عَرُضَ  , aor. عَرُضَ , inf. n. عِرَضٌ, [instead of which, as a simple subst., عَرْضٌ is generally used,] and عَرَاضَةٌIt was, or became, broad, or wide; (S, O, * Msb, K, TA;) as also ↓ اعرض , (A, TA,) which occurs in this sense in two exs. following. (TA.) [And in like manner, ↓ استعرض It grew, or spread, wide; said of a tree; opposed to طَالَ; occurring in the TA in art. بهل.] It is said in a prov., القِرْفَةُ ↓ أَعْرَضَتِ (S, O, * TA [but in two copies of the S, I find the verb in this instance written اعرضتُ, and in the O اعرضتَ, and I do not know that the reading in the TA, which seems to be the common one, is found in any copy of the S,]) Suspicion became, or has become, wide; syn. اِتَّسَعَت: (TA:) used when it is said to a man, “ Whom dost thou suspect ? ” and he answers, “ The sons of such a one, ” referring to the whole tribe. (S, O, TA.) [See Freytag's Arab. Prov. ii. 112, where another reading is mentioned, which, by what he says, is shown to be أَعْرَضْتَ القِرْفَةَ Thou hast made suspicion wide.] In another prov. it is said, ثَوْبُ المَلْبَسِ ↓ أَعْرَضَ (IAar, A, TA, and K in art. لبس,) and المِلْبَسِ and المُلْبِسِ (IAar, and K in art. لبس,) and المُلْتَبِسِ(TA in art. لبس) i. e. صَارَ ذَا عَرْضٍ, (A, TA,) and عَرُضَ, and اِتَّسَعَ; (Sh;) [meaning the same as the prov. before mentioned;] used with reference to him whose suspicion has become wide; (IAar, and TA in art. لبس;) i. e. with reference to him who suspects many persons (IAar, Az, and K in art. لبس,) of a theft; (IAar, Az, and TA in that art.;) or of saying a thing: (TS, and TA in that art.:) or when thou askest a person respecting a thing and he does not explain it to thee. (TA in that art.) [See, again, Freytag's Arab. Prov. ii. 100, where it is said that أَعْرَضَثَوْبُ المُلْبِسِ app. means The garment of the suspected appeared,or has appeared: but that another reading is عَرُضَ, meaning became, or has become, wide.] -A2- عَرَضَ, aor. عَرِضَ , (Fr, S, O, Msb, K,) inf. n. عَرْضٌ; (TA:) and عَرِضَ, (As, TS, K,) aor. عَرَضَ , (Fr, K,) or عَرِضَ , like حَسِبَ, aor. عَرِضَ , deviating from the general rule; (As, TS;) It (a thing) appeared, or became apparent, لَهُ to him; (S, O, Msb, K; [but in some copies of the K, instead of the explanation ظَهَرَ وَبَدَا, we find ظَهَرَ عَلَيْهِ وَبَدَا, which is a mistake;]) as also ↓ اعرض , (Fr, S, O, Msb, K,) which is a deviation from a general rule, being quasi pass. of عَرَضَهُ, which see below; (S, * O, * Msb, K;) [lit.] it showed its breadth, or width. (O, * TA.) You say, لَكَ الشَّىْءُ ↓ اعرض مِنْ بَعِيدٍ The thing appeared to thee from afar. (TA.) And عَرَضَتْ لَهُ الغُولُ, and عَرِضَتْ, (AZ, S, O, K,) The ghool appeared to him. (K.) The Arabs say, of a thing, عَرَضَ and ↓ اعرض and ↓ تعرّض and ↓ اعترض, using these verbs as syn.; (Sh;) [app. as meaning It showed, presented, or offered, itself, (lit. its breadth, or width, or its side, see 5,) to a person: the first and last also often signify, and the others sometimes, he obtruded himself in an affair; interfered therein:] IKt disallows ↓ اعرض in the sense of اعترض, as not having been found by him: (TA:) [but] an instance of the former of these two verbs used in the sense of the latter of them occurs in the phrase لِلنَّاظِرِينَ ↓ إِذَا أُعْرَضَتْ [app. meaning When she shows, or presents, herself to the lookers], in a poem by one of the tribe of Teiyi. (Sh.) ― -b2- عَرَضَ لَكَ الخَيْرُ, [in one place in the TA الخَبَرَ, and الخبر in a copy of the Msb,] inf. n. عَرْضٌ; (TA; [in one place in the TA عُرُوضٌ there referring to الخَبَرُ, which is app. a mistranscription;]) and ↓ اعرض ; (S, O, K, TA;) Good [i. e. the doing of goodhath become within thy power, or practicable to thee, or easy to thee. (S, O, K, TA.) And لَكَ الظَّبْىُ ↓ اعرض The gazelle hath exposed to thee its side;(TA;) or hath put its side in thy power, (S, O, K, TA,) by turning it towards thee: (O, TA:) said to incite one to shoot it, or cast at it. (S, O.) Or لَكَ ↓ اعرض , said of an animal of the chase, or other thing, signifies It hath put in thy power, [or exposed to thee,its breadth, or width: (A:) or لَهُ ↓ اعرضsignifies it (a thing) became within his power, or practicable to him, or easy to him; lit., it showed its side [to him]. (Mgh.) [In the TA, I find أَعْرَضَ فِى الشَّىْءِ expl. as signifying He had the width of the thing in his power: but فى, here, seems to be a mistake for لَهُ.] A poet, also, says ↓ أَعْرِضِى addressing a woman; meaning أَمْكِنِى [Empower thou; i. e. grant thou access]. (S.) ― -b3- عَرَضَ لَهُ, aor. عَرِضَ ; (As, S, K, TA;) and عَرِضَ, aor. عَرَضَ ; (TA;) are also said of an event, (As, TA,) or of a disease, and the like, (S, K, TA,) such as disquietude of mind, and a state of distraction of the mind or attention; (TA;) [meaning It happened to him; it befell him; it occurred to him; was incident to him;] and also of doubt, and the like. (TA.) [So, too, is ↓ اعترض .] You also say, عَرَضَهُ عَارِضٌ مِنَ الحُمَّى وَنَحْوِهَا [An occurrence of fever, and the like, happened to him, or befell him]. (S.) And البَدَنَ ↓ اعترض [It befell the body] is said of [a disease, as, for instance,] the mange, or scab. (B, in TA in art. عر.) ― -b4- عَرَضَ لَهُ, aor. عَرِضَ ; (Msb, TA;) and عَرِضَ له, aor,عَرَضَ ; (Msb;) He intervened as an obstacle to him, preventing him from attaining his desire, (Msb, TA, *) or from seeking to attain his desire, and from going his way; (TA;) as also له ↓اعترض . (Msb.) You say also, عَرَضَ لَهُ أَشَدَّ العَرْضِ, and ↓ اعترض , He opposed himself to him (قَابَلَهُ بِنَفْسِهِwith the most vehement opposition of himself. (TA.) See also 5, second sentence. One should not say, عرّضتُ لَهُ, with teshdeed, in the sense of اِعْتَرَضْتُ. (Msb.) You also say, عَرَضَ عَارِضٌ, meaning [An obstacle intervened, or prevented; lit.] an intervening thing intervened; a preventing thing prevented. (TA.) And سِرْتُفَعَرَضَ لِى فِى الطَّرِيقِ عَارِضٌ مِنْ جَبَلٍ وَنَحْوِهِ I journeyed, and there opposed itself to me, so as to prevent my going on, an obstacle consisting in a mountain, and the like; as also ↓اعترض : whence the اِعْتِرَاضَات [or objections] of the lawyers; because they prevent one's laying hold upon the evidence. (Msb.) And عَرَضَ لَهُ الشَّىْءُ فِى الطَّرِيقِ The thing intervened as an obstacle to him in the way, preventing him from going on.(TA.) And عَرَضَ الشَّىْءُ The thing stood up and prevented; [or stood in the way, or presented itself as an obstacle; or opposed itself;] as also ↓ اعترض . (TA.) [And The thing lay, or extended, breadthwise, or across, or athwart; like اعترض, q. v.] And الشَّىْءُ دُونَ الشَّىْءِ ↓ اعترض The thing intervened as an obstacle in the way to the thing; syn. حَالَ. (S, O.) ― -b5- مَاعَرَضْتُ لَهُ بِسُوْءٍ, aor. عَرِضَ ; and ما عَرِضْتُ, aor. عَرَضَ ; signify ماتَعَرَّضْتُ: see 5: or, as some say, I did not, or have not, become exposed to his reviling, or evilspeaking, by reviling, or speaking evil, of him. (Msb.) [See also عَرَضَ عِرْضَهُ, below.] ― -b6- عَرَضَ لَهُ also signifies He went towards him; (TA in art. نحو;) and عَرَضَ عَرْضَهُ and عُرْضَهُ [the same, i. e.] نَحَا نَحْوَهُ; (K;) as also عرضه ↓ اعترض (TA.) ― -b7- In the saying of El-Kumeyt, “فَأَبْلِغْ يَزِيدَ إِِنْ عَرَضْتَ وَمُنْذِرًا 
” he means [And convey thou to Yezeed,if thou pass by him, [and to Mundhir: or perhaps, if thou go to him: or if thou present thyself to him.] (S.) ― -b8- عَرَضَ الفَرَسُ, (L, K,) aor.عَرِضَ , inf. n. عَرْضٌ, (L, TA,) The horse went along inclining towards one side: (K, TA:) or ran inclining his breast and head: (L, TA:) and ran inclining his head and neck; (K; [in which only the inf. n. of the verb in this last sense is mentioned;]) the doing of which is approved in horses, but disapproved in camels. (TA.) [See also 3, and 5.] ― -b9- عَرَضَالبَعِيرُ, (K,) inf. n. عَرْضٌ, (TA,) The camel ate of the أَعْرَاض, i. e. of the upper parts of the trees [or shrubs]. (K.) ― -b10- عَرَضَتْ, said of a she-camel, A fracture, (S, O, K,) or some injurious accident, (S, O,) befell her; (S, O, K;) as also عَرِضَتْ; (O, K;) but the former is the more approved: (TA:) and عَرَضَ لَهَا a disease,or a fracture, befell her. (TA, from a trad.) Also, said of a sheep, or goat, (شاة,) It died by disease. (K.) And عَرِضَ الشَّآءُ The sheep, or goats, burst, or became rent, from abundance of herbage. (K.) And عَرَضَ, (IKtt,) inf. n. عَرْضٌ, (K,) He (an animal, IKtt, or a man, K, [but it is said in the TA that there is no reason for this restriction,]) died without disease. (IKtt, K.) ― -b11- عَرَضَ بِسِلْعَتِهِ i. q. عَارَضَ بِهَا. (K.) See 3, in two places. [And under the same, see a similar phrase.] ― -b12- عَرَضَ He (a man, S, O) came to العَرُوض, i. e. Mekkeh and El-Medeeneh, (S, O, K, TA,) and El-Yemen, (TA,) and what is around them. (S, O, K, TA.) -A3- عَرَضَ الشَّىْءَ, (S, Msb, K,) aor. عَرِضَ , inf. n. عَرْضٌ, (Msb,) He made the thing apparent; showed it; exhibited it; manifested it; exposed it to view; presented it; (S, O, Msb, K;) unfolded it; laid it open: and also he mentioned it: (Msb:) [lit. he showed its breadth, or width, or its side: and hence it also signifies he made the thing to stand as an obstacle, دُونَ شَىْءٍ in the way to, or of, a thing.] You say, عَرَضَ لَهُ الشَّىْءَ He made apparent, showed, exhibited, manifested, or exposed to view, to him the thing; (S, O, K;) unfolded it, or laid it open, to him.(S, TA.) And عَرَضَ عَلَيْهِ أَمْرَ كَذَا (S, O, K *) He showed, propounded, or proposed, to him, such a thing, or such a case: (K, * TA:) [and he asked, or required, of him, with gentleness, the doing of such a thing; for] العَرْضُ signifies طَلَبٌبِلِينٍ, (Mughnee and K, voce أَلَا,) or طَلَبٌ بِلِينٍ وَتَأَدُّبٍ. (Mughnee voce لَوْلَا.) And عَرَضْتُ المَتَاعَ لِلْبَيْعِ [I showed, exposed, presented, or offered, the commodity for sale; or] I showed the commodity to those desirous of purchasing it. (Msb.) The phrase عَرَضَ عَلَيْهِالمَتَاعَ [He showed, or offered, to him the commodity] is used because the person shows to the other the length and breadth of the thing (طُولَهُ وَعَرْضَهُ), or because he shows him one of its sides (عُرْضًا مِنْ أَعْرَاضِهِ). (Mgh.) [Hence,] it is said in a trad. of Hodheyfeh, تُعْرَضُ الفِتَنُ عَلَى القُلُوبِ عَرْضَ الحَصِيرِ, which means, accord. to some, that فِتَن [Temptations, &c.,] will be [displayed andembellished to the hearts of men like [asthe ornamented and variegated garment called حصير [is displayed and embellished]: (B, TA in art. حصر:) or the meaning is, that they will be laid and spread upon the hearts like the حصير: (IAth, TA in the present art.:) and some say that by this last word is here meant a certain vein extending across upon the side of a beast, towards the belly. (TA in art. حصر.) [Hence also,] عَرْضٌ سَابِرِىٌّ [A slight exhibition: (see art. سبر:)] so in the proverbs by A'Obeyd, in the handwriting of Ibn-El-Jawáleekee: (TA:) or عَرْضُ سَابِرِىٍّ: (TA, and so in a copy of the S in this art.:) or عَرْضَ سَابِرِىٍّ. (O, TA, and so in a copy of the S in this art.) With this agrees in meaning the saying عَرَضَ عَلَىَّ سَوْمَعَالَّةٍ [He offered to me in the manner of offering water to camels taking a second draught: see also arts. سوم and عل; and see Freytag's Arab. Prov. ii. 84]. (TA.) You say also, عَرَضْتُالجَارِيَةَ عَلَى البَيْعِ [I showed, or displayed, or exposed, or offered, the girl for sale]: (S, O, TA:) and in like manner المَتَاعَ [the commodity]. (TA.) And عَرَضْتُ لَهُ ثَوْبًا