
1 نَسَرَ  , aor. نَسُرَ (S, M, K) and نَسِرَ , (M, K,) inf. n. نَسْرٌ, (S, M, K,) He (a bird, M, K, or a hawk or falcon, S, [or other bird, see نَسْرٌ below,]) plucked flesh (S, M, K) with his beak. (S, TA.) You say also, نَسَرَهُ بِمِنْسَرِهِ, meaning, He (a hawk or falcon [or other bird]) plucked his flesh with his beak. (A.) -A2- [Hence,] نَسَرَهُ (tropical:) He blamed him; found fault with him; spoke evil of him behind his back, or in his absence, saying of him what would grieve him if he heard it. (A.) 10 استنسر ذ He (the بَغَاث [or ignoble bird, or most ignoble of birds,] S, M) became a نَسْر [or vulture]: (M:) or became like the نَسْر (S, K) in strength. (K.) Hence the proverb, إِِنَّ البَغَاثَ بِأَرْضِنَا يَسْتَنْسِرُ [Verily the most ignoble bird, or most ignoble birds, in our land becomes like the vulture, or become like vultures]: (S, M:) meaning, the weak among us becomes strong. (S.) See also art. بغث. نَسْرٌ (S, M, Msb, K, &c.) and sometimes ↓ نِسْرٌ [agreeably with the modern general pronunciation] and ↓ نُسْرٌ , (Sheykh-el-Islám Zekereeyŕ, in his Comm. on the Expos. of Bd,) but this is very strange, (MF,) [The vulture; app. any vulture, whatever be its species or variety, known to the Arabs, except the رَخَم, or aquiline vulture; and said to be applied by some of the Arabs to the eagle; (see also نُسَارِيَّةٌ;) agreeing with the Hebrew נֶשֶׁר , which is plainly applied to the former bird in Micah, i. 16, and probably in other instances;] a certain bird, (S, M, A, Msb, K,) well known; (A, Msb;) so called because it plucks (يَنْسُِرُ) a thing, and swallows it, (A, and so in some copies of the K,) or, and pulls it out (so in some copies of the K,) or, and chases and captures it; (so in some copies of the K; the various readings being وَيَبْتَلِعُهُ and وَيَقْتَلِعُهُ and وَيَقْتَنِصُهُ;) it is said that it has no مِخْلَب [or talon], but only the ظُفْر [or nail], like that of the domestic cock and hen, and of the crow and the like, and of the رَخَمَة [or aquiline vulture]: (S:) the bird called in Persian كَرْكَشْ, which eats carcases until it is unable to fly, and is said to live a thousand years: (Kzw:) AHn asserts, that the نسر is a bird of the description called عِتَاق; [which is a term applied to birds of prey, and to noble birds, (in a sense wider than that in which this appellation is used in English falconry,) and especially to eagles;] but [ISd says] I know not how that is: (M:) pl. (of pauc., S) أَنْسُرٌ and (of mult., S) نُسُورٌ. (S, M, Msb, K.) ― -b2- النَّسْرُ الوَاقِعُ (assumed tropical:) [The Falling, or Alighting, Vulture,] and النَّسْرُ الطَّائِرُ (assumed tropical:) [The Flying Vulture,] are two stars or asterisms, (S, * M, A, Msb, K,) well-known, (M,) which together are called النَّسْرَانِ [the Two Vultures], (M, A,) and each of which alone is called النَّسْرُ (M, Msb, K) and نَسْرٌ; (M;) being likened to the bird so named: (M:) the former is the bright star [a] in the constellation الشَّلْيَاقُ [or Lyra] likened by the Arabs to a vulture (نسر) that has contracted its wings to itself, as though it had alighted upon something: and the latter consists of the three well-known stars [a and b and g] in the constellation العُقَابُ [or Aquila]: (Kzw:) [The former rose heliacally, about the epoch of the Flight, in central Arabia, on the 25th of November, O. S., with the Eighteenth Mansion of the Moon, which is a of Scorpio; and the latter, on the 28th of December, O. S.: and both set, together, anti-heliacally, at that period and in that part, on the 24th of July, O. S. See نَوْءٌ, and دَبُورٌ.] -A2- نَسْرٌ (S, M, Msb) and النَّسْرُ, (S, M, K,) the latter occurring in a verse cited in art. عز, (S,) A certain idol, (S, M, Msb, K,) belonging to Dhu-l-Kelaa, (S, Msb, K,) in the land of Himyer, (S, K,) as يَغُوثُ did to Medhhij, and يَعُوقُ to Hemdán, of the idols of the people of Noah, (S,) all of which are mentioned in the Kur, lxxii. 