Index of /English Tafsir e Haqeeqat/000. Encyclopaedia of Arabic of Qur'aan/3. Grammar; Morphology and Syntax/2. Nouns/

NameLast ModifiedSize
UpParent Directory
[TXT]00. All NOUNS.htm2016-08-28 19:42 349k
[TXT]00.1 All NOUNS.htm2016-08-28 19:42 317k
[TXT]000. Visually Recognize Nouns by peculiar signs.htm2016-08-28 19:42 14k
[TXT]1. Verbal Nouns..htm2016-08-28 19:42 22k
[TXT]10. Nouns prefixed with definite article..htm2016-08-28 19:42 720k
[TXT]10.A Nouns prefixed with definite article.htm2016-08-28 19:43 539k
[TXT]10.B Nouns prefixed with definite article.htm2016-08-28 19:43 475k
[TXT]2. Active Participles.htm2016-08-28 19:43 42k
[TXT]3. Passive Participles.htm2016-08-28 19:43 9k
[TXT]4. Elative-Coomparative and Superlative derived noun.htm2016-08-28 19:43 65k
[TXT]5. Siffat Mushaba Adjective resembling participles.htm2016-08-28 19:43 14k
[TXT]6. Hyperbolic participle.htm2016-08-28 19:43 17k
[TXT]8. Proper Nouns.htm2016-08-28 19:43 79k
[IMG]Definite Article Al.gif2016-08-28 19:43 1k
[TXT]index.htm2016-08-28 19:43 2k
[TXT]Main Page All NOUNS.htm2016-08-28 19:43 1k
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