Those who eat exorbitant gains on capital, they cannot stand except in the manner one such person stands whom cobra has made stupefied/bushed by his touch. This is for the reason they said, "indeed forward commitment commerce is similar to gain on capital/usury", while Allah has declared forward commitment commerce as permissible and prohibited gain/usury on capital. Therefore the one whom advice from his Sustainer Lord has reached and in compliance thereof he abstained then that is for him that was done earlier and his matter is towards Allah. And whoever despite advice does/reverts to it then for this reason such are the people who are the companions of Fire/Hell Prison where they shall abide perpetually. [2:275]

I understand that ????????? is only such transaction where the payment against the goods/property/tangible things is to be made at a later date on the expiry of settled period. In such transaction the price charged is higher proportionately to the appointed time than the on spot cash price. Same is with Riba, no goods but just capital/cash lending. Allah has answered the opinion of people without arguing by giving the verdict that He is declared one as permissible and the other as Prohibited.

The worldly life is for an appointed period of time. The sum total of acts done by each is "what he earned". In business parlance we call it balance sheet, which is prepared at the end of the financial year [which varies country to country, in Pakistan it ends on 30th June]. In ?????? physical goods/products/commodities are given to the other party on the promise of payment of its cost/price in the future, hence value determined is much higher than it exists on the point of time these goods are being handed over. This phenomenon is equated by some people to be exactly equivalent to ???????? . In both, the gain is of capital, in unusual higher percentage. Allah, without giving explanation or assigning any reasons, straight tells His command that He declared ?????? Hilal and ???????? Haram. In the first case goods exchange hand and in the other only capital/cash/money is given to the needy to be returned with additional amount at certain percentage. General instructions about capital is illustrated by the Root " Nafq", it should remain flowing/invested in goods and commodities. If the blocked capital of only hundreds of people in the world is floated in the market, it may bring down prices of essential commodities to the reach of every man and provide jobs to all the jobless the world over. Millions and millions are below poverty line only because of withholding of capital for vested interest and keeping monoply and hold of the upper classes which is now a universal fraternity/mafia, notwithstanding apparently belonging to different religions. But they all have a common religion and interest and brotherhood.