Noun: Definite; singular; masculine; genitive/nominative. (1)2:197(2)5:02(3) 7:26(4)9:108(5)22:37(6)48:26(7)58:09(8)74:56=8 

  • The Hu'j is in the limited Days [composite comprising day and night] which are famous-a matter of common knowledge-information [known from centuries, therefore need not be mentioned-22:28].

  • Therefore, he who has "cut off, alienated, isolated-undertaken obligation" in these days for Hu'j, thereat [having put on eharaa'm/Hu'j dress] neither engaging in matrimonial relations-sex affairs-all sex related excitements nor any un-restrained-abnormal act and any purposeless debating-wrangling is permissible during Hu'j.

  • And should you people initiatively perform any deed of better import, Allah the Exalted will certainly acknowledge and make it known [since He is eternally and always watching the affairs].

  • And you people take along necessary provisions for journey. But know it, the best provision of journey is the attitude for salvation.

  • And sincerely endeavour to attain salvation from Me, O you the people who look into matters objectively/find the end purpose/objective of creation. [2:197]


  • O those/you who proclaim to have accepted-become believers, listen;

  • You should not liquefy-untie-disrespect the symbolic emblems of Allah the Exalted;

  • Nor the sanctity of the sacred month;

  • Nor the offerings nor the garlanded sacrificial animals;

  • Nor those who visit the House of Sanctity seeking Grace and appreciation from their Sustainer Lord.

  • And when you are free from the pilgrimage restraints-bindings then you hunt for game.

  • And nor let the ill feeling overpower you that you people may over step against a people for the reason that they stopped you to visit the Sacred Mosque.

  • And cooperate and facilitate in matters of righteousness-commodiousness-helping and accommodating people, and in endeavours for salvation.

  • But you people should not participate-collaborate in dilapidating acts-sinful activities, and digressions/injustices/excesses.

  • And sincerely endeavour to attain the protection from Allah the Exalted.

  • Indeed Allah the Exalted is severe in awarding punishment/takes the matter to its logical conclusion. [5:02]

  • O You the posterity of Adam! Our Majesty has sent dress-clothing upon you people. Its characteristic feature is that it renders your bodies covered-concealedbody-contours/inflection points veiled; and its other feature is that it serves as integuments/feathers like protection [from heat discharge/outflow-16:81].

  • Take note about the garment of salvation: it is the best cover.

  • This information about dress is a disclosure out of miscellany of pointers of Allah the Exalted with the purpose that hopefully they develop habit of remembering the Divine Providence. [7:26]

  • You the Messenger [Sal'lallaa'hoalaih'wa'salam] should never ever stand within that mosque.

  • Certainly that Mosque; whose foundation has been laid upon desire of salvation ever since first day of its raising, best deserved that you may stand therein.

  • Therein are men who love and desire that they might make their selves sincerely sanctified.

  • Take note, Allah the Exalted appreciates and approves for nearness those who keep themselves purified and sanctified. [9:108]

  • Neither meat and nor blood of them: sacrificed mammals reaches to Allah the Exalted; but the desire for salvation of people amongst you is recognized - acknowledged by Him the Exalted.

  • This is how He has subjected them for you people so that you may praise the Greatness of Allah upon having guided you [by sending the Book]

  • And you the Messenger [Sal'lallaa'hoalaih'wa'salam] give glad tidings to those people who conduct moderately, gracefully and generously. [22:37]

  • When those who had refused to accept/believe had nourished/rendered emotional obsession in their hearts, emotional obsession of the Age of Passion and Pride,

  • Thereat, Allah the Exalted bestowed His tranquility and restraint upon the Messenger of Him and upon the Believers

  • And made them adhere to the word of caution [as advised in 5:02] and they and their household were more deserving and worthy of it.

  • And Allah the Exalted is Ever All-Knower/Aware of everything. [48:26]

  • O those/you, who consciously proclaim to have accepted/become believers, listen!

  • When you people mutually meet in privacy for consultations thereat you must not involve indulging in discourses:

  • For devising of dilapidating course, and the methods of creating rifts and distancing and for the denial of the words of the Messenger [Sal'lallaa'hoalaih'wa'salam];

  • And you mutually discuss about righteousness and about means and endeavours for salvation.

  • And sincerely endeavour to attain the protection from Allah the Exalted; He the Exalted towards Whom you will be presented for accountability. [58:09]

  • And people can neither save it in memory nor can retrieve it for remembrance/narration except that Allah so desires/wills. [A simple fact is mentioned, Allah saves the data and retrieves the data to/from its storage place-memory]

  • He (who remembered/acted on Qur'aan) is the member of family of preservation, and of pardoned/saved ones. [74:56]

Prepositional Phrase: بـِ Inseparable Preposition  + Noun: Definite; singular; masculine; genitive. (1)96:12=1جار و مجرور= بـِ حرف جر + اسم:معرفہ باللام- منصوب-واحد مذكر

  • Or he advocated to endeavour for preservation. [96:12]

  Prepositional Phrase: Inseparable preposition + Noun: Definite; singular; masculine; genitive. (1)2:237(2)5:08(3)20:132(4)49:03=4

  • And if you have divorced [for compelling reasons] them: just-wed wives before you might have established intimate matrimonial association [intercourse] with them;

  • But you had determined for them the payable obligation, then in such case half of that is due which you had determined.

