He the Exalted has gradually sent to you the Messenger [Sal'lallaa'hoalaih'wa'salam] the Book (Grand Qur'aan) containing miscellany of infallible facts.
It is the Testifier-Affirmer-Certifier-Sanctifier of whatever was in front of it (previous revelations - Books).
And He the Exalted had sent in one go the Tor'aat and In'jeel— [3:03]
Early on. They served as a guide for the people. [Refer 3:03]
[Continuing their message, the Angels added] "And He the Exalted will teach him the Mother/Principal Book and wisdom; and will teach him At'Tor'at and In'jeel. [3:48]
....And I am affirmer-certifier-sanctifier of that which is present before me as part of Tor'aat;
And that I may declare permissible some of that which was made prohibited for you.
And I have come to you people along with distinctly tangible evidence from your Sustainer Lord.
Therefore, you people sincerely endeavour to attain the protection from Allah the Exalted, and listen and accept my word. [3:50]
O you the people of the Book; why do you wrangle about Iebra'heim [alaihis'slaam, calling him a Jew or Christian]
Despite the circumstantial fact that To'raat and Inj'eel were compositely sent only after his time-natural death.
Is this wrangling because you do not use intellect to differentiate? [3:65]
All meals were permissible for the posterity of Iesra'eel [Bani Iesraa'eel].
Except that which Iesraa'eel [Yaqoob alai'his'slaam] had forbidden upon his self in the times before Tor'aat was sent in pieces.
You the Messenger [Sal'lallaa'hoalaih'wa'salam] ask them: "Thereby, to substantiate your assertion you come to me with At'Tor'aat, thereat, you read therein if you people were who express truthfully." [3:93]
[By the way] And how they: Jews [and Muna'fi'qeen from them] appoint you the Messenger as Judge?
Take note, the Tor'aat is available with them;
The command of Allah the Exalted [to believe in you as Messenger-7:159] is written within it.
Afterwards despite this Command they turn away;
And they are the people who are certainly not the believers. [5:43]
Indeed We had compositely sent the Tor'aat; guidance and life sustaining illuminating light was explicitly explained therein.
The Elevated and Chosen Allegiants of Allah the Exalted adjudged by its standard those who had submitted for those who had become Jews—
And the rabbis and the intelligentsia-scholars adjudged with those contents of the Book of Allah the Exalted which survived-remained guarded and they were attesters upon it.
Therefore, you should not dread people; instead be completely in awe of Me.
Take caution that you the religious leaders/scholars should not indulge in business with My Aa'ya'at: unitary verbal passages for a trifling price-worldly gain.
Be mindful; if anyone in timeline decided and commanded not by that: the Book which Allah the Exalted communicated:
Thereby, they are the people who are in fact the non-believers. [5:44]
And We ordained upon them therein the Tor'aat:
That a person for a person;
And an eye for an eye;
And nose for a nose;
And ears for ears;
And a tooth for a tooth;
And for wounds; retaliatory punishment is to be pursued.
Thereby, whoever forgoes the excess-wrong done to him, thereat, it is for him an expiation [for his other wrong doings].
Be mindful; if anyone in timeline decided and commanded not by that: the Book which Allah the Exalted communicated:
Thereby such people are truly the evil-doers-distorters-creators of imbalances-disorders-over stepping. [5:45]
And We succeeded them by Easa [alai'his'slaam], son of Maryam, on their pattern-prototype; [after Mūsā [alai'his'slaam 2:87].
He acted as the Testifier-Affirmer-Certifier-Sanctifier-Authenticator of prevalent information before him which was truly the content of Tor'aat.
And We gave him the book named In'jeel. Regulation - information code for aright course of conduct was prescribed therein. And it had the illuminating light in its contents showing the straight path to destination.
And this book acted as affirmer and sanctifier of prevalent information before it (Injeel) which was truly the content of Tor'aat.
And as a Guide and cautioning advice for those who sincerely endeavor to attain salvation, [5:46]
Know it; Had they in time and space remaining faithful to their pledge enforced, implemented and stood by At-Tor'aat; and likewise Al-In'jeel; and had they stood by that: Grand Qur'aan which has been compactly relayed towards them by their Sustainer Lord:
Certainly they would have enjoyed nourishment from space above them and underneath their feet [in Paradise as per Articles of Agreement/Solemn Pledge-5:12, instead of facing scorching heat from below and above in Hell-Prison].
Their composition: A fairly balanced rational group has existed and is present amongst them.