مَكَانَ حَقِّهِ; (S, O;) and عَرَضْتُ لَهُمِنْ حَقِّهِ ثَوْبًا, (S, O, K,) or مَتَاعًا, (TA,) this meaning, [as also the former phrase,] I gave to him a garment, or piece of cloth, [or a commodity,in place of his due: (S, O, K:) and in like manner, عرضت بِهِ. (El-Umawee, TA.) And عَرَضْتُ البَعِيرَ عَلَى الحَوْضِ, which is an instance of inversion, meaning عَرَضْتُ الحَوْضَ عَلَىالبَعِيرِ [I showed the watering-trough to the camel]: (S, O, Msb:) [or it agrees in meaning with the phrase] عَرَضَ النَّاقَةَ عَلَىالحَوْضِ, and ↓ أَعْرَضَهَا , [as rendered] He offered to the she-camel to drink [at the wateringtrough]. (L, TA.) And عَرَضَهُمْ عَلَى السَّيْفِ[lit. He exposed them to the sword; (see also 2;) meaning] he slew them (S, A, O, Msb, K) with the sword. (Msb.) And عَرَضَهُمْعَلَى السَّوْطِ He beat them with the whip; he flogged them. (K, * TA.) And عَرَضَهُمْ عَلَى النَّارِ He burned them. (A, TA.) And عَرَضْتُالعَسَلَ عَلَى النَّارِ I cooked the honey [upon the fire] to separate it from the wax. (Msb.) [And عَرَضَ نَفْسَهُ لِلْهَلَاكِ He exposed himself to destruction.] ― -b2- عَرْضٌ also signifies The bringing a man before a judge, and accusing him. (IAar, in TA, art. عقب.) [And The presenting, or addressing, a petition, &c., with عَلَى or لِbefore the word signifying the person to whom it is presented or addressed.] ― -b3- One says also, مَا يَعْرِضُكَ لِفُلَانٍ, (S, [so in two copies,] and O,) or مَا يَعْرُضَكَ, (L, TA,) with fet-h to the ىand damm to the ر, (L,) the verb being coordinate to نَصَرَ: (TA:) [app. meaning What causeth thee to present thyself to such a one?]: Yaakoob disallows one's saying ↓ مَا يُعَرِّضُكَ لِفُلَانٍ, with teshdeed. (S, O, TA.) [But the latter of these two verbs has a signification nearly allied to that which is here assigned to the former, and exactly agreeing with one mentioned before. See 2.] ― -b4- عَرَضَ الجُنْدَ, (S, Msb,) and عَرَضَ الجُنْدَ عَرْضَالعَيْنِ, (S, O,) or عَرْضَ عَيْنٍ, (A, K, B, except that in the A and B we find الجَيْشَ instead of الجند,) aor. عَرِضَ , (Msb,) inf. n. عَرْضٌ, (Yoo, S,) He made the army, or body of soldiers, to pass by him, and examined their state, (S, O, K,) what it was: (S, O:) [i. e. he reviewed them:] or he made them to pass before him in review, that he might know who was absent and who was present: (A, B:) or he caused them to come forth, and examined them, that he might know them: (Msb:) and you say also, ↓ اعترضهُمْ , (S, O, K,) meaning [the same, or] he made them to pass by him, or before him, and examined them, one by one, (K, TA,) to see who were absent from those who were present. (TA.) You say also, ↓ اعترض المَتَاعَ وَنَحْوَهُ and عَلَى عَيْنِهِ ↓اعترضهُ [He examined the commodity, and the like thereof, having it displayed before his eye]. (Th.) [See also عَرْضٌ.] ― -b5- عَرَضْتُ الكِتَابَ, (S, O, Msb,) aor. عَرِضَ , inf. n. عَرْضٌ, (Msb,) I read, or recited, the writing, or book: (O, TA: [in the S it is unexplained, but immediately followed by عَرَضْتُ الجُنْدَ عَرْضَالعَيْنِ:]) or I recited it by heart, or memory. (Msb.) -A4- عَرَضَعِرْضَهُ, aor. عَرِضَ ; (TA;) and ↓ اعترضهُ ; (A, TA;) [perhaps originally signified He examined his grounds of pretension to respect, or the like: and then became used to express a frequent consequence of doing so; i. e.] he spoke evil of him; reviled him; detracted from his reputation: (A, TA:) or he corresponded to him, or equalled him, in grounds of pretension to respect: (TA:) [the former seems to be the more probable of the two meanings; for it is said that] فُلَانًا ↓ اعترضsignifies he spoke evil of such a one; reviled him; detracted from his reputation; (Lth, S, O, K;) and annoyed him. (Lth, TA.) -A5- عَرَضَ الشَّىْءَ, (K,) aor. عَرِضَ , inf. n. عَرْضٌ, (TA,) He hit the side (عُرْضof the thing. (K.) -A6- عَرَضَ العُودَ عَلَى الإِِنَآءِ, (S, O, Msb, K,) and السَّيْفَ عَلَى فَخِذِهِ, (S, O, K,) aor. عَرُضَ and عَرِضَ , (S, O, Msb, K,) in both phrases, (O, K,) [J says, in the S, app. referring, not, as SM thinks, to the latter of the two phrases, but to the meaning, “ this, only, with damm, ”] He put the stick breadthwise, across, athwart, or crosswise, (مَعْرُوضًا, TA, or بِالعَرْضِ, Msb, TA, both meaning the same, TA,) upon the vessel, (Msb, TA,) [and so the sword upon his thigh: and ↓عرّضهُ signifies the same.] ― -b2- عَرَضَ الرُّمْحَ, aor. عَرِضَ , [and probably عَرُضَ also,] inf. n. عَرْضٌ; and ↓ عرّضهُ , inf. n. تَعْرِيضٌ; (TA:) He turned, or placed, the spear sideways; contr. of سَدَّدَهُ. (S, in art. سد, relating to the former verb; and L, in the same art., relating to the latter verb.) ― -b3- عَرَضَ الرَّامِى القَوْسَ, inf. n. عَرْضٌThe archer laid the bow upon its side on the ground,and then shot with it. (TA.) ― -b4- The saying of Aboo-Kebeer El-Hudhalee, cited, but not expl., by Th, “ فَعَرَضْتُهُ فِى سَاقِ أَسْمَنِهَا 
” is thought by ISd to mean And I made its (the sword's) breadth to become concealed in the thigh of the fattest of them. (TA.) -A7- عَرَضَهُ He fed him: (Fr, TA:) [or he offered, or presented, to him food: for] عُرِضُوا signifies They were fed:and they had food offered, or presented, to them. (L, TA.) [See also 2, in the last quarter.] ― -b2- عَرَضَ الحَوْضَ and القِرْبَةَ He filled the wateringtrough and the water-skin. (K.) -A8- عَرَضَالشَّوْكَ: see 8, near the end. -A9- عَرَضَ بَعِيرَهُ, inf. n. عَرْضٌHe branded his camel with the mark called عِرَاض; (S;) and so ↓عرّضهُ : (S, TA:) and عُرِضَ البَعِيرُ, inf. n. as above, The camel was branded with that mark. (K.) -A10- عَرَضْتُهُ, (K,) aor. عَرُضَ , (TA,) inf. n. عَرْضٌ, (K, TA,) I defrauded, or deceived, him in selling. (K.) -A11- عُرِضَ, (K,) or عُرِضَ لَهُ, (A, TA,) inf. n. عَرْضٌ, (K,) He was, or became, mad, or insane, or possessed by jinnor by a jinnee: (A, K:) or he was, or became, affected, by a touch, or stroke, from the jinn. (TA.)

عرّضهُ  , inf. n. تَعْرِيضٌHe made it (a thing) broad, or wide; (S, K;) as also ↓ اعرضهُ , (Lth, S, K,) inf. n. إِعْرَاضٌ. (TA.) ― -b2- See also 1, near the end, in three places. ― -b3- تَعَرِيضٌ also signifies The speaking obliquely, indirectly, obscurely, ambiguously, or equivocally; contr. of تَصْرِيحٌ; (S, Mgh, Msb, K;) as when thou askest a man,“ Hast thou seen such a one? ” and he, having seen him, and disliking to lie, answers, “ Verily such a one is seen: ” (Msb:) or the making a phrase, or the like, to convey an allusion, or an indication not expressly mentioned therein; as when you say “ How foul is niggardliness! ” alluding to such a one's being a niggard (تُعَرِّضُ بِأَنَّهُ بَخِيلٌ): differing from كِنَايَةٌ, which is the mentioning of the consequence and meaning that of which it is the consequence; as when you say “ Such a one has a long suspensory cord to his sword, and has many ashes of the cooking-pot; ” meaning that he is tall of stature, and one who entertains many guests: (Mgh:) [but many hold these two words to be identical in meaning.] You say, عَرَّضْتُ لِفُلَانٍ and بِفُلَانٍ, i. e. I said something [in the manner explained above], meaning such a one. (S, Msb.) [See also an ex. voce كَلَّآءٌ.] 'Omar defined [or rather explained] التَّعْرِيضُ بِالفَاحِشَةِ [The making an allusion to that which is foul, or obscene] by the instance of a man saying to another “ My father is not an adulterer, nor is my mother an adulteress. ” (O, TA.) Or, accord. to the early authorities, عرّض signifies He used a phrase susceptible of different meanings, or an equivocal phrase, by which the hearer understood a meaning different from that which he (the speakerintended: or, accord. to the later authorities, as Et-Teftezánee, he mentioned a thing by a proper or tropical or metonymical expression, to signify some other thing, which he did not mention; as when one says, “ I heard him whom thou hatest praying for thee, and making good mention of thee; ” meaning in his praying for the Muslims in general. (El-Munáwee, in explaining the trad. إِِنَّ فِىالمَعَارِيضِ الخ, which see below, voce مِعْرَاضٌ.) تعريض with respect to the demanding of a woman in marriage in [the period of] her عِدَّة, [during which she may not contract a new marriage,] is the using language which resembles a demand of her in marriage, but does not plainly express it; as the saying to her “ Verily thou art beautiful, ” or “ Verily there is a desire for thee, ” or “ Verily women are of the things that I need: ” and تعريضis sometimes made by the quoting of proverbs, and by the introducing of enigmas in one's speech. (TA.) [When followed by عَلَى, it signifies The making an indirect objection against a person or saying &c.] ― -b4- Also عرّض, (S, O,) inf. n. as above, (K,) He wrote indistinctly; (S, O, K;) not making the letters distinct, nor the handwriting rightly formed or disposed.(TA.) -A2- تَعْرِيضٌ also sigsifies The making a thing to be exposed [or liable] to another thing. (K, [It is there expl., with the article ال prefixed to it, by the words أَنْ يَجْعَلَ لِلشَّىْءِ ↓ الشَّىْءَعَرْضًا , or ↓ عَرَضًا , accord. to different copies; the latter (which see, last sentence but one,) app. the right reading; meaning مَعْرُوضًا, whichever be the right; for an inf. n. may be used in the sense of a pass. part. n.; and many a word of the measure فَعَلٌ is used in that sense, as, for instance, خَبَطٌ and نَفَضٌ and هَدَمٌ. That I have rightly rendered the above-mentioned explanation in the K is indicated by what here immediately follows.]) Hence the trad. مَا عَظُمَتْ نِعْمَةُ اللّٰهِ عَلَى عَبْدٍ إِلَّا عَظُمَتْ مَؤُونَةُ النَّاسِ عَلَيْهِ فَمَنْلَمْ يَحْتَمِلْ تِلْكَ المَؤُونَةَ فَقَدْ عَرَّضَ تِلْكَ النِّعْمَةَ لِلزَّوَالِ [The blessing of God upon a servant, or man, hath not become great but the burden ofother men upon him hath become great; and he who doth not take upon himself that burden causeth that blessing to be exposed to cessation]. (O, TA.) You also say, هُوَ لَهُ ↓ عَرَّضْتُ فُلَانًالِكَذَا فَتَعَرَّضَ [I caused such a one to expose himself, or I exposed him, to such a thing, and he exposed himself, or became exposed, to it], (S, O, *) i. e. ↓ جَعَلْتُهُ عَرَضًا لِكَذَا. (O.) See also 1, last quarter. ― -b2- Also The giving a thing in exchange for, as an equivalent for, or in the place of, another thing. (TA.) ― -b3- And The act of bartering, or selling, a commodity for a like commodity. (K, * TA.) See 3, in two places. ― -b4- And The giving what is termed an عُرَاضَة: (TA:) and the feeding with what is so termed: (K:) or the giving food of what is so termed. (S.) [See also 1, near the end.] It is said in a trad., respecting a company of travelling merchants making presents to Mohammad and Aboo-Bekr, عَرَّضُوهُمَا ثِيَابًا بِيضًا They gave to both of them white garments, or pieces of cloth. (L.) And you say, عَرَّضُوهُمْ مَحْضًا They gave them to drink [unmixedmilk. (TA.) And عَرِّضُونَا Give ye to us food of your عُرَاضَةyour wheat, or corn, which ye have brought. (S, TA.) ― -b5- عرّضالمَاشِيَةَ, inf. n. تَعْرِيضٌHe made the cattle to have such pasturage as rendered them in no need of being fed with fodder. (TA.) -A3- عرّض, (IAar, O,) inf. n. تَعْرِيضٌ (K,) also signifies He became possessed of عَارِضَة [i. e. courage, or courage and energy], (IAar, O, K,) and strength, or power, (IAar, O,) and a faculty of speech, (IAar, O, K,) or, as in the Tekmileh, and power of speech. (TA.) -A4- And He kept continually to the eating ofعِرْضَان, (O, * K, TA, [in the O عِرَاض,]) pl. of عَرِيضٌ. (TA.) -A5- See also 4, last sentence.

