Proper Noun (Diptote) - Fir'aoun - Pharaoh
a King with acute Narcissistic personality disorder
There must be something especial and unique to this King:
than all the kings who preceded him in history - that in the category of
Proper Nouns his Name - Title finds mention in Qur’ān 74 times which is
second maximum number of mentioning, first being the name of his
contemporary, the elevated Messenger
[Moses alai'his'slaam]
that numbers 136 times.
In this study, we will discuss the personality traits of Fir'aoun - Pharaoh reflected by his attitude and behaviour mentioned in Qur’ān. He was a king with acute Narcissistic personality disorder. Fir'aoun depicted in Qur’ān most closely matches the Ramesses II of Egypt found in hieroglyphic record.
Next time We will study the events of his reign mentioned in Qur’ān to estimate the period of his kingship in Egypt. This will give us precise cues to near-accurately estimate the duration of his reign and life-span. It will lead us identifying and specifying him in the history which is available as Primary source in hieroglyphics of ancient Egypt.
We will however not find him ceremonially buried or mummified, as was the old funerary practice, because he was drowned along with his close aides and troops, whereby there was none to have done it. He met humiliation not to find place amongst various Pharaohs of ancient Misr Egypt - a civilization that emerged after unification of Two-Lands. What to say of getting a ceremonial burial in Egypt as a Pharaoh, none wept for him (44:29).
Thereby, the Mummy, which is placed in Cairo's Egyptian Museum with tag of Ramesses II, is not of that Fir'aoum (Pharaoh) who drowned in the Gulf of Suez while chasing Mūsā [Moses alai'his'slaam]. This Mummy cannot be of Ramesses II since its age is estimated as 90 years while the cues of his age in Qur’ān reveal his age at the time of drowning as 65-68 years. Therefore, dead body of real Ramesses II is still to be found. We will study it in a separate paper.
We may however not find mention of Mūsā [Moses alai'his'slaam] in hieroglyphics because in the consideration of Fir'aoun (Pharaoh) he was his "antagonist".
The distinct characteristic - personality disorder of Fir'aoun and his trusted Chieftains portrayed in Qur’ān is self-exaltation - self-aggrandizement - Narcissistic Personality Disorder. They had all the properties of self-aggrandizers like use of technique of "divide and conquer"; aggressive ruthless behaviour; taking advantage of the people around him; arrogant, haughty behaviours; engaging in false accusations, distortion campaigns; character assassination attempts; malicious gossip; amplifying their own image, and outburst of rage; but despite his facade he himself suffered from low - diminishing esteem.
All aspects of his Narcissistic Personality Disorder are explicitly obvious in the narrative of history of Egypt during his reign, starting from his age of mature adulthood to the day of his drowning in the Gulf of Suez. His history is described in Grand Qur’ān with the choice of such words and structuring of sentences that the reader can visualize as if he was witnessing the happenings.
This Proper Noun finds mention in Grand Qur’ān 74 times in 27 Chapters. The person by this Name (or Title, since Kings are known to the majority of their subjects mostly by Title and are formerly addressed by their honorific title) is mentioned exclusively in the narrative of history period relating to the life of elevated Messenger Musa alahissalam, since his childhood to the death of this King.
It is a Non-Arabic proper noun, a diptote, that finds mention in nominative case as subject of verbs, addressee by vocative particle; in genitive case as object noun of Preposition and second noun in Possessive Phrases but with accusative marker; in accusative case as object of verb and subject noun of Verb-like Particle.
Classical Lexicons mentioned its Root as: ف ر ع ن.
لسان العرب — ابن منظور (٧١١ هـ فرعن: الفَرْعَنَةُ: الكِبْرُ والتَّجَبُّر That it signifies greatness, dignity, eminence and to become haughty, arrogant, proud, tyrannical, show one's strength and power; to tyrannize. |
Lane's Lexicon:
He (a man, TA) affected the nature, or disposition, of the فَرَاعِنَة [pl. of فِرْعَوْنُ, and here meaning such as are inordinately proud or corrupt or unbelieving, &c., as were the Pharaohs]. (S, * K, TA.) فَرْعَنَةٌ Cunning; i. e. intelligence, or sagacity; or intelligence mixed with craft and forecast; (S, K, TA;) and pride, haughtiness, or insolence. (TA.) فِرْعَوْنُ [Pharaoh;] the surname of El-Weleed Ibn-Mus'ab, king of Egypt: (S:) or the surname of every king of Egypt: (K:) or it signifies, (K,) or signifies also, (S,) [app. used as a proper name,] anyone inordinately proud or corrupt or unbelieving; (S, K;) insolent and audacious in acts of rebellion or disobedience, or extravagant therein and in wrongdoing: |
A three radical Root: ف ر ع Its primary signification is: He overtopped, or surpassed in height or tallness: in eminence, or nobility,
The picturesque portrayal of the personality of Fir'aoun is the best case-study for psychologists and psychiatrists to have insights about Narcissistic Personality Disorder as he is unique example and case of extreme of this Disorder in human history.
