4 أَلْحَمَ
خَرْقَهُ [He closed up the hole thereof with a patch]; meaning a garment, or
piece of cloth, and a skin, or hide. (TA in
art. رقع.) B2: إِلْحَامُ
الجِرَاحَاتِ [The consolidating of wounds]. (K in
art. سبع.) A2: أَلْحَمَهُ
عِرْضَهُ (tropical:)
He empowered him to revile, vilify, or censure, him: (S, K, TA:)
he made his honour, or reputation, to be to him [as] a ↓ لُحْمَة [or hawk's
portion of the quarry]. (Har,
p. 392.) B2: أَلْحِمْ
مَا أَسْدَيْتَ: see أَسْدَى.6 تَلَاحَمَ
It was joined, or knit, together. See K, voce مَزْفُورٌ.8 اِلْتَحَمَ
It coalesced, consolidated, closed up, or became closely united. (TA.)
تَمْرٌ لَهُ لَحْمٌ [Dates having flesh]. (Msb in
art. حشف.) B2: لَحْمٌ:
see ثَرِيدٌ, last sentence.
شَحِمٌ لَحِمٌ: see مَحِضٌ and شَحِمٌ.
لَحْمَةٌ and ↓ لُحْمَةٌ The woof; or the threads that are woven into the سَدَى.
or warp, of a piece of cloth. (Msb,
&c.) لُحْمَةٌ: see 4, and لَحْمَةٌ. B2: لُحْمَةٌ
شَابِكَةٌ: see مُشْتَبِكٌ.
لَحَّامٌ A butcher. (Fr, TA in
art. سطر.) مَلَاحِمُ الفَرْجِ (K)
The narrow, or strait, parts of the pudendum muliebre: (TA:)
or rather, the fleshy parts thereof: the sing. مَلْحَمَةٌ
signifying, accord. to analogy,
a place of much flesh: see بِطَانٌ.
المُلْتَحِمَةٌ [The tunica albuginea, or white of the eye: so in the present
day]. (K, voce سَبَلٌ.)
شَجَّةٌ مُتَلَاحِمَةٌ: see شَجَّةٌ, and بَازِلَةٌ (voce بَازِلٌ).