1 صَرَعَهُ  , aor. صَرَعَ , inf. n. صَرْعٌ (S, O, * Msb, K) and صِرْعٌ, (S, O, * K,) the former inf. n. of the dial. of Temeem and the latter of Keys, (S, O,) and مَصْرَعٌ, which is also a n. of place, [and, accord. to rule, of time also,] (S, O, K,) said of a man, (S, Msb,) He threw him down, or prostrated him, on the ground; (O, L, K, TA;) namely, a man. (T, TA.) And صَرَعَتْهُ is also said of a beast, [the pronoun referring to the rider,] meaning It threw him down. (TA in art. قمص.) Hence the saying, المَنِيَّةُ تَصْرَعُ الحَيَوَانَ (tropical:) [Death prostrates the animal]. (TA.) And مَثَلُ المُؤْمِنِ كَالخَامَةِ مِنَ الزَّرْعِ تَصْرَعُهَا الرِّيحُ مَرَّةً فَتَعْدِلُهَا أُخْرَى i. e. [The similitude of the believer is as the fresh, or juicy, plant of seedproduce,] which the wind bends at one time, throwing it from side to side, [and straightens at another.] (TA, from a trad.) And صُرِعَ الشَّجَرُ The trees were cut and thrown down. (TA.) ― -b2- See also 3. ― -b3- [Hence also,] صُرِعَ He was affected with the disease termed صَرْع [expl. below]. (Msb.) And He (a man) was affected with diabolical possession, or madness; inf. n. صَرْعٌ. (TA.) -A2- See also 2, in two places. 2 صرّعهُ  , [inf. n. تَصْرِيعٌ,] He threw him down or prostrated him, on the ground, vehemently; namely, a man. (K.) -A2- صرّع البَابَ, (K,) inf. n. as above, (TA,) He made the door-way to have what are termed مِصْرَاعَانِ [i. e. a pair of folding doors]; as also ↓ صَرَعَهُ . (K, TA.) ― -b2- And [hence,] صرّع الشِّعْرَ (tropical:) He made the poetry to have what are termed مِصْرَاعَانِ; as also ↓ صَرَعَهُ : (K, TA:) or التَّصْرِيعُ فِى الشِّعْرِ, (S,) or تَصْرِيعُ البَيْتِ مِنَ الشِّعْرِ, (TA,) is the making the first مِصْرَاع [meaning hemistich] to rhyme [like the second]; (S;) [i. e.] the making the last foot of the first hemistich like the last of the second [in rhyme]: (TA:) derived from the مِصْرَاع of the door-way. (S, TA.) 3 صَاْرَعَ صَارَعْتُهُ فَصَرَعْتُهُ , (S, Msb, TA,) inf. n. of the former مُصَارَعَةٌ and صِرَاعٌ, (Msb, TA,) I wrestled with him, each of us endeavouring to throw down the other, [and I overcame him in doing so, or and I threw him down.] (TA.) 5 تصرّع لَهُ  (tropical:) He became lowly, humble, or abased, and abashed, to him; as also تضرّع: (Az, TS, TA:) or (tropical:) he lowered, humbled, or abased, himself to him: one says, مَا زِلْتُ أَتَصَرَّعُ لَهُ and إِِلَيْهِ (tropical:) [I ceased not to lower, humble, or abase, myself to him] حَتَّى أَجَابَنِى [until he answered me, or gave me his assent]. (Z, TA.) 6 تصارعوا ذ They wrestled, one with another, endeavouring to throw down one another; and [↓ اصطرعوا signifies the same; or] ↓ اصطرعا they two wrestled, each endeavouring to throw down the other. (TA.) 7 انصرع  [He, or it, became thrown down, or prostrated, on the ground]. (Occurring in the K in art. جأث.) 8 إِِصْتَرَعَ see 6, in two places. صَرْعٌ  an inf. n. of 1. (S, Msb, K.) ― -b2- Also, [as a subst., Epilepsy, or falling sickness: and sometimes, app., ecstatic catalepsy; a sort of trance into which a person falls:] a certain disease, (S, O, Msb, K,) well known, (S, O,) resembling madness, or diabolical possession, (Msb,) accord. to the Ra-ees [Ibn-Seenŕ, whom we call “ Avicenna ”], (TA,) preventing, but not completely, the vital organs from performing their actions [or functions]; the cause of which is an obstruction that occurs in one or more of the venters (بُطُون) of the brain and in the ducts of the أَعْصَاب [here meaning nerves] by which the members are moved, [arising] from an abundant thick or viscous خِلْط [or humour], whereby the رُوح [by which is here meant, as in many other instances, the vital spirit, or nervous fluid,] is prevented from pervading them in the natural manner, and consequently the members become [spasmodically] contracted. (K, TA.) -A2- Also A sort, or species: and a state, condition, or manner of being: syn. ضَرْبٌ and فَنٌّ: (S, K:) of a thing: (K:) and so ↓ صِرْعٌ : and likewise ضَرْعٌ and ضِرْعٌ: (TA:) [See also صَرْعَةٌ:] pl. [of mult.] صُرُوعٌ (S, K) and [of pauc.] أَصْرُعٌ. (K.) One says, هُوَ ذُو صَرْعَيْنِ, meaning ذُو لَوْنَيْنِ [i. e. He, or it, has two sorts, or species: or two distinctive qualities or properties]. (Ibn-'Abbád, Z, O, K.) And تَرَكْتُهُمْ صَرْعَيْنِ I left them changing from state to state. (Ibn-'Abbád, O, K.) And لِلْأَمْرِ صَرْعَانِ, meaning طَرَفَانِ [i. e. There are two ways of performing the affair, either of which may be chosen]. (TA.) ― -b2- See also صِرْعٌ, in three places. ― -b3- صَرْعَانِ Two camels of which one comes to the water when the other returns from it, by reason of their [the camels'] multitude. (S, O, K.) ― -b4- And [hence, perhaps,] الصَّرْعَانِ signifies The night and the day; (K;) [and] so ↓ الصِّرْعَانِ , with kesr, like الصِّرْفَانِ: (TA in art. صرف:) or the forenoon and the afternoon; from the first part of day to midday and from midday to sunset; each of these being termed صَرْعٌ: (S, O, K:) or the morning, between daybreak and sunrise, and the evening, between sunset and nightfall; as also العَصْرَانِ; (S and K in explanation of الأَبْرَدَانِ;) and some assert that it is formed by transposition from العَصْرَانِ: (TA:) or the two extremities of the day. (A, TA.) And one says, أَتَيْتُهُ صَرْعَىِ النَّهَارِ I came to him in the morning and evening; or between daybreak and sunrise and between sunset and nightfall. (S, O, K.) And لَقِيتُهُ صَرْعَىِ النَّهَارِ I met him at the two extremities of the day. (A, TA.) Dhu-r-Rummeh says, “ كَأَنَّنِى نَازِعٌ يَثْنِيهِ عَنْ وَطَنٍ
صَرْعَانِ رَائِحَةً عَقْلٌ وَتَقْيِيدُ
” meaning As though I were one, i. e. a camel, yearning towards his place of abode, which an evening and a morning, in evening a binding of the fore shank to the arm and in the morning a shackling of the legs, turn [or keep] away from a settled abiding-place: or, as Aboo-'Alee relates it, رَائِحَةٌ, [as a partial substitute for صَرْعَانِ,] meaning, an evening, when there is a binding of the fore shank to the arm, and a morning, when there is a shackling of the legs; for they bind the camel's fore shank to his arm in the evening when he is lying down, and they shackle his legs in the morning so that he may pasture [but not stray]: another reading is صَرْعَاهُ [his morning and evening]. (TA.) ― -b5- One says also, هُوَ صَرْعُ كَذَا i. e. حِذَآءَهُ [app. meaning It is over against, or corresponding to, such a thing]. (O, K.) صِرْعٌ  an inf. n. of 1. (S, K.) -A2- And i. q. مُصَارِعٌ. (K.) See the latter in two places. -A3- See also صَرْعٌ, former half. ― -b2- [Also Either of two opposite conditions in which one is or stands &c. in respect of an affair or case.] One says, طَلَبْتُ مِنْ فُلَانٍ حَاجَةً فَا@نْصَرَفْتُ وَمَا أَدْرِى عَلَى أَىِّ صِرْعَىْ أَمْرِهِ هُوَ [I sought, or demanded, of such a one, an object of want, and then turned away, and I know not in which of the two opposite conditions he was in respect of his affair, or case]; i. e., his affair, or case, did not become apparent, or clear, or known, to me. (S, O, K. *) And a poet says, “ فَرُحْتُ وَمَا وَدَّعْتُ لَيْلَى وَمَا دَرَتْ
عَلَى أَىِّ صِرْعَىْ أَمْرِهَا أَتَرَوَّحُ