نَتْلُوا۟ عَلَيْكَ مِن نَّبَإِ مُوسَـىٰ وَفِرْعَوْنَ بِٱلْحَقِّ لِقَوْمٛ يُؤْمِنُونَ ٣
Our Majesty recite unto you the Messenger [Sal'lallaa'hoalaih'wa'salam] some of the narrative of the history of Mūsā [alai'his'slaam] and Fir'aoun (Pharaoh), loaded with factual circumstances obtaining. The objective is to particularly acquaint the people who have believed in you. [28:03]
إِنَّ فِرْعَوْنَ عَلَا فِـى ٱلۡأَرْضِوَجَعَلَ أَهْلَـهَا شِيَعٙايَسْتَضْعِفُ طَـآئِفَةٙ مِّنْـهُـمْ
يُذَبِّـحُ أَبْنَآءَهُـمْ وَيَسْتَحْيِىۦ نِسَاءَهُـمْ
Fir'aoun (Pharaoh) had exalted himself in the
Land (Egypt)
—And he had rendered
her society segmented
in few classes—By design he kept
causing weakening a group of them
For accomplishing his objective, he remained in search
and desire to order slaughtering their sons
and for well thought design let their women live. Indeed he was long
been behaving on pattern of those who create imbalances, depravity, fasad.
The verbal sentence: عَلَا comprising of Verb: Perfect; Third person; Singular; Masculine; [intransitive] Subject Pronoun hidden referent to Fir'aoun is the true depiction of his Arabic name/title. Its verbal noun is; مصدر-عُلُوٌ stemming from Root: ع ل و. It leads to the perception of eminence, loftiness, sublimity, elevation, exaltation, and up-rise; such exaltation and grandeur that nothing can deviate from it.
Fir'aoun is depicted as Narcissist with a long term pattern of abnormal behaviour characterized by Grandiosity. He was a man always thinking about achieving more and more power by using technique of "divide and conquer". He had rendered the subjects of his country divided: شِيَعٙا , a plural of paucity denoting few classes - a system of ordering society whereby people are divided into sets based on perceived social or economic status. The effected ethnic sub-group was Bani Iesraa'eela - the sons of Iesraa'eela who had long back settled in Misr (upper Egypt).
He was a ruthless monarch who indulged in genocide of one national group by determined and systematic killing of their new born sons and leaving women who were incorporated in the conquering group. By this he not only kept that group in subjugation - enslaved but it was also aimed at controlling their demographics and not to let increase the percentage of their young males. Slaughtering of their new born sons is also mentioned at other three places:
وَإِذْ نَجَّيْنَـٟكُـم مِّنْ ءَالِ فِرْعَوْنَ يَسُومُونَكُـمْ سُوٓءَ
يُذَبِّحُونَ أَبْنَآءَكُمْ وَيَسْتَحْيُونَ نِسَآءَكُمْ
[Reverting from parenthetic to
favour of exodus from Egypt]
Moreover, recall when Our Majesty delivered you
people from the fold-ranks of Pharaoh
While you were in a situation wherein they were seeking-marking you people
for inflicting the horrible torment
They remained in search for slaughtering your newly born
sons. However, they had
consciously and purposely decided to leave your wives alive
Of course, a hard
trial was inherent therein that
Sustainer Lord let
persist for a while for you.
وَإِذْ أَنْجَيْنَاكُم مِّنْ ءَالِ فِرْعَونَ يَسُومُونَكُـمْ سُوٓءَ
Moreover, recall when Our
Majesty delivered you
from the fold-ranks of Pharaoh
While you were in a situation wherein they were seeking-marking you people
for inflicting the horrible torment
They remained in search to
assassinate-slaughter your
newly born sons. However, they had
consciously and purposely decided to leave your wives alive.
And a hard
trial was inherent therein that your
Sustainer Lord let persist for a while for you. [7:141]
وَإِذْ قَالَ مُوسَـىٰ لِقَوْمِهِ
ٱذْكُرُوا۟ نِعْمَةَ ٱللَّهِ
إِذْ أَنجَىٰكُـم مِّنْ ءَالِ فِرْعَوْنَ يَسُومُونَكُـمْ سُوٓءَ
وَيُذَبِّحُونَ أَبْنَآءَكُمْ وَيَسْتَحْيُونَ نِسَآءَكُمْ
Recollect the history; When
Mūsā [alai'his'slaam] said to his nation:
the Specific Favour
of Allah the one which was bestowed upon you people
as achievement award in the circumstances—:
When He the Exalted
delivered you
people from the fold-ranks of Pharaoh
While you were in a situation wherein they were seeking-marking you people
for inflicting the horrible torment
And they remained in search for slaughtering your newly born
sons. However, they had
consciously and purposely decided to leave your wives alive
And a hard
trial was inherent therein that your
Sustainer Lord let persist for a while for you.