But majority of them are characteristically deviants; vile; abominable and evil way is how they conduct. [5:66]
You the Messenger [Sal'lallaa'hoalaih'wa'salam] pronounce: "O you the people of the Book! You have not been upon a standpoint of anything concrete;
You will be so until you people might uprightly uphold the At-Tor'aat and Al-In'jeel, and uphold that (Grand Qur'aan) which has been compositely sent towards you by your Sustainer Lord—".
-- Be aware; it is certain that it Grand Qur'aan; which has since been compositely sent to you the Messenger [Sal'lallaa'hoalaih'wa'salam] by your Sustainer Lord, will augment the majority of them in brimming out of bounds and disbelief.
Therefore, you need not feel sorry - lament for the people who are the disbelievers --. [5:68]
The day when Allah the Exalted would have said: "O you Easa son of Maryam!
Recall My favour-blessing upon you and upon your mother when I protected you through Archangel Gibraa'iel [RoohulQudd's, in migration to safe abode defeating the murder conspiracy-23:50].
Recall you used to speak-converse with the people in the cradle/as milk sucking baby in the lap of your mother and in later part of your life-old age.
And recall the occasions when I taught you the Mother/Principal Book and the wisdom; and At-Tor'aat and Al-In'jeel;
And recall when you used to cast/sculpt from clay bird-like structure with My permission; thereat you used to blew in it whereby for reason of My permission it became a living bird;
And recall when you with My permission used to heal those suffering from blindness and vitiligo;
And that when you used to restore to life the naturally/clinically dead with My will;
And recall the execution conspiracy when I restrained the hands of Bani Iesraa'eel from reaching you/rescued you from their hands;
At the point in time you having brought to them unprecedented demonstrative displays one group amongst them who had refused to accept said: "this is nothing except an evident illusion". [5:110]
They are the people who persistently follow in action the Messenger, the Chosen and Elevated Allegiant from amongst those who were not given the Book earlier - Gentiles. The peculiarity of this Messenger is that they find him mentioned in writing with them inscribed in Tor'aat and In'jeel.
He directs them to follow the well known norms-permanent prescribed values and forbids them from conjectural innovations-deceits-deviations.
And he the Messenger [Sal'lallaa'hoalaih'wa'salam] declares for them permissible-lawful the things which are decent-beneficial and nutritious; and declares non permissible-unlawful-restrained for them the things which are indecent and deficiently unpropitious.
And he lays off from them their prestation-burden of Covenant; And lays off the shackles of conjectural myths-widely publicized conjectural stories which were placed upon them - made popular.
Therefore, to honour and discharge their pledge, those who accepted-believed in him and revered him and helped him;;
And followed in letter and spirit that Visible Light: the lightener of the Path to Destination, Guarantor of the Continuity of Life: Grand Qur'aan. Its characteristic feature is that it was compactly sent along with him: Muhammad [Sal'lallaa'hoalaih'wa'salam-his corporeal appearance-sending in the lowly world].
Aforementioned are the people who endeavour for perpetual success-fruitfulness. [7:157]
Know it; Allah the Exalted has purchased from the Believers their selves and their wealth against the Paradise that it becomes theirs in future.
They confront war in the cause of Allah the Exalted whereby they kill the enemy and get killed by the enemy in the battlefield.
Handing over the possession of the Paradise is the promise which is incumbent upon Him the Exalted; written in the contents of the Tor'aat, In'jeel and the Qur'aan as indispensable right.
And who better discharges and fulfills his contractual obligation than Allah the Exalted?
Thereby, celebrate joyfully the pleasure of your promissory business transaction: credit sale, the one which you have contracted with Allah the Exalted.
Take note; this:
credit sale transaction is really the
greatest and grand achievement and success. [9:111]
Muhammad [Sal'lallaa'hoalaih'wa'salam] is the Messenger-Spokesperson of Allah the Exalted;
And those who are with him are strongly determined versus the non-believers and amongst themselves are kind hearted
You see them in state of kneeling and prostrating seeking the bounty, appreciation and approval of Allah the Exalted.
The identification mark of them is apparent within their faces [not forelock; for Angels who identify by marks] as the traces of prostrations.
This is the precedent of them mentioned in the Tor'aat;
And their precedence is mentioned in the Injeel;
Like a monocotyledon grain-crop seed; it caused to get out its singular blade-shoot-sprout;
Thereat, it the seed strengthened that blade whereupon it made itself thick-solidified-stout. Thereat; it made itself rise upon its stalks.
