الصفة المشبهة Adjective resembling participle: the one who enacts or upon whom is enacted the base meaning intrinsically
Hidaya pp 174
The Adjective resembling participle or termed as Verbal Adjective is a noun derived from an intransitive verb in order to signify the one who establishes an action with the meaning of permanence. Its pattern is at variance with the pattern of Active Participles and Passive Participles, it is known by usage.
The [Verbal] Adjective governs with the government of its verb, without exception, with the condition of dependencies as is the case in Active Participles. When another word is governed with [Verbal] Adjective in the nominative state, there is no pronoun in the Adjective. When the governed word is accusative or genitive, then there is a pronoun in the modified-noun.
* It can occupy any grammatical positioning in a sentence.
** It can be used both as adjective and a noun
The resembling participle is that noun derived from a gerund which indicates on the root meaning being an attribute. And this attribute is usually perpetual or intrinsic. For example, if we want to translate the word “murdered one”, we would not use the passive participle for “to kill”. That is because death is an attribute, not an action. So we would use this resembling participle (قَتِيْل). An example of an intrinsic attribute is “the all-knowing” when applied to God.
This participle is used to indicate on an attribute for both the active voice as well as the passive. In other words, it is used in place of the active participle as well as the passive. For example, the word قَتِيْل from the example above means “murdered”, but it could theoretically have meant “killer” as well. Below is a list of some examples through which we can see that both active and passive voices are used. Which one is used is dependent on the individual word and a dictionary will have to be consulted, but it is more often the active voice that is intended.
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![]() الصفة المشبهة:-مجرور-واحد مذكر |
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