o Beginning is with Allah's personal name Ar'Reh'maan Who is The Fountain of Infinite Mercy. |
We have communicated to you, the Messenger Muhammad [Sal'lallaa'hoalaih'wa'salam] Our Words of Command as We communicated to Noah and the Elevated and Chosen Persons [علیھم السلام] after him; and We communicated Our words of command to Iebra'heim and Iesma'eile and Ies'hauq and Ya'qoob [علیھم السلام] and his progeny; and Easa and Ayub and Yunus and Haroon and Sulie'maa'n [علیھم السلام]. [Same pronouncement in same words in
17:55]o And We gave to Da'ued [علیہ السلام] Zaboor [Book written/on papers]. [4:163] And Iesma'eile and Al-Yasa'a and Yunus and Lut [علیھم السلام]. And We gave all of them over and above the entire humanity the uniqueness/sanctity/individuality/distinction. [6:86] They are the ones whom We gave the Book and the Command and Elevated Unique Stature. o For reason that they people have refused/disbelieved in it therefore indeed We have entrusted it [the Book, Grand Qur'aan] to a people who are not rejecters of it. [6:89]
In response [to unprecedented demonstrative signs] why were there not a town/people who believed with the result that their believing would have benefited them, except the People of Yunus [alai'his'slaam] from whom We averted away the chastisement of disgrace in the worldly life when they believed and We granted the comforts/sustenance for a while/term. [10:98] [Read with 37:148]
And "the host of the fish" [Yunus alai'his'slaam] when he went away [from his nation] in the state of one in the grip/ heightened feeling of anger/heavy heartedness
whereupon/for which reason he thought that We might never impose upon him a restrictive measure; for reason [having been swallowed in the sea by fish] he called in the layers of darkness, o that, "There is no iela'aha except You, Glory and praise is for You; You are the focus of all effort, indeed I acted like those who conduct without right/permission. [21:87] [Musa alai'his'slaam left their nation earlier than appointed day resulting his nation strayed by Samri, and the earlier without permission leaving of Yunus alai'his'slaam resulted in his nation's seeking forgiveness-10:98]
And it is the fact that Yunus [alai'his'slaam] was certainly amongst the Messengers, [37:139]
[Read with
21:87] when [on assessing complete unresponsiveness] he went away [from his nation] in the state/grip of heightened feeling of anger/heavy heartedness, towards the laden ship, [37:140] [Musa alai'his'slaam left his nation earlier than appointed day, with full confidence that they are following him earnestly, resulting his nation strayed by Samri; and the earlier without permission leaving of Yunus alai'his'slaam resulted in his nation's seeking forgiveness-10:98 and were pardoned]
thereat he made himself weak/dehydrated [by heightened feeling of anger] whereupon he was amongst those whose foot slipped [falling into the sea] [37:141]
whereupon this caused that the fish swallowed him, while/and he was awaiting [help for rescue], [37:142]
therefore had he not been from amongst those who repetitively praise Allah's glory [37:143]
certainly he would of remained part/in his belly until the Day people will be resurrected/revived. [37:144]
In response to his repetitive praises and awaiting help for rescue We rescued him to the open shore, while/and he was feeling tired, [because of jerks and rubbing inside the belly of a swimming fish/whale] [37:145]
where We had grown upon him a tree from species gourd [perhaps its beverage was effective for quick recovery]. [37:146] And We sent him to a hundred thousand people or they increasing more, [37:147]
[Same information in
10:98] thereat they believed and We granted them the comforts/sustenance for a while/term. [37:148]