Sent in project program on 5-1-2018
Quran Project for google. It is the text in which more than 1.5 billion people have interest.
It is commonly believed that classic Arabic of Quran is complex.
The fact is otherwise.
It is simple, precise, mathematical and easy to teach the machine.
The built-in translation system indicated in Quran is like a computer reads from the revolving hard disk.
Quran has given the keys even for cross checking the accuracy of translated text in the target language.
Quran is written in encyclopedic style and has built in lexicon for its important words and terms.
It introduces a frame for building background knowledge on each concept - ontology.
It is written strictly according to academic rules.
Its translation system exactly matches the translation system followed by human cell to decode the protein encoding gene of Messenger RNA.
Its sentences are like genes and its grammatical units are like codons.
As the codon has complementary anti-codon to insert a specific amino acid in the protein, Arabic too has a triplet "anti-codon" for exact translation of a grammatical unit. For searching exact meanings is the triplet schema, Root, Pattern (Morphology) Syntax - collocates.
The human gene has a start codon and end codon.
Likewise, Arabic of Quran has specific start word which also determines the end word of preceding sentence.
Quran has employed a very small vocabulary, all nouns and words stem from only 1648 Roots.
All nouns can be visually recognized as noun by last vowel mark of the word.
I have critically worked on Quran for 20 years 15 hours daily. I do not know the computer technology. I can provide the databank and can segment the entire text at granular level. Perhaps this will be a program that will need the most small number of tokens. For accurate translation by google, the input should be by sentences. I have already parsed the text of Qur'aan by sentences.
Mazhar A. Nurani .