Human Eye

The mention of Olive oil is quite interesting and attention catcher

Man is born in a weak condition, physically and intellectually. At birth he has no knowledge of the world he is forced to enter into.

  • Realize it; Allah the Exalted brought you people out of the bellies of your respective mothers

  • In the state that you had no knowledge about physical realm.

  • Realize it, He the Exalted have inserted the listening - acoustic faculty; and the observing - optical faculty; and of Processing-Integrating-Perceiving: Baking establishment: the Brains as locus of gaining knowledge and enlightenment for you people.

  • This realization might enable you people to express praises-thanks. [16:78] [let us respond الحمد لله]

The instrument - organ for optical faculty is primarily the Eye.

Man naively thinks none watches him while He the Exalted Who bestowed him eyes keeps observing him all the time:

  • Have Our Majesty not rendered two eyes as organs for observation for him (mankind)  [90:08]

The optical faculty of human is mentioned by a plural feminine word, which can grammatically be taken as singular, (ٱلۡأَبْصَٟرَ) which means at least three. This is the superior function of the eye to give insights, mental perception and conceptualization of the object seen. It stems from Root: ب ص ر. Mental perception can also be obtained independently of sight by eyes. Therefore, it also signifies enlightenment. The word signifying two eyes stems from Root: ع ى ن.

Mere sense of sight by the eye is signified by distinct Root: ن ظ ر. The difference is rendered conspicuous:

  • And if you wishfully call them towards the Guidance (Grand Qur’ān) they would not listen.

  • Moreover, You the Messenger [Muhammad Sal'lallaa'hoalaih'wa'salam] find them that they are looking towards you

  • While they are not observing. [7:198]

The Root: ع ى ن signifies eye and spring of water. For understanding the concept of Eye mentioned in Qur’ān the related and natural collocate concepts are Roots: ن ظ ر seeing. looking; ر ء ى to see and to consider; ب ص ر vision, stirring - stimulating by the sense of eye that yields knowledge-mental perception; ب ك ى weep; د م ع shedding tears; ع م ى signifies covering, enveloping something and refers the blind whose vision in both eyes is completely obscured; and the blind of heart (22:46); ك م ه born blind; and ن و ر, the White Light spectrum.

Prior to the nomination of the Last and Universal Messenger all the Messengers of Allah the Exalted, in addition to specific Book, were given seemingly supernatural unprecedented displays which could not be explained under causality and were termed miracles. These were signs certifying the Person as the Messenger. The last Messenger deputed towards individual nation was elevated Easa son of Maryam. Among others, one display was relieving from blindness the born-blind:

  • And with Allah's prior will, I relieve the blind by birth and victim of vitiligo: a skin disorder in which smooth whitish patches appear on the skin—(Refer 3:49)

  • اور میں مادرزاد اندھے اوربرص سے متاثر شخص کواس حالت سے مبراکر دوں گا۔

  • And recall when you, with My permission, used to relieve those suffering from blindness by birth and vitiligo —(Refer 5:110)

  • ۔اور یاد کریں(عنایت کردہ کتاب خاص کی تعلیم بروئے کار لاتے ہوئے)میرے اذن سے آپ مادر زاد اندھے اور برص سے متاثرہ شخص کو اس حالت سے مبرا کر دیتے تھے۔

The verb used is from Root: ب ر ء , the primary signification is to release or relieve a person from something restrictive and setting him free, immunized, absolved, and thus secure and safe. Since it has happened, thereby,  relieving of born-blind from his blindness is a possibility. The land where this was happening is also famous for Olive tree. The Olive tree and olive oil finds mention in Ayah 35 of Chapter 24 titled "White Light" where to me it seems the human Eye in relation to light is defined and explained.

