Root: م ك ر

Words from this Root in the Grand Qur’ān:

a) Total occurrences: 43 

b) No of constructions: 19

Noun: 11; Recurrence: 21;  Verb: 8; Recurrence: 22 [Form-I]

It occurs in 23 Ayahs in 14 Suras

Ibn Faris [died 1005] stated:

(مقاييس اللغة)

الميم والكاف والراء كلمتانِ متباينتان: إحداهما المَكْر: الاحتيال والخِداع.
ومَكَرَ به يمكُر.
المَكْر: خَدَالة السَّاق.

That it signifies divergent meanings; firstly it signifies a clandestine activity - plotting; and secondly it denotes large and bulky shank.

Lane Lexicon

Classical Lexicons

In Grand Qur’ān it is used in divergent meanings of conspiring and planning. One is negative while the other is of positive import. Both share element of secrecy. The difference is that "plotting" implies more than one person being involved.

It denotes a secret plan. A plan can either be for deceiving or to defeat the scheme for maintaining balance and equilibrium. 

  • Mind it, they (the other group of Bani Iesraa'eel) plotted. And Allah the Exalted devised a [rescue] plan----when---

  • جان لو(عیسیٰ علیہ السلام کاادراک مبنی بر حقیقت تھا)انہوں(بنی اسرائیل کے انکار کرنے والے گروہ کے عمائدین)نے عیسیٰ(علیہ السلام)کے خلاف ایک سازش تیار کی تھی اور اللہ تعالیٰ نے ان کے لئے حفاظتی تدبیر/پلان تیار کیا تھا۔۔(جب)۔

  • -- Remain mindful, Allah the Exalted is the par excellence amongst those who plan for betterment, maintaining balance and equilibrium --. [3:54]

  • ۔۔اس حقیقت سے باخبر رہو؛ اللہ تعالیٰ تمام کے تمام منصوبہ بازوں سے بہترین تدبیر فرمانے والے ہیں۔۔

  • Take note; this is the reason Our Majesty has declared the highly placed people in every locality-city to be held its criminals/exploiters because of their innovate deceptive tactics therein.

  • And they realize not that in ultimate analysis they deceive not but their own selves

  • While they intend not to recognise the dissonance between their desire and reality (victim of cognitive dissonance because of its allure and fascination-immediate protection of vested interests] [6:123]

  • کیونکہ وہ اپنی خواہش اور حقیقت کے مابین تفاوت کا ادراک کرنا نہیں چاہتے۔[مفادات کی سوچ کے بھنور میں سے نکلتے ہی نہیں کہ کسی دوسری بات کا پیچھا کریں]

  • And when Ayah: a verbal passage of Qur’ān did reach them (elite of society)

  • They said: "We would not believe until and unless we are given similar to that which was given to the Messengers of Allah."

  • Allah the Exalted knows the best where should He render the responsibility for His messaging.

  • Abasement shall soon befall, by the command of Allah the Exalted, upon those (high ups/religious stalwarts of society) who have committed crime

  • And severe punishment because of their deceptive activities. [6:124]

  • Have they then felt secured about the planning of Allah the Exalted?

  • If this is the understanding then know it, none except the underdog people feel secure and protected from the planning of Allah the Exalted. [7:99]

  • Fir'aoun (Pharaoh) siadshouted: "How have you pronounced belief about him prior to my granting permission to you people?

  • Indeed, it is certainly a conspiracy, you people have conspired in the City, so that you might oust its people.

  • Its consequence you will soon know. [7:123]

  • Recall the past; When they (antagonist elite), who had disavowed, were plotting against you the Messenger [Sal'lallaa'hoalaih'wa'salam] that they may somehow restrain and confine you; or murder you; or exile/oust you [from Mecca].

  • And they were conspiring and Allah the Exalted was planning [the rescue/exit/migration plan].

  • Remain mindful that Allah the Exalted is the par excellence amongst those who plan for betterment, maintaining balance and equilibrium. [8:30]

  • ۔۔اس حقیقت سے باخبر رہو؛ اللہ تعالیٰ تمام کے تمام منصوبہ بازوں سے بہترین تدبیر فرمانے والے ہیں۔۔

  • Know general conduct of people; When Our Majesty favoured people to taste mercy after the affliction which had affected them, thereat deceptive moves are the activity they indulge in regarding Our Aa'ya'at: Verbal passages of the Book and existents in nature reflecting Allah's command and control.

Root: ذ و ق

  • You the Messenger [Sal'lallaa'hoalaih'wa'salam] pronounce: "Allah the Exalted is the swiftest in planning".

