The fountain of mercy—mercy overarching all His decisions
It is mentioned 34 times, six times in genitive
case and 28 times in nominative case. It finds mention as adjectival
in adjectival phrase with principal Proper Noun:
also as first or second ascription [خبر/خبر
ثان]. All
ayahs are reproduced in the end.
This noun is called اسم المبالغة/ Hyperbole: Intensive Quasi Active participle: it indicates excess in the meaning of the verbal noun; it denotes the one that enacts the base meaning exaggeratedly/excessively/intensively. However, we should remember that Grand Qur'aan is a statement of Proven Fact which is always void of any exaggeration in the negative sense/ perception of this word in Urdu and English.
The difference between Hyperbole [صيغة المبالغة] and Elative Noun [اسم التفضيل] is that in it the meaning is limited to itself without taking others into consideration while in Elative Noun the excess in meaning is in comparison to others.
This noun is derived mostly from Three Letter Primary Verbs and less frequently from derivative verbs. When derived from the Three Letter Primary Verbs, all the patterns are established according to usage [سَمَاعِيُّ].
It stems from Root: ر ح م. It it leads to the perception of gentility, gentleness, tenderness, softness, affection, kindness and mercy, clemency and motherliness.
Related with creation of physical world,
the first trait of:
introduced is:
Why this choice? Because He the Exalted is Almighty, the Icon of Power
and Might, thereby, the Might to administer the physical realm was
decided to be exercised subject to the mercy overarching all decisions.
It is explicitly disclosed:
You the Messenger [Sal'lallaa'hoalaih'wa'salam] ask them: "Whoever and whatever exists in the Skies and the Earth; to and for whom they owe existence and subjection?"
You the Messenger [Sal'lallaa'hoalaih'wa'salam] tell them the answer: "Solely for Allah the Exalted.
He the Exalted has self prescribed the Mercy obligatory upon His Exalted Self." [refer 6:12]
Your Sustainer Lord has, by own will, prescribed the Mercy obligatory upon His Exalted Self. [Refer 6:54]
We have a saying, "Power corrupts, and absolute power corrupts absolutely." When Mercy overarches all decisions and actions, the Absolute Power, almightiness becomes beautiful, balanced, and ever awesome.
The Mercy, one will find, is reflected and manifested everywhere; above all one will find the Umbrella of the Mercy of Allah - Ar'Reh'maan the Exalted. Moreover, it is reflective of the fact that creation is for determined purpose since creating things for playful purposes does not entail that one should prescribe for oneself to be ever merciful.
Ar-Raheem does not mean that He should not punish the criminals. Rewarding the righteous and punishing the criminals is the manifestation of mercy. In fact majority of the traits are but reflection and manifestation of mercy, which Ar'Reh'maan the Exalted imposed upon Himself of His Own choice since might and power cannot be dictated for doing something, before deciding to create. He brought His infinite Power and Might under the Umbrella of Mercy whereby His Absolute Power is also beautiful [proportionately balanced] otherwise might has an element of negativity, generally speaking.
Elided Verb: The elevated Messenger of Allah the Exalted pronounced:
"Ar'Reh'maan: the Personal Name of Allah the Exalted is the recourse-resort to activation.
Ar'Reh'maan is eternally the Fountain of Infinite Mercy". [1:01]
The Infinite Glory and Praise stands specified eternally and exclusively for Allah the Exalted, the Sustainer Lord of the Known-Multiple universes-All that exists—[01:02]
The Sustainer Lord of the Worlds is Ar'Reh'maan Who is eternally the Fountain of Infinite Mercy—[01:03]
Indeed it is from Suleiman—and it preludes—[Quote]
"Beginning is with Allah's personal name Ar'Reh'maan Who is the Fountain of Infinite Mercy—; [27:30]
This Qur'aan is a piecemeal dispatch and delivery by Ar'Reh'maan the Exalted Who is the Fountain of Infinite Mercy. [41:02]
And you the Messenger [Sal'lallaa'hoalaih'wa'salam] keep placing your reliance and dependence upon the All Pervasive/Dominant and eternally The Wise/Knower of invisible/secreted/infolded; [26:217]
The One Who keeps watching you the Messenger [Sal'lallaa'hoalaih'wa'salam] when you stand up— [26:218]
This Qur'aan is the piecemeal dispatch and delivery by the All Pervasive; the Dominant/ Sovereign Who is the Fountain of Infinite Mercy—[36:05]
So that you may admonish the Nation (Bani Iesma'eile- to whom no admonisher had come in times many generations before you Muhamad Sal'lallaa'hoalaih'wa'salam-6:156) whose forefathers/earlier generations were not admonished for which reason they/majority of them are unwary. [36:06] [Read with 28:46;62:02; also 6:92,42:07]
And remain mindful that the Iiela'aha: Sovereign Sustainer Lord of you people is characteristically such Sustainer Lord Who maintains Aloneness.