  • Allah the Exalted is the One -- the White Light possessed by the Skies and by the Earth; recognizing and acknowledging Him the focus of all effort, perform its job associating with His Glorifying praises

  • اللہ تعالیٰ وہ جناب ہیں جنہیں آسمانوں میں  اور زمین میں موجود نور(سفید روشنی)کاوش کامطلق محور تسلیم کرتے ہوئے ان کی عظمت و شرف کبریائی بیان کرتے ہوئے مصروف کار رہتے ہیں۔

  • The comparative of the Visible Light, inserted by Him the Exalted, for portrayal: There is niche like chamber on the face/surface; An instrument that illuminates the day-break is embedded therein (feminine chamber)

  • ۔ان کے لئے رطب اللسانی نورکے مساوی مثال ایسے ہے جیسے کہ  کسی چہرے/سطح پر گہرا شگاف ہو؛ایک ایسا آلہ جو صبح کی مانند دن کو درخشاں کرتا ہے اس(شگاف/حجرہ)کے اندر پیوستہ ہے۔

Root: ش ك و

  • The peculiar characteristic of the illuminating instrument is that it is located within an arched transparent object [may be like cornea]

  • ۔اس منفرد درخشاں کرنے والے آلے کی خصوصیت یہ ہے کہ محراب والی شفاف شیشے کی مانند چیز کے اندر واقع ہے۔

  • The arched transparent object is like as if it were a planet characteristically shining like pearl

  • ۔وہ منفرد محراب والی شئے ایسے ہے جیسے  ایک سیارہ (مذکر)ہو جس کی خصوصیت  چمکدار موتی کے مانند ہے۔

Root: د ر ر; ز ج ج;  ك و ك ب;  Planets

  • Its peculiar feature is that it is kept glistening and warm initiating the process by a particle of of perpetuated/ever green tree, an olive, characterized of that particle is it has neither association/orientation/direction with east nor with west

  • ۔اس  کی خاس بات یہ ہے کہ اس کو منور(روشن اورتمازت کی) حالت میں رکھا جاتا ہے ایک صاحبِ دوام مادہ درخت میں سے لئے گئے ایندھن سے ابتدا کر کے؛درخت زیتون کا؛اس ابتدائی مادے کی نہ تو سمت بندی مشرق سے ہے اور نہ مغرب سے۔

Root: ش ج ر;  ش ر ق ; غ ر ب

  • Her oil (olive tree) is almost near exciting it (pearl like planet) to radiating heat and light though fire has not touched it — exciting will happen anyway—

  • ۔قریب ہے کہ اس(درخت زیتوں)کا تیل اسے(موتی جیسا سیارہ)روشن اور تمازت دے باوجود اس کے اسے آگ نے نہیں چھوا۔

Root: ض و ء;  ك و د

  • Visible Light is banded-arrayed upon visible light [Spectrum of visible light].

  • ۔روشنی کی ایک تہہ روشنی کی ایک دوسری تہہ کے اوپر مقام پر متصل ہے۔

The White Light is exemplified as if there were: كَمِشْكَوٰةٛ; possessive phrase comprising of exemplifying noun and feminine noun (negatively charged) that denotes a niche on the face of wall, not extending through, in which a lamp, placed therein, gives more light that it does elsewhere. Her characteristic feature is expressed by inverted nominal sentence with elided but explicit predicate: فِيـهَا مِصْبَاحٌ: An instrument (masculine/positive charge) that illuminates the day-break is embedded therein (feminine chamber مِشْكَوٰة). Noun of instrument stems from Root: ص ب ح that denotes early moments of the day, time between daybreak and sunrise.

