
1 طَلِحَتِ الإِِبِلُ  , (S, A,) [aor. طَلَحَ ,] inf. n. طَلَحٌ, (TA,) The camels had a complaint (S, A) of their bellies (S) from eating of the trees called طَلْح. (S, A. [But see إِِبِلٌ.]) ― -b2- And طَلِحَ, aor. طَلَحَ , (K,) inf. n. as above, (TK,) He (a man, TK,) was, or became, empty, or void of food, in his belly; as also طُلِحَ, like عُنِىَ. (K.) -A2- طَلَحَ, (S, M, A, K,) aor. طَلَحَ , inf. n. طَلْحٌ and طَلَاحَةٌ, (M, K,) said of a camel, (S, M, A, K,) He was, or became, lean, or emaciated, by reason of fatigue, or of disease: (A:) or fatigued, or wearied: (ISk, S, K:) or injured, or hurt, by fatigue: (AZ, T, TA:) or he was, or became, fatigued, and fell down by reason of travel: (M, TA:) or طَلِحَ, aor. طَلَحَ , inf. n. طَلَحٌ; and طَلَحَ, aor. طَلَحَ , inf. n. طَلْحٌ; he was, or became, fatigued: or lean, by reason of fatigue, or of disease. (MA.) ― -b2- And طَلَحَ, inf. n. طَلَاحٌ, (tropical:) He (a man) was, or became, bad, corrupt, or vicious. (A, L. [See طَلَاحٌ below.]) -A3- طَلَحَهُ, aor. طَلَحَ , [inf. n. طَلْحٌ,] He, or it, (a man, MA, Msb, or journeying, A,) rendered him lean, or emaciated him; (A, MA, Msb;) namely, a camel: (A, Msb:) [or] he fatigued him; (MA, K;) i. e., a camel; (S, K;) and (K) so ↓ اطلحهُ ; and ↓ طلّحهُ , (S, K,) inf. n. of the latter تَطْلِيحٌ. (TA.) 2 طَلَّحَ see the last sentence above. ― -b2- [Hence, app.,] طلّح عَلَيْهِ, (A, K,) inf. n. تَطْلِيحٌ, (K,) (tropical:) He importuned him, (A, K,) i. e., his debtor, so that he wearied him. (A.) 4 أَطْلَحَ see 1, last sentence. طَلْحٌ  , [a coll. gen. n.,] (S, A, Msb, K, &c.,) and طِلَاحٌ; (S, A, K;) the latter said to be pl. of طَلْحَةٌ, (TA,) which is the n. un. of طَلْحٌ, (S,) or, accord. to Sb, the pl. of طَلْحَةٌ is طُلُوحٌ, like as صُخُورٌ is pl. of صَخْرَةٌ; and طِلَاحٌ also; and the pl. of طَلْحٌ is أَطْلَاحٌ; (M;) [The acacia, or mimosa, gummifera; an appellation applicable also to the سَنْط, which produces the gum-arabic: (see صَمْغٌ:) the former tree is termed by Forskål (Flora Ægypt. Arab. p. cxxiv.) “ mimosa gummifera; ” but it is more commonly termed an “ acacia: ” its pods are termed عُلَّفٌ, q. v.:] a species of large trees, (S, K,) of the kind called عِضَاهٌ; (S, Msb;) growing in El-Hijáz [and Egypt and Nubia and other countries]; the fruit of which is like that of the سَمُرَة; having curved thorns: the places in which it grows are the interiors of valleys; and it is that species of the عضاه which is the largest in its thorns, and the hardest in respect of its wood, and the best in respect of its gum: Lth describes it as above, and says that it is the same as the أُمُّ غَيْلَانَ [and the like is said in the A]: ISh says that it is a tall tree, affording a shade in which men and camels repose, with few leaves, long and large branches, with many thorns, [more] than the prickles of the palm-tree, and a great trunk, which a man's arm cannot embrace; the same as the امّ غيلان; and grows in the mountains: AHn says that it is, of the trees called عضاه, the largest, and that which has most leaves, and the greenest, and has thick and long thorns, but these are of the least hurtful of thorns, producing no heat in the