Know the history: When the wife of Imr'aan said:
"My Sustainer Lord! I have dedicated him, whom I am carrying in my belly, exclusively devoted for You the Exalted. Therefore, kindly accept him in dedication from me.
The fact remains that You the Exalted are certainly the Ever Listener, eternally and absolutely the Knowledgeable." [3:35]
[contrary to her expectation of male child] Thereat, when she delivered that pregnancy, she said: "My Sustainer Lord! I have delivered the pregnancy but she is a girl".
And Allah the Exalted best knew about her that she had delivered.
And in any case the male is never like the female.
[reverting from parenthetic, she had further said] "And I have named her Maryem,
And I seek Your refuge for her and her progeny from the accursed Shai'atan [Satan]" [3:36]
Thereupon, her Sustainer Lord granted her a pleasant acceptance.
And He the Exalted caused her rearing, in the style and manner of nicely reared plants.
And Zakaria [alai'his'slaam] took the responsibility of her guardianship.
Whenever Zakaria [alai'his'slaam] had entered the sanctuary to meet her, he had always found by her side some eatables.
[one day] He asked; "O Maryam! how and from where this sustenance comes for you?"
She replied: "That is supplied by the grace of Allah the Exalted.
Indeed, Allah the Exalted provides sustenance for whomever He decides, without reckoning and causality." [3:37]
[Maryem's reply clicked a reality against causality phenomenon] On hearing Maryam's reply, Zakaria [alai'his'slaam] there and then prayed to His Sustainer Lord.
He said, "My Sustainer Lord! grant me from Your grace a nice beneficial offspring.
Indeed, You the Exalted are always the listener of the prayer". [3:38]
His prayer was accepted whereby the Angels called upon him: Zakaria [alai'his'slaam], while he was standing for performing As-sa'laat: Time Bound Formal Rite demonstrating Servitude and allegiance, in the Secluded Chamber;
"Indeed, Allah the Exalted congratulates you with good news of Yahya.
He will be affirmer of this word/promise of Allah the Exalted conveyed to you.
And he will be honoured as distinguished dignitary and encircled by people in attendance, and at birth would be Elevated-Chosen Servant [Nabi] amongst the righteous". [3:39]
He [Zakaria alai'his'slaam] said: "My Sustainer Lord! I am curious to know as to how a son will take existence for me in circumstances: When the old age has already overtaken me to its extremity; and my wife is infertile?"
He the Exalted conveyed; "Exactly that will happen as told. Allah the Exalted innovatively performs and executes that, whatever He decides." [3:40]
Zakaria [alai'his'slaam] said: "My Sustainer Lord! For occasion of this disclose-appoint for me some mark of cognition".
He the Exalted conveyed him: "Your cognition mark is that you might not be able to verbally communicate with the people for three complete days [day and night, without being dumb-19:10], except by mime - gesture-language.
And you remember Allah the Exalted, excessively - most of the time.
And repetitively describe the praises of Allah the Exalted at dusk and dawn". [3:41]
And know a fact of the same period when the Angels addressed: "O Maryam;
Be informed that Allah the Exalted has specially selected you for a distinct recognition; and has caused you to remain in state of "purity".
And He the Exalted has specially selected you over the women of the worlds-human race. [3:42]
O Mar'yam; devoutly stand for your Sustainer Lord and prostrate.
And you kneel together in the company of those who kneel” [3:43]
This episode is the part of the news of the history; happenings not seen and perceived by your visual faculty; We are verbally communicating it to you the Messenger [Sal'lallaa'hoalaih'wa'salam].
And you were not corporeally by their side watching when they were casting lots by throwing their quills: old fashioned pens made from feather shaft to decide as to who of them would be the guardian of Maryam.
Nor earlier were you corporeally with them when they were arguing-contesting amongst themselves for taking responsibility-guardianship of Maryam. [3:44]
[reverting from parenthetic, continuing their talk with Mar'yam] When, be aware of the true history, the Angels had told this to Mar'yam:
"O Mar'yam! Allah the Exalted is conveying you the good news; his name is Al-Messiah, Easa, the son of Mar'yam. This pleasing news is accompanied with this word, promised by Him the Exalted that:
He will be enjoying respectable and honorable stature both in this world and the Hereafter. And that he will be amongst the near-ones of Allah the Exalted. [3:45]
And the word-promise is that he- your son will converse with people in state of milk-sucking baby in cradle, and later as a man in the old age.
And he will be amongst the righteous people." [3:46]
She- Mar'yam, interrupting their talk, [under perception of cause and effect phenomenon] reacted saying: "O my Sustainer Lord! [what strange are they talking] How could a son take existence for me in the circumstances when a man has yet not touched me?"
He the Exalted conveyed her: "Mar'yam! Exactly that will happen in this circumstance as told. Allah the Exalted creates a being like such asexual creation [sort of Parthenogenesis- Virgin Birth] about whomever He so decides.
Subject to He the Exalted has finalized- decided about any matter, individual event;
Thereat, He merely expresses verbally for that thing- matter - affair - person, saying: "You become in evident- tangibly existing state - physical realm".
Resultantly, that [abstract but effected] thing- matter - affair - person takes physical execution - appearance-t angibly existing state which can be known- cognizable by others. [3:47]
[Continuing their message, the Angels added] "And He the Exalted will educate him to acquire knowledge of the book and to attain wisdom; and that of the Tor'at and the In'jeel. [3:48]
And he is the Messenger designate for the posterity of Israel".
[On attaining manly maturity and appointed Allah's Messenger] Easa son of Maryam addressed Bani Iesraa'eel: "Indeed, I have come to you people along with distinct tangible evidence from your Sustainer Lord.