Realize it about miscellany of iela'aha: deities that are uncritically admired, adorned and worshipped; none of them is alive; none of them organizes, administers or sustains others except He the Alone Sustainer Lord.
He, the Solitary Living Sovereign Sustainer Lord worthy to be uncritically admired and adorned is Ar'Reh'maan, the Fountain of Infinite Mercy. [2:163]
He is Allah the Exalted, the One about Whom the fact is: in the miscellany of iela'aha: deities that are uncritically admired, adorned and worshipped; none of them is alive; none of them organizes, administers or sustains others except He the Alone Sustainer Lord—
He the Exalted is the Knower of what is invisible/non perceivable and visible/perceivable for the creatures—
He [Allah,
the All Knower]
is Ar'Reh'maan the Exalted Who is the Fountain of Infinite Mercy.
Thereby [recognizing the wrong/regretful ness caused] Adam acquainted himself with words learnt from his Sustainer Lord for expressing regrets.
Thereupon, on expressing words of regret seeking overlooking it, his Sustainer Lord focused mercy upon him.
It is a fact that He is the Only Who is repeatedly forgiving-pays attention, the fountain of Mercy. [2:37]
And recall when [on his return having been told by Us about your doing in his absence] Mūsā [alai'his'slaam] said to his people:
"O My Nation! You have indeed wronged yourselves having willfully adopted the sculpted calf.
Thereby, you remorsefully turn to your absolver - granter of immunity, thereat curb and shame your selves.
This remorse and shaming your selves will be better for you in the sight of your absolver - granter of immunity".
You acted on his advice [7:149], thereupon, He the Exalted turned towards you in forgiveness.
It is a fact that He is the Only Who is repeatedly forgiving-pays attention, the fountain of Mercy. [2:54]
They further prayed: Our Sustainer Lord! And declare us as two Muslims perpetually Monotheist Believer for You the Exalted.
Moreover, You the Exalted do keep- declare amongst the progeny of both of us a community remaining Muslim- subservient exclusively for You the Exalted.
And do cause the demonstration for us to observe our formal procedures- protocols- rites; and kindly turn in mercy towards us.
It is a fact that You the Exalted are certainly the One Who attends to prayer with utmost Mercy. [2:128]
Exception shall be for those who returned repenting and consciously corrected-mended the direction of conduct and they distinctly explained to people what they were concealing from the Book.
Thereby they are the people to whom in response I will keep paying attention forgivingly.
And be sure I am indeed repeatedly forgiving, the Merciful. [2:160]
Have they yet not known that Allah the Exalted indeed accepts the repentance and regrets from His subjects?
And that He the Exalted does acknowledge the gifts of generosity?
The fact remains that Allah the Exalted is sympathetically oft Relenting, the Fountain of Mercy. [9:104]
And upon "the known three" of those who had lethargically tarried back, until when the Earth despite its vastness had become straitened for them;
And their own selves felt contracted; and they assessed that there was no refuge from Allah except with Him; afterwards He mercifully attended them so that they might be back to the position from where they had erred.
The fact remains that Allah the Exalted is sympathetically oft Relenting, the Fountain of Mercy. [9:118]
And if Allah the Exalted inflicts upon you distress; thereat for reason of He being absolutely dominant, there is none capable for removing that distress except Him the Exalted;
And if He intends betterment for you, thereby, there is none at all who could revert His bounty;
He causes this bounty to reach him whom He likes amongst His created subjects.
Remain aware; He the Exalted is repeatedly Forgiving/Overlooking and the Fountain of Infinite Mercy. [10:107]
They said, "O our father! You seek forgiveness for us for our sins-slanders.
