
1 زَبَنَهُ  , (Msb, TA,) and زَبَنَ بِهِ, (TA,) aor. زَبِنَ , (Msb, TA,) inf. n. زَبْنٌ, (S, M, Mgh, Msb, K,) He pushed it, or thrust it; or pushed it, or thrust it, away; (S, * Mgh, * Msb, K, * TA;) namely, a thing: (Msb, TA:) or a thing from another thing. (M, * TA.) You say of a she-camel, تَزْبِنُ حَالِبَهَا She pushes, or thrusts, or she pushes, or thrusts, away, her milker. (Mgh, Msb, TA.) And زَبَنَتْ, (S,) or زَبَنَتْ بِثَفِنَاتِ رِجْلِهَا, (TA,) She (a camel) struck with her stifle-joints (TA) on the occasion of being milked: زَبْنٌ being [generally] with the stifle-joints; and رَكْضٌ, with the hind leg; and خَبْطٌ, with the fore leg. (S, TA.) And تَزْبِنُ وَلَدَهَا عَنْ ضَرْعِهَا بِرِجْلِهَا She (a camel) pushes, or thrusts, away her young one from her udder with her hind leg. (M, TA.) And زَبَنَهُمْ He pushed, or thrust, them away; put them away, or removed them from their place. (TA.) And of war, or battle, (حَرْب,) one says, تَزْبِنُ النَّاسِ, meaning (tropical:) It dashes men [one against another], and pushes, or thrusts, them. (S, TA.) ― -b2- And زَبَنْتَ عَنَّا هَدِيَّتَكَ وَمَعْرُوفَكَ, inf. n. as above, (assumed tropical:) Thou hast turned away from us thy present and thy bounty, or favour: accord. to Lh, properly meaning thou hast turned them away from thy neighbours and acquaintance to others: or, accord. to the A, (tropical:) thou hast withdrawn, and withheld, from us thy present &c. (TA.) ― -b3- زَبْنٌ also signifies The selling any fruit upon its trees for [other] fruit by measure: (K:) whence ↓ المُزَابَنَةُ (see 3): it has been forbidden, because of the fraud, or deceit, and the ignorance, attending it: and is thus termed because either of the two parties, when he repents, repels the other [if able to do so] from the obligation that he has imposed upon him. (TA.) 3 زابنهُ  , (K,) inf. n. مُزَابَنَهٌ, (TA,) i. q. دَافَعَهُ [He contended, or strove, with him in pushing, or thrusting, or in pushing, or thrusting, away; or he pushed him, &c., being pushed &c. by him; or he pushed against him]. (K.) ― -b2- مُزَابَنَةٌ signifies [also] The selling dates (S, Mgh, Msb, K) in their fresh ripe state (S, K) upon the heads of the palm-trees for dried dates (S, Mgh, Msb, K) by measure; (Mgh, Msb;) which is forbidden, because it is a sale by conjecture, [or] without measuring and without weighing: (S, TA:) it is from الزَّبْنُ; because it leads to contention and mutual repulsion: (Mgh:) and in like manner, the selling any fruit upon its trees for fruit by measure: see 1, last sentence: (TA:) accord. to Málik, any selling or buying of a thing by conjecture, not knowing its measure nor its number nor its weight, for something named of that which is measured and weighed and numbered: or the selling of a thing known for a thing unknown of its kind: or the selling of a thing unknown for a thing unknown of its kind: or a buying and selling in which is a mutual endeavour to endamage, or overreach, (بَيْعُ مُغَابَنَةٍ,) in a kind in which endamaging, or overreaching, is not allowable; (K;) because, in this case, he who is endamaged, or overreached, desires to annul the sale, and he who endamages, or overreaches, desires to make it take effect, so they repel one another, and contend. (TA.) 4 ازبنوا بُيُوتَهُمْ  They removed their tents from the road, or way. (TA.) 5 تَزَبَّنَ see 10, in two places. 