
1 كَثَبَهُ  , aor. كَثُبَ and كَثِبَ , inf. n. كَثْبٌ, He collected it together, (S, K,) from a near place. (TA.) كُثِبَ بَيْنَنَا [It (referring to a quantity of dates, sent by Mohammad,) was collected together among us;] meaning, it was left collected together before us. (TA, from a trad.) كَثَبَ القَوْمَ He collected together the people. (Msb.) ― -b2- كَثَبَهُ, aor. كَثُبَ and كَثِبَ , inf. n. كَثْبٌ, He poured it out, or forth. (K.) He collected it together from a near place, and poured it out, or forth. (TA.) ― -b3- He scattered dust, or earth, part over part. (Lth.) ― -b4- كَثَبَ, aor. كَثُبَ , inf. n. كَثْبٌ, He scattered corn or other food. (AZ.) ― -b5- كَثَبَ كِنَانَتَهُ He turned his quiver upside down, and scattered its contents. (K.) In one copy of the K, explained by نكثها; but this is a mistake: the right reading is نَكَبَهَا. (TA.) ― -b6- كَثَبَ, aor. كَثُبَ and كَثِبَ , inf. n. كَثْبٌ, It (a people, TA,) collected itself together, or congregated. (K.) -A2- كَثَبٌ, aor. كَثُبَ and كَثَبَ , inf. n. كَثْبٌ, He entered. (K.) Ex. كَثَبُوا لَكُمْ They entered among you. From [كَثَبٌ as signifying] “ nearness. ” (TA.) ― -b2- كَثَبَ عَلَيْهِ He charged upon him, and returned against him after retiring from him: (K:) or he drew near to him, and charged upon him, &c. (TA.) See also 4. -A3- كَثَبَ لَبَنُهَا Her milk became little; (K;) either in a case of [usual] copiousness or paucity. (TA.) 2 كثّب  , inf. n. تَكْثِيبٌ, It [a number of things, or a quantity,] was, or became, few, or little. The inf. n. is explained in the K by the word قِلَّة; but this, says SM, I do not find in the [other] lexicons. (TA.) 3 كَاْثَبَ see 4. 4 اكثبهُ  , and اكثب لَهُ, and مِنْهُ, (K,) and إِِلَيْهِ, and ↓ كَثَبَهُ , (TA,) and ↓ كاثبهُ , (K,) He drew near to, or approached, him or it. (K.) إِِذَا كَثَبُوكُمْ فَارْمُوهُمْ بِالنَّبْلِ When they draw near to you, shoot at them with arrows. (TA, from a trad.) [You say] أَكْثَبَكَ الصَّيْدُ قَارْمِهِ, (S, * K,) and أَكْثَبَ لَكَ, (TA,) The game hath enabled thee [to shoot it]; (S;) or made thee to have its كَاثِبَة within thy power, or reach; (K;) or drawn near to thee and enabled thee [to take advantage of it]; (TA;) [so shoot at it]. In some copies of the K, for اكثبك, we read كَثَبَكَ; but the former is the right reading, though the two verbs are syn. The phrase is a proverb. (TA.) -A2- اكثبهُ He gave him to drink a كُثْبَة (K) of milk. (TA.) 7 انكثب  It (sand) collected. (S.) ― -b2- انكثب فِيهِ It (anything) poured out, or forth, or was, or became, poured out, or forth, into it, (S,) and collected. (TA.) ― -b3- انكثب It (dust, or earth,) was, or became, scattered, part over part. (Lth.) كَثَبٌ  Nearness [with respect to place]. (S, K.) The ب in this word is sometimes changed into م. (Msb.) هُوَ كَشَبَكَ He is near thee. Sb says that it is not used otherwise than as an adverbial noun of place. But you say, هُوَ يَرْمِى مِنْ كَثَبٍ He shoots, or throws, from a near spot, and from a distance from which he can reach, or hit. (TA.) كُثْبَةٌ  A portion, or quantity, of corn or other food, (or of dates, TA,) or dust, or earth, &c., (K), after it has been little. (TA.) ― -b2- Anything