اسم المبالغة Hyperbolic Participle/Intensive Adjective resembling participle.


This is a noun that indicates excess in the meaning of the verbal noun; it denotes the one that enacts the base meaning exaggeratedly/excessively/intensively. The hyperbolic participle is that noun derived from a Verbal Noun  which is used to indicate upon the one who has/is/will enact the meaning expressed by the root letters to a very high degree or to a very large extent.

The difference between it [صيغة المبالغة] and Elative Noun [اسم التفضيل] is that in it the meaning is limited to itself without taking others into consideration while in Elative Noun the excess in meaning is in comparison to others. In it there is no difference in gender. However when pattern "فَعِيْلٌ " is in the meaning of Active Participle or pattern فَعُوْل in the meaning of Passive Participle, a differentiation is made between the masculine and feminine forms.. Sometimes a [ة] is added for excess in meanings.

This noun is derived mostly from Three Letter Primary Verbs and less frequently from derivative verbs. When derived from the Three Letter Primary Verbs all the patterns are established according to usage [سَمَاعِيُّ].

This is another language structure designed to to create an effect, a special effect. Literally, المبالغة  means exaggeration. Technically though, المبالغة is a special structure meant for creating a special meaning.

When "فَعِيْلٌ " is in the meaning of Fail or فَعُوْل in the meaning of Mafoul, a differentiation is made between the masculine and feminine forms.

It can occupy any grammatical positioning in a sentence;

It can be used both as adjective and a noun;

Not all Vernal Nouns have an associated hyperbolic participle.

One of the patterns in the inventory of this participle is especially useful for occupations.

حَلاَّق barber بَنَّاء mason, builder;  جَلاَّد executioner;


·           Patterns


·        فَعِل

·        فَعُوْل فَعُّولٌ

·        فَعِيْل

·        فَعَّال

·        فُعَّال

·        فُعُّوْل

·        فِعِّيْل

·        فَيْعُول

·        مِفْعَال

·        مِفْعِيْل

·        فَعَّالَة

            These words conjugate regularly just as the active participle.


Hyperbolic Noun/Intensive Adjective/Intensive Active participle: Definite; masculine; broken plural; genitive. (1)5:54=1                             اسم المبالغة-مجرور-جمع-مذكر


Hyperbolic Noun/Intensive Adjective/Intensive Active participle: Definite; masculine; broken plural; accusative. (1)27:34=1                     اسم المبالغة-منصوب-جمع-مذكر