It causes delight for the Sowers-Farmers.
The striking of the simile of the believers is that it might cause irritating disquiet for those who are the non-believers.
The promise of Allah the Exalted as self imposed obligation for those amongst them who accepted-believed and performed deeds righteously and moderately [as directed in the Book]: forgiveness and splendid reward. [48:29]
Know the history, when Easa [alai'his'slaam] Son of Maryam, had said:
"O you the posterity of Iesraa'eel! Indeed I am the Messenger of Allah the Exalted towards you people.
I am affirmer-certifier-sanctifier of that which was sent before me in Tor'aat.
Moreover, my assignment is as the Pronouncer of glad news of
one Messenger.
His specific peculiarity is that he will corporeally come n times after my
peculiarity of this Messenger is that
his name is:
the admirer and praiser of Allah the Exalted."
Thereat, when he demonstrated to them the unprecedented Displays, they said: "This is evident visual illusion." [61:06]
The semblance of those who were entrusted the load-responsibility of the Tor'aat:
Afterwards, they did not bore it except like certain donkey who is carrying the load of books.
Wretched is the semblance of the nation who contradicted the Aa'ya'at: verbal passages of the Book of Allah the Exalted.
Mind it: Allah the Exalted does not guide against their will-considered decision those who are mischievous-distorters-substitute facts with conjectures-myths-concocted stories; [62:05]
Know it; We had indeed given to Mūsā [alai'his'slaam] and Haroon [alai'his'slaam]:
The Criterion-delineator of right and wrong, fact and conjecture; and a source of enlightenment; and a reference source: guide-Manual for those who sincerely endeavor to attain salvation. [21:48]
They (Mutta'qeen) are the people who experience awe of Omnipresence of their Sustainer Lord despite being not in their sight—
While they are alert - self-conscious about the Appointed Moment. [21:49]
Remain attentive and refer to that point in time when he came leaving you behind We gave Mūsā [alai'his'slaam] the Book and Al-Furqau'n - the Criterion-the Separator of right from wrong.
The objective was that you people might heartily guide yourselves aright. [2:53]
Know the fact that We had given to Mūsā [alai'his'slaam] the Book.
And We sent the Messengers after him, one after the other in succession.
Moreover know it that We had given to Easa [alai'his'slaam], the Son of Maryam [Siddiqa], to display unprecedented Exhibitions.
And We strengthened and protected him through Angel Gibraa'iel [RoohulQudd's].
Is it not the fact that every time there came a Messenger with such advice-command which your hearts did not feel in consonance with-pleasing and appeasing desires-wishful thinking; you reflexively puffed up with arrogance and pride of grandeur and superiority?
Thereby, for that reason you people had publicly contradicted a group of those Messengers.
And you people keep ridiculing-insulting-defaming-slandering against another group of those Messengers. [2:87]
Know it; they amongst the Jews did not esteem Allah the Exalted as is appropriate for His Magnificence:
When they said: "Allah has not sent anything compositely upon the Man. [Muhammad Sal'lallaa'hoalaih'wa'salam]
You the Messenger [Sal'lallaa'hoalaih'wa'salam] ask them: "Who had compositely sent the Book; that along with which Mūsā [alai'his'slaam] had come back; it was enlightening and guidance for the people.
You people declare it: Book brought by Mūsā [alai'his'slaam- Tor'at] as fragmented papers; you show individual written pieces of papers and you conceal most of them disclosing to people.
And you people were taught that which you did not know earlier nor your fathers knew."
[They keep mum] You the Messenger [Sal'lallaa'hoalaih'wa'salam] pronounce: "Allah the Exalted sent both."
Afterwards having told them you the Messenger [Sal'lallaa'hoalaih'wa'salam] leave them playing in their conjectural discourses. [6:91]
[Reverting to the historical information about Messengers-6:86] Afterwards, We had given to Mūsā [alai'his'slaam] the Book [duly written down on tablets-7:145];
It served comprehensively for him who wished to conduct appropriately and rationally.
And it was composed wherein every matter-aspect was categorized and individuated.
And it was a guide and blessing.