عَاْرَضَ [عَارضهُ has two contr. significations, which are unequivocally expressed by saying عارضهُ بِالخِلَافِ and عارضهُ بِالوِفَاقِ. (See عَانَدَهُ.) Thus one says,] عارضهُ, (Msb,) inf. n. مُعَارَضَةٌ, (TA,) He opposed him [being opposed by him]. (Kull p. 342.) ― -b2- And [He vied, competed, or contended for superiority, with him; emulated, rivalled, or imitated, him;he did like as he (the latter) did. (Msb, TA.) You say also, عَارَضْتُهُ بِمِثْلِ مَا صَنَعَ, (S, O,) or بِمِثْلِ صَنِيعِهِ, (K,) I did to him like as he did: (S, O, K:) whence المُعَارَضَة [in trafficking, as will be seen below]: as though the breadth (عَرْض) of the action of the one were like the breadth of the action of the other. (O, K.) And عارضهُ بِمَا صَنَعَهُ He requited him for that which he did.(L.) ― -b3- [Hence] مُعَارَضَةٌ also signifies The selling a commodity for another commodity; exchanging it for another; as also عَرْضٌ: (TA:) and [in like manner] ↓ تَعْرِيضٌ , the act of bartering, or selling a commodity for a like commodity. (K, * TA.) You say, عارض بِسِلْعَتِهِ; and بِهَا ↓ عَرَضَ , (K, TA,) aor عَرِضَ , inf. n. عَرْضٌ; (TA;) He exchanged his commodity; giving one commodity and taking another;(TA:) and مَتَاعَهُ ↓ عرّض he sold his commodity for another commodity. (TK.) Also عارضهُ بِالبَيْعِ (M and L in art. بد) and بَاعَهُمُعَارَضَةً (S and K in that art.) [He bartered, or exchanged commodities, with him]. And ↓ أَخَذْتُ هٰذِهِ السِّلْعَةَ عَرْضًا I took this commodity giving another in exchange for it. (TA.) And when persons demand blood of other persons, and they [the latter] do not retaliate for them, they [the latter] say, نَحْنُ نَعْرِضُ مِنْهُ [We will give a compensation for it]: and they [the former] accept (اعترضوا) the bloodwit. (L.) ― -b4- You say also, عَارَضْتُهُ فِى البَيْعِفَعَرَضْتُهُ [I vied with him in endeavouring to defraud, or deceive, in selling, or buying,and I defrauded, or deceived, him therein. (K, * TA.) And عارضهُ بِالمَجْدِ [He vied, or competed,or contended, with him, or emulated him, or rivalled him, in glory, or honour, &c.]: (L and K in art. مجد:) and in like manner عارضهُ بِالفَخْرِ. (K in art. فخر.) See 6. ― -b5- عارضهُ, (O, K,) or عارضهُ فِى المَسِيرِ (S,) or فى السَّيْرِ, (A,) He went along over against him; or on the opposite side to him; (S, A, O, K;) in a corresponding manner; (TA;) [each taking the side opposite to the other.] ― -b6- [Hence. عارضهُ as signifying It (a tract &c.) lay over against him. Also as syn. with اعرض عَنْهُ.] See 4. ― -b7- [Hence also,] عارض, (S, O, K,) inf. n. مُعَارَضَةٌ, (TA,) He took to one side (S, O, K *) of the way, or ways, (accord. to different copies of the K,) while another took to another way, so that they both met. (TA. [See 3 in arts. خزم and زم.]) El-Ba'eeth says, “ مَدَحْنَا لَهَا رَوْقَ الشَّبَابِ فَعَارَضَتْ 
جَنَابَ الصِّبَا فِى كَاتِمِ السِّرِّ أَعْجَمَا 
” [cited in the S, voce رَيِّق, but with رَيْقَ, in the place of رَوْقَ, and there ascribed to Lebeed,] meaning, accord. to ISk, [We praised to her the first part of youth, and thereuponshe took to the side of الصبا [or youthful foolishness, and amorous dalliance], or, as another says, she entered with us into it, in a manner not open, but making it appear to us that she was entering with us; جناب الصبا meaning جَنْبَهُ. (TA.) ― -b8- عارضالجِنَازَةَ He came to the bier, or the bier conveying the corpse, intermediately (مُعْتَرِضًا), in a part of the way, not following it from the abode of the deceased: (O, K, TA:) said of Mohammad, in a trad. respecting the funeral of Aboo-Tálib. (O, TA.) ― -b9- عارض المَرْأَةَ, inf. n. عِرَاضٌ and مُعَارَضَةٌHe came in to the woman [indirectly, or] unlawfully; (Sgh, K, TA;) i. e. without marriage and without possession [of her as his slave]. (Sgh, TA.) Hence the saying, جَآءَتْ بِوَلَدٍ عَنْ عِرَاضٍ and مُعَارَضَةٍ She brought forth a child in consequence of a man's having so come in to her: (K:) or a child whose father was unknown. (A, O, TA.) [Hence also,] اِبْنُ مُعَارَضَةٍ i. q. سَفِيحٌ; (O, K;) i. e. A son the offspring of fornication. (O, TA.) ― -b10- الجَوْزَآءُتَمُرُّ عَلَى جَنْبٍ وَتُعَارِضُ النُّجُومَ, inf. n. مُعَارَضَةٌ, [Orion passes along towards one side, and is oblique in its course with respect to the other stars;] i. e. it is not direct [in the disposition of its stars, particularly of the three conspicuous stars of the belt, with respect to its course] in the sky. (As, S, O.) [See also 5.] ― -b11- عارض الرِّيحَ, said of a camel, (TA,) [He turned his side to the wind;he did not face the wind nor turn his back to it. (A, TA.) ― -b12- نَظَرَ إِِلَيْهِ مُعَارَضَةً He looked at him, or towards him, sideways, or obliquely. (A, TA.) You say also, نَظَرَ عَنْ مُعَارَضَةٍ[He looked sideways, or obliquely]. (TA in art. خزر.) And you say of a she-camel, تَمْشِى مُعَارَضَةً لِلنَّشَاطِ [She goes obliquely by reason of briskness, liveliness, or sprightliness]. (S, K. * [See again 5, latter half.]) ― -b13- عارض الشَّىْءَ بِالشَّىْءِ He compared the thing with the thing. (Msb.) You say, عارض الكِتَابَ, (S, O, K,) inf. n. مُعَارَضَةٌ and عِرَاضٌ, (TA,) He compared, or collated, the writing, or book, (S, O, K,) بِكِتَابٍ آخَرَ with another writing, or book. (S, * O, * TA.) And كَتَبَ كِتَابًا عَنْ مُعَارَضَةٍ [He copied, or transcribed, the writing, or book]. (K in art. نسخ.) ― -b14- And المُعَارَضَةُ is syn. with المُدَارَسَةُ [probably as meaning The reading,or studying, with another]. (TA.) -A2- ضَرَبَ النَّاقَةَ عِرّاضًا [He covered the she-camel agreeably with her desire] is said when the stallion is offered to her, and if she desire he covers her, but otherwise he does not: (S, O, TA:) in the K it is said, if he desire her; which is wrong: (TA:) this is because of her generous quality. (S, O, TA.) ― -b2- And لَقِحَتْ عِرَاضًا She (a camel) conceived by a stallion, she not being of the camels among which he was sent. (AO, TA.) ― -b3- See also 8, near the end.

اعرض  : see 1, first sentence; and in thirteen places after that, as far as the break after the words “ grant thou access. ” ― -b2- Also He went wide (S, O, Msb, K) and long;(S, O, K;) فِى الشَّىْءِ [in the thing]; (Msb;) and فِى المَكَارِمِ (tropical:) [in generous actions]. (TA.) ― -b3- اعرض عَنْهُ, (S, * O, * Msb, K,) inf. n. إِعْرَاضٌ, (S, O,) He turned away from, avoided, shunned, and left, it; (S, O, Msb, K;) lit. he took a side (عُرْضًا i. e. جَانِبًاother than the side in which it was: (Msb:) or he turned his back upon it: (IAth, TA:) and [in like manner] ↓عارضهُ he turned aside, or away, from him; avoided him; shunned him; (S, O, K;) lit. he became aside with respect to him. (TA.) -A2- اعرضهُ: see 2, first signification. ― -b2- أَعْرَضَتْبِوُلْدِهَا She (a woman) brought forth her children broad [in make]; expl. by the words وَلَدَتْهُمْ عِرَاضًا; (S, O, K;) [not meaning عَنْ عِرَاضٍ, (see 3,) as Freytag, deviating from Golius, has understood it; unless SM be in error; for he says that] the last word in this explanation is pl. of عَرِيضٌ. (TA.) ― -b3- اعرضالمَسْأَلَةَ He put, or expressed, the question broadly; (Mgh;) widely; (Mgh, TA;) largely. (TA.) ― -b4- اعرض النَّاقَةَ عَلَى الحَوْضِ: see عَرَضَ, latter half. ― -b5- اعرض العِرْضَانَ He put for sale theعرضان [pl. of عَرِيضٌ, q. v.]. (O.) ― -b6- And (O) He castrated the عرضان. (S, IKtt, O.) ― -b7- [And app. He circumcized a boy: or so ↓ عرّض : see مُعَرِّضٌ.] 5 تعرّض ذ : see عَرَضَ, near the beginning, where these two verbs, and اعرض and اعترض, are said to be used as syn.; [app. as meaning It showed, presented, or offered, itself, to a person; lit. it showed, or presented, its breadth, or width; or, as تعرّض is expl. in the EM p. 19, it showed its عُرْض, i. e. side: this, or it, or he, presented,or offered, or exposed, its, or his, side, seems to be the primary signification of تعرّض, and of اعترض, as well as of عَرَضَ; and is of frequent occurrence: and all (as mentioned voce عَرَضَ) signify also he obtruded himself in an affair; interferedtherein.] ― -b2- [Hence,] تعرّض لَهُ He opposed himself to him; he offered opposition to him; or he attacked him; said of a man, and of a beast of prey, or noxious reptile, and the like; as also ↓ عَرَضَ and ↓ اعترض : this signification also is of frequent occurrence. (The lexicons passim.) ― -b3- [Hence also,] He addressed, or applied, or directed, himself, or his regard, or attention, or mind, to him, or it; [as though he set himself over against the object to which the verb relates;] syn. تَصَدَّى. (Lth, Lh, S, O, Msb, K.) So in the saying, تعرّض لِمَعْرُوفِهِمْ and مَعْرُوفَهُمْ [He addressed himself, &c., presented himself, betook himself, advanced, came forward, or went forward, or attempted, to obtain their favour, or bounty]: and تعرّضلِلْمَعْرُوفِ and المَعْرُوفَ [He addressed himself, &c., to obtain favour, or bounty; and] he sought, or demanded, it: (Az, Msb:) and [so] للمعروف ↓ اعترض (Msb in art. عر. [See also اعترضلَهُ.]) So too in the saying, تَعَرَّضُوا لِنَفَحَاتِ رَحْمَةِ ا@للّٰهِ [Address ye yourselves, &c., to become objects of the effusions of the mercy of God]; (O, K, TA;) occurring in a trad. (TA.) And hence the saying, تعرّض فِى شَهَادَتِهِ لِكَذَا He addressed himself, &c., (تصدّى,) in his testimony, to the mention of such a thing.(Msb.) It is likewise syn. with تصدّى in the saying, تعرّض لِى فُلَانٌبِمَكْرُوهٍ [Such a one addressed himself, &c., or attempted, to do me an abominable, or evil, action; or opposed himself to me with an abominable, or evil, action]. (Lth.) [In like manner also you say,] يَتَعَرَّضُ لِلنَّاسِ بِالشَّرِّ [He addresses himself, &c., to do to men evil; or he opposes himself to men with evil or mischief]. (S, K.) And مَا تَعَرَّضْتُ لَهُ بِسُوْءٍ [I did not address myself, or have not addressed myself, &c., to do to him evil]: and ↓ مَا عَرَضْتُ and ↓ مَا عَرِضْتُ are said to signify the same. (Msb.) [See 1.] You say also, تَعَرَّضْتُ أَسْأَلُهُمْ [I addressed myself,&c., to ask them]. (S, O. *) And جَآءَ فُلَانٌ يَتَعَرَّضُ, and يَتَضَرَّعُSuch a one came asking, or petitioning, to another, for a thing that he wanted. (Fr, in S, art.ضرع.) ― -b4- And تعرّض الرِّفَاقَ He asked the companies of travellers for what are termed عُرَاضَات[pl. of عُرَاضَةٌ, q. v.]. (TA.) ― -b5- تعرّض لِكَذَا [also signifies He exposed himself, or became exposed, to such a thing]. (S.) See 2, latter portion. ― -b6- Also تعرّض, [from عُرْضٌ,] He, or it, turned aside; turned from the right course or direction; syn. تَعَوَّجَ; (S, K, TA;) and زَاغَ: (TA:) his, or its, course, or march, was, or became, indirect, or oblique. (L, TA.) You say, تعرّضالجَمَلُ فِى الجَبَلِ The camel went to the right and left, [in, or upon, the mountain,] on account of the difficulty of the road, or way. (S, O, K.) And تَعَرَّضَتِ الإِِبِلُ المَدَارِجَ The camels went along the routes (فِى المَدَارِجِ) [المَدَارِجَ being in the accus. case because فى is understood, not that the verb is trans.] to the right and left;(A;) i. e., alternately to the right and left. (T in art. ثنى.) [See a verse cited voce تَصَدَّفَ, and its explanation.] Dhu-l-Bijádeyn, being guide to the Apostle, addressing his she-camel, said, “تَعَرَّضِى مَدَارِجًا وَسُومِى 
تَعَرُّضَ الجَوْزَآءِ لِلنُّجُومِ 
هٰذَا أَبُو القَاسِمِ فَا@سْتَقِيمِى 