The evidence is that I cast-sculpt bird-like models before you people using muddy clay. Thereat, I blow therein, whereby they take existence as living birds by the explicit will of Allah the Exalted.
And with Allah's prior will, I cause a state of immunity/recovery for those who are suffering from blindness and vitiligo: a skin disorder in which smooth whitish patches appear on the skin; and restore to life the naturally-clinically dead.
And I tell you that which you people eat and that which you store at homes.
Indeed, this unprecedented display is certainly a vivid evidence for you:
If you people have truly been the believers..... [3:49]
....And I am affirmer-certifier-sanctifier of that which is present before me as part of Tor'aat;
And that I may declare permissible some of that was made prohibited for you.
And I have come to you people along with distinctly tangible evidence from your Sustainer Lord.
Therefore, you people be mindful-cautious of Allah the Exalted and listen and accept my word. [3:50]
Indeed Allah the Exalted is my Sustainer-Lord and the Sustainer Lord of you people. Therefore, be subservient and allegiant to Him alone.
This exclusive servitude and allegiance is the High Road: Course of actions that keeps leading safely and straight to the destination of peace and tranquility" [3:51]
Thereby, when Easa [alai'his'slaam] felt the clandestine activity undertaken by a group of them;
he enquired from Al-Hawariyun: "Who of my supporters will migrate towards Allah the Exalted?"
Hawariyun as a group replied: "We all are the supporters of Allah the Exalted.
We have believed in Allah the Exalted and you witness that we keep conducting on Islam". [3:52]
They addressed Allah the Exalted saying: "Our Sustainer Lord; We have believed in that which You the Exalted have conveyed-revealed. And we have heartily acted moving immediately behind the Messenger;
Therefore, You the Exalted do enlist us with the testators/those eligible to be witness upon people." [3:53]
Mind it, they: the other group of Bani Iesraa'eel did clandestinely plan.
And Allah the Exalted devised a [rescue] plan----when---
Remain mindful that Allah the Exalted is the par excellence amongst those who plan for betterment, maintaining balance and equilibrium. [3:54]
[And Allah the Exalted devised a rescue plan] When Allah the Exalted had told him the plan:
"O Easa, I will certainly segregate you and move you towards Me-elevated place, safe abode-Refer 23:50] .
And will thus disassociate you well rid of impure company of those who have refused to accept.
And I have declared those ranked high till the Day of Resurrection who have moved behind you: Easa upon those: second group of Bani Iesraa'eel who have refused to accept.
Afterwards, on the Day of Judgment, the return of you people for accountability is towards Me.
Thereupon, I will decide amongst you in the matter you keep differing. [3:55]
Thereby, as for those are concerned who clandestinely planned, I will subject them, for reason of laid down principle-established practice, to punishment, a severe punishment in this world and in the Hereafter.
And none at all of the helpers will come to afford help for them. [3:56]
And regards those who heartily accepted-believed and conducted moderately in accordance with the Book, thereby, He the Exalted will pay them fully the reward of them.
And remain cognizant that Allah the Exalted does not approve for nearness those who distort-transgress the prescribed code. [3:57]
We are continuing narrating it: the episode of Easa [alai'his'slaam] to you the Messenger [Sal'lallaa'hoalaih'wa'salam] which is one of many unprecedented happening-unprecedented displays;
And We are narrating it out of the miscellany of Memoir/Referential/Reference Book: Grand Qur'aan; its peculiarity is that it persistently exposes the infolded realities. [3:58]
It is a fact that the peculiar characteristic- analogy of Easa [alai'his'slaam] regarding mode of his creation determined by Allah the Exalted is like the peculiarity-individuality of Adam [alai'his'slaam]
He the Exalted had created him: Adam [alai'his'slaam] corporeally structured with substances of clay.
Afterwards its finishing process, He the Exalted verbally commanded: "You-Adam be in evident-tangibly existing state". Thereby, at that point in time he took existence as a being: Adam. [3:59]
That just narrated about Episode of Easa [alai'his'slaam] is the infallible fact conveyed by your Sustainer Lord.
Therefore, you the Messenger [Sal'lallaa'hoalaih'wa'salam] should not henceforth remain worrywart for the people of Book. [3:60]
Thereby, if someone disputes with you the Messenger; after that information about Easa [alai'his'slaam] which has reached to you as authentic piece of knowledge: concrete facts; take this recourse:
Thereat, invite the disputing party, saying: "You come to a mutually agreed prominent place; inviting our sons and your sons; and our women and your women, and attend ourselves and yourselves.
Thereafter the assembly, we should diligently debate the standpoints, whereat in case of disagreement, we should earnestly pray for befalling of the condemnation and discard of Allah the Exalted upon those who contradict the fact publicly." [3:61]
It is a fact that the episode about Easa [alai'his'slaam] mentioned hereinbefore is certainly its image by image verbal replica, absolutely accurate and truthful.
And not at all there is alive amongst those considered as iela'aha: godheads for worship except Allah the Exalted;
And indeed Allah the Exalted is certainly the one and only Who is absolutely Dominant; and the Infinitely Just Supreme Administrator of the created realms. [in past, present and future]. [3:62]
[reverting from parenthetic, about the invitation] Thereat, if they people turned away without responding to the proposal, [it is reflective of falsity of their stand in the heart of their heart].
Thereby, the fact remains that Allah the Exalted is certainly ever aware of those who create disorder, disquiet and imbalance; distort and spread wicked conjectural ideas in society. [3:63]