The objective of this unique genocide was to terrorize the entire population. Its effect was:
Aggrandizement was deep rooted in Fir'aoun ever since he had become the King in young age.
It is the judgement of Allah the Exalted. Evaluee about whom judgement is made is Fir'aun. He is placed in the highest negative evaluation that he had become the top most self-aggrandizer in the group of transgressor and unjust rulers in human history. He was warned by Mūsā [alai'his'slaam] about his extreme abnormality:
We have seen in Qur’ān his first
characteristic exactly matching the concept of rendition of his name in
But could his tyrant behaviour towards a segment of the populace of his
country and enslaving them be considered such a big crime to earn
condemnation of topmost aggrandizer, transgressor and unjust ruler unprecedented in human history? Human experience shows that it still happens a
group becoming target of harsh treatment by the Ruling elite. But he had
The words stemming from Root: ع ل و signifying self-exaltation - self-aggrandizement which are typical to Narcissistic personality disorder are only used for Fir'aoun (Pharaoh) and his Chieftains. They do not find mention in the narratives of other annihilated civilizations. Why is Fir'aoun (Pharaoh) condemned in these words:
The answer is that in self-aggrandisement he went to the sublime stage by declaring himself as the only godhead of his Chieftains and as the sublime Sustainer lord of his peoples:
Fir'aoun as a typical narcissist alerted the people around him, belonging to his own nation, with whom he had strong, deep and close association, to counter the forceful speech of Mūsā [alai'his'slaam] who continued undisturbed by interruption:
Noticing concentrated attention of notables in the Levee listening the speech, Fir'aoun demonstrated typical behaviour of a narcissist by engaging in false accusation, distortion campaign, character assassination attempt. Mūsā [alai'his'slaam] continued introducing the true and real Sustainer Lord of the universes focussing on the notables, ignoring Fir'soun's malicious interruptions:
Fir'aoun again demonstrated personality disorder of a narcissist by amplifying his own image and by outburst of rage:
We skip what happened after it which we will discuss as a separate topic "Presentation of Signs - Unprecedented displays and confrontation by magicians". Our present topic is Fir'aoun as case study of acute Narcissist Personality Disorder since he out-brimmed in self-aggrandizement by portraying himself in the image of deity god:
He did not restrain himself to self-aggrandizement in the image of god but also declared himself in public to be their exalted sustainer lord:
Thereby, Fir'aoun is the solitary king in human history who out brimmed in self-aggrandizement to divinity, combining in himself the trait of god and sustainer of people. He cannot be equated with other kings who reigned Misr - Egypt since he is singularly condemned in the Grand Qur’ān.
Another characteristic feature of Narcissist Personality Disorder is that despite his facade he himself suffers from low - diminishing esteem. While for others he magnified his image as their god and sustainer, he himself needed miscellaneous gods:
When the magicians had publicly belittled Fir'aoun in
response to his threats, the people around him showed their concern and
love for him:
The people around him, who all were at that point in time in public, did not say "our gods" but referred to the abandoning of him as god along with others whom Fir'aoun considered his gods.
Where was Fir'aoun reigning?
Fir'aoun, in the restrictive
address to his nation, used the Possessive Phrase:
the country of Misr and not as the city Misr. He was highlighting his image
of superiority over
However, in ancient history Misr was also used to refer to a walled city in the days when Bani Iesraa'eela - the sons of Iesraa'eela along with elevated Messenger Iesraa'eel alahissalam and his wife had settled there on the invitation of (elevated Messenger) Yusuf alahissalm. It was a big commercial market, the destiny of caravans bringing merchandize.
Fir'aoun himself referred it as the City:
The country comprised of many cities - urban towns as is evident from the statements of chieftains of Fir'aoun:
The Personality that corresponds to the specific traits of Fir'aoun depicted in Qur’ān is of Ramesses II. The unique feature is his declaring himself as the god of his courtiers - chieftains:
And he proclaimed for himself for general public the status of super Rabb - super sustainer lord.
The hieroglyphics are the Primary Evidence of ancient history. Ramesses II is mentioned in the finds exactly as is portrayed in Qur’ān by his own quotes.