” (S, O) Go thou along routes to the right and left, avoiding the rugged acclivities, [and continue thy course, or as expl. in the TA, art. سومpass along quickly,] (TA,) like as الجوزاء[Orionpasses along in the sky obliquely, or indirectly, in the disposition of its stars [with respect to the other stars: (see 3, towards the end:) this is Abu-l- Kásim; therefore go thou right]. (IAth, TA.) ― -b7- تعرّض الفَرَسُ فِى رَسَنِهِ i. q. اعترض, q. v. (TA.) You say also, of a camel, فِى سَيْرِهِ ↓ يَعْتَرِضُ [He inclines towards one side, in his march, or course; or goes obliquely,or inclining towards one side]. (K: and so in one copy of the S: in another copy of the S, يَتَعَرَّضُ. [See also 3, last quarter.]) ― -b8- تعرّض also signifies It (a thing) became infected, vitiated,or corrupted; and in this sense it is said of love: (TA:) [as though it turned from the right course, or direction; a signification mentioned before; and thus it is expl. in the S, as occurring in the phrase تعرّض وَصْلُهُ, in the Mo'allakah of Lebeed; or, thus used, it signifies] it (a person's attachment to another) became altered, so as to cease. (EM p. 149.) 6 تعارضا ذThey opposed each other. (Ibn-Maaroof, in Golius. [The verb is very often used in this sense.]) ― -b2- They fought, or combated, each other. (MA.) ― -b3- They did each like as the other did; they imitated each other: they vied, competed, or contended, each with the other; they emulated, or rivalled, each other: (TA in art. برى:) syn. تَبَارَيَا. (K in that art.) 8 اعترض ذ: see عَرَضَ, near the beginning, where these two verbs and اعرض and تعرّض, are said to be used as syn., app. in the senses expl. there and in the beginning of 5. ― -b2- [Hence,] اعترضعَلَيْهِ He opposed, resisted, or withstood, him, or it; syn. اِمْتَنَعَ. (MA.) [See 1 in art. شنف, in two places.] ― -b3- See also 5, second sentence. ― -b4- And see from عَرَضَ لَهُ as signifying “ it happened to him ” as far as the end of the sentence explaining اعترض الشَّىْءُ دُونَ الشَّىْءِاعترض signifies [It lay, or extended, breadthwise, across, transversely, athwart, sideways, obliquely, or horizontally: or so as to present an obstacle: or so intervened in any manner; as shown in the part last referred to, above: or rather it has both of these meanings; and in the former sense it is used, in the TA, art. حر, in describing the direction of an asterism, opposed to اِنْتَصَبَ: or, in other words,] it (a thing, S) became, (K,) or became an obstacle, (صَارَ عَارِضًا, S, O,) like a piece of wood lying across,or athwart, or obliquely, (مُعْتَرِضَةً,) in a channel of running water, (S, O, K,) or a road, (O, L,) and the like, preventing persons from passing along it. (L.) It is also said [of a collection of clouds appearing, or presenting itself, or extending sideways, or stretching along in the horizon like a mountain; see عَارِضٌ: and] of a building, or other thing, such as a trunk of a palm-tree, or a mountain, lying in a road: and as this prevents the passengers from passing along the road, it is used as signifying He, or it, prevented, or hindered: (O, K:) it is quasi-pass. of عَرَضَهُ. (K, * TA.) [And hence,] اُعْتُرِضَ عَنِا@مْرَأَتِهِ, (O, TA,) not اِعْتَرَضَ, as the K seems to indicate, (TA,) He was prevented from going in to his wife, by an obstacle that befell him, arising from the jinn, or genii, or from disease: (O, K, TA:) occurring in a trad. (TA.) ― -b5- [Hence,] اِعْتِرَاضٌ which is forbidden in a trad. [respecting horseracing] signifies A man's coming intermediately with his horse, in a part of the course, and so entering among the [otherhorses.(O, L, K.) [See also عَارَضَ الجِنَازَةَ.] ― -b6- [And hence,] اعترضالشَّهْرَ He commenced [the observances of] the month not from the beginning thereof. (S, O, K.) ― -b7- [اعترضت الجُمْلَةُ The clause intervened parenthetically. ― -b8- اعترض عَلَيْهِ He interposed in an argument, or the like, objecting against himsomething, by way of confutation]. And اعترض عَلَى أَحَدٍ مِنْ قَوْلٍأَوْفِعْلٍ He attributed to any one an error in respect of a saying or an action. (Har p. 687.) ― -b9- اعترض الفَرَسُ فِى رَسَنِهِ The horse was perverse, untoward, or intractable, [in his halter,to his leader; (S, A, O, K;) as also ↓ تعرّض . (TA. [See مُعْتَرِضٌ.]) And اِعْتَرِاضٌ in a man is The appearing and engaging in what is vain, or false, and refusing to obey the truth. (TA.) ― -b10-اعترضهُ He faced him, and advanced towards him: (Har p. 420) and اعترض عَرْضَهُ and عُرْضَهُ [has nearly, if not exactly, the same signification]: see عَرَضَ. And اعتراض also signifies The coming in upon any one: or entering upon an affair. (Har p. 687.) ― -b11- [اعترض لَهُ often means He presented himself, or advanced, or came forward, to him: and he addressed or betook himself, or advanced, or went forward, to it; namely, an action; like تعرّض له: see its syns. اِنْبَرَى and تَبَرَّى.] ― -b12- See also 5, second sentence. ― -b13- اعترض لَهُ بِسَهْمٍ He advanced towards him with an arrow, and shot at him, and slew him.(S, O, K.) ― -b14- اعترض لِلْمَعْرُوفِ: see 5. ― -b15- يَعْتَرِضُ فِى سَيْرِهِ: see 5, near the end. -A2- اعترض He rode while reviewing the army, or body of soldiers, or making them to pass by him and examining their state, (S, O, K,) عَلَى الدَّابَّةِ upon the beast.(S, O.) ― -b2- اعترض الجُنْدُ The army, or body of soldiers, was reviewed: (Mgh, L:) quasi-pass. of عَرَضَ الجُنْدَ [which signifies the same as the phrase next following]. (O, L, TA.) ― -b3-اعترض الجُنْدَ: and المَتَاعَ وَنَحْوَهُ and اعترضهُ عَلَى عَيْنِهِ: see عَرَضَ, last quarter. -A3- اِعترض عِرْضَهُ: and اعترض فُلَانًا: see عَرَضَ, last quarter. -A4- اعترض البَعِيرَ He rode the camel while refractory,or untractable, (S, O, K,) as yet. (K.) And اعترض العَرُوضَ He took the untrained she-camel in her untrained state. (TA. [In the original of this explanation is a mistranscription, which I have rectified in the translation; اخذعا for أَخَذَهَا.]) ― -b2- [Hence, app.,] اعترض فُلَانٌ الشَّىْءَ Such a one undertook the thing,or constrained himself to do it, it being difficult, or troublesome, or inconvenient. (IAth.) -A5- اعترض الشَّوْكَ (K, TA.) He ate the thorns: and الشَّوْكَ ↓ عَرَضَ , aor. عَرُضَ , inf. n. عَرَضَhe took and ate of the thorns: both said of a sheep or goat, or rather of a camel: (TA:) and [in like manner] one says of a camel, الشَّجَرَ ذَا الشَّوْكِ بِفِيهِ ↓ عَارَضَ : and the camel that does so is said to be ذُو عِرَاضٍ. (S, O, K.) -A6- See also 10, in five places. -A7- اعترض مِنْهُ [He accepted an equivalent, or a substitute, or compensation, for it]. You say, كَانَ عَلَى فُلَانٍ نَقْدٌ فَأَعْسَرْتُهُ فَا@عْتَرَضْتُمِنْهُ [Such a one owed a debt of money, and I demanded it of him when it was difficult for him to pay it, and I accepted an equivalent, &c., for it]: and اعترضوا مِنْهُ, referring to blood, when retaliation has been refused, means they accepted [قَبِلُوا, for which اقبلوا has been substituted by the copyists in the L and TA,] the bloodwit [as a compensation for it]. (L.) 10استعرض ذ : see عَرُضَ; second sentence. ― -b2- استعرضت النَّاقَةُ بِاللَّحْمِis like the phrase قُذِفَتْ بِاللَّحْمِ, (O, K, TA,) meaning The she-camel became fat and plump. (TA.) -A2- استعرضهُ He asked him to show, or exhibit, to him what he had. (S, TA.) ― -b2- استعرضالجَارِيَةَ He asked to show, or display, to him the girl on the occasion of sale. (Mtr, in Har p. 557.) -A3- استعرضها He came to her from the direction of her side. (TA.) ― -b2- [Hence, استعرضهُ also signifies, and so ↓ اعترضهُ , He betook himself to him or it, or he took him or it, or he acted with respect to himor it, without any direct aim, at random, or indiscriminately:and hence the phrase here following.] استعرض النَّاسُ الخَوَارِجَ and ↓اِعْتَرَضُوهُمْ The people went forth against the Khárijees not caring whom they slew. (Mgh.) And مَنْ لَقُوا ↓ لَا بَأْسَ بِأَنْ يَعْتَرِضُوافَيَقْتُلُوا [There will be no harm to them] in their taking without distinguishing who and whence he is him whom they find, and slaying. (Mgh.) And يَسْتَعْرِضُ الخَارِجِىُّ النَّاسَ The Khárijee slays men (S, O, K, * TA) in any possible manner, and destroys whomsoever he can, (TA,) without inquiring respecting the condition of any one, (S, * O, K, TA,) Muslim or other, (S, O, TA,) and without caring whom he slays. (TA.) And وَا@شْتَرِهِ مِمَّنْ ↓ اِعْتَرِضْهُ وَجَدْتَهُ وَلَا تَسْأَلْ عَمَّنْ عَمِلَهُ [Take thou it at random, or indiscriminately, and buy it of him whom thou findest, and ask not respecting him who made it]. (S, K.) And اِسْتَعْرَضَ يُعْطِى مَنْ أَقْبَلَ وَمَنْ أَدْبَرَ [He acted indiscriminately, giving to him who advanced and to him who retired]. (S.) And اِسْتَعْرِضِالعَرَبَ Ask thou whom thou wilt of the Arabs respecting such and such things. (S.) You say also, of land (أَرْض) in which is herbage, يَسْتَعْرِضُهَا المَالُ and ↓ يَعْتَرِضُهَا [The camels, or the like,depasture it [app. at randomwhen traversing it. (K.) عَرْضٌ ذBreadth; width; contr. of طُولٌ; (S, Mgh, O, Msb, K;) and i. q.سَعَةٌ; (K;) the mutual distance of the edges or sides of a thing: (Msb:) primarily relating to corporeal things, but afterwards used in relation to other things: [see عَرِيضٌ:] (TA:) this word as signifying the contr. of طول is the common source of derivation of the other words of this art., not withstanding their multitude: (O:) pl. [of pauc.] أَعْرَاضٌ (IAar, TA) and of mult. عُرُوضٌ and عِرَاضٌ. (TA.) It is said in the Kur [lvii. 21, وَجَنَّةٍ عَرْضُهَاكَعَرْضِ السَّمَآءِ والأَرْضِ And a paradise whereof the breadth, or width, is like the breadth, or width, of the heaven and the earth: and in iii. 127,] عَرْضُهَا السَّمٰوَاتُ والأَرْضُ [the breadth, or width, whereof is as the heavens and the earth]: and Ibn-'Arafeh observes that when the عَرْض is described as being much, it indicates that the طُول is much, for the latter is more than the former. (O, TA.) You say also, عَرَضَ عَرْضَهُ, and ↓ عُرْضَهُHe went towards him: [lit. towards his breadth, and his side.] (K.) And ذَهَبَ عَرْضًا وَطُولًا [He went wide and long]; (S, Msb, * K;) فِى الشَّىْءِ [in the thing]; (Msb;) and فِى المَكَارِمِ(tropical:) [in generous actions]. (TA.) And قَطَعَهُ عَرْضًا [He cut it breadthwise, or across, or crosswise]. (S in art. قط, &c.) And قَطَعَ الوَادِى عَرْضًا [He crossed the valley]; (S and K in art. جزع&c.;) and in like manner, الأَرْضَ [the land]. (K in that art.) And وَضَعَ العُودَ عَلَى الإِِنَآءِ بِالعَرْضِ [He put the stick upon the vessel breadthwise, or across, or crosswise]; (Msb;) i. q. مَعْرُوضًا. (TA.) ― -b2- [In geography, The latitude of a place.] ― -b3- The middle, or midst, of a thing: or عَرْضُ الشَّىْءِ signifies the thing itself. (TA.) See also عُرْضً, former half, and in three places towards the end. -A2- A mountain; (S, K;) as also ↓عَارِضٌ : (S, O, K:) or the former, the lowest part, or base, (سَفْح,) thereof; (S, K;) as also ↓ عُرْضٌ : (O, K:) and (so in the S, but in the K “ or ”) the side thereof; (S, K;) as also ↓ عُرْضٌ : (TA:) or the place whence, or whereby, (مِنْهُ,) a mountain is ascended:(K:) and ↓ عَارِضٌ , a lofty mountain: (TA:) pl. of the first, أَعْرَاضٌand عُرُوضٌ. (S, TA.) -A3- A collection of clouds: (K:) or a collection of clouds that obstructs the horizon: (S, K:) [see also عِرْضٌ and عَارِضٌ:] pl. عُرُوضٌ. (TA.) -A4- (assumed tropical:)An army: (O, K:) or a great army: (S, TA:) and ↓ عِرْضٌ also has the former signification: (K:) or the latter: (TA:) so called as being likened to a mountain; or to the clouds that obstruct the horizon: (S, TA:) pl. أَعْرَاضٌ. (TA.) ― -b2- جَرَادٌ عَرْضٌ(assumed tropical:) Numerous locusts; (S, O, K; *) likened to the clouds that obstruct the horizon; (TA;) as also ↓ عِرْضٌ : (K:) pl. of the former, عُرُوضٌ: (TA:) and ↓ عَارِضٌ also signifies a multitude of locusts; (S, O, TA;) and of bees: (TA:) as in the saying, مَرَّ بِنَا عَارِضٌ قَدْ مَلَأَ الأُفُقَ [There passed by us a multitude of locusts, or of bees, which had filled the horizon]: (S, O, TA:) so says Aboo-Nasr Ahmad Ibn-Hátim. (S, O.) -A5- A valley.(IDrd, K.) See also عِرْضٌ. -A6- [As inf. n. of عَرَضَ, it occurs in the phrases عَرْضَ عَيْنٍ and عَرْضَ العَيْنِ: see عَرَضَ الجُنْدَ.] You say also, نَظَرَ إِِلَيْهِ عَرْضَ عَيْنٍ (Th, A) He looked at, or examined, him,or it, having him, or it, before his eye; i. q. اِعْتَرَضَهُ عَلَى عَيْنِهِ. (TA.) And رَأَيْتُهُ عَرْضَ عَيْنٍ I saw him, or it, obviously; nearly.