Who can be more unjust evil monger than----?
Consider that who could be more unjust than the one who hindered-forbade the Mosques of Allah the Exalted that therein the Name of Him the Exalted might be celebrated,
and he strived for the ruining of their sanctity?
They are the people for whom it was not befitting that they themselves may have entered therein except like those who fear Allah the Exalted.
Humiliation-loss of self respect is manifest for them while in the worldly life;
And a great torment is in wait-prepared for them in the Hereafter. [2:114]
Are you saying that Iebra'heim and Iesma'eile and Ies'hauq and Ya'qoob [عليهم السلام ] and his progeny [tribes, grand sons] were Jews or Christians?"
You the Messenger [Sal'lallaa'hoalaih'wa'salam] ask them, "Do you know better or Allah the Exalted knows the best?"
And who is more unjust than he who concealed-withheld pronouncing the information, conveyed by Allah the Exalted, which is known to him [from mention in the Book]?
Remain mindful that Allah the Exalted is never unmindful about that what you people do [2:140]
Realize it; Who could be a greater evil monger-a distorter-creator of imbalances, disorder-over stepping than him who artfully conjectured a falsehood attributing it to Allah the Exalted; or publicly contradicted the Aa'ya'at: Verbal Passages of the Book of Him the Exalted.
Indeed the matter is that the distorters/creators of conjectural falsehood never attain prosperous success at the end. [6:21]
And reflect who could be a greater evil monger-a distorter-creator of imbalances, disorder-over stepping than him who artfully conjectured a falsehood attributing to Allah the Exalted;
Or than him who said: "A revelation has been communicated to me"; while nothing of the sort was verbally revealed to him.
And than him who said: "I will soon reveal similar to that which Allah the Exalted has descended".
And if you could visualize the scene of the Last Day when the evil-doers/distorters of facts would be in the throes of the death;
You will find them facing the Angels who extend their hand, saying: "Move out your souls;
This Day the humiliating chastisement will be awarded to you because of those conjectural assertions contrary to infallible truth which you people kept attributing to Allah the Exalted;
And you people kept purposefully arrogantly avoiding Aa'ya'at: the Verbal Passages of Him the Exalted." [6:93]
There are twins fetuses in the belly of animal belonging to species camel; and twins also in the belly of animal belonging to species cow:
Ask them about their arbitrarily declaring certain fetuses prohibited for women [6:139]: "Has He the Exalted forbidden the two male fetuses, or disclaiming it you say the two female fetuses?
Which the wombs: fetus-containers [plural: three or plus three] of these two females have suspended/included upon it: the male fetus.
Were you people present witnessing when Allah the Exalted ordained this so called prohibition?"
Therefore, Who could be a greater evil monger-a distorter-creator of imbalances, disorder-over stepping than him who artfully conjectured a falsehood attributing it to Allah the Exalted;
Intending that he might stray people with conjectural assertions void of knowledge.
Indeed, Allah the Exalted does not guide, against their will-considered decision, those who are mischievous-distorters-Substituter of facts with conjectures-myths-concocted stories. [6:144]
Or lest you people might take the plea claiming: "Had it been so that the Book was descended for us, we would have certainly been guided people better than those two groups: Jews and Christians".
Therefore, the Book has reached you people; therein is lucid discourse communicated by your Sustainer Lord;
And therein is guidance and blessing.
Therefore, who could be a greater evil monger, a distorter, creator of imbalances, disorder, over stepping than him who publicly contradicted the Verbal Passages of the Book of Allah the Exalted and turned away from them.
Soon shall We requite; those who turn away from Our Aa'ya'at: Verbal passages of Qur'aan, with irksome punishment because of their deliberate turning away. [6:157]
Therefore, reflect who could be a greater evil monger-a distorter-creator of imbalances, disorder-over stepping than him who artfully conjectured a falsehood attributing to Allah the Exalted; or publicly contradicted the Aa'ya'at: Verbal Passages of the Book of Him the Exalted?
They are the people whom their share out of the written record/book will keep accruing to them:
Till such time on resurrection the Messengers of Our Majesty would have reached them and will be busy alienating and segregating them.
They asked them: "Where are those whom you used to call upon apart from Allah the Exalted?"
They replied: "They have gone lost away from us."
And they witnessed against their selves that they were indeed the rejecters-deniers of Aa'ya'at of Allah told to them by His Messengers. [7:37]
Therefore, reflect who could be a greater evil monger-a distorter-creator of imbalances, disorder-over stepping than him who artfully conjectured a falsehood attributing to Allah the Exalted; or publicly contradicted the Aa'ya'at: Verbal Passages of the Book of Him the Exalted?
It is a fact that the criminals never attain prosperous success at the end. [10:17]
And reflect who could be a greater evil monger-a distorter-creator of imbalances, disorder-over stepping than him who artfully conjectured a falsehood attributing to Allah the Exalted;
These fabricators of falsity are the people who will be presented before their Sustainer Lord;
And the witnesses would testify about them saying: "These are the people who conjectured false assertions attributing to their Sustainer Lord"
Be mindful; the curse and condemnation of Allah the Exalted is incumbent upon the unjust evil mongers, distorters of facts. [11:18]
Look at these are our nation; they have purposely adopted various iela'aha: gods besides Him the Exalted;
Why not they come forth about the stance upon them with a distinct authoritative argument-evidence? [instead of conjectural myths of forefathers]
Thereby, Who could be a greater evil monger-a distorter-creator of imbalances, disorder-over stepping than him who artfully conjectured a falsehood attributing it to Allah the Exalted; [18:15]
And reflect who could be a greater evil monger-a distorter-creator of imbalances, over stepping than him who, on being reminded with the Aa'ya'at: Verbal passages of the Book of His Sustainer Lord, purposely refrained-stayed away from them;
And he forgot what his hands have sent forward.
Indeed We have let the veil persist on their hearts as protection that they could comprehend it: Grand Qur'aan. And it is as if a heavy load is deposited within their ears: acoustic impedance is persisting in their ears.
And if you the Messenger [Muhammad Sal'lallaa'hoalaih'wa'salam] invite them to come towards the Guidance-Guide: Grand Qur'aan; thereby, they will never ever wish to be guided. [18:57]
And reflect who could be a greater evil monger-a distorter-creator of imbalances, disorder-over stepping than him who artfully conjectured a falsehood attributing to Allah the Exalted;
Or contradicted about Infallible Doctrine-Discourse of Established Facts: Grand Qur'aan when it had reached to him.
Is the abode for the persistent non-believers not promised to be in the Hell-Prison? [29:68]