Human Being - the Blue eyed of created realm
Man is the cause behind the creation of physical realm.
In English Frame Index the Creation, Create physical artwork, Create representation, Intentionally create is defined: "The Creator creates a new entity, the Created entity, possibly out of Components"; "A Creator creates an artifact that is typically an iconic Representation of an actual or imagined entity or event. The Representation may also be evocative of an idea while not based on resemblance"; A Creator produces a physical object which is to serve as a Representation of an actual or imagined entity or event, the Represented".
In Arabic the semantic frame Creation is embedded in Root: خ ل ق. Ibn Faris [died-1005] in his famous lexicon: مقاييس اللغة stated about this Root:
الخاء واللام والقاف أصلان: أحدهما تقدير الشيء، والآخر مَلاسَة الشيء
That it signifies the act of determining the measures and proportionality of a thing to other things, and then smoothening of the object.
Its general perception and meanings as creation are well known. The basic perception is that of the idea and intention of giving existence to the intended object. Thus the thing is created and exists firstly in Abstract Realm before it takes existence in the Physical Realm.
The words that stem from this Root are result oriented. The irreducible semantic features of this Root are:
(1) A living Who is the creator of the object;
(2) The will - decision taken by the living to create;
(3) The purpose the Creator has in mind to create the object;
(4) For what or for whom it is meant;
(5) Idea - blue print - determination of measures and proportionality of the thing to other things that creates interrelationships before the object takes existence;
(6) The span of time it will continue to exist or live.
(7) Assigning a name to the object for its cognition.
The first occurrence of
the word "creation" is about Man's creation, reflecting the honour he
has in the physical realm, though he was made to emerge in physical form
when all arrangements commensurate to his status and security were set
in place:
The first question of Metaphysics or first philosophy is existence and first cause. So the study of metaphysics has but to start from Man's own existence.
The proposition or we may call it a claim in the Ayah is that Man's cause of existence is that he is created by His Sustainer Lord.
We are aware Philosophy came first and became the basis for science. The main difference is in the way they work and treat knowledge. Science is concerned with natural phenomena, while philosophy attempts to understand the nature of man, existence and the relationship that exists between the two concepts.
Metaphysics is the branch of philosophy which Aristotle called as "first philosophy". It deals with the nature of existence, the being and the world and it is a subject that deals with "first causes and the principles of things".
Grand Qur’ān firstly reminds us of our existence. We need to know about our existence, because what else exists know quite well about us, our stature and position in the physical realm. They have their own levels of perception and understanding.
The moment a philosopher observes the relation of his existence with the existence of universe, he can deduce nothing but the fact that his being is the first cause of the existence of the universe he lives in. A philosopher cannot fail to observe that he is not the reason for the survival of the universe, but it is the universe which is sustaining him and causing his survival though he is not her creator. So his own being is the first cause of the existence of the universe. Therefore, the first point of reflection for a truthful philosopher is to find the reason why the universe is at her service. This will lead him to find the first cause of his own existence. This will instantly lead him to the conclusion that he can not be one who causes the survival of the first cause of his own existence. Thinking otherwise will be a fallacy. The first cause must be living and surviving by His own self. He the Exalted is his Sustainer Lord Who is rightfully demanding that Humanity must show Him allegiance and servitude.
The second category of people who influence the minds of the majority are the scientists. We know the main difference between the philosopher and scientist is in the way they work and treat knowledge. Science begins with empirical data. It then moves into past and predicts future.
Whatever exists in the Skies and the Earth are subjected to a set discipline to serve the interests of Man. The set-discipline - sciences enable the rational people to reflect.
And what is the ultimate objective, purpose of creating Human being?
Subservience and allegiance to anyone other than one's creator costs compromising one's self-respect. But everything that is created is always subservient to the will and desire of its creator since the creator puts in it the built-in guidance for its each and every cell/component part to function for the achievement of the purpose for which it was created.
Human beings are given the freedom of choice, will and decision for the purpose that they behave rationally and submit by will affectionately and willingly to their Creator since they know that they were created, like everything around them, by the Creator. Therefore, like every thing around them they should also owe their allegiance and subservience to their Creator which will not cost them sacrifice of self respect and ego. When they submit to anyone else other than their Creator they in fact humiliate and degrade themselves.
The first directive to humanity and the purpose of their creation is the first element of the thesis statement of Qur´ān:
Man's Origin - Aa'dam