” [And I went, and bade not farewell to Leylŕ, and she knew not in which of the two opposite conditions in respect of her affair, or case, I was going]; i. e., whether I went from her presence retaining attachment, or forsaking; (S, TA;) or, as Z says, in a condition of success or of disappointment. (TA.) ― -b3- See also صَرْعٌ, in the middle of the paragraph. ― -b4- Also A like; a similar person or thing; and so ↓ صَرْعٌ . (O, K.) One says, هُمَا صِرْعَانِ (S, O) and ↓ صَرْعَانِ (O) They two are likes: (S, O:) and so شِرْعَانِ, &c. (S.) And هٰذَا صِرْعُهُ and ↓ صَرْعُهُ This is the like of him, or it: and so ضِرْعُهُ and ضَرْعُهُ, &c. (IAar, TA.) ― -b5- And A strand of a rope: (O, K:) and so ضِرْعٌ: (O:) pl. صُرُوعٌ (O, K) and ضُرُوعٌ. (O.) صَرْعَةٌ  A single act of throwing down, or prostrating, on the ground; or a single suffering of prostration. (K, TA.) See also صِرْعَةٌ. ― -b2- And A state, or condition: (O, K:) so in the saying, هُوَ يَفْعَلُهُ فِى كُلِّ صِرْعَةٍ [He does it in every state, or condition]: (O:) [see also صَرْعٌ:] or, accord. to the “ Mufradát ” [of Er-Rághib], the state, or condition, of him who is thrown down, or prostrated. (TA.) صُرْعَةٌ  One who is often thrown down, or prostrated, by men. (K.) صِرْعَةٌ  A mode, or manner, of throwing down, or prostrating; or of being thrown down, or prostrated: (S, * K, TA:) a word similar to رِكْبَةٌ and جِلْسَةٌ. (S.) Hence, (K,) one says, سُوْءُ الاِسْتِمْسَاكِ خَيْرٌ مِنْ حُسْنِ الصِّرْعَةِ [The bad manner of holding fast upon one's beast is better than the good manner of being thrown down, or prostrated]: (S, K:) i. e., when one holds fast, though he ride not well, it is better than one's being thrown down, or prostrated, in a manner that does not hurt him; because he who holds fast sometimes overtakes, but he who is thrown down will not attain: (TA:) a prov.: or, as some relate it, ↓ حُسْنِ الصَّرْعَةِ , which means the good manner of the single suffering of prostration. (K, * TA. [See also Freytag's Arab. Prov. i. 623.]) صُرَعَةٌ  One who throws down, or prostrates, others; (S, O, K;) as also ↓ صِرِّيعٌ and ↓ صُرَّاعَةٌ : (K:) or one who throws down, or prostrates, his antagonists much, or often; (TA;) and so ↓ صِرِّيعٌ , (S, O,) and ↓ صُرَّاعَةٌ , with damm and teshdeed, mentioned by Ks: (O:) or ↓ صِرِّيعٌ signifies one who throws down, or prostrates, vehemently, though he be not well known for doing so; as also ↓ صَرَّاعٌ and ↓ صَرِيعٌ , the latter like أَمِيرٌ [in measure, but this I think doubtful, probably added from finding صِرِّيعٌ mistranscribed]: or ↓ صِرِّيعٌ , accord. to the T, one whose occupation, whereby he is known, is the throwing down, or prostrating, others [as a wrestler]. (TA.) It is said in a trad. that the Prophet asked, Whom do ye reckon the صُرَعَة among you? they said, Him whom men will not throw down: and he said, He is not such, but is (assumed tropical:) he who governs himself on the occasion of anger: or, as some relate it, (assumed tropical:) the forbearing on the occasion of anger, (O, TA. *) صَرُوعٌ ذ One who wrestles much with others, endeavouring to throw them down: (T, K, TA:) pl. صُرُعٌ. (K.) صَرِيعٌ  i. q. مَصْرُوعٌ [meaning Thrown down, or prostrated, on the ground]: pl. صَرْعَى. (O, K.) ― -b2- [And i. q. مَصْرُوعٌ meaning (as the latter is expl. in the Msb) Affected with the disease termed صَرْعٌ, q. v.] ― -b3- And [i. q. مَصْرُوعٌ meaning] Affected with diabolical possession, or madness. (TA.) ― -b4- One says also, بَاتَ صَرِيعَ الكَأْسِ (tropical:) [He passed the night prostrated by the influence of the wine-cup]. (TA.) ― -b5- And رَأَيْتُ شَجَرَهُمْ صَرْعَى and ↓ مُصَرَّعَاتٍ (tropical:) I saw their trees cut down [and laid prostrate]. (TA.) And نَبَاتٌ صَرِيعٌ (tropical:) A plant, or plants, or herbage, growing upon the surface of the earth, not erect. (TA.) And غُصْنٌ صَرِيعٌ (tropical:) A branch falling down to the ground: (TA:) or a branch broken down and fallen to the ground: (Msb:) and [in like manner] one says ↓ غُصْنٌ مَصْرُوعٌ ; and مَصَارِعُ is said to occur in a verse of Lebeed as pl. of the latter word, the reg. pl. of which is مَصَارِيعُ: but in that verse some read ↓ مُصَرَّع [which has a similar meaning. (TA. [See EM p. 