Index of /English Tafsir e Haqeeqat/002. Meanings and Tabweeb of words/004. Kokab {Planets}/

NameLast ModifiedSize
UpParent Directory
[IMG]01. 6.76.gif2021-10-14 10:02 2k
[IMG]01. a 6.76.gif2021-10-14 10:02 1k
[IMG]01. b 6.76.gif2021-10-14 10:02 1k
[IMG]01. c Kokaban {word}.gif2021-10-14 10:02 1k
[IMG]02. 12.04.gif2021-10-14 10:02 2k
[IMG]02. a 12.04.gif2021-10-14 10:02 1k
[IMG]03. 37.06.gif2021-10-14 10:02 1k
[IMG]03. a 37.06 {lower sky}.gif2021-10-14 10:02 1k
[IMG]04. 82.02 {planets scatter}.gif2021-10-14 10:02 1k
[IMG]04. a Antasarat {word}.gif2021-10-14 10:02 1k
[TXT]04. Kokab.htm2021-10-14 10:02 41k
[IMG]05. 41.37 {sajda for sun and moon}.gif2021-10-14 10:02 1k
[IMG]06. 6.97 {appointed stars}.gif2021-10-14 10:02 2k
[IMG]06. a 6.97 {things made distinct}.gif2021-10-14 10:02 1k
[IMG]06. b {An Najoom word}.gif2021-10-14 10:02 1k
[IMG]07. 16.16 {one star}.gif2021-10-14 10:02 1k
[IMG]07. a 16.16 {Najam word}.gif2021-10-14 10:02 1k
[IMG]08. 82.03 {seas scatter}.gif2021-10-14 10:02 1k
[IMG]09. 81.02 {end of stars}.gif2021-10-14 10:02 1k
[IMG]10. 77.08 {end of stars}.gif2021-10-14 10:02 1k
[IMG]10. 77.10 {end of mountains}.gif2021-10-14 10:02 1k
[IMG]11. 56.06 {end of mountains}.gif2021-10-14 10:02 1k
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