The fountain of mercymercy overarching all His decisions


It is mentioned 34 times, six times in genitive case and 28 times in nominative case. It finds mention as adjectival in adjectival phrase with principal Proper Noun: and also as  first or second ascription [خبر/خبر ثان]. All ayahs are reproduced in the end.

This noun is called اسم المبالغة/ Hyperbole: Intensive Quasi Active participle: it indicates excess in the meaning of the verbal noun; it denotes the one that enacts the base meaning exaggeratedly/excessively/intensively. However, we should remember that Grand Qur'aan is a statement of Proven Fact which is always void of any exaggeration in the negative sense/ perception of this word in Urdu and English.

The difference between Hyperbole [صيغة المبالغة] and Elative Noun [اسم التفضيل] is that in it the meaning is limited to itself without taking others into consideration while in Elative Noun the excess in meaning is in comparison to others.

This noun is derived mostly from Three Letter Primary Verbs and less frequently from derivative verbs. When derived from the Three Letter Primary Verbs, all the patterns are established according to usage [سَمَاعِيُّ].

It stems from Root: ر ح م. It it leads to the perception of gentility, gentleness, tenderness, softness, affection, kindness and mercy, clemency and motherliness.

Related with creation of physical world, the first trait of: introduced is: . Why this choice? Because He the Exalted is Almighty, the Icon of Power and Might, thereby, the Might to administer the physical realm was decided to be exercised subject to the mercy overarching all decisions. It is explicitly disclosed:

We have a saying, "Power corrupts, and absolute power corrupts absolutely." When Mercy overarches all decisions and actions, the Absolute Power, almightiness becomes beautiful, balanced, and ever awesome.

The Mercy, one will find, is reflected and manifested everywhere; above all one will find the Umbrella of the Mercy of Allah - Ar'Reh'maan the Exalted. Moreover, it is reflective of the fact that creation is for determined purpose since creating things for playful purposes does not entail that one should prescribe for oneself to be ever merciful.

Ar-Raheem does not mean that He should not punish the criminals. Rewarding the righteous and punishing the criminals is the manifestation of mercy. In fact majority of the traits are but reflection and manifestation of mercy, which Ar'Reh'maan the Exalted  imposed upon Himself of His Own choice since might and power cannot be dictated for doing something, before deciding to create. He brought His infinite Power and Might under the Umbrella of Mercy whereby His Absolute Power is also beautiful [proportionately balanced] otherwise might has an element of negativity, generally speaking.

Ayahs mentioning: