Cosmological constant
An excerpt from Wikipedia from article "Ultimate Fate of the Universe"
[Einstein and his contemporaries believed in a static universe. When Einstein found that his general relativity equations could easily be solved in such a way as to allow the universe to be expanding at the present and contracting in the far future, he added to those equations what he called a cosmological constant — essentially a constant energy density, unaffected by any expansion or contraction — whose role was to offset the effect of gravity on the universe as a whole in such a way that the universe would remain static. However, after Hubble announced his conclusion that the universe was expanding, Einstein would write that his cosmological constant was "the greatest blunder of my life".]
The subject is too complex for me but some terms related to the scientific study like dynamic balance, static universe, theory of relativity, dark matter, etc., I have found mentioned in Qur’ān on the subject of Creation of Universe and its ultimate fate, lead me to think that iconic scientist Einstein would not have made the greatest blunder of his life had he even just skimmed Grand Qur’ān. Dynamic balance, dynamic equations, relativity is the fundamental characteristic of universe, presence of dark matter-energy and atomic-elementary particles; and most importantly related to cosmological constant the fact of expansion and contraction at the far end are all mentioned therein in its expository text.
Qur’ān had informed in simple words understandable for man of ordinary prudence thirteen hundred years before the Hubble that the Universe is expanding and indicated to the scientific community that some day it will also be visually shown to them. Both statements stand true. It was told:
This sentence is inserted in the narrative of past civilizations starting from the most recent to the oldest first nation of Noah alahissalam. Thereby, its sudden mention has rhetorical value of breaking news for attracting attention for reflection. Moreover, the sentence has rhetorical device of elision of the verb for the first noun the Sky which is the object of elided verb "We created". Another fact about her disclosed with emphasis is: لَمُوسِعُونَ. It is plural active participle of Form-IV; plural pronoun hidden is in fact majestic singular referent to the speaker, His Majesty Allah the Exalted, the Creator. One of the unique feature of an Active participle is that it has a verbal quality. It signifies that it has the same meaning as the Active Voice Verb and can even govern words in the same manner as a verb governs in a sentence.
Active Participle must be used instead of the present continuous tense if the intention is to describe a current action. Thus this breaking news revealed that expansion of the Sky is ever-current, on-going phenomenon. Form-IV reveals that it is always being rendered expanding and spacious, not by itself but by external entity-force.
I think had Einstein known this Ayah/verse he might have not inserted "Cosmological constant" in his realized and understood equations; or might have assigned it some arbitrary positive and negative value by thinking that expansion is being caused by external factor.
And had he read the following Ayah/verse I am sure he would have not done what he called blunder of his life:
Root: ع و د |
This information is given in Frame-16 of Chapter-21 comprising of Ayah 95 to 104 depicting the ultimate fate of the Universe. On the Last Day, the Sky will be folded like a scroll. All the Skies would have been rendered in this state:
Root: ط و ى |
Allah the Exalted has promised that he will show to the eyes of the non-believers of Qur’ān the realities in the horizons of the Universe that are already mentioned and verbally mirrored:
They have already been shown that Universe is being expanded constantly and have arrived to the conclusion of its contracting. The fact of folding back will also be seen on the Last Day.
The Sky and Earth were asked to develop a relationship and they joined with each other with affection and attraction. Thereby, some affect would be felt-experienced by the Earth due to expansion of the Sky. May be what is informed about the Earth is the complimentary affect of ever expanding Sky. It is stated that the Earth is being reduced from her edges - circumference:
The information is given in question format using the verbs signifying seeing - noticing indicating that what follows is an observable phenomenon. The verbal sentence: نَأْتِـى ٱلۡأَرْضَ , comprising of verb - subject - object is the predicate of verb-like particle, stands as direct object of preceding verb "seeing, noticing, observing". The First person plural/Majestic singular imperfect verb in indicative mood stems from Root: ء ت ى which has in its ambit the meanings of "to yield" and overpowering something. After the question about the Earth, another question uses the word: ٱلْغَٟلِبُونَ the dominant, those who overpower.
The observable information about the Earth is: نَنقُصُهَا مِنْ أَطْرَافِهَآ "Our Majesty keep reducing her from her edges". The verb stems from Root: ن ق ص and signifies the act of reducing, decreasing, diminishing. The area of effect of verb is mentioned by a prepositional phrase coupled with possessive phrase: أَطْرَافِهَآ with pronoun referring the Earth. The noun is feminine broken plural noun. It denotes plural number of edges, corners and thus by itself reveals the sphericity of the Earth.
The Earth scientists can better explain the phenomenon and the force that causes this reduction - shrinkage. Reflecting on the use of verbal sentence: نَأْتِـى ٱلۡأَرْضَ which could have been omitted and yet the information would have been complete, it seems it has some relationship with the phenomenon of expanding the Sky.
Dark Matter/Energy
The placing of Cosmological Constant may not be a blunder if it were given a mysterious repulsive force value, the Dark Energy. Something was inserted in the Skies and the Earth as Dark Matter/Energy and Visible Light (White Light):
Root: ع د ل |
The third sentence is a compound sentence, two independent sentences conjunct by a particle. We notice that for the Skies and the Earth the verb: خَلَقَ is used, meaning "He created"; but for layers of the Darkness and for the White Light the verb choice is: جَعَلَ. It stems from Root "ج ع ل"; it denotes rendering an already created thing to assign it a different characteristic or state or inserting something into an object. It is a doubly transitive verb since something is rendered as something else. Thereby, both: , plural accusative feminine noun, which is always used plural, is the second object of the verb and second masculine singular, which is always singular, is also the second object of verb. It thus reveals that both were imported from somewhere else to the Universe and inserted as layers of darkness-dark substances and as visible light in the spaces of the Skies and the Earth. What is invisible "Dark" is mentioned in Ayah: 40 of Chater-24 titled "النُّور" The Visible Light. In the depths of the ocean the man cannot see his own hand.
Therefore, if the pillars are made of dark matter the canopy above us will be perceived as standing on something not visible to eye:
Why the Universe is not imploding? The reason is given:
The third person singular masculine imperfect Indicative Form-IV verb: يُمْسِكُ is from verbal Noun: إِمْسَاكُ; and Root "م س ك". It leads to the perception of hold back, keep back, retain, restrain some object; or to confine her. The verb thus reveals that the Skies and the Earth are held in the place they are located that avoids their collapse. The instrument/force/energy which is utilized for the purpose is not mentioned. The most suitable candidate for inference is Dark Energy.