(TA.) [See also an ex. voce عَيْنٌ.] ― -b2- [يَوْمُ العَرْضِ is an appellation of The day of the last judgment.] -A7- A compensation; a substitute; a thing that is given or received or put instead of another thing: so, accord. to some, in the Kur iii. 127, quoted above: [but this is strange:] and so in the phrase عَرْضُ هٰذَا الثَّوْبِ كَذَا وَكَذَا [The compensation, or substitute, for this garment, or piece of cloth, is such a thing, and such a thing: but not necessarily; for عرض in this phrase may have the meaning first assigned to it above]. (TA.) See also what next follows. ― -b2- A commodity; or commodities, or goods;syn. مَتَاعٌ; (S, O, Msb, K;) as also ↓ عَرَضٌ ; accord. to Kz; (K;) which is the contr. of عَيْنٌ: (Mgh:) and the former, anything except silver and gold money, or dirhems and deenárs, (S, Msb, K,) which are termed عَيْنٌ: (S, Msb:) or any worldly goods or commodities except silver and gold money: (Mgh, * O, TA:) but ↓ عَرَضٌ , which see below, has a more comprehensive signification; everything that is termed عَرْضٌbeing included in عَرَضٌ, whereas everything that is termed عَرَضٌ is not عَرْضٌ: (TA:) the pl. of عَرْضٌ is عُرُوضٌ, (Msb,) which A'Obeyd explains as signifying the commodities, or goods, whereof none are meted in a measure nor weighed, and which are not animals, and do not consist in عَقَار [or immoveable property]. (S, O, Msb.) You say, اِشْتَرَيْتُ المَتَاعَ بِعَرْضٍI bought the commodity for a commodity like it. (S, O.) -A8-جَعَلَ الشَّىْءَ عَرْضًا لِلشَّىْءِ, or عَرَضًا, accord. to different copies of the K: see 2, in the latter half of the paragraph. -A9- سَأَلْتُهُ عَرْضَ مَالٍ: see عُرَاضَةٌ. -A10- عَرْضٌ also signifies Madness; insanity; or possession by jinn, or by a jinnee. (K, TA.) [See 1, last sentence.] -A11- مَضَى عَرْضٌ مِنَ اللَّيْلِ An hour, or a portion, of the night passed; syn. سَاعَةٌ. (K, * TA.) -A12- See also عَرْضٌ, with the unpointed صعُرْضٌ ذ A side; a lateral, or an outward, part, or portion; syn. جَانِبٌ, (S, Mgh, O, Msb, K,) and نَاحِيَةٌ, (S, O, Msb, K,) from whatever direction one comes to it, (S, O,) and شِقٌّ: (S, Mgh:) and so ↓ عِرْضٌ ; syn. نَاحِيَةٌ; of anything: (TA:) and ↓ عَارِضٌ , or ↓ عَارِضَةٌ , (accord. to different copies of the K,) or both; (TA;) syn. نَاحِيَةٌ: (K, TA:) and ↓ عَرُوضٌ ; syn. عَارِضَةٌ: (S, A, O, K:) and ↓ عِرَاضٌ ; syn. نَاحِيَةٌ, and شِقٌّ: (S, O, K:) [or] this last is pl. of عَرْضٌ; (Sgh, K;) or, accord. to the M, of عَرْضٌ as signifying the contr. of طُولٌ: and أَعْرَاضٌ is pl. [or is another pl.] of عُرْضٌ; and is also pl. of عِرْضٌ in the sense expl. above. (TA.) You say, عُرْضُ السَّيْفِ The side, or flat, (صَفْح,) of the sword. (K.) And عُرْضُ العُنُقِ The two sides of the neck: (K:) or each side of the neck. (TA.) [See also عَارِضٌ.] And عُرْضَا أَنْفِ البَعِيرِ The beginning of the part of the bone of the camel's nose which slopes downwards, in both its edges. (Az, TA.) And نَظَرَ إِِلَيْهِبِعُرْضِ وَجْهِهِ He looked at him with the side of his face [turned towards him]. (S, O.) And نَظَرَ إِِلَيْهِ عَنْ عُرْضٍ and ↓ عُرُضٍ He looked at him from one side. (S, O, K. *) And خَرَجُوا يَضْرِبُونَ عَنْعُرْضٍ (S, O, K *) They went forth smiting the people from one side, in whatever manner suited, (S, O,) not caring whom they smote. (S, O, K.) And اِضْرِبْ بِهِ عُرْضَ الحَائِطِ Strike thou with it indiscriminately any part that thou findest of the wall: (S, O, Msb, TA:) or the side thereof. (TA.) And أَلْقِهِ فِى أَىِّ أَعْرَاضِ الدَّارِشِئْتَ Throw thou it in any side, or quarter, of the house which thou wilt. (TA.) And خُذْهُ مِنْ عُرْضِ النَّاسِ, and ↓ عَرْضِهِمْ , Take thou him from any side of the people which thou wilt. (TA.) And أَوْصَى أَنْ يُنْفِقَ عَلَيْهِ مِنْ عُرْضِ مَالِهِ He enjoined that he should expend upon him, or it, of any part of his property indiscriminately.(Mgh.) And فُلَانٌ مِنْ عُرْضِ العَشِيرَةِ Such a one is of the collateral class of the kinsfolk, or tribe; not of the main stock thereof.(Mgh.) And عَرَضَ عُرْضَهَHe went towards him: [lit. towards his side.] (K.) See also عَرْضٌ, near the beginning. And مِنَ الطَّرِيقِ↓ أَخَذَ فِى عَرُوضٍ (S, * K) He took to one side of the way. (S, * TA.) And سِوَى هٰذِهِ ↓ خُذْ فِى عَرُوضٍ Take thou to a side other than this.(A.) And أَخَذَ مَا تُعْجِبُنِى ↓ فُلَانٌ فِى عَرُوضٍ (S, A) Such a one took to a way and side not pleasing to me. (S.) [عَرُوضٌ, it will be observed, is fem.] And سِرْتُ ↓ فِى عِرَاضِهِ I went along over against him. (A.) And القَوْمِ ↓ سِرْنَا فِى عِرَاضِ We went along not facing the people, or company of men, but coming to them from their side. (TA.) And Aboo-Dhueyb says, “ أَمِنْكِ بَرْقٌ أَبِيتُ اللَّيْلَأَرْقُبُهُ 
الشَّامِ مِصْبَاحُ ↓ كَأَنَّهُ فِى عِرَاضِ 
” (S, * TA,) i. e. [Is there lightning proceeding from thee, which I pass the night watching, as though it were a lampin the side, or region, of Syria? (S.) ― -b2- See also عَرْضٌ, as signifying the “ lowest part, or base, of a mountain; ” and the “ side thereof. ” [And see شَفَقٌ, last sentence but one.] ― -b3- The middle, or midst, of a river or rivulet or the like, (O, K,) and of the sea, (K,) and of men or people, and of a story or tradition; and ↓ عَرْضٌ signifies the same, of men or people, &c.: (TA:) and the former, the main part of men or people; as also ↓ the latter; and of a story or tradition; (K;) as also ↓ عِرَاضٌ , (TA, and so in some copies of the K,) and ↓ عُرَاضٌ . (TA, and so in some copies of the K.) You say, رَأَيْتُهُ فِى عُرْضِ النَّاسِ I saw him among the people: (S, O:) and some of the Arabs say, النَّاسِ ↓ رَأَيْتُهُ فِىعَرْضِ , meaning فِى عُرْضٍ; (Yoo, S, O, TA;) or meaning I saw him in the midst of the people; (TA;) or, as also النَّاسِ ↓ فِى عُرُضِ , in the middle portions of the people; or, as some say, in the surrounding portions of the people. (Msb.) And فُلَانٌ مِنْ عُرْضِالنَّاسِ Such a one is of the common people, or vulgar. (S, K. *) ― -b4- كُلِ الجُبْنَ عُرْضًا [Eat thou cheese indiscriminately; or] take thou cheese at random, or indiscriminately, and buy it of him whom thou findest, not asking respecting him who made it,(As, S, O, K,) whether it be of the making of the people of the Scriptures, or of the making of the Magians. (As, S, O.) -A2-نَاقَةٌ عُرْضُ أَسْفَارٍ: and عُرْضُ هٰذَا البَعِيرِ السَّفَرُ وَالحَجَرُ: see عُرْضَةٌ, last two sentences but one. -A3- أَعْرَاضُ الكَلَامِ: see مِعْرَاضٌ. [But whether اعراض in this phrase be pl. of عُرْضٌ, or whether it have any sing., I know not.] ― -b2- See also عُرُضٌعِرْضٌ ذ : see عُرْضٌ, first signification. ― -b2- Also The side of a valley, and of a بَلَد [i. e. country or the like, or town or the like]: (K: [in the CK, بلد is in the nom. case, which I think a mistake:]) or (as some say, TA) a part, region, quarter, or tract, (K, TA,) and the low groundor land, (TA,) of, or pertaining to, either of these: (K, TA:) pl. أَعْرَاضٌ. (TA.) ― -b3- A valley in which are towns, or villages, and waters: (O, K:) or in which are palm-trees: (K:) or a valley containing many palms and other trees: (TA:) or any valley in which are trees: (S, O:) [see also عَرْضٌ, explained as applied to a valley:] pl. as above, (S,) and عُرْضَانٌ. (TA.) ― -b4-أَعْراضُ الحِجَازِ The towns, or villages, of El-Hijáz: (K:) or these, (TA,) or the أَعْرَاض, (S, O,) are certain towns, or villages, [with their territories; i. e. certain provinces, or districts;between El-Hijáz and El-Yemen: (S, O, TA:) and some say that أَعْرَاضُالمَدِينَةِ is applied to the towns, or villages, that are in the valleys of El-Medeeneh: (TA:) or the low lands of its towns,or villages, where are seed-produce and palm-trees: so says Sh: (O, TA:) the sing. is عِرْضٌ. (K.) ― -b5- And عِرْضٌ, (S, O,) or أَعْرَاضٌ, (K,) which is its pl., (TA,) signifies [The trees calledأَرَاك (S, O, K) and أَثْل (S, O) and حَمْض. (S, O, K.) -A2- Also A great cloud, (K, TA,) appearing, or presenting itself, or intervening, (يَعْتَرِضُ,) in the horizon. (TA.) [See عَرْضٌ and عَارِضٌ, which signify nearly the same.] -A3- I. q. عَرْضٌ, q. v., as signifying (assumed tropical:) An army: (K:) or a great army:(TA:) ― -b2- and as signifying (assumed tropical:) Numerous locusts. (K.) -A4- One's self; syn. نَفْسٌ; (S, O, Msb, K;) i. e. نَفْسُرَجُلٍ. (IKt.) You say, أَكْرَمْتُ عَنْهُ عِرْضِى I preserved myself from it.(S, O.) And فُلَانٌ نَقِىُّ العِرْضِ Such a one is [pure in respect of himself; or] free from reproach; (S, O;) or from fault, or vice,or the like. (S, Msb.) And in the same sense it occurs in the saying of Abu-d-Dardà, أَقْرِضْ مِنْ عِرْضِكَ لِيَوْمِ فَقْرِكَ [Lend thou from thyself for the day of thy poverty: but see art. قرض]: and in other instances. (TA.) ― -b2- The body; syn. جَسَدٌ, (IAar, S, O, K,) or بَدَنٌ: (IKt, Az:) pl. أَعْرَاضٌ. (Az, S.) So in the description of the people of Paradise, (Az, S,) in a trad., (Az,) إِِنَّمَا هُوَ عَرَقٌ يَجْرِىمِنْ أَعْرَاضِهِمْ [It is only sweat which flows from their bodies]. (Az, S, O.) ― -b3- The skin. (Ibráheem El-Harbee, O, K.) ― -b4- Any place of the body that sweats: (O, K:) so in the trad. cited above: (TA:) or any part of the body such as the arm-pit and the groin and the like. (A'Obeyd.) ― -b5- The odour of the body, (S, O, K,) and of other things, (S, O,) whether sweet or foul. (S, O, K.) You say, فُلَانٌ طَيِّبُ العِرْضِ [Such a one is sweet in respect of odour], and مُنْتِنُ العِرْضِ [foul in respect of odour]; and سِقَآءٌ خَبِيثُ العِرْضِ a stinking water-skin, or milk-skin; from A'Obeyd. (S, O.) ― -b6- A man's honour, or reputation, (جَانِبُهُ,) which he preserves from impairment and blame, both as it relates to himself and to his حَسَب [or grounds of pretension to respect on account of the honourable deeds or qualities of his ancestors, &c.]: (IAth, O, K:) or whether it relate to himself or to his ancestors or to those of whose affairs the management is incumbent on him: (K:) or a subject of praise, and of blame, of a man, (Abu-l-'Abbás, IAth, O, K,) whether it be in himself or in his ancestors or in those of whose affairs the management is incumbent on him: (IAth:) or those things by the mention whereof with praise or dispraise a man rises or falls; which may be things whereby he is characterized exclusively of his ancestors; and it may be that his ancestors are mentioned in such a manner that imperfection shall attach to him by reason of the blaming of them. respecting this there is no disagreement among the lexicologists, except IKt [whose objection see in what follows]: (Abu-l-'Abbás, O:) or (accord. to some, S) grounds of pretension to respect on account of the honourable deeds or qualities of one's ancestors, &c., (حَسَبٌ, S, Msb, K,) and eminence, or nobility,(شَرَفٌ,) in which one glories. (K.) You say, فُلَانٌ كَرِيمُ العِرْضِ Such a one is generous, or noble, in respect of حَسَب: and هُوَ ذُو عِرْضٍ he is a possessor of حَسَب; and of شَرَف. (TA.) ― -b7- Sometimes, Ancestors are meant by it. (A'Obeyd, K.) Thus you say, شَتَمَ فُلَانٌعِرْضَ فُلَانٍ, meaning Such a one spoke evil of the ancestors of such a one. (A'Obeyd.) And فُلَانٌ جَرِبُ العِرْضِ Such a one is base,or ignoble, in respect of ancestry. (TA.) IKt disallows this signification, asserting عِرْضٌ to have no other signification than those of a man's نَفْس and his بَدَن: (O, * TA:) but I Amb says that this is an error; as is shown by the saying of Aboo-Miskeen Ed-Dárimee, “ رُبَّ مَهْزُولٍ سَمِينٌ عِرْضُهُ 
وَسَمِينِ الجِسْمِ مَهْزُولُ الحَسَبْ 
” in which عِرْض cannot be syn. with بَدَن and جِسْم, for, were it so, it would involve a contradiction; the meaning being only Many a person meagre in respect of his body is noble [or greatin respect of his ancestry; [and fat in respect of the body, meagre in respect of grounds of pretension to honour on account of the honourable deeds or qualities of his ancestors, &c.:] and by Mohammad's using the expression دَمُهُوَعِرْضُهُ; for if عِرْض were [here] syn. with نَفْس, it had sufficed to say دمه without عرضه. (O, TA.) ― -b8- Also A natural disposition that is commended. (IAth, K.) ― -b9- And A good action. (TA.) -A5- Also One who speaks evil of men (يَعْتَرِضُهُمْfalsely; (O, K;) applied to a man: and so with عِرْضَنٌ applied to a woman: (O, K: *) so too ↓ ة applied to a man, and with عَرْضَنٌto a woman. (TA.) عَرَضٌ ذ A thing that happens to, befalls, or occurs to, a man; such as disease, and the like; (S, O, K;) as disquietude of mind, and a state of distraction of the mind or attention: or a misfortune, such as death, and disease, and the like: (TA:) or an event that happens to a man, whereby he is tried: (As:) or a thing that happens to a man, whereby he is impeded; such as disease, or a theft: (Lh:) or a bane, or cause of mischief, that occurs in a thing; as also ↓ عَارِضٌ : (TA:) [both signify also an accident of any kind:] pl. أَعْرَاضٌ. (TA.) ― -b2- A thing's befalling, or hitting, unexpectedly. (O, K. [I follow the reading of the O, which is that of the K as given in the TA, and of my MS. copy of the K, أَنْ يُصِيبَ الشَّىْءُ عَلَى غِرَّةٍ; in preference to that in the CK, أَنْ تُصِيبَ الشَّىْءَ عَلَى غِرَّةٍ.]) You say, أَصَابَهُ سَهْمُ عَرَضٍ (S, A, O, K *) and سَهْمٌ عَرَضٌ, (A, TA,) and حَجَرُ عَرَضٍ (S, O) and حَجَرٌعَرَضٌ, (TA,) [A random arrow, and a random stone, or] an arrow, and a stone, aimed at another, hit him: (S, O, K:) such as hits, or falls upon, a man without any one's shooting it, or casting it, is not thus termed. (L.) And مَا جَآءَكَ مِنَ الرَّأْىِ عَرَضًا خَيْرٌمِمَّا جَآءَكَ مُسْتَكْرَهًا, i. e. [The opinionthat comes to thee without consideration, or thought, [is better than that which comes to thee forced.] (TA.) And عُلِّقْتُهَا عَرَضًا I became attached to her (S, O, K) accidentally, or unintentionally, (S, O,) in consequence of her presenting herself to me (ISk, S, O, K) as a thing occurring without my seeking it. (ISk.) [See an ex., in a verse of Antarah, cited in the first paragraph of art. زعم; and another, in a verse of El-Aashà, cited in the first paragraph of art. علق.] ― -b3- A thing that is not permanent: (Mgh, O, B, K.) so in the conventional language of the Muslim theologians: (Mgh:) opposed to جَوْهَرٌ: (TA:) or hence metaphorically applied by the Muslim theologians to (tropical:) a thing that has not permanence unless in, or by, the substance; [i. e., in the language of old logicians, an accident; an essential, and an accidental (as meaning a non-essential), property, or quality; or what modern logicians