Root: س ر ع

  • It is a fact that emissaries of Our Majesty, respectively appointed on every person, keep writing down whatever you people strategize or conspire. [10:21]

  • Thereat, when she heard about their bickering she sent invitation to them

  • اہل ثروت خواتین کی  علیحدگی میں چہ مگوئیوں کے متعلق اس (عزیز کی بیوی)نے جوں ہی سنا تو انہیں اپنے گھر دعوت پر آنے کا پیغام بھیجا۔

  • And prepared for them cushioned seating/repast-food requiring leaning to cut it with knife, and she gave to each one of them individually a fruit knife.

  • اور اس نے گاؤ تکیے اس انداز میں بیٹھنے کے لئے لگائے کہ فروٹ کاٹنے کے لئے جھکنا پڑے۔اور اس نے ان میں سے ہر ایک کو چھری تھما دی۔

Root: ع ت د

  • And she asked him, "you come before them."

  • اور یوسف (علیہ السلام)کو پکارا’’ان کے سامنے نکل آؤ‘‘

  • Thereat, as soon when those women had seen him they did extol him. And they purposely pricked their hands

  • ان کے نکل آنے پر جوں ہی انہوں(چند عورتوں) نے انہیں دیکھا تو پہلے انہوں نے انہیں معتبر/بڑا آدمی قراردیا۔اور(عدم ردعمل دیکھ کر)انہوں نے دانستہ اپنے ہاتھوں کو چبھوکر خراش لگائی۔

  • And (getting no response and atttention) they said, "Absolute exaltation is for Allah. This is not an ordinary man, he is not but an honoured elite/angel."  [12:31]

  • اور(عدم دلچسپی دیکھتے ہوئے)انہوں(چند مہمان خواتین)نے کہا’’بڑائی تو اللہ تعالیٰ کے لئے مخصوص ہے۔یہ عام سے انسان قطعاً نہیں ہیں۔یہ نہیں ہیں،سوائے قابل احترام سردار/فرشتہ تسلیم کرنے کے‘‘

Root: ك ر م

  • This episode is the part of the news of history; happenings not seen and perceived by your visual faculty; We are verbally communicating it to you the Messenger [Sal'lallaa'hoalaih'wa'salam

  • یہ ماضی کے واقعات پر مبنی خبروں میں سے ہے جو ہم جناب آپ(ﷺ)کی جانب بذریعہ کلام بیان کر رہے ہیں۔

  • [In such eye witness account description that you can visualize it] And you were not present among them when they finalized their matter by consensus which they were plotting. [12:102]

  • (اس انداز میں کہ آنکھوں دیکھا منظر بن جائے)اگرچہ آپ بنفس نفیس ان کے قریب موجود نہیں تھے جب   انہوں نے اپنے معاملے(کنویں میں اتارنا) میں اتفاق رائے کر لیا تھا،اور جب وہ  منصوبہ بندی کر رہے تھے۔

  • Know it, most of the mankind will certainly not be the believers; notwithstanding how much you the Messenger [Sal'lallaa'hoalaih'wa'salam] aspire for it. [12:103]

  • مگر یہ حقیقت اپنی جگہ ہے کہ اکثر لوگ ایمان بالکل نہیں لاتے قطع نظر اس کے کہ آپ نے شدید خواہش اور محنت سے ان کا دل و دماغ کھولنے کی کوشش کی ہے۔

Root: ح ر ض

  • Thereby, should He the Exalted Who perpetually administers upon every person regarding what it earned be associated with hypothetical godheads?

  • Despite it they ascribe for Allah the Exalted non-living entities as associates. You the Messenger [Sal'lallaa'hoalaih'wa'salam] ask them, "You people give them names."

  • Or do you people inform Him the Exalted about that which He does not know as existing in the Earth; or its existence you merely express by words of mouth?

  • Not at all associates exists; fact is that their tactics have been made alluring for those who have deliberately refused to accept belief; and they have been hindered from the straight path.

  • Know it, should Allah the Exalted let someone absorbed in indifference-engrossed in his self, thereat; there is not at all a guide for him. [13:33]

  • Know the conduct of people who were before them: they did deceptively strategize, [but utterly failed] for reason/since the planning-organization is the domain for Allah the Exalted, in all circumstances.

  • He the Exalted knows what every person earns.

  • And the adamant non-believers will soon know that the ultimate end is joyful for whom. [13:42]

  • And indeed they had planned their strategies

  • But all their strategies are worthless before Allah the Exalted.