  • There is no exception to this laid down injunction except if they the newly wed wives remit that or [if she was earlier maidservant] that man remits it who has the decision-making right for her Unification bond/giving in marriage.

  • And to forego-ignore other's shortcomings is nearer for attaining state of salvation.

  • And you people should not forget exercising kindness-generosity with one another.

  •  It is a certain fact that Allah the Exalted ever keeps watching what acts you people perform. [2:237]

  • O, those/you who consciously proclaim to have accepted/become believers, listen:

  • You are hereby directed to act as determined protectors who stand for dispensation of justice on the principle of equity by becoming witness to record testimony without favour and fear for seeking the approval of Allah the Exalted.

  • And you should not let the ill feeling against a people for reason of their any unjust act overpower you that you people might not dispense justice.

  • You people dispense justice; that is more near for attaining state of salvation.

  • And sincerely endeavour to attain the protection from Allah the Exalted.

  •  Indeed Allah the Exalted is fully aware of all acts that you perform. [5:08] 

  • And you the Messenger [Sal'lallaa'hoalaih'wa'salam] imperatively advise your household - wives, and co-residents - servants of house to regularly perform Ass-sa'laat: Time bound protocol of servitude and allegiance and remain perseverant upon establishing it.

  • We do not ask you [to be worried and pursue] for sustenance;

  • We feed you the sustenance.

  • Let it be known, the ultimate accomplishment is for attaining the salvation. [20:132]

  • This is a certain fact that the believers who keep their voices humbled in the grace-by the side of the Messenger of Allah the Exalted:

  • They are truly the people, the hearts of whom Allah the Exalted has Personally examined finding them sincere for salvation.

  • Protection/forgiveness and a splendid reward is assuredly in wait for them. [49:03]

: It is a Nominal Sentence, in nominative state as the Predicate of Verb-Like Particle.  Demonstrative Pronoun [Indeclinable Noun] refers back to the people specified with reference to their conduct with feel of respect and deference, whenever they are in the Grace-by the side of the Elevated Messenger of Allah, the Exalted. This Pronoun is the Subject of Nominal Sentence and the following Relative Pronoun is the Predicate, in nominative state. 

: This is a complete Verbal sentence, comprising of Verb, Subject and Object. It is [صلة الموصول] a linkage clause for Relative Pronoun explaining and specifying it. The Subject, Performer of the act of the Verb is Allah the Exalted. The act done is . It is Perfect Verb of Form-VIII from إِمْتِحَانٌ Verbal noun. It signifies testing and examining something. Form-VIII verbs denote reflexive meanings denoting the action having been performed personally by the Subject.

The object that has been tested and examined is: "the hearts of them". The masculine, plural pronoun of this possessive phrase refers back to those who act in the manner described earlier. 

:  Prepositional Phrase relating to Verb. The search, scrutiny and examination of an area-object is for finding the presence or otherwise of something. The result yielded by this examination is the embedded desire for salvation. It is further confirmed by the following declarative clause, pronouncement of verdict that they have achieved the destination, which believers are asked to effort for. It is announcement of forgiveness and great reward for such people.

This is the Litmus Test to gauge the level of: one has in his heart. Let us start peeping into our hearts to gauge the level of respect and deference we have therein for the elevated Messenger Muhammad Sal'lallaa'hoalaih'wa'salam. In case, it is not short only in relation to Allah the Exalted, thereby we must become suspect about achieving anything on the strength of our actions, which we, in our own assessment, might believe as weighty.

  Noun: Indefinite; singular; masculine; genitive. (1)9:109=1

  Noun: Indefinite; singular; masculine; genitive. (1)22:32=1 


  • Is then he not the best who founded his building upon desire of salvation from and for seeking approval and appreciation of Allah the Exalted;

  • Or the one who founded his building on the edge of steep slopes about to collapse? Thereby, he made himself collapse along with it in the heat of Hell-Prison.

