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[The striking difference
between 2:234 and this Ayah may be noted that this Ayah is giving a
direction to the still living
but departing husbands while 2:234 lays own a principle/injunction for
wives who were left behind.
The governing words of cognate adverbs are often dropped (provided the purpose of the adverb is not emphasis).
[it should be noted that the word used here is
1. Traditionally
The Grand Qur'aan, while laying injunctions and options with reference to situations arising in the life of married couples, has these two sentences, identically worded, in 2:234 and 2:240: Traditionally/conventionally it is translated as under: Ayat: 234 Rashad Khalifa: Those who die and leave wives, Ahmad Ali: Wives of men who die among you should wait... The source can be traced back to تفسير الجلالين والذين يتوفون= يموتون منكم ويذرون= يتركون
2. These are neither synonym nor are interchangeable.
The grammatical analysis of these two words is as under:
The Root of
Note that if you people are murdered in the way of Allah or you die a natural death [while being practicing Muslim], [Refer 3:157]
Note that it is a certain fact that whether you people die a natural death or are murdered, [Refer 3:158] thereafter they got killed/murdered or they died natural death, [Refer 22:58]
You, the Messenger [Sal'lallaa'hoalaih'wa'salam] pronounce, "The avoidance/running away [from confronting war] will never benefit you people if you ran away for consideration of the natural death or murder/killing [in war] [Refer 33:16]
The apparent effect/consequence of both unintentional and intentional individual's murder, killed in war by the enemy, and natural death is that the concerned person is alienated from the company of other people and from wife if he was a married man. However, murder of a particular person may not result and cause the termination of his life though it will also cause the alienation of that person from the company of people and his wife if he is a married man. Allah, the Exalted, informs about this fact: Take note that you people should not say, in respect of those people who get murdered/slain while engaged in the cause/obeying commands of Allah, "they are dead bodies". The fact of the matter is that they are not dead but are alive, while you are in a state that you people cannot pursue and perceive it/that life by senses. [2:154] Take note that you should not consider in respect of those people who get murdered/slain in the way of Allah that they are dead bodies. They are not dead bodies, the fact of the matter is that they are alive. They people are continuously getting sustenance from their Sustainer Lord. [3:169]
Allah, the Exalted has not used the word
Perception and meanings of
The word is made from Root "و ف ى", and its perception and meanings are
quite manifest by the effect/resultant action mentioned therewith, i.e.
The act of (a) a husband is alienating/moving away from his wife to participate in the war for the cause of Allah, whereby there is equal chance of his becoming a martyr; (b) a husband's body is alienating/moving away from his wife apparently to the grave, but actually to Paradise, on martyrdom. In both the above situations
husbands are, amongst people, in a state and situation of about to
alienate, segregate, move away, laid of, given away reflected by passive
(c) a husband is alienating/moving
away from his wife to the grave because of his natural death. This
alienation is caused by the subject
till such time the Death [Subject of verb] may cause the act of their segregation/alienation from other people;
Take note in respect of those men who are in a state of separation/detachment/parting from amongst you people [because of natural/accidental death, incidental/planned murder, or slaughter in the cause/war of Allah] while they leave behind wives. Their respective wives should wait/restrain their selves, honestly and sincerely, for a period of four lunar months and ten composite days [till the tenth lunar night]. Thereat/for reason when they have elapsed/terminated/crossed over the last moment of their prescribed duration, thereby there is no objection upon you people in that which they themselves decide/act about their selves in accordance with the known norms of the society. Remain mindful that Allah is informed/aware of all acts which you people are doing. [2:234] Those men take note who are in the state of separating/detachment/parting from amongst you people [for taking part in the war/to kill or get slain for the cause of Allah] while they are leaving behind wives. These husbands should bequeath [for their heirs] in favour of their respective wives [in case of their slaughter/or missing in war] that they should be given sustenance for one year without removing them out of the house. Thereby/for reason [on report of husband’s slaughter in the cause of Allah and on completing period of four months and ten days,] if they themselves leave the house [before one year] thereat nothing contracting/objectionable is upon you people for that act/decision they have taken for their selves in accordance with the known norms of society. Beware of the fact that Allah is the Dominant, The Wise, knower of invisible. [2:240]
[It should be remembered that in Arabic numbers, unlike other languages where they are merely digits, have built in gender they are referring to. عَشْراً is masculine and it is used to refer to something feminine. Plural of night in Arabic is feminine, therefore, it might have been superfluous to mention it with عَشْراً . Similarly the word males or Angels is not used when informing about the number of Warders appointed to manage the affairs of Hell- عَلَيْهَا تِسْعَةَ عَشَرَ, since تِسْعَةَ عَشَرَ indicates only males. Appointed duration must be indicated with its terminating moment, عَشْرا in accusative state reflected the terminating moment as the emergence of 10th night.]