Meanings, statistics and Root and perception infolded. [for detailed study open in separate window] |
o Beginning is with Allah's personal name Ar'Reh'maan Who is The Fountain of Infinite Mercy. |
And you people engage, only in the cause of Allah, with those only who have waged war against you people [society/state] and you people should not transgress limits/reasonableness. Indeed Allah does not appreciate and approve for nearness those who transgress/go beyond prescribed limits/rationality. [2:190] [Please reflect on it, Muslim state can never be the first to use mass destructive weapons] [And in the cause of Allah engage with those only who have waged war against you people] and engage in war with them wherever they confront you in combat and drive them out from the place [Mecca, with reference to the point in time] from where they had driven you out. And spreading irritation/disturbance/disquiet/intellectual deflections/dismembering unity and harmony/liquefying the community is far greater/serious matter than individual murder.
[reverting from parenthetic to the main point] And you avoid war in the precincts of Sacred Mosque unless they attack you within it. For reason of attack upon you, therefore [it is not disrespect to the sanctity of Sacred Mosque] you fight them back.
This is the response/return for disbelievers. [2:191] As a sequel to your retaliation, if they desist [a full fledged war, you ignore], thereat/since Allah is indeed Oft-forgiving/overlooking faults, the Merciful. [2:192] And [if they don't stop] you reciprocally fight with them conclusively till tumult no more remains there and the System-Code of Conduct prevails exclusively for Allah. For reason [of defeat, surrender] if they desist/end hostility, thereat/in consequence, no unrestrained attitude is allowed except requital upon those who are mischievous/distorters. [2:193] A month of sanctity can be respected/honoured if its respect/dignity is also possessed by the other party, and all sanctities/rights are to be followed up to conclusion/adjudged [in the manner of exactly following footsteps]. In consideration of this, if someone had done with you people unrestrained act/wrong, therefore [in keeping with the principle of "al-horo'maa'to qisa'suen"] you may [if you can't pardon/ignore] inflict upon him similar excess as he had inflicted upon you. And you people consciously incline yourselves to remain mindful and cautious avoiding unrestrained conduct in reverence and fear of Allah and remember that Allah is with those who persistently are mindful and cautious avoiding unrestrained conduct. [2:194]
And you people spend your financial resources [for seeking His attention and Mercy] in the cause of Allah and you should not cast yourselves into self ruin with your own hands [by keeping fists closed as is done by Muna'afiqeen-9:67]; and you consciously adopt a balanced, graceful and generous conduct/approach towards others. It is a fact that Allah appreciates/loves/acknowledges those people who are moderate, graceful and generous. [2:195] And [the purpose for which you had come] you conclude the Hajj and Sacred Visitation [Uemraa] for Allah. However, if you have restrained [only, not hostility/waging of war by enemy] thereat what sacrifice is available with you [brought for the purpose, send it to place of slaughter] and you people should not shave your heads until they/sacrificial mammal reach the destined point/consumed-distributed. If anyone of you people cannot adhere to it for reason of being sick or has trouble with regard to his head [necessitating shave or avoidance of shaving] thereby an absolver is due upon him of choice from fasting or to gift something to needy or do any good act. For reason [if war was waged on its ending; or if simply restrained then on striking of a compromise/agreement] when you have attained peace and security then any one, who wish to avail the benefit of uemraa visit towards Hajj, shall sacrifice what is available to him. Anyone who does not find to comply with this injunction he will fast for three days in Mecca and for seven days on return [to native place]. This will make fast for 10 days completely. This injunction is for him who is non-resident of Sacred Mosque. and you people consciously incline yourselves to remain mindful, cautious avoiding unrestrained conduct in reverence and and fear of Allah. And you people should know/be aware that Allah is watchful/examines matters minutely till conclusion. [2:196] The Hajj is in the limited Days [composite comprising day and night] which are famous-a matter of common knowledge/information [known from centuries, therefore need not be mentioned]. Therefore any one who has "cut off, alienated, secluded, isolated-undertaken obligation" in these days for Hu'j, then for this reason [having put on eharaa'm/Hu'j dress] engaging in matrimonial relations/sex affairs/all sorts of sex related excitement is allowed nor any sort of un-restrained/abnormal act and neither any sort of purposeless debating/wrangling is permissible during Hu'j. And that which, you people should initiatively perform from deeds of better import, Allah will certainly acknowledge and make it known [since He is eternally and always watching the affairs]. And you people take along necessary provisions [for journey/sojourn]. For reason/result wise, the best provision is the heedful, mindful and restrained conduct in reverence and fear of Allah. And you always remain focusing on Me, O you the people who look into matters objectively/find the end purpose/objective of creation. [2:197]
And there is nothing wrong for you people in that you make effort for seeking the sustenance of your Sustainer Lord [in congregation at Mina and Arafat, not afterwards];
thereat/for reason, when you disperse from Arafat [at dusk] then be busy in the remembrance of Allah near by Mash'aril-Haraa'm (Muzdalifah). And remember and mention Him for having made you guided [by giving Grand Qur'aan].
and it is a fact that, before that guidance/Grand Qur'aan, you people were in the state of being among the neglectful. [2:198]
Afterwards [expiry of night] you people move out from the place from where other people are moving out and incline yourselves to self accountability to seek bucketing/protection/forgiveness of Allah for lapses/ omissions, since it is a fact that Allah is certainly the oft Forgiving/Overlooking, The Merciful. [2:199]
For reason/thereat when you people have completed your physical acts of Hajj, thereupon repetitively mention the Glory and Praises of Allah enthusiastically like as you people recall and mention your forefathers in public, or talk about Him with more vigor, magnanimity and pride [since whatever great mention you might consider it will never be exaggeration but always be lacking by under mention of His Magnanimity].
For reason, there is one from people who asks this, in kingly style, "Our Sustainer Lord, give us the comforts in this World". And mind it that any sort of share will not be there for him in the Hereafter. [2:200]
And there is one from amongst people who [for self and others] prays, "Our Sustainer Lord! Give us the best in this world and give us the best in the hereafter, and You save us from the torment of Hell fire". [2:201] They are the people for whom the allotment is secure from that which they had earned [since their acts will not go in waste]. And beware that Allah is the swiftest in accounting/measuring/judging/evaluating/reckoning. [2:202] And you people praise Allah [at Mina] during the appointed full days [comprising day and night] For reason of hurrying back in two days there is no wrong upon such person, and who postponed his departure for that there is no wrong upon him too. This is for one who did it consciously in the cause of Allah [not personal considerations of commerce]. And you people consciously incline yourselves to remain mindful and cautious avoiding unrestrained conduct in reverence and fear of Allah. And be aware that you people will be gathered/resurrected to be held accountable by Him. [2:203]