call a mode; whether it be, in their language, an essential mode or an accidental mode;which latter only they term “ an accident; ”] as colour, and taste: (B:) or, in the conventional language of the Muslim theologians (المُتَكَلِّمُون [expl. in the TA as signifying “ the philosophers, ” from whom, however, they are generally distinguished]), a thing that subsists in, or by, another thing;(O, K;) as colours, and tastes, and smells, and sounds, and powers, and wills: (O: [and the like is said in the Msb:]) or, in philosophy, a thing that exists in its subject, or substance, and ceases therefrom without the latter's becoming impaired or annihilated; and also such as does not cease therefrom: the former kind being such as tawniness occasioned by an altered state of the body, and yellowness of complexion, and motion of a thing moving; and the latter kind, such as the blackness of pitch, and of [the beads calledسَبَجand of the crow. (L.) ― -b4- [Hence, An appertenance of any kind. ― -b5- Hence also,] The frail goods (حُطَامof the present world or state; (As, O, K;) and what a man acquires thereof: (As, O:) [so called as being not permanent:] or worldly goods or commodities, (AO, Msb,) of whatever kind, are thus called, with fet-h to the ر: (AO:) and any property or wealth, little or much, (S, O, K,) is thus called, (K,) or is called عَرَضُ الدُّنْيَا. (S, O.) See also عَرْضٌ, expl. as signifying “ a commodity, ” or “ commodities ” or “ goods. ” One says, الدُّنْيَا عَرَضٌ حَاضِرٌ يَأْكُلُ مِنْهَا البَرُّوَالفَاجِرُ [The world is a present frail good: the righteous and the unrighteous eat thereof]: (S, O, TA:) i. e. it has no permanence: a trad. related by Sheddád Ibn-Ows. (TA.) And in another trad. related by the same, it is said, لَيْسَ الغِنَى عَنْ كَثْرَةِالعَرَضِ إِِنَّمَا الغِنَى غِنَى النَّفْسِ [Richness is not from the abundance of worldly goods: richness is only richness of the soul]. (O, TA.) One says also, قَدْ فَاتَهُ العَرَضُ, (Yoo, S, L,) and ↓ العَرْضُ , but the former is the more approved, (L,) [The property, &c., (but see another meaning below,) had escaped him], which is from عَرْضُ الجُنْدِ, [see عَرَضَ,] like as one says قَبَضَ قَبْضًا and قَدْ أَلْقَاهُ فِىالقَبَضِ: (Yoo, S:) [which seems to indicate that عَرَضٌ properly signifies مَعْرُوضٌ, like as قَبَضٌ signifies مَقْبُوضٌ.] ― -b6- Booty; spoil. (O, K.) So in the Kur ix. 42: (O:) or it there signifies ― -b7- i. q. مَطْلَبٌ [app. meaning A thing sought, or desired; and object of desire; rather than a place where a thing is sought]. (TA.) ― -b8- I. q. طَمَعٌ [app. meaning A thing that is eagerly desired, or coveted: and also eager desire; or covetousness]. (AO, O, K.) So explained by some as occurring in the saying قَدْفَاتَهُ العَرَضُ, mentioned above. (TA.) And the following verse is also cited as an ex., “ مَنْ كَانَ يَرْجُو بَقَآءً لَا نَفَادَ لَهُ 
فَلَا يَكُنْ عَرَضُ الدُّنْيَا لَهُ شَجَنَا 
” [Whoso hopeth for continuance without cessation, let not the eager desire of worldly goods be to him a cause of anxiety]. (O, TA.) ― -b9- A gift. (TA.) See also عُرَاضَةٌ. ― -b10-هُوَ عَلَى عَرَضِ الوُجُودِ signifies عَلَى إِِمْكَانِهِ [app. meaning It is in the condition of possibility of existence; for على seems to be here used in the sense of فِى, as in some other instances]; from أَعْرَضَلَهُ meaning “ it became within his power, ” &c. (Mgh.) And one says, هُوَ بِعَرَضٍ أَنْ يَضِيعَ [He is exposed, or liable, to perish]. (Mgh voce ضَيَاعٌ.) ― -b11- جَعَلَ الشَّىْءَ عَرَضًا لِلشَّىْءِ, or عَرْضًا, accord. to different copies of the K: see 2, in the latter half of the paragraph, in two places. عُرُضٌ ذ , (L, TA,) in the K, erroneously, ↓ عُرْضٌ , (TA,) A certain manner of going along,(K, TA,) towards one side, (TA,) approved in horses, but disapproved in camels. (K, TA.) ― -b2- نَظَرَ إِِلَيْهِ عَنْ عُرُضٍ: ― -b3- and رَأَيْتُهُ فِى عُرُضِ النَّاسِ: see عُرْضٌعُرْضَةٌ ذ is of the measure فُعْلَةٌ in the sense of the measure مَفْعولٌ, like قُبْضَةٌ; (Bd, ii. 224;) and is applied to A thing that is set as an obstacle in the way of a thing: (Bd, TA:) and also to a thing that is exposed to a thing:(Bd:) or that is set as a butt, like the butt of archers. (TA.) You say, جَعَلْتُ فُلَانًا عُرْضَةً لِكَذَا, meaning نَصَبْتُهُ لَهُ; (S, O, K; *) i. e. I set such a one as an obstacle to such a thing: or as a butt for such a thing. (TA.) And هُوَ لَهُ دُونَهُ عُرْضَةٌ He is an obstacle to him intervening in the way of it. (S, O.) And فُلَانٌ عُرْضَةٌ لِلنَّاسِ Such a one is [a butt to men; i. e.] a person whom men cease not to revile: (S, O, Msb, K:) or a person to whom men address themselves to do evil, and whom they revile. (Az, TA.) And هُمْضُعَفَآءُ عُرْضَةٌ لِكُلِّ مُتَنَاوِلٍ They are weak persons; persons who offer themselves as a prey to any one who would take them. (TA.) And it is said in the Kur [ii. 224], وَلَا تَجْعَلُوا ا@للّٰهُ عُرْضَةً لِأَيْمَانِكُمْ أَنْتَبَرُّوا وَتَتَّقُوا وَتُصْلِحُوا بَيْنَ النَّاسِ, (S, * &c.,) meaning نَصْبًا; (S, TA;) admitting the two significations of an obstacle and a butt:(TA:) i. e. And make not God an obstacle between you and that which may bring you near unto God, &c.: (O, K:) or make not God an obstacle to the performance of your oaths to be pious (O, Bd) and to fear God and to make reconciliation between men: or make not God an obstacle, because of your oaths, to your being pious &c.: (Bd:) or make not the swearing by God an obstacle to your being pious [&c.]: (Fr:) and Zj says the like of this: (L:) or عُرْضَةٌ signifies interventionwith respect to good and evil; (Abu-l- 'Abbás, O, K;) and the meaning is, do not intervene by swearing by God every little while so as not to be pious &c.: (O, K, * TA:) or make not God an object of your oaths, by ordinary and frequent swearing by Him, (Bd,) or a butt for your oaths, like the butt of archers, (TA,) in order that ye may be pious &c.; for the habitual swearer emboldens himself against God, and is not pious &c.: (Bd:) or, as some say, the meaning is make not the mention of God a means of strengthening your oaths. (TA.) You say also, هٰذَا عُرْضَةٌ لَكَ as meaning This is a thing prepared for thy common, or ordinary, use. (O, TA.) ― -b2- A purpose; an intention; or an object of desire, or of endeavour; [as though it were a butt;] syn. هِمَّةٌ. (S, O, K.) Hassán says, (S, O,) i. e. Ibn-Thábit, (O, TA,) “ وَقَالَ ا@للّٰهُ قَدْ يَسَّرْتُ جُنْدًا 
هُمُ الأَنْصَارُ عُرْضَتُهَا اللِّقَآءُ 
” [And God said I have prepared an army: they are the Ansár; whose purpose, or the object of whose desire, is conflict with the unbelievers]. (S, O, TA. [In one copy of the S, in the place of يَسَّرْتُ, I find أَعْدَدْتُ, which signifies the same.]) ― -b3- A pretext; an excuse. (MA.) ― -b4- One says also, فُلَانٌعُرْضَةُ ذَاكَ, (S, O,) or عُرْضَةٌ لِذَاكَ, (S, O, K,) Such a one is possessed of the requisite ability and strength for that: (S, O, K:) and عُرْضَةٌ لِلشَّرِّ possessed of strength to do evil, or mischief: and in like manner عُرْضَةٌ is applied to two things, and to more. (TA.) And فُلَانَةُ عُرْضَةٌ لِلزَّوْجِ (S, O, K) Such a female is possessed of sufficient strength for the husband; [i. e., to be married;] (TA;) or لِلنِّكَاحِ for marriage. (A.) And نَاقَةٌ عُرْضَةٌ لِلْحِجَارَةِ A she-camel having strength enough for [going upon] the stones. (S, O, K.) And [in like manner] أَسْفَارٍ ↓ نَاقَةٌ عُرْضُ A she-camel having strength sufficient for journeys. (S, O, K. *) And هٰذَاالبَعِيرِ السَّفَرُ وَالحَجَرُ ↓ عُرْضُ (S, O, K) The strength of this camel is sufficient for journeying and for going over stone. (IB.) -A2-عُرْضَةٌ also signifies A kind of trick, or artifice, in wrestling, (S, O, K,) by which one throws down men. (S, O.) عَرْضِىٌّ ذ [in the CK عَرْضٰىA kind of cloths or garments. (S, O, K.) ― -b2- And Certain of the appertenances (مَرَافِق, O, K) and chambers (O) of the house: a word of the dial. of El-'Irák: (O, K:) unknown to the Arabs. (O.) عُرْضِىٌّ ذ A camel that goes obliquely, or inclining towards one side, because not yet completely trained: (S, O, K:) or submissive in the middle part [or body, so as to be easy to ride, butdifficult of management: and perverse, untoward, or intractable: and with ة, a she-camel not completely trained: (TA:) or difficult to manage; refractory. (S, O, K.) See also عَرُوضٌ. ― -b2- One who does not sit steadily, or firmly, upon the saddle; (IAar, O, K;) inclining at one time this way, and at another time that way. (IAar, O.)يَمْشِى بِالعَرْضِيَّةِ ذ , and ↓ بِالعُرْضِيَّةِ , the latter from Lh, He goes sideways. (TA.) عُرْضِيَّةٌ ذ : see what next precedes. Refractoriness, and a random or heedless manner of going, by reason of pride: in a horse, the going sideways: and in a she-camel, the state of being untrained: (TA:) and in a man, [so expressly shown in the S and TA; but in the CK, قِيلَ is erroneously put for فِيكَ;] what resembles roughness, ungentleness, or awkwardness; want of due care, by reason of haste; (syn. عَجْرَفِيَّةٌ;) and pride; and refractoriness. (AZ, S, O, K.) -A2- [See also عَرْضِىٌّ.] عِرَضَّى ذ , with fet-h to the ر; (O;) or عِرِضَّى, like زِمِكَّى; (K;) Briskness, liveliness, or sprightliness.(IAar, O, K. [See also عِرَضْنَةٌ.]) ― -b2- And [app. for ذُو عِرَضَّى] meaning also Brisk, lively, or sprightly. (TA. [See, again, عِرَضْنَةٌ.]) عِرْضَنٌ ذ ; fem. with ة: see عِرْضٌ, last sentence. عِرَضْنَةٌ ذAn oblique course or motion: (A'Obeyd, L, TA:) and briskness, liveliness, sprightliness: and عِرِضْنَةٌ signifies the same. (TA. [See also عِرَِضَّى.]) One says, يَمْشِى العِرَضْنَةَ and ↓ العِرَضْنَى He goes along with a proud gait, (S, O, K,) inclining towards one side,(S, O,) by reason of his briskness, liveliness, or sprightliness.(S, O, K.) And ↓ تَعْدُو العِرَضْنَى and العِرَضْنَةَ and العِرَضْنَاةَ [perhaps correctly العِرَضْنَاتَShe (a mare) runs in a sidelong manner, one time in one direction and another time in another. (O, TA.) And يَعْدُو العِرَضْنَةَ He (a man) runs so that he outstrips. (L, TA.) And نَظَرْتُ إِِلَى فُلَانٍ عِرَضْنَةً I looked towards such a one from the outer angle of my eye. (S, O, K. *) The dim. of ↓ عِرَضْنَى is ↓عُرَيْضِنٌ ; the ن being retained because it is a letter of quasi-coordination, and the ى suppressed because it is not such. (S, O.) ― -b2- Also, [app. for ذَاتُ عِرَضْنَةٍ,] A she-camel that goes along obliquely, (S, O, K,) by reason of briskness, liveliness,or sprightliness: pl. عِرَضْنَاتٌ. (S, O. [See, again, عِرَضَّى.] But A'Obeyd disallows the application of this epithet to a she-camel. (TA in art. عرضن.) ― -b3- And A woman that has become broad by reason of her fatness and plumpness. (TA.)عِرَضْنى ذ : see the next preceding paragraph, in three places.عُرَاضٌ ذ : see عَرِيضٌ, in four places: -A2- see also عُرْضٌ, in the latter half of the paragraph. عِرَاضٌ ذ : see عُرْضٌ, in the first sentence, and again, in four places, in the latter half of the paragraph. ― -b2- أَخَذَ فِى عِرَاضِ كَلَامِهِ He began to say the like of that which he [another] had said: or, as in the O, he matched him, and equalled him, by saying the like of what he had said. (TA.) [See also عَرُوضٌ.] ― -b3- Also A certain brand; (S, O, K;) or, (K,) accord. to Yaakoob, (S, O,) a line upon the thigh of a camel, crosswise; (S, O, K;) or upon the neck, crosswise.(Ibn-Er-Rummánee, TA.) ― -b4- And An iron with which the feet of a camel are marked in order that his foot-prints may be known. (O, K.) عَرُوضٌ ذ : see عُرْضٌ, first sentence, and three of the examples which follow it, near the middle of the paragraph: ― -b2- see also عَارِضٌ, in the sentence commencing with “ The side of the cheek. ” ― -b3- Also A road in a mountain: (S:) or in the side, or lowest part, (عُرْض,) of a mountain, (O, K,) or, as some say, a part thereof lying across,or obliquely, (مَا ا@عْتَرَضَ مِنْهُ, TA,) in a narrow place: (O, K:) and a road down a descent, or declivity: (TA:) or [simply] a road: (Ham p. 346:) pl. عُرُضٌ (TA) and أَعَارِيضُ. (Ham ubi suprà.) Hence the phrase in a trad. of Aboo-Hureyreh, فَأَخَذَ فِىعَرُوضٍ آخَرَ (assumed tropical:) And he took another way of speech. (TA.) ― -b4- The place that is over against one, or on the opposite side to one, as he goes along. (S, O, K.) -A2- A she-camel that takes to a side, or tract, different from that which her rider would traverse; for which reason this epithet is applied to her: (O:) or that goes to the right and left, and does not keep to the road: (IAth:) or that has not been trained: (S, O, K:) or that has received some training, but is not thoroughly trained: (ISk:) or such as is termed ↓ عُرْضِيَّة , stubborn in the head, but submissive in her middle part; that is loaded; and then the other loaded camels are driven on; and if a man ride her, she goes straight forward, and her rider has not the power of exercising his own free will [in managing her]. (Sh.) To such a camel, 'Omar likened a class of his subjects. (TA.) And 'Amr Ibn-Ahmar El-Báhilee says, “أُخِبُّ ذَلُولًا أَوْ عَرُوضًا أَرُوضُهَا 