6 تزابنوا  i. q. تدافعوا [They contended, or strove, together, in pushing, or thrusting, or in pushing, or thrusting, away; or they pushed, &c., one another; or pushed against one another]. (TA.) 7 انزبنوا  They removed, withdrew, or retired to a distance. (K.) 10 استزبنهُ  He made him a زَبُون; [i. e. treated him as such;] meaning a simpleton, or fool; one much, or often, endamaged, or overreached, defrauded, or deceived; as also ↓ تزبّنهُ : (Mgh:) or استزبنهُ and ↓ تزبّنهُ are like اِسْتَغْبَنَهُ and تَغَبَّنَهُ [both app. meaning he esteemed him غَبِين, i. e. weak in judgment, and therefore liable to be endamaged, or overreached, defrauded, or deceived; like as استضعفهُ and تضعّفهُ both signify “ he esteemed him ضَعِيف, i. e. weak ”]; or like اِسْتَغْبَاهُ and تَغَبَّاهُ [both app. meaning he esteemed him unintelligent, or one having little intelligence]. (TA.) زَبْنٌ  A tent, or house, (بَيْتٌ,) standing apart from the [other] tents or houses: (K:) as though it were pushed from them. (TA.) ― -b2- See also زَبَنٌ. ― -b3- مَقَامُ زَبْنٍ A narrow standing-place, upon which a man cannot stand by reason of its narrowness and slipperiness. (TA.) ― -b4- [In one place in the CK, الزَّبْنُ is erroneously put for الزَّبِنُ.] زِبْنٌ  : see زَبَنٌ. -A2- Also A want, or thing wanted: you say, قَدْ أَخَذَ زِبْنَهُ مِنَ المَالِ, i. e. [He has taken] what he wanted [of the property], (K,) and مِنَ الطَّعَامِ [of the food]. (TA.) زَبَنٌ  A side; a lateral, or an adjacent, part or tract or quarter: (K:) [and so, app., ↓ زَبْنٌ and ↓ زِبْنٌ : for] you say, حَلَّ زَبْنًا مِنْ قَوْمِهِ, with fet-h, [as well as زَبَنًا, with two fet-hahs,] and زِبْنًا, with kesr, meaning He alighted aside, or apart, from his people, or party; as though he were thrust from their place: scarcely ever, or never, used otherwise than as an adv. n. [of place] or as a denotative of state. (TA.) -A2- Also A piece of cloth [shaped] after the fashion of the tent (عَلَى تَقْطِيعِ البَيْتِ), like the حَجَلَة [a kind of curtained canopy prepared for a bride]. (K.) زَبِنٌ  , (K, TA,) like كَتِفٌ, (TA, [الزَّبْنٌ in the CK being a mistranscription for الزَّبِنُ,]) Vehement in pushing, or thrusting; and so ↓ زُبُنٌّ . (K, * TA.) زِبْنِيَةٌ  : see زَبَانِيَةٌ. زِبْنِىٌّ  : see زَبَانِيَةٌ. زُبُنٌّ  : see زَبِنٌ. زُبُنَّةٌ  The hind leg of a she-camel: (TA:) the hind legs of the she-camel are called زُبُنَّتَاهَا (K, TA) because she pushes, or thrusts, with them. (TA.) زَبُونٌ  One who pushes, or thrusts, or who pushes, or thrusts, away, [or who pushes &c. much or vehemently, or who is wont to push &c.,] a thing. (Msb.) A she-camel that pushes, or thrusts, or that pushes, or thrusts, away, (Mgh, Msb, K,) or that kicks, or strikes, and pushes, &c., (S, TA,) her milker, (S, Mgh, Msb, K, *) with her hind leg (Msb) [or with her stifle-joint: see 1]: or that is wont, or accustomed, to push, &c., her milker. (TA.) Hence, (A,) one says حَرْبٌ زَبُونٌ (S, A, Msb, K) meaning (tropical:) A difficult, or stubborn, war or battle; likened to the she-camel termed زبون: (A, TA:) or that dashes men [one against another], and pushes, or thrusts, them: (S:) or in which one portion pushes, or thrusts, or pushes or thrusts away, another, by reason of multitudinousness: (K:) or it is thus called because it repels the valiant men from advancing, through fear of death. (Msb.) ― -b2- As meaning غَبِىٌّ [i. e. (assumed tropical:) Unintelligent, or having little intelligence], and حَرِيفٌ [syn. with مُعَامِلٌ, and hence, as will be seen from what follows, app. here used in the sense of (assumed tropical:) a dealer with others in buying and selling, a meaning which مُعَامِلٌ often has, though, as I have shown in art. حَرف, I do not know any authority for assigning this meaning to حَرِيفٌ], (S, K, [the latter explanation thus written in my copies of the S and in my MS. copy of the K and in the CK, but in the TA, and hence in the TK, خريف, which has no meaning, that I know of, appropriate in this instance,]) it is post-classical, (K,) not of the language of the people of the desert: (S:) it signifies (tropical:) a simpleton, or fool, who is endamaged, or defrauded, (يُغْبَنُ,) much; by a tropical attribution [of the meaning of a pass. part. n. to a word which has properly the meaning of an act. part. n.; because the person thus termed is as though he were pushed, or thrust, away]: (Mgh:) it signifies also (assumed tropical:) a purchaser; because he pushes away another from the thing that is sold; [or because he is often duped;] and in this sense, [a sense in which it is commonly now used, or as meaning a customer, and also a dupe,] it is a post-classical word, not of the language of the people of the desert. (Msb.) [The pl. now commonly used is زَبَائِنُ, and some say زَبُونَاتٌ.] It is said in a post-classical prov., الزَّبُونُ يَفْرَحُ بِلَا شَىْءٍ [which I would render (assumed tropical:) The dupe rejoices without anything, or at nothing]: (Meyd:) or الزَّبُونُ يَفْرَحُ بِأَدْنَى شَىْءٍ, meaning [(assumed tropical:) The dupe rejoices at the least, or the meanest, thing: or] the dealer (المُعَامِلُ), or the purchaser (المُشْتَرِى), as the word signifies in the dial. the people of El-Basrah. (Har p. 76, q. v. [The editors of the sec. ed. of De Sacy's Har, to which reference is here made, say, (Notes, p. 90,) “ Nous pensons que le mot الزبون, dans l'acception qu'il prend dans ce proverbe dérive du chaldéen זַבֵּן 'vendre.'” (This verb is written in the Lex. of Gesenius זְבַן .) See also De Sacy's Chrest. Arabe, sec. ed., pp. 186 — 190.] -A2- Also A well in which is a receding in its مَثَابَة [or place where the water collects, or place reached by the water when it returns and collects after one has drawn from it, &c.; (see art. ثوب;) as though its casing were pushed back in that part]. (K.) -A3- And [An inner vest; so in the present day; pl. أَزْبِنَةٌ;] a thing that is cut so as to fit the body, and worn. (TA.) زُبَانَى  is the sing. of which زُبَانَيَانِ is the dual. (Mz, 40th نوع.) زُبَانَى العَقْرَبِ signifies The horn [or claw] of the scorpion: (Msb:) its two horns [or claws] are called زُبَانَيَا العَقْرَبِ; (S, K;) because it pushes with them. (TA.) ― -b2- And الزُّبَانَيَانِ, (Ibn-Kunáseh, S, Kzw,) or زُبَانَيَا العَقْرَبِ, (K,) [the former the more common,] (assumed tropical:) The two horns [or claws] of Scorpio; [which, like the constellation Leo, the Arabs extended much beyond the limits that we assign to it, and which they thus made to include a portion of Libra;] (Kzw;) two stars, widely separated, (Ibn-Kunáseh, Kzw,) [that rise] before الإِِكْلِيل [q. v.]; (Ibn-Kunáseh;) between which (Ibn-Kunáseh, Kzw) is the measure of a spear (رُمْح [q. v.]), more than the stature of a man, (Ibn-Kunáseh,) [or,] in appearance, the measure of five cubits: (Kzw:) two bright stars, (S, K,) in, or upon, (K,) the two horns [or claws] of Scorpio: (S, K:) [a and g of Libra, accord. to those who make النَّوْء to mean “ the auroral setting; ” and perhaps the same, or α and β of Libra, accord to those who make النَّوْء to mean “ the auroral rising: ”] one of the Mansions of the Moon, (S, Kzw,) namely, the Sixteenth Mansion. (Kzw. [See مَنَازِلُ القَمَرِ, in art. نزل.]) The saying “ عَضَّ بِأَطْرَافِ الزُّبَانَى قَمَرُهْ