  • And their deceitful strategies were not such by which the mountain ranges might crumble. [14:46]

Root: ز و ل

  • Indeed the people who flourished in times before them had intrigued

  • Thereby, because of their persistent defiance and respite period getting over, Allah the Exalted gave their buildings jolt from foundations, resultantly the roofs fell over them from above them

Root: س ق ف; ق ع د

  • And the infliction came to them from where they were not perceiving it. [16:26]

  • Is it for reason that they, who adopted deceptive manipulating techniques, have felt secured and protected against the possibility that Allah the Exalted might cave-in the Earth along with them. 

  • Or that the Infliction might seize them from a direction they perceive not? [16:45]

  • And you the Messenger [Sal'lallaa'hoalaih'wa'salam] remain coolly perseverant-consistently steadfast enduring all odds; and your endurance is sustained only with confidence and hope of help and protection of Allah the Exalted

  • And you should not grieve for them about their awful end for non believing

  • Further, you should not place yourself in distress and disquiet because of deceptions, tricks, and conspiracies they devise. [16:127]

Root: ض ى ق

  • And they devised the conspiracy and Our Majesty planned a plan

  • [We fully knew their conspiracy] And they had no idea/perception/clue of that plan. [27:50]

  • جب انہیں اس بات کا احساس و شعور بھی نہیں ہو گا۔

  • Thereat, give a thought, how was the eventual fate of their ill-design

  • That Our Majesty destroyed them by forceful entrance, and their nation, altogether. [27:51]

Root: د م ر

  • And you the Messenger [Sal'lallaa'hoalaih'wa'salam] should not grieve for them

  • And nor should you place yourself in distress and disquiet for the deceptions/tricks/conspiracies they devise. [27:70]

Root: ض ى ق

  • And said those who were made the weak/ruled segments of society to those who demonstrated arrogance obsessed with pride of grandeur  

  • "No the fact is that it were your deceptions day and night when you kept directing us disavowing Allah, and that we declare others as participatory lords for Him the Exalted."

Root: ن د د

  • And they tried to conceal the regret when they saw the punishment [from those upon they ruled].

Root: س ر ر

  • And Our Majesty has rendered their arrogance as shackles in the necks of those who had disavowed.

Root: ع ن ق غ ل ل

  • Are they getting recompensed except for what they used to do? [as they had put shackles around their brain not to allow any revealing fact enter into brain]. [34:33]

  • Whoever intends desirously to gain dominance/protection from being subjugated [such thought is a farce] since for Allah the Exalted is the Dominance, absolutely.

  • To Him the Exalted ascends the statement/utterance comprising of fact and benefiting import

  • And He the Exalted elevates/sanctifies [by his approval and appreciation] the perfect act.

Root: ر ف ع

  • And those who devise deceptions for evil things:  a grave punishment is prepared and is in wait for them,

  • And the deception [they devise], they are the people whom that will ruin. [35:10]

  • Feeling for their selves pride of grandeur in the Land and for devising trickery deceptions [to hoodwink people for maintaining their hegemony].

  • However, the evil deceptive trickery hems none except its own devising household.

  • Is it for reason that they are waiting for nothing except the precedent of earlier people

  • Then, you will never find for the tradition/Way of Allah any change/replacement

  • And you will never find any change/replacement/variation regards the precedent set by Allah the Exalted. [35:43]

  • Therefore/consequently Allah the Exalted saved him from the evil which they people had conspired.

  • And the worst of the punishment has hemmed the people of Fir'aoun (Pharaoh). [40:45]

  • Know the remote history: They the ruling elite devised the deceptive strategy; the greatest deception. [71:22]




Active Participle: Definite; Sound plural; Masculine; Genitive. (1)3:54 (2)8:30=2  

                                                                                   اسم فاعل:معرفہ باللام- مجرور-جمع سالم مذكر


 Verbal noun: Definite; nominative. (1)13:42(2)35:43=2         مصدر:معرفہ باللام :مرفوع


Prepositional phrase + Possessive Phrase: Inseparable preposition + Verbal Noun: Definite; genitive + Attached Possessive Pronoun: Third person; feminine; plural; genitive state. (1)12:31=1                                                 جار و مجرور + الإِضَافَةُ

                          بـِ حرف جر + مصدر: مجرور/مضافضمير متصل-جمع-مؤنث غائب  في محل جر-مضاف إليه


Prefixed Emphatic particle + Verbal Noun: indefinite; nominative. (1) 7:123=1                                                                                                   لام التوكيد-المزحلقةمصدر:مرفوع