” [I make a submissive one to go the pace termed خَبَبor an untrained one I train]; meaning that he recites two poems; one of which he has made easy, and the other whereof is difficult: J gives a different reading, أُسِيرُ عَسِيرًا, meaning أُسَيِّرُ; with the same explanation that is given above, of the former reading. (IB, O.) ― -b2- A camel, (S, O, TA,) in the K, erroneously, a sheep or goat, (TA,) that eats the thorns (S, O, K, TA) when herbage is unattainable by him. (S, O.) ― -b3- And i. q. عَتُودٌ [A yearling goat, &c.]. (TA [See also عَرِيضٌ.]) -A3- Also i. q. كَثِيرٌ, (Ibn-'Abbád, O, K,) [as meaning A large quantity or number] of a thing [or of things], (K.) [or large in number,] as in the phrase حَىٌّ عَرُوضٌ [A tribe large in number]. (Ibn-'Abbád, O.) -A4- And Clouds; syn. سَحَابٌ; (Ibn-'Abbád, O, K;) and غَيْمٌ. (K.) -A5- And Food. (Fr, O, K.) -A6- عَرُوضُ كَلَامٍ The meaning, or intended sense, of speech; syn. فَحْوَاهُ, (ISk, S, O, K,) and مَعْنَاهُ: (ISk, S, O:) as also كَلَامٍ ↓ مِعْرَاضُ , (K,) of which the pl. is مَعَارِيضُ and مَعَارِضُ. (TA.) One says عَرَفْتُ ذَٰلِكَ فِى عَرُوضِ كَلَامِهِ [I knew that in the intended sense of his speech]; (ISk, S, O;) and كَلَامِهِ ↓ فِى مِعْرَاضِ ; (A, O;) and in like manner, مَعَارِضِ كَلَامِهِ: (L, TA:) and عَرَفْتُهُ فِى كَلَامِهِ ↓ مِعْرَاضِ and فى لَحْنِ كلام and فى نَحْوِ كلامهsignify the same. (Msb.) [See also مِعْرَاضٌ.] -A7- هٰذِهِ المَسْأَلَة عَرُوضُهٰذِهِ This question is the like of this. (TA.) [See also عِرَاضٌ.] -A8-عَرُوضٌ also signifies The transverse pole or piece of wood(عَارضَةwhich is in the middle of a tent, and which is its main support. (Aboo-Is-hák.) ― -b2- And hence, (Aboo-Is-hák,) The middle portion [or footof a verse; (Aboo-Is-hák, O;) for the بَيْت of poetry is constructed after the manner of the بَيْتinhabited by the Arabs, which is of pieces of cloth; and as the عروض of the latter is the strongest part, so should that of the former be; and accordingly we see that a deficiency in the ضَرْبis more frequent than it is in the عروض: (Aboo-Is-hák:) the last foot of the first half or hemistich (S, K) of a verse; (S;) whether perfect or altered: (K:) some make it to be the طَرَائِقof poetry, and its عَمُود: (TA:) [i. e. they liken it to these parts of the tents:] it is fem.: (K:) or sometimes masc.: (L:) the pl. is أَعَارِيضُ; (S, O, K;) contr. to rule, as though pl. of إِِعْرِيضٌ; and one may use as its pl. أَعَارِضُ. (S, O.) ― -b3- Also [The science of prosody, or versification;] the science of the rules whereby the perfect measures of Arabic verse are known from those which are broken; (Msb;) the standard whereby verse is measured: (S, O, K:) because it is compared (يُعَارَضُ) therewith: (S, O:) or because what is correct in measure is thereby distinguished from what is broken: (K: [in which some other reasons are added, too futile, in my opinion, to deserve mention: I think it more probable that عروض is used by a synecdoche for شِعْرٌ, as being the most essential part thereof; and then, elliptically, for عِلْمُ العَرُوضِ, which is the more common term for the science:]) it is fem.; and has no pl., because it is a gen. n. (S, O.) -A9- See also عَارِضَةٌ; second and two following sentences. -A10- العَرُوضُ is a name of Mekkeh and El-Medeeneh, (S, O, Msb, K, TA,) and El-Yemen, (Msb, TA,) with what is around them. (S, O, K, TA.) عُرُوضٌ ذ [thus app., but written without any vowel-sign to the ع,] The quality, in a she-camel, of being untrained. (L, TA. [See عَرُوضٌ, near the beginning.]) عَرِيضٌ ذ Broad, or wide; (S, Mgh, O, Msb, K; *) as also ↓ عُرَاضٌ ; (S, O, K;) like as one says كَبِيرٌand كُبَارٌ: (S, O:) fem. of the former, (S, Msb,) and of the latter, (S, K,) with ة: (S, Msb, K:) the pl. of عَرِيضٌ is عِرَاضٌ, like as كِرَامٌ is pl. of كَرِيمٌ. (Msb.) You say, عُرَاضَةٌ and ↓ عُرَاضَةٌ [A broad, or wide, bow]. (S.) And ↓ عُرَاضَاتٌ , (TA,) or أَثَرًا ↓ عُرَاضَاتٌ , in which the latter word is in the accus. case as a specificative, (S, O, TA,) meaning Camels whose foot-marks are broad. (S, O, TA.) And فُلَانٌ عَرِيضُ البِطَانِ (assumed tropical:) Such a one is rich; or in a state of competence: (A, TA:) or possessed of much property. (S, * O, K, * TA. [See also art. بطن.]) And عَرِيضُالقَفَا (tropical:) Fat: (TA:) or (assumed tropical:) stupid. (Mgh.) And عَرِيضُ الوِسَادِ (tropical:) Sleepy: (TA:) or (assumed tropical:)stupid, dull, or wanting in intelligence. (Msb in art. وسد.) دُعَآءٌعَرِيضٌ, occurring in the Kur [xli. 51], means (assumed tropical:) Large, or much, prayer, or supplication: (K, * TA:) or in this instance we may say long. (L.) -A2- Also A goat (As, O, K) that is a year old, (K,) or about a year old, (As, O,) and that takes [or cropsof the herbage (As, O, K) and trees [or shrubs] (As, O) with the side of his mouth: (K:) or (O, K) such as is termed عَتُود [q. v.], (S, O,) when he rattles, and desires copulation: (S, O, K:) or a [young] goat above such as is weaned and below such as is termed جَذَع [q. v.]: or such as has pastured and become strong: or such as is termed جَذَع: or a young goat when he leaps the female: it is applied only to a male: the female is termed عَرِيضَةٌ: with the people of El-Hijáz it means peculiarly such as is gelded: it is also applied to a gazelle that has nearly become a ثَنِىّ [q. v.]: (TA:) pl. عِرْضَانٌand عُرْضَانٌ. (S, O, K.) عُرَاضَةٌ ذ A present: what is brought to one's family: (S, O, K:) called in Persian رَاه آوَرْد: (S:) a present which a man gives when he returns from his journey: (TA:) such as a man gives to his children when he returns from a journey: (Sgh, TA:) and what is given as food by the bringer,or purveyor, of wheat, or corn, of the said wheat, or corn: (S, O, K:) what a person riding gives as food to any one of the owners of waters who asks him for food. (As.) You say, اِشْتَرِعُرَاضَةً لِأَهْلِكَ Purchase thou a present to take to thy family. (S, O.) And سَأَلْتُهُ عُراضَةَ مَالٍ and مَالٍ ↓ عَرْضَ and مَالٍ ↓ عَرَضَ [I asked him for a present of propertyفَلَمْ يُعْطِنِيهِ [and he did not give it to me]. (L.) [See also Ham p. 103, l. 8.] [ عَرُضِىٌّ ذ Of, or relating to, prosody, or the art of versification. A prosodist.عُرَيْضِنٌ ذdim. of عِرَضْنَى, q. v., voce عِرَضْنَةٌ. (S, O.) عَرُوضَاوَاتٌ ذ Places in which grow أَعْرَاض [pl. of عِرْضٌ] i. e. the [trees calledأَثْل andأَرَاك and حَمْض. (TA.) عِرِّيضٌ ذ Forward; officious; meddling; a busybody: (TA in art. تيح:) one who addresses himself to do evil to men. (S, O, K.) عَارِضٌ ذ [Showing its breadth, or width;(see عَرَضَ, first signification;) or] having its side apparent:(TA:) and [in like manner] ↓ مُعْرِضٌ , q. v., anything showing its breadth, or width: [or its side:] (TA:) [and hence, both signify appearing. (See again عَرَضَ.)] ― -b2- A collection of clouds appearing, or presenting itself, or extending sideways, (↓مُعْتَرِضٌ ,) in the horizon; (S, O, K;) overpeering: (TA:) or a collection of clouds which one sees in a side of the sky, like that which is termed جُلْبٌexcept that the former is white, whereas the latter inclines to blackness, and is narrower than the former, and more distant: (AZ:) or a collection of clouds that comes over against one (مُعَارِضًاin the sky, unexpectedly: (El-Báhilee, O:) or a collection of clouds that appears, or presents itself, or extends sideways, (يَعْتَرِضُ,) in the sky, like as does a mountain, before it covers the sky, is called سَحَابٌ عَارِضٌ, and also حَبِىٌّ: (As, O:) pl. عَوَارِضُ. (TA.) [See also عَرْضٌ and عِرْضٌ.] In the phrase عَارِضٌ مُمْطِرُنَا, in the Kur [xlvi. 23], ممطرنا means مُمْطِرٌ لَنَا; for as being determinate it cannot be an epithet to عَارِضٌ, which is indeterminate: and the like of this the Arabs do only in the instances of nouns derived from verbs; so that you may not say هٰذَا رَجُلٌ غُلَامُنَا. (S, O.) ― -b3- See also عَرْضٌ, in the sentence commencing with “ A mountain, ” in two places: ― -b4- and again, shortly after. ― -b5- A gift appearing (As, S, O, K) from a person. (As, S, O.) [See an ex. voce عَائِضٌ.] ― -b6- [Happening; befalling; occurring: an occurrence; as a fever, and the like. (See عَرَضَ لَهُ.)] A bane, or cause of mischief, that occurs in a thing; as also عَرَضٌ, q. v. (TA.) And ↓ شُبْهَةٌ عَارِضَةٌ A doubt, or dubiousness, occurring, or intervening, in the mind. (TA.) In the saying of 'Alee, يَقْدَحُ الشَّكُّفِى مِنْ شُبْهَةٍ ↓ قَلْبِهِ بِأَوَّلِ عَارِضَةٍ , the word عارضة may perhaps be an inf. n., [or a quasi-inf. n.,] like عَاقِبَةٌ and عَافِيَةٌ: (TA:) [so that the meaning may be Doubt makes an impression upon his heart at the first occurrence of dubiousness.] ― -b7- Whatever faces one, of a thing: (TA, and so in some copies of the K: in other copies of the K, this signification is given to ↓ عَارِضَةٌ :) or anything facing one. (O.) ― -b8- Intervening; preventing: an intervening, or a preventing, thing; an obstacle: (TA:) a thing that prevents one's going on; such as a mountain and the like. (Msb.) [Its application to a cloud, and some other applications to which reference has been made above, may be derived from this signification, or from that next preceding, or from the first.] ― -b9- I. q. عُرْضٌ, in the first of the senses assigned to this latter above; as also ↓ عَارِضَةٌ . (The former accord. to some copies of the K: the latter accord. to others: but both accord. to the TA.) ― -b10- What appears, of the face, (K,) or of the mouth, accord. to the L, (TA,) when one laughs. (L, K, TA: but in some copies of the K, and in the O, this signification is given to ↓ عَارِضَةٌ .) ― -b11- The side of the cheek (K, TA) of a man; (TA;) as also ↓ عَارِضَةٌ ; (O, L, K;) the two sides of the two cheeks of a man being called the عَارِضَانِ, (Msb, TA,) or the ↓ عَارِضَتَانِ : (S:) the two sides of the face: (Lh, O, K:) or the side of the face; as also ↓ عَرُوضٌ ; the two together being called the عَارِضَانِ: (Lh, TA:) or this last signifies the two sides of the mouth: or the two sides of the beard: pl. عَوَارِضُ. (TA.) خَفِيفُ العَارِضَيْنِ means Light, or scanty, in the hair of the two sides of the cheeks, (S, O, Msb,) and of the beard; (O;) being elliptical. (Msb.) But in a certain trad., in which a happy quality of a man is said to be خِفَّةُ عَارِضَيْهِ, the meaning is said to be (tropical:) His activity in praising and glorifying God; i. e. his not ceasing to move the sides of his cheeks by praising and glorifying God. (IAth, on the authority of El-Khattábee; and O.) ― -b12- The side of the neck; (K;) the two sides thereof being called the عَارِضَانِ: (IDrd, O:) pl. as above. (TA.) [See also عُرْضٌ, near the beginning.] ― -b13- The tooth that is in the side of the mouth: (TA; and K, as in some copies of the latter; but in other copies, this signification is given to ↓ عَارِضَةٌ:) pl. as above: (K:) or the side of the mouth; (S;) and so, as some say, عَوَارِضُ; (TA;) [meaning the teeth in the side of the mouth; for] you say اِمْرَأَةٌ نَقِيَّةُ العَارِضِ, (S,) and العَوَارِضِ, (TA,) a woman clean in the side of the mouth: (S, TA:) and Jereer describes a woman as polishing her عَارِضَانِ with a branch of a beshámeh, [a tree of which the twigs are used for cleaning the teeth,] meaning, as Aboo-Nasr says, the teeth that are after the central incisors, which latter are not of the عوارض: or, accord. to ISk, عَارِضٌ signifies the canine tooth and the ضِرْس[or bicuspidnext thereto: or, as some say, what are between the central incisor and the [firstضرس [which is a bicuspid]: (S, O:) some say that the عوارض are the central incisors, as being [each] in the side of the mouth: others, that they are the teeth next to the sides of the mouth: others, that they are four teeth next to the canine teeth, and followed by the أَضْرَاس: Lh says that they are of the اضراس: others, that they are the teeth that are between the central incisors and the اضراس: and others, that they are eight teeth in each side; four above, and four below. (TA [from the O &c.].) -A2- عَارِضٌ as applied to a she-camel, or a sheep or goat: see the paragraph next following. -A3- Giving a thing, or the giver of a thing, in exchange, for (مِنْ) another thing. (TA.) ― -b2- A reviewer of an army, or of a body of soldiers, who makes them to pass by him, and examines their state. (S.) -A4- See also the next paragraph; last three sentences. عَارِضَةٌ ذ : see عَارِضٌ, in eight places, from the sentence commencing with