” [lit. His moon bit the extremities of the claw of Scorpio], cited by IAar, is expl. as meaning “ he is uncircumcised, except the part from which the قَمَر has contracted; ” his قُلْفَة being likened to the زُبَانَى [and his كَمَرَة to the قَمَر]: and he is related to have said that he who is born when the moon is in Scorpio is unprosperous: but Th says, I asked him respecting this saying, and he disallowed it, and said, No, but he is a low, or mean, or sordid, person, who does not give food in winter; and when the moon [in winter] bites the extremities of the زُبَانَى, [i. e. enters Scorpio,] it is most intense cold. (TA.) -A2- See also ذ : see the next paragraph. زَبَانِيَةٌ  is a pl., of which the sing. is ↓ زِبْنِيَةٌ , (Akh, Zj, S, K,) as some say, or ↓ زَبَانٍ , (Akh, S,) or ↓ زُبَانَى , like سُكَارَى, (TA,) or ↓ زَابِنٌ , (Akh, S,) or ↓ رِبْنِىٌّ , (Ks, K,) the pl. of this last being originally زَبَانِىُّ, the ة [in زَبَانِيَةٌ] being substituted for the [last] ى: (Bd in xcvi. 18:) but the Arabs hardly, or in nowise, know this [attribution of a sing. to زَبَانِيَةٌ], holding it to be a pl. having no sing., like أَبَابِيلُ and عَبَادِيدُ. (Akh, S.) With the Arabs [of the classical age] it signifies The شُرَط [app. in the earlier sense of the braves of an army, or in the later sense of the armed attendants, officers, or soldiers, of the prefect of the police]: (S:) this is the primary signification: (Bd in xcvi. 18:) the sing. being syn. with شُرْطِىٌّ: and also signifying the مُتَمَرِّد [i. e. one who exalts himself, or is insolent and audacious, in pride and in acts of rebellion or disobedience, &c.,] of the jinn, or genii, and of mankind: (K:) and i. q. شَدِيدٌ [i. e. strong, &c.]: (Secr, K:) each of these two significations [and the first also] being from the meaning of “ pushing, ” or “ thrusting. ” (TA.) ― -b2- الزَّبَانِيَةُ signifies also Certain angels, [the tormentors of the damned in Hell,] so called because of their thrusting the people of the fire thereto; (Katádeh, S, Msb; *) the angels mentioned in the Kur [lxvi. 6] as غِلَاظٌ شِدَادٌ, (Zj,) i. e. rough in speech or in disposition, strong in deeds or in make. (Bd.) [ زَبَّانٌ  is said by Freytag to signify a foot (“ pes ”), as on the authority of J; as though he had found it expl. by the word رِجْل: but this is a mistake: it is said in the S that زَبَّانٌ is the name of a man (اِسْمُ رَجُلٍ).] زِبِّينٌ  One striving to suppress the urine and ordure: (K, * TA: [the word, with the article ال, is expl. by مُدَافِعُ الأَخْبَثَيْنِ: see 3 in art. دفع, and see also أَخْبَثُ:]) such is said in a trad. to be one of those from whom prayer will not be accepted; or, as some relate it, it is the زِنِّين, with ن [in the place of the ب]: (TA:) or it means one withholding them against his will. (K.) ― -b2- One says also, مَا بِهَا زِبِّينٌ, meaning There is not in it [i. e. the house, الدَّار,] any one: so says Aboo-Shubrumeh. (TA.) زَبُّونَةٌ  Pride; syn. كِبْرٌ. (S.) ― -b2- And [hence, probably,] رَجُلٌ ذُو زَبُّونَةٍ i. q. مَانِعٌ جَانِبَهُ [app. meaning A man who defends his honour, or reputation: see جَانِبٌ]: (S, TA:) or a man who defends what is behind his back (مَا وَرَآءَ ظَهْرِهِ [perhaps meaning his household: see ظَهْرٌ]). (TA, and so in a copy of the S.) -A2- Also, and ↓ زُبُّونَةٌ , The neck; (IAar, K;) as in the saying خُذْ بِقُرُونِهِ وَبِزَبُّونَتِهِ [Take thou hold of his horns and his neck]: (IAar, TA:) or زَبُّونَةٌ may signify the ear; and the pl. زَبُّونَاتٌ, the head and neck of a horse, by a metonymy, because the ears are therein. (Ham p. 58, q. v.) زُبُّونَةٌ  : see the next preceding paragraph. زَابِنٌ  : see زَبَانِيَةٌ, first sentence. زَابِنَةٌ  An [eminence such as is termed] أَكَمَة, (K, TA,) raised high (TA) in a valley that bends, or turns, from it; (K, TA;) as though it pushed it, or thrust it, away. (TA.) Credit: Lane Lexicon