From the above functions of the or Epididymis it is evident that the thing which acts as Sperm is made/produced here. And the Grand Qur'aan further tells that the sperm  is not to stay here permanently but has to be emptied/seen off for lodging as a trust  into some other receptacle/ depository: 

  then/for reason [for continuation process] there is a resting/maturing place [epididymes for Sperm] and a departing/emptying  place/depositary/receptacle for seeing off/pouring/deposit as a trust and mutual understanding/promises. [vagina-fallopian tube-uterus].[6:98]

And where this is located?

  and from that person He created its partner [wife-first relationship] so that he may have the ultimate placidity/tranquility/serenity with/from/upon her. [Refer 7:189]

And from His demonstrative signs is that He creates from your selves your mates so that you people could have respectively upon her the ultimate placidity/tranquility/serenity; and He has placed amongst you [husband and wife] feelings of love and compassion. [Refer 30:21]

And that He created the pairs, the male and the female from a single sperm; when she/that       [semen] is poured/lodged/presented. [53:45-46]

We have created you people. Then why don't you accept/admit it? Is it for reason you people see that what you people [actually] pour? [into receptacle/vagina of wives]

Do you people create him/that particular single sperm? or We are the Creator? [56:57-59]

[concept of independence is even not there in the process of his creation] Was he not a sperm in the semen who was poured/lodged? [75:37]

: Root: و د ع  Basic perception is to see off, leave and empty some thing/lodge it at a safe place. It has been told that man is created from a Sperm [mingled with other things] who departs from its place of creation and resting [] and is placed in the Semen [] which is poured/lodged. And quite nakedly it has been made clear that the opening/passage to are the [] vagina of their respective wives.

Therefore, now have intercourse with them in the nights of fasting and you people seek [the result of intercourse, not son or daughter but desire] what Allah has written for you people;[2:187]

For reason of period completed, when they by taking bath get purified then, for this reason/in this state, you people [husbands] give them/associate [connect matrimonially] from the point Allah has decreed/appointed for you people. [حَيْثُ  denotes point in time and point of place. Approaching this حَيْثُ  was prohibited during menstruation, after purification one has to return to it] [2:222]


Your wives for you people are [like] cultivating field [which is ploughed into certain depth for placing inside seed at appropriate time], therefore you people give/come to your cultivating field if and when you desire [to empty the and put yourself to placidity/tranquility/serenity] [Refer 2:223]

Therefore/for reason when he/husband covered her [his mate/wife] she lifted invisibly a light burden and she moves with it.


Then/for reason/resultantly [of conception and developing/expanding measures] when she became heavy they both two called Allah, Sustainer Lord of both two of them, "if You give us a righteous son certainly  we will emphatically be amongst obliged and grateful" [7:189]

    It has thus pointedly and nakedly been made conspicuous to humanity that for them the to empty their sperms is only and exclusively the vagina of their respective wives. And a new information is also given that the sperm with which man is created is departed while being in which is poured in the opening/passage of place of lodging/meeting/reconciling/entering into agreement/promises. But how the sperm went into the , semen and where is it produced?

Then/for reason [if he denies the presence of Creator] the man should see with eyes from what he was created?

He was created  from one flowing male active participial [sperm] pushed in the water

 who/that water secretes/discharges from in between the backbone and the ribs. [86:05-07]

is active participial noun, singular, masculine. Man is created from only one sperm though in one "pour" there are 300 million sperms deposited/poured into wife's vagina. The Root of this word is "د  ف ق". According to  ابن فارس المتوفى 395 هجرى the basic perception infolded in it is to press/push something forward. Grand Qur'aan has stated that man is created from one male active participial who was pushed into that water which "يَخْرُجُ" secretes, comes out in between [centre of] the back bone and ribs.

The sperm is created and stationed at , he is the one active participial with which man is to be created; he is pushed into the water that secrets/discharges from in between the backbone and ribs. The sperm is carried from epididymes through the tubes to the prostate where the sperm are pushed into seminal fluid secreted/discharged by prostate and seminal vesicles attached to the prostate gland. And now the sperm is moving in the semen. It is still with the man/husband and has not been bid farewell/poured to the entrance/passage of . The point will be easily understood by reading about the movement of sperm before being sent to the depository as a "trust" to the wife in any encyclopedia about the male reproductive system of human beings. Sperm does not have the ability of self movement; it is first moved/pushed upwards to be thrown into the secretions [semen] discharged from prostate and seminal vesicles and then goes downward floating in the semen eventually to be poured into the depository.

 In men, orgasm occurs in two stages. First, the vas deferens, seminal vesicles, and prostate contract, sending seminal fluid to the bulb at the base of the urethra, and the man feels a sensation of ejaculatory inevitability—a feeling that ejaculation is just about to happen and cannot be stopped. Second, the urethral bulb and penis contract rhythmically, expelling the semen—a process called ejaculation for pouring "him" [] with whom human being, either male or female, is created.

            A man is created from a single active participle called . And about him it is told that he is pushed into that water which discharges from in between [centre] the back bone and the ribs. Allah has asked human beings to see from what he is created and told that sperm was such which could not move but had to be pushed into the water. Let us see the animation of creation of Sperm from   and its journey performed by pushes inside the human male for onward seeing off for deposit into