Quantum Entanglement is the Foundation of Universe

What is "Quantum entanglement" for a layman? It is simplistically defined by WikipediA:

"Quantum entanglement is a physical phenomenon that occurs when a pair or group of particles is generated, interact, or share spatial proximity in a way such that the quantum state of each particle of the pair or group cannot be described independently of the state of the others, including when the particles are separated by a large distance."*

  • And observe the fact that Our Majesty has created coupling - complementary pairing - binary composition with regard to every unit thing-element that exists.

Root: ز و ج; ش ى ء

  • The objective of couplings - binary composition of all the created units-elements is that you people might at your own conveniently comprehend, save in memory, recall and relate. [51:49]

زَوْجَيْـنِ: It is a dual noun. Its Root is " ز و ج". Basic perception infolded in it is that of coupling, or pairing, joining a thing with another thing; united it to it as its fellow, or like. Everything in physical realm is composed, constituted or is a coupling of two created things - two elements. Nothing is let to appear in the physical domain individually as an independent singular unit in itself. It extends to signify couples like husband and wife; male and female; spouse; and alike groups - classes of people.

The name - code and physical presence - existence of the things are bits of information transformed into data. If only one thing comes into the vision of a human being, would it get printed-saved in his memory? For answering this simple question we need not be specialists in psychology, nerves and brain. The answer is in negative. The saving-retention of information about the dimensions and code of a thing in the memory is possible only and is obliged to existence of more than one and contrasting thing enabling comparative study-observation. Comparative study and the information about the variations, differences, measures, and relationships is the primary reason that enables their saving and preservation in the memory. The variation, difference, and relationship are at least between the two.

Let us reflect for a second; everything of the universe was not in couplings-duals-male female-positive-negative: were it possible for us, what to say of gaining knowledge and admonishment, even to talk and explain?

The objective of couplings - binary composition of all the created units-elements is disclosed:: So that you people might at your own conveniently comprehend, save in memory, recall and expound it to others. All our knowledge and formulation of information about physical world is indebted to this aspect of creation. It should rather be treated as the first law of natural sciences: that noting in the physical domain exists as an "independent" unit, absolute in itself. The perception conveyed by words like "independent"; "absolute", all by oneself in their true and finest import are alien to physical world. Everything in physical world is but dependent.

  • Infinitely Glorious - Whose approval is the focus of all effort - is the One Who created the pairs, all of them with no exception

  • In that which the Earth sprouts-germinates [Plant Kingdom]

  • And likewise pair in that which germinates from their selves

  • And created pairs in those things about which they have at the moment no knowledge. [36:36]

Qur’ān is primarily for the layman, defined as: بَيَانٚ لِّلنَّاسِ;  an explicitly explicative discourse; thereby, it is understandable for common people since it descriptively narrates phenomena rather than using scientific terminology and its delicacies. It tells me that, presuming me layman, that the Earth and her wherewithal were created and the Sky in gaseous state was already there; both existing as independent, separate entities. Disclosure of the "gender" of both as "feminine" was however surprising and amazing for me. The only thing I could understand that may be both have feminine traits or could at best consider them negatively charged.

Then I am told both were asked to forego their independent and individualistic character and develop a mutual relationship of their choice, either of attraction, understanding, tug, pull, honouring each other's word; or of mutual repulsion, and dislike.

  • Afterwards, having created the Earth and its wherewithal, He the Exalted attended-directed towards the Sky, she was existing in gaseous state.

Root: د خ ن

  • Thereby, He the Exalted decreed for her (the gaseous Sky [singular]) and for the Earth: solid mass-matter: "You both develop relationship either of attraction-tug-pull or repulsion".

Root: ك ر ه

This command to them forced me to reconsider the taught lessons and life long held belief that the difference between me and universe around me is of consciousness. I went into the open and suddenly realized everything in my sight is fully conscious of my existence and presence. This time, feel of awe was most chilling. The chill squeezed me to prostration. It also gave me a feel of pride and honour that the universe around me is not only cognizant of me but is also at my service. This prompted me to second prostration. I sat there to feel if they had more to tell me. I felt they were now somewhat sarcastic about my previous understanding of consciousness. They were signaling that they are conscious from the moment they come into existence and that I have become conscious so belatedly. I had but to regret and promise them that henceforth I will try to keep myself synchronized with them and their consciousness.

The response to the command was after having acted in obedience:


  • They (Sky and the Earth) said: "We have assembled like those who develop relationship of pull-affection-attraction desiring proximity". [41:11]

This was demonstration of "Quantum entanglement love". They were no longer separate entities but exist as one static unit, a symbol of true love. They used some expression, which the Author of the Discourse has translated by Arabic active participle "طَآئِعِيـنَ", which signifies that whatever may be the circumstances they will remain in passion of love and understanding and accepting each other's point of view, stance, instance.

This declarative - informative statement in Verse 41:11 is conjunct to the previous clause by: ثُـمَّ that reveals the different nature of antecedent activity and the activity mentioned later and a time-gap between the two. The focus of activity is mentioned as the Sky (singular) and in what condition was it then is mentioned as gaseous state.