Its peculiar feature is described by defining its location through nominal sentence: ٱلْمِصْبَاحُ فِـى زُجَاجَةٛ: Locative adverb stems from Root: ز ج ج; classical Lexicons state its basic perception is to refer something which is thin, or fine; things made from glass; iron piece at the back of spear, arched eyebrows. And then this feminine object (negatively charged) is exemplified with masculine object: كَوْكَبٚ دُرِّىّٚ; adjectival phrase; the adjectival portrayal of planet is: دُرِّىّ stemming from Root: د ر ر; it denotes pearl, large pearl; it is so named for reason of shimmering that is seen in it because of its clarity, clearness seeming if it was wavering water. Ibn Faris has so beautifully described the reason why this Root is used to describe a Pearl. Lustre describes the beauty we see as light travels through the nacre of the pearl. It is the nacre that causes light to refract from the pearl's layers, giving each pearl its unique milky appearance.

The second feature of above referred: كَوْكَبٚ is described by verbal sentence: يُوقَدُ مِن شَجَرَةٛ مُّبَٟرَكَةٛ ; verb is Passive Imperfect of Form-IV denoting that its Proxy subject is kept in the state signified by the verb. It signifies kindling fire for which fuel is needed and its affect is light and warmth of surroundings. And how it is initiated is described: مِن شَجَرَةٛ مُّبَٟرَكَة: Prepositional phrase coupled with adjectival phrase. The preposition is for: إبتداء الغاية to denote the commencement for the purpose originating from a part/particle of a tree belonging to the species that will survive, not subject to extinction, and then it is specified as Olive tree. Later specific feature of that part/particle of Olive is mentioned: لَّا شَرْقِيَّةٛ وَلَا غَـرْبِيَّةٛ that it has association - direction with location neither east nor west.

Another feature of Olive is mentioned by a deficient verbal sentence: يَكَادُ زَيْتُـهَا يُضِىٓ ءُ it is almost near that her oil exciting it (pearl like planet) to radiating heat and light. And circumstantial clause says: وَلَوْ لَمْ تَمْسَسْهُ نَارٚ though fire has not touched it, exciting will happen in any case.

The affect is mentioned by the nominal sentence using indefinite nouns: نُّورٌ عَلَـىٰ نُورٛ : ray of light is upon another ray of light.

I have tried to analyse the meanings of individual words, grammatical units and structures and syntactic elements to the best of my ability and concentration for the Eye specialists. The mention of Olive oil is quite interesting and attention catcher. Today we know about fluorescence. I found a report at National Library of Medicine about Olive oil that says:

Fluorescence spectra measurement of olive oil and other vegetable oils

"All oils studied, except extra virgin olive oil, exhibited a strong fluorescence band at 430-450 nm. Extra virgin olive oil gave a different but interesting fluorescence spectrum, composed of 3 bands: one low intensity doublet at 440 and 455 nm, one strong at 525 nm, and one of medium intensity at 681 nm. The band at 681 nm was identified as the chlorophyll band. The band at 525 nm was at least partly derived from vitamin E. The low intensity doublet at 440 and 455 nm correlated with the absorption intensity at 232 and 270 nm of olive oil."(un-quote)

May be there is some cue for the Specialists - Ophthalmologists for treatment of corneal blindness. Vision is the perception of light. After defining light there is parenthetic sentence in relation to Grand Qur’ān by epithet White Light:

  • -- Allah the Exalted guides for perceiving His Visible Light (Grand Qur’ān) about whomever He so decides--

  • ۔۔اللہ تعالیٰ جس کسی کے متعلق یہ فیصلہ کرتے ہیں کہ متمنی ہدایت ہے اسے اپنے نازل کردہ نور(قرءان مجید)پر عبور حاصل کرنے کی ہدایت دیتے ہیں۔۔(جملہ معترضہ)

  • And Allah the Exalted strikes examples-similitude-equations-contrast for the benefit of people.

  • ۔اور اللہ تعالیٰ مخصوص قسم کی مثالیں بیان فرماتے ہیں لوگوں کے استفادہ اور غوروفکر کرنے کے لئے۔

  • Be mindful; Allah the Exalted is eternally the Knower of each and all that exists. [24:35]

  • متنبہ رہو؛اللہ تعالیٰ ہر ایک شئے کا مکمل دائمی علم رکھنے والے ہیں