Some excerpts depicting evidence from hieroglyphics of an article on website Islamic Awareness captioned: The Identification Of Pharaoh During The Time Of Moses (Quote)
God says in the Qur'an that Pharaoh addressed his chiefs by saying that he knows for them of no god but himself [Qur'an 28:38]. This statement can be verified by simply checking the views of the king's subjects, i.e., court officials and the common folk. What the subjects of the Pharaoh could expect of the ruler in accordance with the Egyptian theory of the kingship is very well summed up in a quotation from the tomb autobiography of the famous vizier Rekhmereʿof Tuthmosis III from 18th Dynasty of the New Kingdom Period. The inscription occupies the southern end-wall of the tomb of Rekhmereʿ and comprises of 45 lines of hieroglyphs painted in green upon a plaster surface.
Rekhmerēʿ's relation to the king (II. 16-19)
... What is the king of Upper Egypt? What is the king of Lower Egypt? He is a god by whose dealings one lives. [He is] the father and mother [of all men]; alone by himself,without an equal ...[7]
According to Rekhmereʿ, the king of Egypt was a god by whose decree one lives. He is alone, has no equal and takes care of his subjects like a parent. This affirms that the officials in ancient Egypt considered Pharaoh to be their principal god, thus indirectly confirming the statement made by Pharaoh to his chiefs, as reported in the Qur'an, that he knew of no god for them but himself. Furthermore, Rekhmereʿ adds that the ruler like Egypt had divine qualities such as omniscience and a wonderful creator.
The audience with Pharaoh (II. 8-10)
.... Lo, His Majesty knows what happens; there is indeed nothing of which he is ignorant. (9) He is Thoth in every regard. There is no matter which he has failed to discern...... [he is acquainted] with it after the fashion of the Majesty of Seshat (the goddess of writing). He changes the design into its execution like a god who ordains and performs.....[8]
Furthermore, the king was recognized as the successor of the sun-god Rēʿ, and this view was so prevalent that comparisons between the sun and king unavoidably possessed theological overtones. The king's accession was timed for sunrise. Hence the vizier Rekhmereʿ explained the closeness of his association with the king in the following words:
Rekhmerēʿ's as a loyal defender of the king (II. 13-14)
... I [saw] his person in his (real) form, Rēʿ the lord of heaven, the king of the two lands when he rises, the solar disk when he shows himself, at whose places are [Black] Land and Red Land, their chieftains inclining themselves to him, all Egyptians, all men of family, all the common fold...... ..... lassoing him who attacks him or disputing with him...[9]
Rekhmereʿ also adds that the whole of Egypt followed the ruler of Egypt, whether chieftains or common folk. Now what about the views of the common folk concerning the divine nature of the king? For this let us turn our attention to Papyrus Anastasi II dated to the time of Merneptah, successor of Ramesses II.[10] Papyrus Anastasi II begins by "Praise of the Delta Residence" of the Ramesside kings. The textual content of this section is similar to that of Papyrus Anastasi IV, (6,1-6,10). What is interesting in this papyrus is the mention of exalted position of Ramesses II.
(1,1) Beginning of the Recital of the Victories of the Lord of Egypt. His Majesty (l.p.h) has built himself a castle whose name is Great-of-Victories. (1,2) It lies between Djahy and To-meri, and is full of food and victuals. It is after the fashion of On of Upper Egypt, and its duration is like (1,3) that of He-Ka-Ptah. The sun arises in its horizon and sets within it. Everyone has foresaken his (1,4) (own) town and settled in its neighbourhood. Its western part is the House of Amun, its southern part the House of Seth. Astarte is (1,5) in its Levant, and Edjo in its northern part. (1,6) Ramesse-miamum (l.h) is in it as god, Mont-in-the-Two-Lands as herald, Sun-of-Rulers as vizier, Joy-of-Egypt (2,1) Beloved-of-Atum as mayor. The country has gone to its proper place.[11]
Here we see Ramesses II in four different aspects, viz., as god, herald, vizier and mayor. This is as if to show that he was everything to the capital, especially god, and commanded everything. (Unquote)
Another claim of Fir'aoun mentioned in Qur’ān leads us to his identification as Ramesses II in hieroglyphics. He, interrupting the address of a Believer chieftain to other Chieftains, had said:
Yet another cue for his identification as Ramesses II is his depiction in ancient history as a very prolific builder. The closest of men around him was Hamaan, the man who had labour force and was chief of constructing buildings.
Fir'aoun enjoyed the reputation of a prolific builder because of Ha'maan:
Next time, Allah the Exalted permitting, We will study the events of his reign mentioned in Qur’ān to estimate the period of his kingship in Egypt. This will give us precise cues to near-accurately estimate the duration of his reign and life-span. It will lead us identifying and specifying him in the history which is available as Primary source in hieroglyphics of ancient Egypt.