It is explicit that at the time of and during the creation of the Earth and insertion of other materials in it One Sky was already present in gaseous state. These were two independent components at that point in time. Allah the Exalted gave an option to the Sky and the Earth (both feminine objects) to make an assembly - a relationship either of attraction-tug or repulsion. This shows that the matter too has some phenomenon of "consciousness - perception - intelligence". They, the two feminine objects replied they have come like those who develop relationship of mutual pull-affection-attraction desiring proximity.

At this point in time two component units (both feminine) had become assembled as we generally assemble components while manufacturing/creating an object. What followed:

  • Thereby, applying of stretching in layers [firmaments one above the other] He the Exalted completed them seven skies within two days.

  • And He the Exalted assigned to each of the layers of the Sky her specific task.

  • And Our Majesty have adorned the lowest Sky of Lowly World-Earth with Comets, and have rendered it protected;

  • These are the equations-measured settings of relations-relativity determined by the absolutely Dominant, Infinitely Knowledgeable - the setter of sciences. [41:12]

The Sky was made a creation in seven vertical layers each with distinct assignment. It is told:

  • Have you people not seen how Allah the Exalted has created seven skies, vertically layered one above another in harmony/adjoining one above another.  [71:15]

The creation of the unified universe was thus accomplished in a period of six days of some other domain before the zero moment - entry of time when the newly created universe was set into motion or spin. How Quantum entanglement love looked like even after changes in the Sky and distancing; it is portrayed:

  • (why they assert illogical statements) Is it that they who refused to accept Qur’ān/reject it as human authorship have not observed - studied

  • That the Skies and the Earth were once in a sewn state - united leaving no aperture as if she were a single unit. Thereby, since the intent was to make the under creation universe operational, Our Majesty disjointed both rendering them individuated.

Earlier we have read that the Sky and the Earth had joined and then the Sky was proportioned and completed into seven skies and their state had become: رَتْقٙا . It is verbal noun used as predicate of deficient "be" verb. It signifies a state of  adjoining, combining, adjunction and adhesion, cohesion, nature, character seeming as if it were a complete unit/entity; as two things are sewn leaving no aperture. Then it happened: . It is a complete sentence comprising of prefixed conjunction particle signifying presence of reason and effect, indicating elision of causative element that caused the following act in perfect verb, subject pronoun and suffixed object pronoun dual feminine. The skies is a plural broken feminine noun which is grammatically singular. Also the relation is in fact between two, the Sky and the Earth. The verb signifies to unwrap, unfold, opening within a thing, detachment, individuation between tow interwoven objects, and it is contra. of union-association.

The demonstration of "Quantum entanglement love" reveals that both had some correlation in physical properties and measurements. Yes they had correlations and they understood from the given command that predictive relationship can be exploited either way.

  • Take note, every tangible entity introduced in physical realm from His Grace is created by measure - quantity - volume. [13:08]

Root: ش ى ء

  • It is a fact that Our Majesty have created all things that exist. We have created it (each thing) in a state of determined measure/quantity/volume. [54:49]

Root: ش ى ء

  • Allah the Exalted had determined-appointed for each and all things attribute of measure-relativity-causality. [Refer 65:03]

Root: ش ى ء

Everything is in measure and all their measures made in proportion to other things to create relativity, harmony and unity in physical realm:

  • The Omnipresent, Perpetual is the One The domain and governance of the Skies and the Earth is exclusively for Him the Exalted

  • Be cognizant of the fact, He the Exalted never adopted anyone as son

  • And never ever there was a partner - associate for Him the Exalted to share the dominion and sovereign power.

  • Be aware, He the Exalted has created each and all matter that exists. Thereby, He the Exalted did subject each thing to a measure in a manner of relatively quantifying and equating everything proportionately. [25:02]

Root: خ ل ق;  ش ى ء

"Predestination" is but a bond-imprisonment of measures and mutual relationships-relativity and inter-dependence of creatures. Everything is created in a determined measure and they all have Homology, Proportionate-ness, Commensurability, Symmetry, and Pro Rata. Predestination is coercive and compelling. Measures and relativity subjugates and places every thing in a surrendered, passive state. This "Predestination" is in fact the setting of sciences and causality that becomes the source for acquiring knowledge and freewill of humans. 

When "Quantum entanglement love" is the very foundation of the Universe, we live in, how could we be left out of this "entanglement" when we know not only by our own observation but are also told that we are the blue-eyed of this Universe as it was created for us. The inalienable ingredient in the semantic frame "creation" is for what purpose and for whom something is created.