Verbal noun: Indefinite; nominative  (1)10:21=1                                      مصدر:مرفوع


Verbal noun: Indefinite; nominative (1)34:33(2)35:10=2                        مصدر:مرفوع


Verbal noun: Definite; accusative. (1)7:99(2)7:99(3)35:43=3                 مصدر:منصوب


Noun: Indefinite; accusative.  (1)10:21(2)27:50(3)27:50(4)71:22=4        مصدر:منصوب


Possessive Phrase: Inseparable preposition + Verbal Noun: Definite; nominative + Attached Possessive Pronoun: Third person; masculine; plural; genitive state. (1)13:33(2)14:46(3)14:46=3

                                 الإِضَافَةُ-مصدر:مرفوع/مضافضمير متصل-جمع  مذكر غائب في محل جر-مضاف إليه


Possessive Phrase: Inseparable preposition + Verbal Noun: Definite; accusative + Attached Possessive Pronoun: Third person; masculine; plural; genitive state. (1)14:46=1

                                   الإِضَافَةُ-مصدر:منصوب/مضافضمير متصل-جمع  مذكر غائب في محل جر-مضاف إليه


Possessive Phrase: Inseparable preposition + Verbal Noun: Definite; genitive + Attached Possessive Pronoun: Third person; masculine; plural; genitive state.  (1)27:51=1 

                  الإِضَافَةُ-مصدر: مجرور/مضافضمير متصل-جمع  مذكر غائب في محل جر-مضاف إليه


Verb Form-I


Verb: Imperfect; Second Person; Plural; Mood: Indicative evident by نَ and [و] Subject Pronoun; nominative state; مصدر-مَكْرٌ Verbal noun. (1)10:21=1

                                              فعل مضارع مرفوع بثبوت النون/و- ضمير متصل في محل رفع فاعل-جمع مذكرحاضر


Prefixed Particle of purpose/intent + Verb: Imperfect; Third person; plural; masculine; Mood: Subjunctive evident by elision of نَ; and [و] Subject Pronoun, nominative state; مصدر-مَكْرٌ Verbal noun. (1)6:123=1

                                         لام التعليل +  فعل مضارع منصوب بأن مضمرة بعد لام التعليل و علامة نصبة حذف النون

                                                                                               و- ضمير متصل في محل رفع فاعل-والألف-فارقة


Verb: Perfect; Third person; Singular; Masculine; مصدر-مَكْرٌ Verbal noun  (1)3:54(2)13:42(3)16:26=3                                                    فعل ماضٍ مبنى على الفتح /صيغة:واحد مذكرغائب


Verb: Perfect; Second Person; plural; masculine; [التاء] Subject Pronoun, in nominative state; + Suffixed Object pronoun: Third person; masculine; singular, in accusative state; مصدر-مَكْرٌ Verbal noun. (1)7:123=1

             فعل ماضٍ مبنى على السكون لاتصاله بضميرالرفع المتحرك/ضمير متصل في محل رفع فاعل جمع مذكرحاضر

                                                                 ضمير متصل مبنى على الضم واحد مذكرغائب فى محل نصب مفعول به


Verb: Perfect; First person; Plural/Sovereign Singular; Masculine;  [نَا] Suffixed Subject Pronoun; nominative state; مصدر-مَكْرٌ Verbal noun (1)27:50=1

                            فعل ماضٍ مبني على السكون لاتصاله بضمير المتكلم/نَا-ضمير متصل فى محل رفع فاعل/جمع متكلم


Verb: Perfect; Third person; plural; masculine; [و ] Subject Pronoun, in nominative state: مصدر-مَكْرٌ Verbal noun (1)3:54(2)14:46(3)16:45(4)27:50(5)40:45(6)71:22=6

      فعل ماضٍ مبنى على الضم لاتصاله بواو الجماعة/و- ضمير متصل في محل رفع فاعل-والألف-فارقة/جمع مذكر غائب


Verb: Imperfect; third person; singular; masculine; Mood: Indicative;  مصدر-مَكْرٌ Verbal noun. (1)8:30(2)8:30=2          فعل مضارع مرفوع بالضمة //صيغة-واحد مذكر غائب


Verb: Imperfect; third person; plural; masculine; Mood: Indicative evident by نَ and [و] Subject pronoun, in nominative state; مصدر-مَكْرٌ Verbal noun.  (1)6:123(2)6:124(3)8:30(4)12:102(5)16:127(6)27:70(7)35:10=7

                                              فعل مضارع مرفوع بثبوت النون/و- ضمير متصل في محل رفع فاعل-جمع مذكرغائب