o Beginning is with Allah's personal name Ar'Reh'maan Who is The Fountain of Infinite Mercy. |
النِّكَاحُ Romantic Unification Bond
1. Concept and perception infolded in Root "ن ك ح" and word النِّكَاحُ The basic perception infolded in Root "ن ك ح" is that of joining and combining in the manner of slumber dissolving in eyes or as the drops of rain absorb in the Earth. This signifies the mutually consented Marriage-Bond, between a man and women, witnessed, endorsed and authenticated by the society, the third party to the agreement-union-bond. This "Union-Bond" grants permission, and renders sanctity of purity, in establishing particular matrimonial relationship, which is otherwise not permissible and is a grave sin if done by a man and woman without the Union-Bond. Like the effect of basic perception of the Root, the romantic look in the eyes caused by gradual dissolving of slumber therein and inciting odor emerging by the absorption of earlier drops of rain on dried land, the Marriage-Bond, النِّكَاحُ , results in romantic attachment between a man and woman. However, there might be situation and a newly wed couple amongst whom this romantic attachment might not be possible, for compelling reasons, may be physical or ideological.
2. List of women of sanctification for believers and,
Note that you people should not henceforth marry from amongst women whom your fathers had earlier taken into Nikah/ Matrimonial-Bond [this command shall take effect prospectively]. This prohibition excludes that which has already happened in the past before this injunction [revelation of Grand Qur'aan]. Surely that act was obscene, vile, and abominable and an evil way/conduct. [4:22]
These women for you people have been forbidden/declared sanctified; your mothers, and your daughters, and your sisters, and your parental aunts [sisters of your fathers], and sisters of your mothers, and daughters of your brothers, and daughters of your sisters, and your foster mothers from whom you sucked milk in childhood, and your foster sisters, and mothers of your wives.
Moreover, those under your guardianship living within your protection, the daughters from previous husband of your such wives with whom you have performed matrimonial relationship/sexual intercourse are also forbidden.
However/for the reason, if you had not yet done matrimonial act of entry/intercourse with them [and divorced before sexual intercourse, as is permissible] thereby there is nothing objectionable/blemish-worthy liable upon you people in marrying their daughters born from previous husbands. Moreover, the spouses of your sons who were born of your sperm are sanctified. In addition, this is also prohibited that you may join/simultaneously collect two sisters in your Nikah. However, that which has happened in the past that is a past/retrospective matter. It is a fact that Allah is repeatedly Overlooking/Forgiving, the Merciful. [4:23] Moreover, amongst women those are also forbidden/sanctified who are protected/are already a wedded pearl except such married believing women [emigrant-60:10 in wed fold of disbeliever] who have since become under your control and authority. This is the Mandatory prescription of Allah, the Exalted for you people to follow in letter and spirit.[Ref 4:24] The Elevated, Distinct and Chosen Revivalist [Muhammad Sal'lallaa'hoalaih'wa'salam] is protector/ guardian/compassionate companion with the true believers more than their own selves/he is more dearer with the true believers than their personal selves [9:24], and his wives are their mothers. [Refer 33:06]
and nor that you could/should marry his wives for ever after him [Allah alienates him corporeally]. [Refer 33:53]
2.1 Other women and men prohibited for the believers for purpose of النِّكَاحُ-
And you people should not marry the idol-worshipping women unless they heartily incline themselves to accept the belief. And indeed a believing house-maid is better for marriage than an idol-worshipping woman notwithstanding how much she astounded you people. And nor you people should cause the wedding/associate in matrimonial bondage the believing women with idol-worshipping men unless they heartily incline themselves to accept the belief. Be mindful of the fact that a believing house-servant is better than an idol-worshipping man notwithstanding how much he astounded you people. They, the idol-worshippers are the people who invite others towards Hell-Fire. [Refer 2:221]
The man held guilty of consented illicit sexual intercourse [by the competent court of law] shall not marry/enter the contract of Nikah except with any woman-convict of illicit sexual intercourse or any polytheist woman; and with the woman held guilty of consented illicit sexual intercourse no one shall marry/enter the contract of Nikah except any man-convict of illicit sexual intercourse or any polytheist man. Note that this marriage/entering into Nikah with a man or woman convicted of illicit sexual intercourse is prohibited for the Believers. [24:03]
3. The age for النِّكَاحُ The life span of a human being has different sub-sets of duration of period each of which has different characteristics, peculiarities and particularities. In the Grand Qur'aan the age of Matrimonial Bondage النِّكَاحُ is prescribed and defined:
And keep trying/educating the orphans until when they have reached the Age of Marriage/Nikah. Thereat if you find sound judgment in them, thereupon release their property/wealth to them. [Refer 4:06]
[Exactly same
17:34] And you people come not nigh to the orphan's inherited property, except which is the best way, until he attains the age of his full strength [age of marriage/Nikah]. [6:152]
to tie, make a knot, contract, cement, marry. Giving a women away in marriage is ankaha when there is a father or guardian.