  • Be mindful, Allah the Exalted does not guide [against their will/considered decision] people who are mischievous-distorters and substitute facts with conjectures-myths-concocted stories. [9:109]

  • This is demonstration of respect for Allah's emblems; and whoever honours the symbolic emblems - Sanctifications of Allah the Exalted;

  • Then indeed that is the reflection of the desire embedded in the hearts for salvation. [22:32]


Possessive Phrase: Noun: Definite; singular; masculine; accusative + Possessive pronoun: Third person; feminine; singular, in genitive state. (1)91:08=1 

  • Thereby, it made her know and understand how it gets flowing and scattering [perversion - path of criminals]; and about her endeavours for salvation. [91:08]

 Possessive Phrase: Noun: Definite; singular; masculine; accusative + Possessive pronoun: Third person; masculine; plural, in genitive state. (1)47:17=1

  • And those who consciously and purposely sought to get guided it enhanced them in guidance, and caused them to gain their psyche of endeavoring for their salvation. [47:17]

 Possessive PhraseElative Noun (comparative and superlative): Indefinite; Masculine; singular; nominative + Possessive Pronoun: Second Person; Plural; Masculine; Genitive state.  (1)49:13=1

  • O you the humanity!

  • Indeed We have created you people [living humanity] from a male and a female

  • And We have appointed for you people nationalities and tribes for the purpose of mutual cognition;

  • [that/aforesaid cognition is not sign of superiority and preference] Indeed the relatively more honoured and notable amongst you people, in the judgment/in nearness of Allah the Exalted is the one who is relatively more endeavourer of salvation.

  • Indeed Allah the Exalted is Eternally The Knowledgeable and Aware of what is secreted and manifest.  [49:13]

Elative Noun: Indefinite; Masculine; singular; nominative. (1)92:17=1

  • And he who endeavours much for salvation will be kept away from her: Hell Prison; [92:17]

  • His characteristic is that he gives his money; consideration being to transform into elevated personality-nobility; it becomes self multiplying. [92:18]

  • And compensation by any fruitful thing to be given in return is not incumbent upon any recipient of money; [92:19]

  • Money is given but only for seeking the approval and appreciation of his Sustainer Lord, the Supreme Exalted. [92:20]

  • And certainly he will soon be pleased with the reward of his achievement. [92:21]


 Adjective resembling participle Indefinite; Masculine; Singular; accusative. (1) 19:13(2)19:18(3)19:63=3  

  • And softness from Our Grace and elevated stature;

  • And he was persistently protected. [19:13]

  • She, on seeing a man enter in her privacy said, "I seek protection by reference of Ar'Reh'maan against harm from you, if you were endeavourer for salvation". [19:18]

  • This is the Paradise the ownership of which We give from our subjects who was endeavourer for salvation. [19:63]

 Verbal Noun: Indefinite; accusative.  (1)3:28=1 

  • The True Believers should not incline towards adopting co-dweller non-believers as their guardians-protectors-patrons, instead of the Believers.

  • Take note; if someone did adopt them as patrons; thereat, he has no patronage in any matter from the grace of Allah the Exalted.

  • Except that they: true believers might protect themselves from them; to guard against the harm they could cause in future.

  • And Allah the Exalted warns you to remain vigilant of His injunctions.

  • And be cognizant that the doctrine: the finality of issues is the exclusive prerogative of Allah the Exalted, is a fact. [3:28]

  Possessive Phrase: Verbal Noun: definite; genitive + Possessive pronoun: Third person; masculine; singular, in genitive state. (1)3:102=1

  • O, those people/you who proclaim to have accepted-become believers, listen;

  • You people sincerely endeavour to attain the protection from Allah the Exalted; the intensity of endeavour must be absolute as is befitting for attaining the salvation from Him the Exalted.

  • And you people should not die except being conscious followers of the Code-Islam: submission to the discipline establishing state of peace, security, tranquility, harmony and dynamic balance for all. [3:102]

  Active participle; indefinite; singular; masculine, genitive (1)13:34(2)13:37(3)40:21=3  

  • Infliction is destined for them in the worldly life.

  • Mind it, the infliction in Hereafter is certainly severely piercing.

  • And neither for them is a protector designated by Allah the Exalted. [13:34]

  • And likewise Our Majesty has sent it: Qur'aan in compiled form. Circumstantially, it is to serve as a Judging Criterion: Decree: Writ having characteristic feature of written in Arabic: distinct-eloquent language of the sons of soil of Arabian peninsula.

  • Therefore, you the Messenger pronounce for everyone: "Should you purposely acted upon their conjectures-desires-wishes after that which the Qur'aan has brought you the Knowledge:

  • Thereby, assuredly there will certainly neither [including myself] a patron, nor a protector permitted by Allah the Exalted to act for you." [13:37]


  • Is it that they have not traversed in the world/land

  • Whereby they may see the remains/archeological evidences as to what was the end of those who were before them [and take heed/lesson].

  • They were mightier in power than them;

  • And in the matter of leaving impressions/monuments in the Earth,

  • Thereat, for reason of their persistent crimes Allah the Exalted seized them.

  • And for them there was not a protector permitted by Allah the Exalted to save them. [40:21]