foot; it has a fruit (بَرَمَةٌ) of pleasant odour; and there is not among the trees called عضاه any that produces more gum than it, nor any more bulky; and it grows only in rugged, hard, fertile ground. (TA.) By طَلْح in the Kur lvi. 28 may be meant the trees called امّ غيلان, because they have a blossom of a very pleasant odour. (Zj.) [But see below.] ― -b2- طَلْحٌ signifies also Banana-trees; syn. شَجَرُ المَوْزِ; and is said [by some] to have this meaning in the Kur lvi. 28: (Zj, T, TA:) or i. q. مَوْزٌ [which some expl. as meaning the trees above-mentioned; but others as meaning the fruit of those trees]: (Msb, K:) this, however, is said to be unknown in the [classical] language. (TA.) ― -b3- And i. q. طَلْعٌ [generally meaning The spadix of the palmtree; but sometimes the spathe thereof]: (K:) a dial. var. of the latter word: (S:) mentioned by ISk among words formed by the substitution of one letter for another: and this meaning, also, it is said [by some] to have in the Kur lvi. 28. (TA.) -A2- And Remains of turbid water in a watering-trough or tank. (K.) -A3- And Having the belly void of food. (K.) ― -b2- See also طَلِيحٌ. طِلْحٌ  The tick; syn. قُرَادٌ; (S, A, K;) sometimes applied thereto; (S;) as also ↓ طَلِيحٌ : (S, K:) or a large tick. (TA. [See حَمْنَانٌ.]) ― -b2- [Hence,] طِلْحُ مَالٍ (tropical:) One who keeps to camels, or cattle, and to the care of them, like as cleaves the طِلْح, i. e. tick: (A:) a manager, tender, or superintendent, of camels, or cattle; or a good pastor thereof. (K.) ― -b3- And طِلْحُ نِسَآءِ (tropical:) One who follows, or goes after, women (K, TA) much, or often. (TA.) ― -b4- And طِلْحٌ is also expl. as signifying A pastor fatigued, or wearied: (K, TA:) and [its pl.] طُلُحٌ, as signifying [simply] pastors. (L.) El-Hotei-ah says, after mentioning certain camels and their pastors, “ إِِذَا نَامَ طِلْحٌ أَشْعَثُ الرَّأْسِ خَلْفَهَا
هَدَاهُ لَهَا أَنْفَاسُهَا وَزَفِيرُهَا
When a pastor, dusty and shaggy or matted in the hair of the head, sleeps behind them, [and they become lost to him,] their breathing and their vehement respiration occasioned by the fulness of their bellies guides him to them, so that he finds them, even if they be distant. (S, * L.) ― -b5- See also طَلِيحٌ, in four places. طَلَحٌ  (thus correctly written, not طَلْحٌ as in [some of the copies of] the S, TA) Enjoyment of a life of ease and plenty. (S, K.) طَلِحٌ  an epithet applied to a camel. (A.) You say إِِبِلٌ طَلِحَةٌ and طَلَاحَى [the latter being the pl.] Camels having a complaint (S, A, K) of their bellies (S, K) from eating of the trees called طَلْح: (S, A, K:) but [the meaning seems to be, from eating thereof immoderately, for] Aboo-Sa'eed disapproves of the phrase ابل طلاحى as meaning camels that have eaten of the طلح [and become disordered thereby, though it appears from what is said in art. عضه that camels are sometimes disordered by eating of any of the trees called عِضَاه], asserting it to signify camels that are fatigued, or wearied; for [he says that] the طلح do not disorder camels, but are wholesome food for them. (TA.) See also طَلِيحٌ, in two places. ― -b2- And أَرْضٌ طَلِحَةٌ Land abounding with the trees called طَلْح. (K.) طَلْحَةٌ  n. un. of طَلْحٌ [q. v.]