  • He the Exalted is the One Who had created that which is present in the Earth, all together for you people —[Refer 2:29[

Root: خ ل ق

  • Have you not observedgiven a thought that Allah the Exalted has subjugated whatever exists in the Earth to a set discipline-relativity for you people —[Refer 22:65]

  • ۔کیا تم نے اس حقیقت کا مشاہدہ نہیں کیا کہ جو کچھ زمین میں موجود ہے اسے ان جناب نے تم لوگوں  کے لئے ا  صول و ضوابط کا پابند کر کےقابل دسترس حالت میں کیا ہے۔

Root: س خ ر

  • Have you people [despite living in 21st century] not seen-given a thought to the fact that Allah the Exalted has subjected-subjugated all which is located in the Skies and in the Earth for you to a set discipline-relativity?

  • ۔کیا تم نے اس حقیقت کا مشاہدہ نہیں کیا کہ جو کچھ آسمانوں میں موجود ہے اورجو کچھ زمین میں موجود ہے اسے ان جناب نے تم لوگوں  کے لئے  قابل دسترس حالت میں کیا ہے۔

Root: س خ ر

  • And He the Exalted has subjected-subjugated all which is located in the Skies and in the Earth, solely for you people, to a set discipline-relativity; harmoniously-collectively, a blessing of Him. [Refer 45:13]

It is interesting that question is posed to all human beings to whom the Book reaches. The question is straight forward and about observable phenomenon. We should not hesitate answering on the plea that we are not Einstein and Neils Bohar. Our Sustainer Lord, we have now observed it as infallible truth and we express gratitude and say ٱلْحَمْدُ لِلَّهِ رَبِّ ٱلْعَٟلَمِيـنَ .

The use of perfect verb: سَخَّرَ is very explicit and esoteric for scientists. It is of Form-II of verbal noun: تَسْخِيْرٌ, which creates that state and attribute in the object which is signified by the meaning of primary verb and Root: س خ ر . It signifies subjecting, subduing, subordinating, force to work, utilization and exploitation. Connotation of gradation is also present in this Form which means the action occurred progressively in stages.

The mathematical, mechanical and scientific aspects of what was discussed in theoretical debate by Einstein and Niels Bohar is beyond my comprehension. What I could gather was that Einstein insisted upon required time for signalling by one photon to another depending upon distance and laws determining the speed of light. Bohar stuck to his point that no time would elapse because both photons continued to exist in entangled state and were inseparable without regard to distance.

As a layman, Einstein seems to me more logical and realistic. What I gather from information in Qur’ān this timeless signalling between the Sky and Earth might have been possible when they were in static position of: رَتْقٙا, and undergoing process of creation of Universe and her own time had yet to come into motion. But after: state, when internally they were distanced and by raising the: "سمك" of sky that added fourth dimension of time, the signalling and teleportation - psychokinesis between distances will involve time though seemingly it is instantaneous like time elapsed in eye wink.

An instance is mentioned in Qur’ān is the historical count of elevated Messenger Suleiman (alahissalam) who was also the King where we find two persons possessing the ability and knowledge of transporting a heavy object, grand throne of the Queen, from one location to another distant location in instantaneous manner.

  • He (Sulie'maan alai'his'slaam) said, "O you the Chieftains! Who of you could bring to me her throne before they arrive to me in state of yielding-peacemakers?" [27:38]

Root: ع ر ش; م ل ء

  • Said Ifreet, a person of the Jinn species, "I will bring it to you before your rising from your seating place

  • And indeed I am certainly powerful upon doing it and am trustworthy in discharging responsibility." [27:39]

He explained his power/ability of teleporting the Queen's throne from her palace to their Palace in the time-frame that elapses in King's rising from his sitting place.

  • He who had been given knowledge originating from certain book (Mother-Principal), by the grace of Him the Exalted, said, "I will bring it to you before your wink turns to its original position towards you."

The man's claim, who was bestowed with knowledge emanating from Principle Book, shows that distances can be squeezed to the distance equivalent to the distance eyelids cover in a wink and the time required is also as negligible as elapses in one wink. On getting go ahead signal he successfully did it:

  • Therebyhaving been asked to go ahead, as soon he saw that throne placed by his side he said, "This is manifestation of the blessing of my Sustainer Lord so that He may expose me whether I am grateful or I am ungrateful

Root: ط ر ف;  ق ر ر

My advice to people of scientific knowledge is that it is a Narrative - a real life event and not fiction. This real-life instance proves both Einstein and Bohar right in their position since the knowledgeable person, who physically did it, explained by the choice of word "wink of eye". It seems the original throne was brought with speed of light.

  • He ordered, "Render her throne to look unfamiliar for her, We would see and judge whether she recognizes - guides herself  or she remains one of those who guide not their-selves aright". [27:41]

Root: ع ر ش;  ن ك ر

  • Since preparations had already been made for her reception, therefore, as soon she arrived at reception point it was said, "Your throne, Madam Queen, please see this one?"

  • She replied, "It is like as if it is that one. [Refer 27:42]

It is for the scientists to ponder "how" aspect of this transportation of heavy object from one Palace of State to another State within time span of wink of an eye. However, the fact remains:

  • But they can not comprehensively grasp any physical or abstract entity loaded with partial information of the Knowledge of Him the Exalted. Exception is only to that information which He the Exalted desired to share - acquaint them with. [Refer 2:255]

Root: ح و ط