Time Bound Protocol of Servitude and Allegiance
It is a prerequisite for recognition as brother in Islam.
The proclamation of belief subjects the person
to the Constitution:
Code of Conduct. Thereby, he becomes
the member of the fraternity

a fraternity that voluntarily submits to the prescribed discipline of
establishing state of peace, security, tranquillity and dynamic balance for all.
All its members are
a brotherhood.
However, there are also
Believers. They are
not the brethren in Islam. The tangible identification of
true believers is disclosed:
Allah the
Exalted and His Messenger [Sal'lallaa'hoalaih'wa'salam]
are the only protector and patron of you the believers; and those are
companion who have proclaimed acceptance of belief:
Only such of them who
stand for the performance of As-sa'laat:
Time Bound Protocol of Servitude and allegiance;
Az-zakat: financial liability for
economic uplift of society;
And they are
the people who kneel.
Subject to and subsequent to their having returned from the
belief of plurality of gods; and they stood
for performing
Time Bound Protocol of Servitude and allegiance;
and they paid Az-zaka'at: financial
liability for economic uplift of society:
Thereby they are your brethren
in the System of Life: Islam.
Realize it; Our Majesty
passages of Grand Qur'aan demarcating, categorizing,
delineating and individuating all aspects for the people who are in
pursuit of knowledge. [9:11]
consciously and purposely proclaim declarations
of having become believers in Allah the Exalted, the Last Day and the
Messenger Sal'lallaa'hoalaih'wa'salam as a
protective shield and deception [Refer
58:16 and
Indeed the
Imposter Believers seek
by contrary to fact verbal
proclamation to beguile Allah the Exalted.
While the fact is that He the Exalted lets them engulfed in their
deceptive perception by leaving them as discarded/condemned.
And when they get up to
join the Ass-sa'laat congregation they stand
reluctantly and irritant with heavy heart. They just stand for
feigning to people that
they are believers.
And they do not
remember Allah the Exalted except occasionally. [4:142]
- And they not come to
join the Ass-sa'laat congregation: Time Bound Protocol of Servitude and
allegiance except in the manner
that they are reluctant and irritant with heavy heart.
[Ref 9:54]
Thereby, regret and vow
is the eventuality for certain
performers of As-sa'laat: Time
bound protocol of servitude and allegiance—
Who are neglectful
and heedless of their Sa'laat—[107:05]
occasionally come for it only feigning to people; [107:06]
And they cause hindrance
even in freely-ordinarily
available things of public use and refuse giving trivial value things to
others. [107:07]
Time Bound Protocol of Servitude and allegiance is the first and mandatory
tangible evidence to support ones verbal proclamation of having voluntarily
accepted the Belief:
It reflects him as the member of:

fraternity of Muslims.