Surraiya Encyclopedia of Arabic corpus and concepts in Grand Qur'aan 


Welcome to Grand Qur'aan Academic Study Circle.

Grand Qur'aan: The Infinitely Reliable Book: Guarantor and Sustainer of truly living Life.

Listen it, self-learn and quite conveniently understand it since Allah the Exalted has rendered it facilitative for reading and comprehending. It is also self explanatory. Thereupon, act accordingly what it commands, and refrain from what it prohibits.        

This is a free source for the learners-beginners, scholars and researchers. We are trying to provide them the necessary tools-kit at one page-window that are required for reading a book and comprehending its semantic information and message. Reading is but for comprehending the semantic information and knowledge infolded in the text. Comprehension is but real-time translation of the text while reading. Real-time translation by the reader renders him as if he is directly listening the voice of the author of the Book and of the elevated Messenger who relayed it verbally and in writing.

Learning to translate and comprehend the text of Grand Qur'aan is merely a skill. Everybody can and should acquire it. What we need is only the desire to develop personal contact with the Author of Qur'aan, Allah the Exalted and the elevated universal Messenger Sal'lallaa'hoalaih'wa'salam; and the tools-kit which is required to translate and comprehend the second-language text.

Scope and features of our project - studying and understanding Qur'aan purely and exclusively following academic rules of critical-objective study:

The text of languages is typically divided into three categories:

1) Word; [Parts of speech]

2) Phrase;

3) Sentence [Arrangement of words and phrases to convey a proposition-perception]

For words: Dictionary of Arabic Roots used in Grand Qur'aan - Lexicon of each root is included; each word is also grammatically categorized. Classical lexicon of Arabic and Lane's Lexicon are linked.

For Self acquiring the skill for real-time translation: Grammar: Morphology and Syntax - merely by visual observation of text there are few lessons and a practice for some time that will immediately enable for what is called pre-read or skimming the text and understanding surface meanings.

Reference for assistance: Translation of Ayah after grammatical and syntactic parsing of sentences.  Each word of Ayah is grammatically defined and is linked with its Root page where all words of that Root occurring in Qur'aan are alphabetically arranged.

Encyclopedia of Qur'aan [on going project] - List of uploaded articles is given in side pane.

Further works in hand are:

For Phrases: Dictionary of Phrases in the text of Grand Qur'aan that are grammatical units of a sentence like a unit: codon in messenger RNA in human genome—Prepositional, Possessive, and Adjectival Phrases.

Text segmentation into sentences by types of structure and meaning. They are like genes in messenger RNA.

Discourse segmentation into major types like Narrative, Informative-Physical sciences and Living Creatures; that are the arguments and evidence to prove and substantiate main theme of Grand Qur'aan, and Injunctive-advisory segment for aright conduct of human beings—the essence of Qur'aan.

Why we must learn reading and understanding Qur'aan? Because it is Guarantor and Sustainer of truly living Life

Let us say responding "You the Exalted Sustainer Lord of the Universes, and you the Elevated Messenger Sal'lallaa'hoalaih'wa'salam of Him the Exalted; We have listened the Grand Qur'aan and have affectionately and wholeheartedly accepted it". Moreover, let us engrave this information in our memories:

Please remember that no translation of the Qur'aan will ever be exhaustive and final. The day you acquire the skill, I am sure you will render a far better and precise translation than my and my wife's effort.

Compiled by: Mazhar Anwaar Nurani with assistance of Mrs. Surraiya Nurani.

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