o Beginning is with Allah's personal name Ar'Reh'maan Who is The Fountain of Infinite Mercy. |
[Same information in same words in
11:84;29:36] And towards Madyan nation We sent their brother Shoaib [alai'his'slaam]
[Same pronouncement in same words in 7:65,73,85;11:50,61,84] Shoaib [alai'his'slaam] said, "O my nation! you people be subservient/allegiant to Allah, for you people there is no iela'aha other than Him alone; indeed a demarcating/segregating sign has since come to you people from your Sustainer Lord.
[Similar advice in 6:152;7:85;11:84,85;17:35;26:181;55:09] Therefore you people give away/discharge the liability of measure and weighing equitably/on exacting balance/equilibrium
[Same injunction in same words in
11:85] and nor you deprive people of their goods by lessening [in quantity, measure and weight]. [Same injunction in same words in 7:56] And you people should not create disorder/imbalance/distortions/spread wicked, unsound ideas in the society after its perfection/reformation [with the sending of the Book]. This is a better course for you people [Same words at end of
2:81,93,248,278;3:49,139,175;5:23,57,112;8:01;9:13;24:17;57:08]o if you are truly the believers. [7:85] And you people should not sit on each and every public way threatening [Similar pronouncement in
3:99;7:45,86;11:09;14:03] and hindering the one who has accepted/believed from the path of Allah wishfully and vehemently attempting to make therein some distraction/diversion/misaligning [for deceiving people]; and you people recall/remember when you were in minority then He increased you people demographically. [Similar warning in 7:103;27:14]o And you people should see/reflect how was the end of those who create distortions/imbalances. [7:86] And a group from amongst you people has accepted/believed in what I have been sent with and a group are such who do not accept. Hence you people wait/be patient until Allah decides/decrees/adjudges between us/two groups. [Same pronouncement in same words in
10:109;12:80]o And He is the best of the Judges". [7:87] [Same pronouncement in same words in
7:75] The ruling elite/chiefs of his nation who showed arrogant superiority said "Certainly we will drive you out from our city O Shoaib and those who have believed with you or you people must have to come back in our system/procedure of life [after having declaratively left it]". He said, "how is it possible since we are haters of that system/procedure/conduct. [7:88] Indeed we would have conjectured a lie attributing to Allah if we had returned to your system/procedure of life after Allah has manifestly driven us out from it and it was not befitting for us that we had returned into it except that Allah, Our Sustainer Lord had so willed. Knowledge of our Sustainer Lord over stretches each and every existing thing. [Same pronouncement in same words in
10:85] Upon Allah we have put trust and dependence". Our Sustainer Lord! You decide/adjudge/finalize between us and between our nation on fact and You are the best of the disclosers/judges. [7:89] [Same pronouncement in same words in
7:66] The ruling elite/chieftains of his nation who refused to accept/believe said to people, "Undoubtedly you people will be the ones who suffer loss the moment you people physically follow Shoaib [alai'his'slaam]" [7:90] [Replica/Mirror
7:78] Consequently the earthquake seized them and they turned/became debris in their houses. [7:91] Those people who publicly contradicted Shoaib [alai'his'slaam] were made as if they never lived/ benefited/enjoyed therein. Those people who publicly contradicted Shoaib [alai'his'slaam] indeed they were the people who sufferers of loss. [7:92] [Same information/words in
7:79] [returning from parenthetic] In response to their extreme misconduct/rigidity he turned away from them saying, "O my nation! I have undoubtedly conveyed/delivered to you people the message of my Sustainer Lord and I cleansed/perfected for you people For that reason/therefore how could I be grieved/feel sorry for the people who are deliberately and persistently the rejecters?"[7:93] .......... [Same information in same words in
7:85;29:36] And towards Madyan nation We sent their brother Shoaib [alai'his'slaam]
[Same pronouncement in same words in
7:65;73,85;11:50,61] Shoaib [alai'his'slaam] said, "O my nation! you people be subservient/allegiant to Allah, for you people there is no iela'aha other than Him alone; and nor you should reduce the measure and the weighing scale. [why you do it] I find you people in prosperity. And indeed I am afraid and apprehensive of infliction of punishment of the all encompassing Day upon you. [11:84]
[Similar advice in
6:152;7:85;11:84,85;17:35;26:181;55:09] And O my people! you people give away/discharge the liability of measure and weighing equitably/on exacting balance/equilibrium;
[Same injunction in same words in
7:85] and nor you should deprive people of their goods by lessening [in quantity, measure and weight].