. (S.) -A2- أُمُّ طَلْحَةُ The louse. (TA.) طَلْحِيَّةٌ  meaning A piece of paper is a postclassical word. (K.) طَلَاحٌ  , as an attribute of a man, (tropical:) Badness, corruptness, or viciousness: (A:) contr. of صَلَاحٌ. (S, L, K.) طَلِيحٌ  , (A, Mgh, Msb,) of the measure فَعِيلٌ in the sense of the measure مَفْعُولٌ, (Mgh, Msb,) Rendered lean, or emaciated, (A, Mgh, Msb,) applied to a camel; (A, Msb;) as also ↓ طَلِحٌ , (A,) or ↓ طِلْحٌ , (K,) and ↓ طَالِحٌ , so applied, by reason of fatigue, or of disease. (A.) Also, (S, Mgh, K,) applied to a camel, and ↓ طِلْحٌ , (S, K,) the latter, (S, MF,) and the former likewise, (MF,) applied to the male and to the female of camels and of other animals, (S, MF,) and ↓ طَلْحٌ , (K,) and ↓ طَلِحٌ , (L, TA,) Fatigued: (S, Mgh, K, TA:) and in like manner, applied to a she-camel, طَلِيحَةٌ and ↓ طِلْحَةٌ , (K, in the CK طَلْحةٌ,) but the forms commonly known of these two epithets thus applied are without ة, because each has the signification of a pass. part. n., (MF,) and ↓ طَالِحٌ : (IAar, K:) the pls. are طُلَّحٌ and طَلَائِحٌ, (S, K,) [both pls. of طَلِيحٌ,] meaning fatigued, or jaded, and rendered lean, by travel, (S,) and طَلْحَى, which last is [said by SM to be] anomalous, because [he holds that] it has the meaning of an act. part. n., [app. on the ground that some expl. طَلِيحٌ as syn. with مُعْىٍ and تَعِبٌ,] (TA,) and طُلُحٌ is another pl., [app. of the second and third and fourth of the sings. mentioned above,] signifying fatigued: (L, TA;) and أَطْلَاحٌ is pl. [of pauc.] of طِلْحٌ. (S.) One says نَاقَةٌ طَلِيحُ أَسْفَارٍ meaning A she-camel jaded, and rendered lean, by journeys: (T, S:) and طَلِيحُ سَفَرٍ, and سَفَرٍ طَلْحُ . (IAar, TA.) رَاكِبُ النَّاقَةِ طَلِيحَانِ means The rider of the she-camel and the she-camel are both fatigued, or jaded: (L, K:) for رَاكِبُ النَّاقَةِ وَالنَّاقَةُ طَلِيحَانِ: or for رَاكِبُ النَاقَةِ أَحَدُ الطَّليحَيْنِ. (L.) -A2- See also طِلْحٌ. إِِبِلٌ طِلَاحِيَّةٌ  and طُلَاحِيَّةٌ, (S, K,) the latter anomalous, (S,) or the latter is a dial. var. of the former, which is not a rel. n. from the pl. طِلَاحٌ, because, when a rel. n. is formed from a pl., the pl. is reduced to its sing. form, unless it is used as a name of a particular thing, (from a marginal note in copies of the S, [see also Ham pp. 791-2,]) Camels feeding upon the trees called طِلَاح [or طَلْح]. (S, K.) طَالِحٌ  : see طَلِيحٌ, in two places. ― -b2- Also, as an epithet applied to a man, (tropical:) Bad, corrupt, or vicious; (A, L;) in whom is no good: (L:) contr. of صَالِحٌ. (S, L.) مُطَلِّحٌ  (assumed tropical:) One who acts wrongfully, unjustly, or injuriously, فِى المَالِ [with respect to property, or camels, or cattle]. (Az, L.) ― -b2- And, accord. to Az, One who breathes hard, or emits the voice with a moaning sound, فِى الكَلَامِ [in speaking]; syn. نَهَّاتٌ [but the first letter in this word is written in the L without any diacritical point; so that the word may perhaps be بَهَّاتٌ, meaning a great, or frequent, calumniator, slanderer, or false-accuser: see art. بهت]. (L, TA.) redit: Lane Lexicon