22 and 23: (S, M:) or a certain good man, who lived between Adam and Noah, and of whom, after his death, was made an image, which, after a long time, became an object of worship; like وَدٌّ and سُوَاعٌ and يَغُوثُ, and يَعُوقُ, mentioned therewith in the Kur, ubi supra. (Bd.) -A3- Also, نَسْرٌ [The frog, or frush, of the hoof of a horse or ass or mule; thus called in the present day;] a portion of tough flesh, [or rather a horny substance,] in the بطْن [or sole] of the solid hoof, as though it were a datestone, [which it resembles in substance,] or a pebble: (S:) or the flesh of the solid hoof, which the poets liken to date-stones: (T:) or a portion of flesh, (K,) or of hard flesh, (M,) in the بَاطِن [or sole, or inner part,] of the solid hoof, (M, K, TA,) as though it were a pebble, or a date-stone, (TA:) or what rises in the باطن of the hoof of the horse, from, or of, the upper part thereof: (M, K:) or the باطن itself of the solid hoof: (M:) pl. نُسُورٌ, (M, K,) which Aboo-Sa'eed explains as signifying the prominences in the بَطْن [or sole] of the solid hoof, which are likened to date-stones because of their hardness, and which do not touch the ground. (TA.) Hence the saying, حَافِرٌ صُلْبُ النُّسُورِ [A solid hoof hard in the frog: the sing. and pl. being used indiscriminately]. (TA.) نُسْرٌ  : see نَسْرٌ, first signification. نِسْرٌ  : see نَسْرٌ, first signification. نِسْرِينٌ  [The wild rose, dog-rose, eglantine, or sweet brier: so in the present day: and, accord. to Spreng., Hist. Rei Herb., cited by Freytag, the jonquil:] a well-known rose; (K;) a well-known sweet-smelling flower; (Msb;) a species of sweetsmelling flower; (M;) a Persian word, (M, Msb,) arabicized: (Msb:) of the measure فِعْلِيل; and, if so, the [final] ن is radical: or of the measure فِعلِينٌ; and if so, that letter is augmentative: Az says, I know not whether it be Arabic or not. (Msb.) نُسَارِيَّةٌ  The eagle; syn. عُقَابٌ: (IAar, K:) likened to the نَسْر. (IAar, TA.) [Hence it appears that, accord. to IAar, the نَسْر is not the eagle.] نَاسُورٌ  (also written with ص, S, Msb,) A certain disease that happens in the inner angles of the eyes, (S, Msb, K,) with an incessant defluxion therefrom: (S, TA:) and sometimes it happens also in the part around the anus: and in the gum: (S, Msb:) or it signifies also a certain disease in the part around the anus: and a certain disease in the gum: (K:) and is an arabicized word [from the Persian]: (S, Msb:) نَوَاصِير, pl. of نَاصُورٌ, accord. to certain of the physicians, is a term applied to deep ulcers in the anus, at the extremity of the gut. (Msb, art. نصر.) ― -b2- Also, A vein constantly becoming recrudescent, (عِرْقٌ غَبِرٌ,) with an incessant defluxion; (S, K;) corrupt within; whenever its upper part heals, breaking forth again with corruption. (TA.) See also غَرْبٌ. مِنْسَرٌ  (S, A, Msb, K) and ↓ مَنْسِرٌ , (Msb, K,) or the former only, (AZ,) The beak of a bird (S, A, Msb, K) of prey; (S, Msb;) or of a hawk or falcon; (A;) that of any other bird being called مِنْقَارٌ. (S, Msb.) -A2- [Hence,] ↓ both words also signify (assumed tropical:) A portion of an army that goes before the main army: (S, K:) [likened to the beak of a bird of prey; as the side bodies are likened to the wings:] and a troop of horse or horsemen in number from thirty to forty: or from forty to fifty: or from forty to sixty: (M, K:) or from a hundred to two hundred: (M, Msb, K:) or a troop of horse or horsemen: (El-Farábee, Msb:) or an army that does not pass by anything without snatching it away. (Msb.) مَنْسِرٌ  : see مِنْسَرٌ, throughout. Credit: Lane Lexicon