[Same prohibition in exact these words in
2:60;7:74;11:85;26:183;29:36]o and neither you should, like mischief-doers, create intellectual distortions/conjectural myths/disquiet in the society. [11:85]
Allah's grants/permanent values are far better for you people if you are the believing ones [Same pronouncement in same words by
Last Messenger
6:104]o And I am certainly not upon you people the Guard/onlooker" [11:86]
They said, "O Shoaib, does your Salat command you that we should leave what our forefathers used to worship/were allegiant;
or that we may do in our goods what we wish/desire to do. o Indeed you are certainly the forbearing, the right minded!" [11:87]
[Same pronouncement in same words in
11:28,63] He said, "O my nation! Have you thought that if I am on the standpoint of rational and logical reason/Fact [Aa'ya'at] from my Sustainer Lord; and He has provided me from Him, appropriately proportioned sustenance. And I do not intend that I should differ with you [for the sake of difference] regarding what I forbid you from, since I wish/intend nothing except at perfection/reformation whatever is within my reach/capacity; and my equated/balanced approach/conduct is but with Allah's will/approval. [Same pronouncement in same words in
42:10]o Upon Him I place reliance and dependences and towards Him I turn. [11:88] And O my nation! let not the dissenting with me overpower/exploit you to an extent that/lest befalls upon you similar to what befell upon nation of Noah [alai'his'slaam], or that on nation of Hued [alai'his'slaam] or that on nation of Saleh [alai'his'slaam]; [Similar geographical location
indicated in
11:83]o and nor the land/area of nation of Luet [alai'his'slaam] is far off from you people. [11:89]
And you people seek forgiveness from your Sustainer Lord and afterwards you people turn to Him perfecting sincerity/conduct. o Indeed my Sustainer Lord is the Merciful, the most appreciative/loving". [11:90]
They replied, "O Shoaib, we do not understand most of what you say,
and indeed we find you certainly weak [in argument] amongst us,
and had it been not the clan/tribe of you certainly we would have stoned you to death o but you alone are not dominant upon us. [11:91]
He said, "O my nation! is my clan/tribe more dominant/mightier over you than Allah and you people have adopted Him as absent on your backs. o Indeed my Sustainer Lord is all-encompassing what you people keep doing. [11:92]
[Same pronouncement in same words in
11:93,121] and O my nation! you perform deliberate acts at your places/of your choice/wish, I will keep performing my work. Soon shall you people know who is the one upon whom comes the infliction which will humiliate him; and who is one who is a liar. And you people watch [wait for that], I am with you people a watcher. [11:93] And when the time of Our Command reached, We rescued/saved Shoain [alai'his'slaam] and those who had believed along with him with the mercy from Us [in keeping with our promise and self assumed obligation of saving the Messengers and believers], and the sound blast [during the daytime causing earthquake-7:78;51:44] seized those who had done wrong/mischief; [Same pronouncement in same words in
11:67]o and resultantly they turned/became debris in their respective houses, [11:94] [Same pronouncement in same words in
11:68] as if they had never availed therein. o So [in keeping with the laid down principle] distancing away was for the nation of Madyan like the distancingaway of the civilization of Sa'mued. [11:95] ...................
[Read with
26:176] And indeed the residents of "Aikate" [afforested land-Nation Madyan-people of Shoaib alai'his'slaam] were evil mongers/distorters/conjectured-altered realities and equations/falsifiers. [15:78]
Therefore We convicted them to punishment and indeed both two of these [City of nation of Luet and Shoaib alai'him'slaam] are certainly on a frequented passage. [15:79] ............
[Read with
15:78] Theresidents of "Aikate" [afforested land-Nation Madyan-people of Shoaib alai'his'slaam] publicly contradicted those who were sent as Messengers. [26:176]
When Shoaib [alai'his'slaam] said for [to] them "Would you people not take heed and be cautious? [26:177]
[Mirror/Replica 26:107,125,143,162,178;
same in 44:18] Indeed I am for you people the trusted Messenger.[26:178]
same in
3:50;43:63] For this reason you people be mindful/cautious of Allah and listen and accept my word. [26:179] [Replica/Mirror
26:109,127,145,164,180]o And [since I am merely discharging the entrusted trust to you] I do not ask you people for that any worldly remuneration, because/that my reward is due on none except upon the Sustainer Lord of Worlds. [26:180]
[Similar advice in
6:152;7:85;11:84,85;17:35;26:181;55:09] You people give away/discharge the liability of measure and weighing in full and do not be amongst those who cause loss to others; [26:181]
you people weigh equitably/on exacting balance/equilibrium scale;[26:182]
[Same injunction in same words in
7:85;11:85] and nor you should deprive people of their goods by lessening [in quantity, measure and weight].
[Same prohibition in exact these words in
2:60;7:74;11:85;26:183;29:36]o and neither you should, like mischief-doers, create intellectual distortions/conjectural myths/disquiet in the society. [26:183]
And you people be mindful, cautious and afraid of the One Who created you people and the earlier generations. [26:184] [Replica/Mirror
26:153] They replied, "You are only from amongst those who are obsessed/effected by illusions. [26:185] [Same assertion in
same words in
26:154] And you are none except a human like us, and indeed we assess you that you are certainly from amongst the liars/falsifiers; [26:186]
therefore you cause to befall upon us pieces from the Sky [Same assertion in
26:154]o if you are from amongst the truthful in your statement". [26:187] [This is reply for irrational talk
22:68] Shoaib [alai'his'slaam] said, "My Sustainer Lord fully knows what you people are doing". [26:188]
Thereby/for reason they publicly contradicted him, resultantly affliction in a shady day seized them. o Indeed that was a prevailing torment of great day. [26:189] [Replica/Mirror
in same words in
26:139]o Indeed in it is certainly a demonstrative lesson/sign [unlimited creativity of their Sustainer Lord]. But most have them have not been the believers. [26:190]
26:09,68,104,140,159,175] And indeed your Sustainer Lord is certainly He Who is Absolutely Dominant, the Fountain of Infinite Mercy. [26:191] ...........
[Same information in same words in
7:85;11:84] And towards Madyan nation We sent their brother Shoaib [alai'his'slaam].
For reason [of their idol worshipping] Shoaib [alai'his'slaam] said, "O my nation! you people be subservient/allegiant to Allah,
and you people expect the Last Day
[Same prohibition in exact these words in
2:60;7:74;11:85;26:183;29:36]o and neither you should, like mischief-doers, create intellectual distortions/conjectural myths/disquiet in the society". [29:36]
In response they publicly contradicted him. [Same information in same words in
7:78,91]o Consequently the earthquake seized them and they turned/became debris in their houses. [29:37]