept aloof from, sin, or crime; (Msb TA;) syn. تَأَثَّمَ. (S, A, Mgh.) And تحرج مِنْهُ (tropical:) He shunned, avoided, or kept aloof from, it, as a sin, or crime. (A, * Mgh.) [See تَحَنَّثَ.] حُرْجٌ حرج : see حَرَجٌ, in two places. حِرْجٌ حرج : see حَرَجٌ. -A2- Also The dog's portion of the prey, or game; (S, A, K;) such as the head and the shanks and the belly: (TA:) what is thrown to the dog, of the prey, or game, that he has taken: (Az, TA:) or a piece of flesh: pl. أَحْرَاجٌ. (TA.) -A3- And A cowry; syn. وَدَعَةٌ: (S, A, K:) pl. أَحْرَاجٌ (S, A) and أَحْرِجَةٌ (T, TA) and حِرَاجٌ; (TA;) the second, [as also the first,] a pl. of pauc.: (T, TA:) or cowries (وَدَعٌ) which are hung upon the necks of dogs. (As, TA.) ― -b2- And A dog's collar [of cowries]: (TA:) or a collar [of cowries] for any animal. (T, TA.) حَرَجٌ حرج [inf. n. of 1, q. v.:] (tropical:) Straitness; a strait, or difficulty. (A, * TA.) ― -b2- (tropical:) A sin, a crime, or an act of disobedience for which one deserves punishment; syn. إِِثْمٌ; (S, Msb, * K;) as also ↓ حِرْجٌ : (Yoo, S, K:) or the straitness [which is the consequence] of sin or crime. (A, Mgh.) ― -b3- [Hence,] لَا حَرَجَ i. q. لَا بَأسَ [There is, or will be, no harm in thy doing this or that]; and لَا إِِثْمَ [there is, or will be, no sin, or crime]. (IAth, TA.) -A2- See also حَرِجٌ, in six places. ― -b2- Also, applied to a she-camel, (tropical:) Lean, lank, light of flesh, slender, or lank in the belly; (S, K;) as also ↓ حُرْجُوجٌ , (S, A,) accord. to AZ, (S,) and ↓ حَرُوجٌ : (A:) or ↓ حُرْجُوجٌ signifies, so applied, lean, &c., as above, and sharp-spirited: (K:) or this last, (K,) and حَرَجٌ and ↓ حَرُوجٌ , (TA,) fat, (K, TA,) largebodied, (TA,) and long [lit. long upon the face of the ground, as distinguished from tall]: or strong: (K, TA:) and حَرَجٌ signifies also, (K,) or, as some say, and so do ↓ حُرْجُوجٌ and ↓ حُرْجُجٌ and ↓ جُرْحٌ , (S,) so applied, long [lit. long upon the face of the ground]: (S:) and some allow ↓ حِرْجِيجٌ in the sense of ↓ حُرْجُوجٌ ; (TA;) which last is originally ↓ حُرْجُجٌ , which is originally ↓ جُرْحٌ : (S:) the pl. of ↓ حُرْجُوجٌ (S) and of ↓ حِرْجِيجٌ (L) is حَرَاجِيحٌ. (S, L.) -A3- See also حَرَجَةٌ, in three places. -A4- Also A thing composed of pieces of wood, (As, S, K,) bound together, (As, S,) in which dead bodies are carried; (As, S, K;) sometimes put over the bier of a woman: (S:) accord. to the T, the حرج of a bier is a شِجَار, [i. e. the frame-work of a هَوْدَج,] which is constructed of wood, and put over the bier of a corpse: accord. to ISd, the حرج is a vehicle for women and men, which has no head. (TA.) See also نَعْشٌ, in two places. حَرِجٌ حرج and ↓ حَرَجٌ A strait, narrow, confined, or close, place: (TA:) or strait, narrow, confined, or close, in the utmost degree: (Zj, T:) or a strait, narrow, confined, or close, place, abounding with trees, (S, K,) and impenetrable to the pasturing animals: (S:) and ↓ حَرِيجٌ , also, applied to a place, signifies the same as حَرِجٌ. (TA.) ― -b2- صَدْرٌ حَرِجٌ (S, Msb, TA) and ↓ حَرَجٌ , (S, A, TA,) like وَحِدٌ and وَحَدٌ, and فَرِدٌ and فَرَدٌ, and دَنِفٌ and دَنَفٌ, (S,) A bosom strait, or contracted; (A, Msb, TA;) not expanded, or dilated, by reason of what is good. (TA.) يَجْعَلْ صَدْرَهُ ضَيِّقًا حَرِجًا or ↓ حَرَجًا , accord. to different readings, [in the Kur vi. 125,] (S,) is explained by I 'Ab as meaning He will make his bosom strait. (assumed tropical:) impenetrable to wisdom. (TA.) ― -b3- Also حَرِجٌ and ↓ حَرَجٌ A man having a strait, or contracted, bosom, which does not expand, or dilate, by reason of what is good: the former has a dual and a pl.; but the latter has only the sing. form, because it is [properly, or originally,] an inf. n.: Zj says that the former is a part. n., and that by the latter is meant ذُو حَرَجٍ. (TA.) ― -b4- And the former, (assumed tropical:) One who fears, or dreads, to venture upon an affair. (TA.) ― -b5- And (assumed tropical:) That seldom, or never, withdraws from fight: (K:) that will not be put to flight; as though it were difficult for him to find an excuse for being put to flight. (TA.) ― -b6- And Committing a sin, a crime, or an act of disobedience for which he deserves punishment; (Msb;) and so ↓ حَارِجٌ , which is thought by ISd to be after the manner of a rel. n., because it has no corresponding verb [of which it may be regarded as the part. n.; the regular part. n. being حَرِجٌ, as حَرِجَ is intrans.]. (TA.) ― -b7- Also (assumed tropical:) Abstaining from sin, or crime; and so ↓ حَرَجٌ and ↓ مُتَحَرِّجٌ . (TA.) [Thus bearing two contr. significations. See 5.] ― -b8- Also, and ↓ حَرَجٌ , (tropical:) Forbidden, or prohibited: so in the phrase, ظُلْمُكَ عَلَىَّ حَرِجٌ and حَرَجٌ (tropical:) [The wronging of thee is forbidden, or prohibited, to me]. (A.) حَرَجَةٌ حرج حرجه حرجة (tropical:) A wood, or collection of trees; (S, K, TA;) so called because of their closeness: or dense and tangled trees: (TA:) or a thicket, or collection of dense and tangled trees, of the kind called سَلَم, into which no one can penetrate; (AHeyth, Az, TA;) or of the سَمُر and طَلْح and عَوْسَج and سَلَم and سِدْر; or of the سِدْر and olive and other trees: or a place in a wood where trees are dense and tangled, extending as far as a stone's throw: and also a tree which the pasturing animals cannot reach: (TA:) pl. ↓ حَرَجٌ (S, K) [or rather this is a coll. gen. n., of which حَرَجَةٌ is the n. un.,] and حَرَجَاتٌ (S, A) and حِرَاجٌ (S) and [of pauc.] أَحْرَاجٌ: (A, TA:) or ↓ حَرَجٌ signifies a place in which is a collection of trees, and where they are close together. (A.) ― -b2- Also (tropical:) A collection of camels: (S, K, TA:) a hundred camels: (ISd, TA:) pl. [or rather coll. gen. n.] ↓ حَرَجٌ . (K.) حُرْجُجٌ حرجج : see حَرَجٌ, in two places. حُرْجُوجٌ حرجوج : see حَرَجٌ, in five places. حِرْجِيجٌ حرجيج : see حَرَجٌ, in two places. حِرَاجٌ الظَّلْمَآءِ حراج الظلمآء , (K,) or مِنَ الظَّلَامِ, (A, TA,) and مِنَ الظَّلْمَآءِ, (TA,) (tropical:) Dense darkness. (A, * K, TA.) حَرُوجٌ حروج : see حَرَجٌ, in two places. حَرِيجٌ حريج : see حَرِجٌ. حَارِجٌ حارج : see حَرِجٌ. مُحَرَّجٌ محرج A dog having a collar of cowries; (S, K;) from حِرْجٌ: (S:) having cowries upon his neck. (As, TA.) حَلَفَ فُلَانٌ بِالمُحَرَّجَاتِ حلف فلان بالمحرجات (tropical:) Such a one swore by the three divorces [which render the wife absolutely forbidden to the husband]: (A:) or by the oaths that rendered his scope strait, or narrow. (Har p. 178.) مُتَحَرِّجٌ متحرج : see حَرِجٌ. Credit: Lane Lexicon