Human Neck
Scroll of Criminal Charge Sheet
The biologists would tell us that neck is the part of body that connects the head with the torso and provides the mobility and movements of the head. But Grand Qur’ān has given strange information that it also has the function as scroll of criminal charge sheet for formal trial and permanent sentence to Prison.
Root: ن ش ر |
Better to understand and perceive what is disclosed to take guards in doing something wrong wrongly assuming we are leaving no evidence to be criminally charged. :أَ لْزَمْنَٟهُ طَـٟٓئِرَهُۥ: This is a complete verbal sentence with di-transitive verb-subject-objects. Verb is Perfect; First person; Plural/Sovereign Singular; Masculine; [Form-IV]; [نَا] Subject Pronoun; nominative state + Suffixed first Object Pronoun: Third person; masculine; singular, in accusative state referring individual human; مصدر-إِلْزَامٌ Verbal noun, its Root is: ل ز م. Ibn Faris [died 1005] stated that it leads to the perception of binding a thing with another permanently. In lexicons we will find its meanings as obligation, imposing, imposition, enjoining, etc.
:طَـٟٓئِرَهُۥ: Possessive phrase is the second direct object of preceding perfect verb and denotes "his augury - fate—what will happen to him in future". To have deeper perception we should refer to the concept of its Root: ط ى ر it leads to the perception of lightweight of a thing in the air, and thereafter borrowed from it is all sorts of quickness, agility and from it is bird. The affect of hollow deeds is but misfortune and criminal cognizance.
:فِـى عُنُقِهِۦ: Prepositional Phrase coupled with possessive phrase. This grammatical unit relates to preceding verb. Preposition denotes rest in a place or during a time, and motion into a place. This signification is then transferred to the relation subsisting between any two things, the one of which is regarded as the place in which the other is, or happens, or into which it goes or is put. And this place is: عُنُقِهِۦ his neck, the pronoun referring individual.
Man's fate is what will happen to him ultimately, which will depend upon his ledger of deeds. It is account of voluntary action and not involuntary actions. Forebrain is responsible for voluntary action, hindbrain is responsible for involuntary action. This ayah explains that man's ledger is scrolled in his neck.
Voluntary actions are done by commands given by motor signals which pass through the descending tracts of the central nervous system starting from brain to spinal cord. Motor signals have to pass through the neck.
Science is perhaps not yet aware that record of every motor signal and consequent action is also being permanently kept. On the Day of Resurrection, it will be taken out and presented as a written-printed book which will be seen by the individual in spread papers state. He will be asked to study his book-biography whereby he will suffice to adjudge his own fate. Thereby, he will be like either type of a bird, who could fly into the Paradise, or like the bird who cannot fly and remains on the Earth, eventually the Hell-Prison.
Root: ق ر ء |
Root: ك ف ى |