157.]) ― -b6- صَرِيعٌ also signifies (assumed tropical:) Slain: from the same word as applied to a branch and expl. above: pl. صَرْعَى. (Msb.) ― -b7- And (tropical:) A twig, or rod, drooping, or hanging down, to the ground, falling upon it, but with its base upon the tree, so that it remains falling in the shade, the sun not reaching it, and therefore becomes more soft, or supple, than the branch [from which it depends], and more sweet in odour; and it is used for rubbing and cleaning the teeth [i. e. مَسَاوِيك are made of it]: pl. صُرُعٌ: (K, TA: [the pl. is thus in the L; but in some copies of the K صُرْعٌ:]) or, accord. to the T, the sing. signifies a twig, or rod, that falls from the tree called بَشَام [q. v.]; and the pl. is صُرْعَانٌ: the former pl. occurs in a trad., in which it is said that the Prophet was pleased to rub and clean his teeth with صُرُع. (TA.) ― -b8- Also (tropical:) A bow from which nothing has been pared off: or of which the wood has dried upon the tree; (S, O, K, TA:) or this [latter] is only called صَرِيفٌ. (TA.) ― -b9- And (tropical:) A whip, in like manner, (S, O, K, TA,) from which nothing has been pared off. (TA.) -A2- See also صُرَعَةٌ. صَرَاعَةٌ  The quality of throwing down, or prostrating, vehemently. (TA.) صَرَّاعٌ  : see صُرَعَةٌ. صِرِّيعٌ  : see صُرَعَةٌ, in four places. صُرَّاعَةٌ  : see صُرَعَةٌ, in two places. [ صَارِعٌ  act. part. n. of 1: pl. صَارِعُونَ and صَرَعَةٌ. Hence,] قَوْمٌ صَرَعَةٌ A people, or party, who throw down, or prostrate, those with whom they wrestle. (TA.) مَصْرَعٌ  A place [and accord. to rule a time also] of throwing down, or prostrating, on the ground: (S, O, K:) [pl. مَصَارِعُ.] ― -b2- [And (assumed tropical:) A place of slaughter: for] مَصَارِعُ القَوْمِ signifies the places of slaughter of the people, or party. (TA.) -A2- Also an inf. n. of 1 [q. v.]. (S, O, K.) مِصْرَعٌ  : see مِصْرَاعٌ. مُصَرَّعٌ ذ [pass. part. n. of 2, q. v.]. One says, مَرَرْتُ بِقَتْلَى مُصَرَّعِينَ [I passed by slain persons thrown down, or prostrated, on the ground]: with teshdeed because relating to many objects. (S.) ― -b2- See also صَرِيعٌ, in two places. مِصْرَاعٌ  Either half [i. e. leaf] of a door [meaning of a folding door]: (MA, * Msb, KL: *) either one of what are termed the مِصْرَاعَانِ of a door or door-way: (S, Msb:) مِصْرَاعَا بَابٍ means two doors that are set up, meeting together, the place of entrance thereof being in the middle of them [i. e. between them]: (T, O, K, TA:) [and in like manner, مِصْرَاعَا سِتْرٍ (occurring in the S in art. سجف) means the two separate halves, that hang side by side, so as to meet together, of a curtain; like the two leaves of a folding-door:] and the مِصْرَاع of a door [or curtain] is also called its ↓ مِصْرَع : (TA:) the pl. of مِصْرَاعٌ is مَصَارِيعُ. (MA.) ― -b2- Hence, the مِصْرَاع in poetry; (S;) A hemistich: (MA, KL:) [this is the general meaning: in a more restricted sense,] مِصْرَاعَانِ in poetry means a single verse [i. e. a pair of hemistichs] having two rhymes: (T, O, * K, * TA:) [using it in the latter sense, i. e. as meaning a verse of which the former hemistich rhymes with the latter, which is app. the primary signification,] Aboo-Is-hák says, the مِصْرَاعَانِ are the two doors of the ode, like the مصراعان of the house, or chamber, or tent: and he says that the derivation of the word is from الصَّرْعَانِ meaning “ the two extremities of the day. ” (TA.) مَصْرُوعٌ  : see صَرِيعٌ, in four places; where it is stated that مَصَارِعُ is said to occur as a pl. thereof; the reg. pl. being مَصَارِيعُ. مُصَارِعٌ  One who wrestles with another, endeavouring to throw him down; as also ↓ صِرْعٌ : you say, ↓ هُمَا صِرْعَانِ i. e. They are two persons wrestling together, each endeavouring to throw down the other. (K, * TA.) Credit: Lane Lexicon