شُبْهَةٌ عَارِضَةٌ. ― -b2-A want; an object of need: (S:) and [in like manner] ↓ عَرُوضٌ a want, or an object of need, that has occurred to one: (S, O, K:) pl. of the former عَوَارِضُ. (S.) ↓ عَرُوض has the signification above assigned to it in the saying, فُلَانٌ رَكُوضٌ بِلَا عَرُوضٍ [Such a one is running without any want that has occurred to him]. (S, O. [In the K, in the place of ركوض, we find رَبُوضٌ, which I think a mistake.]) [In Freytag's Arab. Prov. i. 555, we find ↓رَكُوضٌ فِى كُلِّ عَرُوضٍ , which is expl. as meaning Running swiftly in every region; and said to be applied to him who disseminates evil, or mischief, among men.] -A2- A she-camel having a fracture or a disease, (S, O, K,) for which reason it is slaughtered; (S;) as also ↓ عَارِضٌ : (O, K:) and in like manner, a sheep or goat: (TA:) pl. عَوَارِضُ. (S.) It is opposed to عَبِيطٌ, which is one that is slaughtered without its having any malady. (S, O.) One says, بَنُو فُلَانٍ لَا يَأْكُلُونَ إِِلَّا العَوَارِضَ [The sons of such a one do not eat any but camels such as are slaughtered on account of disease]; reproaching them for not slaughtering camels except on account of disease befalling them. (S, O.) ― -b2- عَوَارِضُ, applied to camels, also signifies That eat the [trees calledعِضَاه, (S, L,) wherever they find them. (L.) -A3- [A thing lying, or extending, across, or athwart; any cross piece of wood &c.: so in the present day.] ― -b2- The [lintel, or] piece of wood which holds the عِضَادَتَانِ [or two side-posts], above, of a door; corresponding to the أُسْكُفَّة [or threshold]; (S, L;) the upper piece of wood in which the door turns. (O, K. [In some copies of the latter, this signification is erroneously given to عَارِضٌ.]) The عَارِضَتَانِ of a door are also [said to be] the same as the عِضَادَتَانِ. (TA, voce عَتَبَةٌ.) ― -b3- A [rafter, or] single one of the عَوَارِض of a roof: (S, O, K: [but in some copies of the last, and in the TA, this signification is erroneously given to عَارِضٌ:]) the عوارض of a house are the pieces of wood of its roof, which are laid across; one of which is called عَارِضَةٌ: and عَارِضٌ [a mistranscription for عَوَارِضُ] also signifies the سَقَائِف [or pieces of wood which form the roofof a [vehicle of the kind calledمَحْمِل. (L.) -A4- Also, (S, and so in some copies of the K,) or ↓ عَارِضٌ , (as in other copies of the K,) or both, (TA,) Hardiness: (S, K, TA:) and this is what is meant by its being said, in [some copies of] the K, that عَارِضٌ is also syn. with عَارِضَةٌ; (TA;) [for in some copies of the K, after several explanations of العَارِضُ, we find وَالعَارِضَةُ وَالسِّنُّ الَّتِى فِى عُرْضِ الفَمِ; whereas, in other copies, the و before السِّنُّ is omitted:] courage; or courage and energy: (S, K, TA:) power of speech:(S:) perspicuity, or chasteness, of speech; and eloquence: (K, TA:) or the former signifies intuitive knowledge (بَدِيهَةٌ): or determination, resolution, or decision: (A:) and the trimming of speech or language, and the removal of its faults: and good judgment. (TA.) You say, فُلَانٌ ذُو عَارِضَةٍ (AZ, IDrd, S, O, TA) Such a one is possessed of hardiness; (S, TA;) as also ↓ ذوعَارِضٍ ; (TA;) and of courage, or courage and energy; and of power of speech: (S:) or of eloquence, (AZ, IDrd, O,) and perspicuity, or chasteness, of speech. (IDrd, O.) And فُلَانٌ شَدِيدُالعَارِضَةِ Such a one is hardy; (Kh, O, TA;) as also ↓ شَدِيدُ العَارِضِ ; (TA;) and courageous, or courageous and energetic. (Kh, TA.)أَعْرَاضُ الكَلَامِ ذ : see مِعْرَاضٌ. ― -b2- أَعْرَاضٌ is pl. of عَرْضٌ and of عُرْضٌand of عِرْضٌ and of عَرَضٌ. ― -b3- أَعْرَاضُ الشَّجَرِ means The upper parts of the trees [or shrubs]. (K.) مَعْرِضٌ ذ The place of the appearance, [or occurrence,] and of the showing, or exhibiting, or manifesting, and of the mentioning, and of the intending, or purposing, of a thing. (Msb.) You say, قَتَلْتُهُ فِىمَعْرِضِ كَذَا I slew him in the place of the appearance [or occurrence &c.] of such a thing. (Msb.) And ذِكْرُ ا@للّٰهِ إِِنَّمَا يَكُونُ فِىمَعْرِضِ التَّعْظِيمِ The praise and glorification of God is only in the place [or caseof the appearance, [or of the manifesting,] and of the intending, or purposing, of magnifying. (Msb.) [And hence, فِى مَعْرِضِ كَذَا also signifies In the time, or case, or on the occasion, of the appearance, &c., of such a thing. And In the state, or condition, or manner, which is indicative of such a thing: thus virtually agreeing with the phrase فِى مِعْرَضِ كَذَا, q. v. infrà.] ― -b2- Also A place for the sale of slaves or beasts.(MA.) -A2- And Pasturage that renders the cattle in no need of their being fed with fodder. (TA.) مُعْرِضٌ ذ Anything showing its breadth, or width; [or its side; as also ↓ عَارِضٌ .] (TA. See the latter word.) [And hence, Appearing, as also the latter.] And i. q. مُعْتَرِضٌ [app. as signifying Presenting itself; or occurring]. (Sh.) And Anything putting its breadth, or width,[or side, (as is shown by an explanation of أَعْرَضَ,)] in one's power. (TA.) You say, الشَّىْءُ مُعْرِضٌ لَكَ, meaning The thing is in thy power; apparent to thee; not offering resistance to thee.(IAth, O. *) ― -b2- And طَأْ مُعْرِضًا حَيْثُ شِئْتَ [Tread thou or] put thy feet where thou wilt, fearing nothing, for it is in thy power to do so. (S, O.) ― -b3- اِدَّانَ مُعْرِضًا (occurring in a saying of 'Omar, K, or, as some relate it, دَانَ مُعْرِضًا, K in art. دين,) means He bought upon credit, or borrowed, or sought or demanded a loan, [doing so (TA)] of whomsoever he could,(AZ, S, A, Mgh, O,) not caring what might be the consequence: (S, O:) or addressing himself to any one who came in his way: (Sh, K:) or turning away from such as said Thou shalt not buy on credit, or borrow: (IAth:) or avoiding payment: (TA:) or from any quarter that was easy and practicable to him, without caring, (O, K,) and without being perplexed: (O:) or he incurred the debt without caring for not paying it, or for what might be the consequence: (As:) or he contracted a debt with every one who presented himself to him: (K in art. دين:) Sh says that the making معرضا to signify مُمْكِنًا is improbable; because it is in the accus. case as a denotative of state with respect to [the agent implied in the verb] ادّان; and if you explain it as meaning he took it from him who enabled him, then معرضا applies to him whom he accosts, for he is the ممكن; [he suggests also, that the meaning may be he bought upon credit, or borrowed, largely; for] he adds that معرضا may be from أَعْرَضَ ثَوْبُ المَلْبَسِ, signifying اِتَّسَعَ and عَرُضَ. (TA.) ― -b4- أَرْضٌ مُعْرِضَةٌ, or مُعْرَضَةٌ, (K, TA, [the former only in the CK,]) means Land wherein is herbage which the camels, or the like, depasture [app. at randomwhen traversing it. (O, K.) -A2- See also مُعَرِّضٌ, last sentence. مِعْرَضٌ Garments in which girls are displayed: (S:) or a garment in which a girl is displayed: (O, K:) or a garment in which girls are displayed on the wedding-night; which is the goodliest of their apparel, or of the goodliest thereof: (Msb:) and a garment in which a girl is shown, or displayed, to the purchaser: (TA:) or the shirt in which a male slave, and a girl, is shown, displayed, exposed, or offered for sale. (Har p. 129.) [And hence, فِى مِعْرَضِ كَذَا (assumed tropical:) In the guise of such a thing, used tropically, virtually agreeing with the phrase فِى مَعْرِضِ كَذَا in a sense expl. above.] See also مِعْرَاضٌ, last sentence but one. مُعَرَّضٌ ذ [pass. part. n. of 2, q. v.] Camels (نَعَمٌbranded with the mark called عِرَاض. (S, O, K.) -A2- Also Flesh-meat not well and thoroughly cooked: (ISk, S, O, K:) occurring in a verse (S, O) of Es-Suleyk Ibn-Es-Sulakeh, (O,) as some relate it; but accord. to others it is with ص; (S, O;) and this latter is the more correct. (O.) -A3- مُعَرَّضَةٌ A virgin before she is veiled, or concealed: for she is once exhibited to the people of the tribe in order that some one or more may become desirous of her, and then they veil her, or conceal her. (TA.) مُعَرِّضٌ ذ [act. part. n. of 2, q. v.]. A poet describes a she-camel carrying dates, and having outgone the other camels, so that the crows, or ravens, alighted upon her, and ate the dates, as being مِنْ مُعَرِّضَاتِ الغِرْبَانِ, as though she were of those feeding the crows, or ravens, of what is termed عُرَاضَة, q. v. (S.) -A2- Also the circumciser of a boy: (K:) [or] so ↓ مُعْرِضٌ . (O:) مِعْرَاضٌ ذAn arrow having no feathers (As, S, Mgh, O, Msb, K) nor head, (As,) slender at the two extremities, and thick in the middle, (O, K,) being in form like the wooden implement wherewith cotton is separated from its seeds, or is separated and loosened [by striking therewith the string of a bow], (O, TA,) which goes sideways, (Mgh, [in the O and TA, مُسْتَوِيًا, app. a mistranscription, for مُسْتَعْرِضًا,]) striking with its عَرْض [or middle part, unless this be a mistake for عُرْض, or side], (Mgh, [in my copy of which, عرض is without any vowel-sign,] and K,) not with its extremity: (Mgh, K:) sometimes, it strikes with its thick middle part in such a manner that it breaks and crushes what it strikes so that it is like the thing that is beaten to death; and if the object of the chase be near to it, it strikes it with the place of the head thereof: if it make a hole, the game smitten with it may be eaten; but not if it strike with a middle part (بِعَرْضٍ). (O, TA.) -A2- An oblique, indirect, obscure, ambiguous, or equivocal, mode of speech; as when thou askest a man, “ Hast thou seen such a one? ” and he, having seen him, and disliking to lie, answers, “ Verily such a one is seen: ” (Msb:) from عَرَّضَ [q. v.]: (Msb, El-Munáwee: the latter in explaining a trad., q. v. infrà:) i. q. تَوْرِيَةٌ [signifying as above; or the pretending one thing and meaning another; or the using a word, an expression, or a phrase, which has an obvious meaning, and intending thereby another meaning to which it applies but which is contrary to the obvious one]; the original meaning of which is concealment: (Msb:) or language whereof one part resembles another in the meanings: (O, TA: [in the TA immediately follows the exemplification cited above, from the Msb; whence it seems that this explanation is itself somewhat of a معراض, meaning what it does not clearly express:]) or المَعَارِيضُ فِى الكَلَامِ [thus, with the pl. form, in two copies of the S, and in the TA,] signifies التَّوْرِيَةُ بِالشَّىْءِ عَنِ الشَّىْءِ [the pretending, or making believe, a thing instead of another thing]: (S:) and مَعَارِضُ الكَلَامِand ↓ أَعْرَاضُهُ signify the same as مَعَارِيضُهُ. (TA.) [مَعَارِضُ is a contraction of مَعَارِيضُ, like as مِعْرضٌ is said to be of مِعْرَاضٌ when syn. therewith.] It is said in a prov., (S,) a trad., (TA,) إِِنَّ فِىالمَعَارِيضِ لَمَنْدُوحَةً عَنِ الكَذِبِ [Verily, in oblique, indirect, obscure, ambiguous, or equivocal, modes of speech is ample scope, freedom, or liberty, (سَعَةٌ, S,) to avoid lying; or, as is said in the L in art. ندحthat which renders one in no need of lying]. (S, Msb.) One says also, عَرَفْتُهُ فِى مِعْرَاضِ كَلَامِهِ, expl. voce عَرُوضٌwhich see in three places, and كَلَامِهِ ↓ فِى مِعْرَضِ , rejecting the ا: this latter is said by some of the learned to be a metaphorical expression, from مِعْرَضٌ signifying the “ garment in which girls are displayed, ” as though the meaning were (tropical:) [I knew itin the form, or manner, and guise, and mould, of his speech; but this does not obtain in all kinds of speech; for it may not be said in cases of reviling; indeed it would be bad, in these cases, to use as a metaphor the garment of adornment: therefore the proper way is to say that مِعْرَضٌ is a contraction of مِعْرَاضٌ. (Msb.) One also says الأَلْفَاظُ مَعَارِيضُ المَعَانِى (tropical:) [Words are the robes of meanings]: and this phrase also is [said to be] taken from مِعْرَضٌ signifying the “ garment in which a girl is displayed; ” because words adorn meanings. (TA.)مُعَارِضٌ ذ A camel that does not go straightly in the file, or series, but takes to the right and left: (A:) or a she camel such as is termed عَلُوقthat makes a show of affection with her nose [by smelling her young one], (تَرْأَمُ بِأَنْفِهَا,) and refuses to yield her milk. (AA, O, K.) سَحَابٌ مُعْتَرِضٌ فِى الأُفُقِ ذ : i. q. عَارِضٌ, q. v. ― -b2- [جُمْلَةٌ مُعْتَرِضَةٌ A parenthetic clause.] ― -b3- فُلَانٌ مُعْتَرِضٌ فِىخُلُقِهِ [Such a one is habitually cross, or perverse, in his disposition, in every case,] is said of a man when everything of his affairs displeases thee. (TA.) ― -b4- هَوًى مُعْتَرِضٌ Love that befalls at first sight, and captivates the heart at once unless it quit it quickly as it seized it quickly. (Ham p. 551.)