collected together, (K,) of corn or other food, &c., after it has been little. (S.) ― -b3- A little of milk, &c.: (A'Obeyd) or a little of water and of milk: or a gulp, or draught, remaining in a vessel: (K:) or the quantity of one milking: (S:) or the quantity that is contained in a bowl or cup of the kind called قَدَح, of milk, (AZ, S, K,) and of water: (K:) pl. كُثَبٌ. (S.) إِِحْتَلَبُوا كُثَبًا They milked a little from each ewe. (AHát.) One says of a man who comes to seek food as a guest under the pretence of demanding a woman in marriage, إِِنَّهُ لَيَخْطُبُ كُثْبَةً [Verily he sues for a little milk, &c.] (IAar.) -A2- A depressed tract of land between mountains. (K.) كَثْبَاءُ  Dust, or earth, (تُرَابٌ): (K, as in the Calc. ed. and in a MS. copy:) or one of the names of شَرَاب [by which, app., is here meant wine]. (So accord. to the TA, which does not mention the former reading in the K.) كُثَابٌ  Many, or much: (K:) a syn. of كُبَابٌ, q. v.: you say نَعَمٌ كُثَابٌ, meaning Many camels, or camels and sheep or goats. (TA.) كِثَابٌ  : see كُثَّابٌ. كَثِيبٌ  A thing collected together. (Msb.) ― -b2- A hill, or heap, of sand: (S, K:) or an oblong and gibbous hill of sand: or an extended gibbous hill [or an elevated expanse] of sand: or what has collected, of sand, and assumed a gibbous shape: (TA:) or what has poured down, of sand, into a place, and collected there: (S:) [less than what is called عَقَنْقَلٌ, q. v.:] pl. كُثْبَانٌ (S, K) and كُثُبٌ and أَكْثِبَةٌ: (K:) [the last a pl. of pauc.]. ― -b3- وكَانَتِ الجِبَالُ كَثِيبًا مُهِيلًا [Kur, lxxiii. 14,] signifies And the mountains shall be sand, whereof the lower part being shaken, it shall pour down upon thee from above. (Fr.) ― -b4- ثَلَاثَةٌ عَلَى كُثُبِ المِسْكِ, or كُثْبَانِ المسك, [Three (descriptions of men shall be, on the day of resurrection,) on hills, or heaps, of musk]. (TA, from a trad.) كَثَّابٌ  : see كُثَّابٌ. كُثَّابٌ  (S, art. كتب, and K) and ↓ كَتَّابٌ , (K,) as also كُتَّابٌ, q. v., An arrow having neither head nor feathers, (As, K,) with which boys play: (As, TA:) or a common arrow. (TA.) [You say,] مَا رَمَاهُ بِكُثَّابٍ He did not shoot at him with an arrow: or, as some say, a small arrow is here meant. (L.) A proverb, which is related as above: but accord. to the K., ↓ مَا رَمَى بِكِثَابٍ He did not shoot, or throw anything; an arrow or other thing. (TA.) كَثْنَبٌ  and كَنْثَبٌ: see arts. كثنت and كنثب. كَاثِبَةٌ  The مِنْسَج (or part below the حَارِك, which latter is the withers, or the upper part thereof, &c.,) of a horse: (K:) or the fore part of the منسج of a horse, where the hand of the horseman falls [when he mounts]: (S:) or the elevated part of the منسج: or the part from the root of the neck to the part between the shoulders: or the place where the shoulders unite, before the saddle; [i. e. the withers]: pl. كَوَاثِبُ (TA) and أَكْثَابٌ: (K:) but of the latter pl. ISd remarks, I know not how this is. (TA.) يَضَعُونَ رِمَاحَهُمْ عَلَى كَوَاثِبِ خَيْلِهِمْ [They put their spears upon the withers of their horses]. The last of the above explanations is here assigned to كواثب. (TA, from a trad.) Credit: Lane Lexicon