Indeed we were the erring ones." [12:97]
He replied, "Soon I will seek forgiveness for you from my Sustainer Lord;
Indeed He the Exalted is repeatedly Forgiving/Overlooking and the Fountain of Infinite Mercy." [12:98]
You the Messenger [Sal'lallaa'hoalaih'wa'salam] inform My subjects that; "I am certainly magnanimously Forgiver; infinitely Merciful. [15:49]
However, the fact remains, your Sustainer Lord is certainly He Who is Absolutely Dominant—All-Mighty, the Fountain of Infinite Mercy. [26:09]
Realize the fact, your Sustainer Lord is certainly He Who is Absolutely Dominant, the Fountain of Infinite Mercy. [26:68]
However, fact remains, your Sustainer Lord is certainly He Who is Absolutely Dominant, the Fountain of Infinite Mercy. [26:104]
However, fact remains, your Sustainer Lord is certainly He Who is Absolutely Dominant, the Fountain of Infinite Mercy. [26:122]
However, fact remains, your Sustainer Lord is certainly He Who is Absolutely Dominant, the Fountain of Infinite Mercy. [26:140]
However, fact remains, your Sustainer Lord is certainly He Who is Absolutely Dominant, the Fountain of Infinite Mercy. [26:159]
However, fact remains, your Sustainer Lord is certainly He Who is Absolutely Dominant, the Fountain of Infinite Mercy. [26:175]
However, fact remains, your Sustainer Lord is certainly He Who is Absolutely Dominant, the Fountain of Infinite Mercy. [26:191]
He prayed, "O my Sustainer Lord, I have done wrong to myself, therefore, You do grant forgiveness for me"; in response He granted forgiveness for him.
Indeed He the Exalted is the One Who is repeatedly Forgiving/Overlooking and the Fountain of Infinite Mercy.. [28:16]
They will be victorious with the help of Allah the Exalted;
He the Exalted helps whomever He wills.
And the fact remains, He the Exalted is Absolutely Dominant, the Fountain of Infinite Mercy. [30:05]
Aforementioned reveal that He is the Knower of what is invisible/non perceivable and visible/perceivable for the creatures;
Allah the Exalted is Absolutely Dominant—All-Mighty, the Fountain of Infinite Mercy. [32:06]
He the Exalted fully knows that which enters the Earth and that which comes out from it;
And fully knows all that descends from the Sky and all that ascends in her/the Sky.
And He is the Fountain of Infinite Mercy; repeatedly Forgiving/Overlooking. [34:02]
You, the Messenger [Sal'lallaa'hoalaih'wa'salam] pronounce universally and declaratively—
"O my those subjects who have done excesses to their selves; you people should not loose hope for the Mercy of Allah the Exalted in consideration of your hitherto conduct.
It is a fact that Allah the Exalted forgives the slanders and sins [of the past subject to conditions hereafter mentioned], all collectively. [thus it includes statue worshiping in the past]
Indeed He the Exalted is the One Who is repeatedly Forgiving-Overlooking, and is the Fountain of Infinite Mercy. [39:53]
It is almost nearing that the Skies torn for the first time from above them; [for reason people have put forth/conjectured an abominable commotional thing-19:89-90],
And/while the Angels repetitively mention the Glory with praises of their Sustainer Lord;
And they have assigned for themselves at their own the task of seeking forgiveness for those [believers] who are on Earth.
Unquestionably it is a fact that Allah is He Who is Oft-Forgiving, the Fountain of Infinite Mercy [42:05]
The certain fact is that the Day of Separation-Segregation-Compartmentalization-Sorting is the Appointed Time of them, all collectively. [44:40]
That is the Day during which no relative will have any avail from a relative.
Mind it that they will never ever get help [from those who can otherwise help]. [44:41]
However, there is one excepted from the above disclosure upon whom Allah the Exalted bestowed mercy.
It is a certain fact that He the Exalted is Absolutely Dominant, He the Exalted is the Fountain of Infinite Mercy. [44:42]
Contradicting it, do they keep saying to people: "He: Muhammad [Sal'lallaa'hoalaih'wa'salam] has drafted, compiled it: Qur'aan with his own effort, perception, knowledge, understanding?
You the Messenger [Sal'lallaa'hoalaih'wa'salam] pronounce, "If I have compiled/drafted the Qur'aan [attributing it to Allah] at my own initiative, thereat [then on me is my crime] you people hold nothing for me to protect from Allah the Exalted.
He fully knows the best about that which you people keep engaged in conjectural gossip.
Allah the Exalted suffices as witness in this matter between me and between you people,
And He is repeatedly Forgiving/Overlooking and the Fountain of Mercy". [46:08]
Indeed in aforetimes before this We used to call upon Him,
It is a certain fact that He is the Most Kind - Magnanimous, the Fountain of Infinite Mercy." [52:28]