Its objective was that they might believe in their presentation for accountability before their Sustainer Lord. [6:154]
He the Exalted said: "O Mūsā [alai'his'slaam]; I have chosen and given you distinction upon the people, with assignment of conveying and delivering My messages, and with My compilation of Words [engraved on the tablets];
Therefore hold that which I have given you and be of those who express thanks and reveal." [7:144]
Know it, Our Majesty had prescribed for him: Mūsā [alai'his'slaam] in writing engraved in the Tablets:
A polite and affectionate advice regarding every matter and act of appropriate conduct;
And it was composed wherein every matter-aspect was categorized and individuated.
We had asked him: "Therefore, hold these Tablets firmly and command your nation that they should adhere the best course of conduct outlined therein.
I will henceforth keep enlightening and enabling you people to envision the abode of aberrant: those who transgress and go out of the bounds and restraints." [7:145]
And (after enquiry and repentance of nation) when the anger calmed down/appeased from Mūsā [alai'his'slaam] he picked up the Tablets;
Guidance was explicitly explained in its transcript; and mercy was assured therein for those who are mindful and feel awe for their Sustainer Lord. [7:154]
Know the fact that We had given to Mūsā [alai'his'slaam] the Book.
Thereby, differences arose therein.
And had a word of promise-decision not preceded granting a respite period by your Sustainer Lord, the matter would have been ended between them.
Moreover, the fact is that they/Bani Iesraa'eel are certainly plunged in doubt regarding it-the Book, the doubt having characteristic trait of a causer of disquiet, irritation, and disconcert. [11:110 Replica 41:45]
Know it, Our Majesty gave Mūsā [alai'his'slaam] the Book and We rendered it as guide for Bani Iesraa'eel:
By advising them: "you people should not adopt, apart from Me, anyone as trustee, protector and disposer of affairs— [17:02]
O you the progeny of him whom We uploaded in the ship along with Noah [alai'his'slaam]".
It is a fact that he, Noah [alai'his'slaam], was persistently a thankful sincere allegiant. [17:03]
Know the fact that We had given to Mūsā [alai'his'slaam] the Book;
So that they people may guide themselves aright. [23:49]
Know the fact that We had given to Mūsā [alai'his'slaam] the Book;
And We appointed along with him his brother Haroon [alai'his'slaam] as assignment-sharer. [25:35]
Know the fact that We had given to Mūsā [alai'his'slaam] the Book—
After the earlier Civilizations which We had annihilated—
It served as a Verbal Documentary for people; and a Guide and Mercy-Blessing.
The objective was that they might save it in memory, thereby remember and recall to narrate it to others. [28:43]
And it is certain that We had given Mūsā [alai'his'slaam] the Book.
For reason [if they do not come to you with At'Toraat-3:93] you the Messenger [Sal'lallaa'hoalaih'wa'salam] let not yourself be in disturbing worry for its presentation.
And We had declared that Book/At'Toraat as guidance for Bani Iesraa'eel. [32:23]
And it is certain that in the past We had given to Musa [alai'his'slaam] the Guidance-Guide:
And We had caused Bani Iesraa'eel to inherit the Book. [40:53]
Its served as guidance and a source-reference book to frequent for the men of wisdom who look into matters objectively without overlapping with emotions-prejudices-biases-whims-caprices. [40:54]
Know the fact that We had given to Mūsā [alai'his'slaam] the Book.
Thereby, differences arose therein.
And had a word of promise-decision not preceded granting a respite period by your Sustainer Lord, the matter would have been ended between them.
Moreover, the fact is that they/Bani Iesraa'eel are certainly plunged in doubt regarding it-the Book, the doubt having characteristic trait of a causer of disquiet, irritation, and disconcert. [41:45 Replica 11:110]
The Book of Mūsā [alai'his'slaam] was available for people of Bani Iesraa'eel before it/Grand Qur'aan as guide and mercy.
And this: Qur'aan is a book; its characteristic is that it is the Testifier-Affirmer-Certifier-Sanctifier of all that which was sent earlier. The peculiarity of its language is Arabic: a perspicuous, eloquent, distinctive, unequivocal and precisely expressive language; the language of the sons of soil of Arabian peninsula—
So that it may admonish those who have done mischievously wrong/distorted the facts;
And be congratulatory glad tiding for those who are moderate, graceful and generous. [46:12]
They said, "O our people! indeed we have listened the Book which has been sent after Mūsā [alai'his'slaam]—
It is the Testifier-Affirmer-Certifier-Sanctifier of whatever was in front of it (previous revelations - Books)—
That Book/Grand Qur'aan leads to the Absolute Fact and towards the Path that keeps leading safely and stablt to the destination of peace and tranquillity; [46:30]