Are we eligible for the Paradise?

Litmus Test

There is none amongst the Monotheists, Jews, Christians and Muslims and believers in the life of Hereafter but is aspirant to get into Paradise. But barring few, aspirants seldom consider the question of eligibility for obtaining entry into Paradise.

Allah the Exalted has commanded:

  • And you people hasten emulously aiming at seeking protection and forgiveness which is conditionally ensured through the Elevated Messenger to you as promise from your Sustainer Lord


  • And hasten towards the Paradise. Her capaciousness-width is that of the Skies and the Earth.

  • She (the Paradise) is prepared exclusively for those who sincerely endeavour to attain salvation. [3:133]


This Unitary Verbal Passage/Ayah is initiated with: Appositive/Conjunction particle. This links the following clause with the preceding advice of accepting the Word of Allah the Exalted and the Messenger. The Word of Allah the Exalted and the Messenger is the same since it is the verbatim, syllable by syllable transmission of Word-Verbal Message of Allah the Exalted through the Elevated Messenger. The pronouncement of acceptance of the Word of Allah the Exalted and the Messenger, denoting Grand Qur’ān, at some point in time in life, is expression of an ideological change. This needs to be reflected and proven by actions. This ideological change only renders a person eligible-entitled-enlisted to take part in the "marathon" towards the destination/appointed goal.

The direction of achievement - accomplishment is seeking protection, forgiveness and the Paradise. The most crucial information about the Paradise is given in this disclosure:

  • She (the Paradise) is prepared exclusively for those who sincerely endeavour to attain

This Verbal sentence, in genitive state, is the second peculiarity of Paradise.

Verb: Perfect; third person; singular; feminine; Passive; [Form-IV]; [هِىَ]  Proxy Subject pronoun/Ergative hidden referring back to Paradise, denoting, "She-Paradise is prepared/made".

It is a Prepositional Phrase: Prefixed preposition لِ denotes something meant exclusively for; meaning they are the eligible for Paradise. And, they are identified as:  . It is Active participle; definite; Sound Plural; masculine; Genitive; [Form-VIII]. It refers to such people who endeavour for ultimate success remaining mindful and cautious, avoiding unrestrained conduct contrary to the Word of Allah the Exalted and the Messenger; transmitted to them in the Book of Allah the Exalted-now Grand Qur’ān, in reverence and fear. Their outlook to life and conduct demonstrated that: is firmly embedded in their hearts controlling and dominating all faculties of their brain.

Do we have any barometer, instrument or litmus test sort method to assess at any given point in time whether or not we fall in the fortunate category of those who have: firmly embedded in their hearts? The best test and examination can obviously be the one adopted by Allah the Exalted.

  • This is a certain fact that the believers who keep their voices humbled in the grace-by the side of the Messenger of Allah the Exalted:


  • They are truly the people, the hearts of whom Allah the Exalted has Personally examined finding them sincere for salvation.


  • Protection/forgiveness and a splendid reward is assuredly in wait for them. [49:03]

It is Verb-Like Particle, that emphasizes the certainty of the following predicate about its subject.

Relative Pronoun; Plural; masculine; accusative state as Subject Noun of Verb-Like Particle.

This is a complete Verbal sentence, comprising Verb, Subject and Object. It is [صلة الموصول] a linkage clause for Relative Pronoun explaining and specifying it. Verb is Imperfect; Third person; plural; masculine; Mood: Indicative; and [و] Subject Pronoun in nominative state linking back to Relative Pronoun. Its Root is "غ ض ض". It signifies a regular conduct of modesty, tenderness, humility, humbleness exhibiting feel of respect and deference.

Possessive Phrase: Noun: Definite; broken plural; feminine; accusative. It is the Object of preceding verb. + Possessive pronoun: Third person; plural; masculine; in genitive state. The act relates to the voices, the volume, tone and tenor of their articulated speech.

These are two Possessive Phrases relating to the Verbal sentence. is a locative noun. The two phrases mean, "in the Grace-by the side of the Messenger of Allah the Exalted".

It is a Nominal Sentence, in nominative state as the Predicate of Verb-Like Particle.  Demonstrative Pronoun [Indeclinable Noun] refers back to the people specified with reference to their conduct with feel of respect and deference, whenever they are in the Grace-by the side of the Elevated Messenger of Allah, the Exalted. This Pronoun is the Subject of Nominal Sentence and the following Relative Pronoun is the Predicate, in nominative state. 

This is a complete Verbal sentence, comprising of Verb, Subject and Object. It is [صلة الموصول] a linkage clause for Relative Pronoun explaining and specifying it. The Subject, Performer of the act of the Verb is Allah the Exalted. The act done is . It is Perfect Verb of Form-VIII from إِمْتِحَانٌ Verbal noun. It signifies testing and examining something. Form-VIII verbs denote reflexive meanings denoting the action having been performed personally by the Subject.

The object that has been tested and examined is: "the hearts of them". The masculine, plural pronoun of this possessive phrase refers back to those who act in the manner described earlier. 

:  Prepositional Phrase relating to Verb. The search, scrutiny and examination of an area-object is for finding the presence or otherwise of something. The result yielded by this examination is the embedded Piousness-Righteousness-fear and reverence in their hearts. It is further confirmed by the following declarative clause, pronouncement of verdict that they have achieved the destination, which believers are asked to effort for. It is announcement of forgiveness and great reward for such people.

  • Protection/forgiveness and a splendid reward is assuredly in wait for them. [49:03]


This nominal sentence conspicuously reveals that what was found in their hearts on examination by Allah the Exalted was -the ultimate virtue that guarantees the Paradise.

This is an inverted nominal sentence. A prepositional or adverbial phrase can never be the subject of a nominal sentence. When these two entities appear in the beginning, a place reserved for the subject, they are in fact related to the predicate [comment-خبر]. In such cases a verb is estimated which is elided but is conspicuously evident by the sentence.

Prepositional phrase: Prefixed preposition لَ ; + suffixed Personal Pronoun: Third person; masculine; plural; genitive state. This prepositional phrase relates to the fronted elided predicate.

Verbal Noun/Noun: Indefinite; nominative. This is the delayed subject of nominal sentence. This denotes an act  of protecting and forgiving. This is the object people are asked to emulously aim at.

Appositive/Conjunction particle.

This adjectival phrase is in apposition to the subject of sentence sharing the predicate. It means a reward having manifestation of greatness, splendor.

This is the Litmus Test to gauge the level of: one has in his heart. Let us start peeping into our hearts to gauge the level of respect and deference we have therein for the elevated Messenger Muhammad Sal'lallaa'hoalaih'wa'salam. In case, it is not short only in relation to Allah the Exalted, thereby we must become suspect about achieving anything on the strength of our actions, which we, in our own assessment, might believe as weighty.