1 نَضَخَهُ  , aor. نَضَحَ , [and نَضِحَ , see below], inf. n. نَضْخٌ, He sprinkled him, or it, [with water &c.]: or i. q. نَضَحَهُ: (K:) AZ says, نَضْخٌ signifies the act of sprinkling, like نَضْحٌ; these two words being syn.: you say نَضَخْتُ, aor. أَنْضَخُ: (S:) or the former signifies less than the latter: (K:) so most say: (L:) or the former signifies what is unintentional; and the latter, what is intentional: (IAar, L:) As says, that the latter is the act of man: (L:) and the former, he says, signifies more than the latter, and has no pret. nor aor.: and Aboo-'Othmán Et-Towwazee says, that the former signifies the mark, or effect, that remains upon a garment or other thing, and that the act is termed نَضْحٌ, with ح unpointed: (S:) As says, that نَضْخٌ has no verb nor act. part. n.; and A'Obeyd says, that it has no pret. nor aor. ascribed to any authority: or you say نَضَخْتُ الثَّوْبَ, aor. نَضَحَ and نَضِحَ , inf. n. نَضْخٌ, I wetted the garment; and it signifies more than نَضَحْتُ. (Msb.) نُضِخَتْ مَغَابِنُهَا, inf. n. نَضَخَانٌ, Her (a she-camel's) armpits were sprinkled with pitch. (S, L, from a verse of El-Katámee.) أَصَابَهُ نَضْخٌ مِنْ كَذَا A sprinkling, more [or less] than what is termed نَضْحٌ, came upon him. (As, S.) ― -b2- نَضَخْنَاهُمْ بِالنَّبْل, (Yz, S,) and نضحنا النَّبْلَ فِيهِمْ, (K,) i. q. نضحناهم, (Yz, S,) We [shot at them and] sprinkled them with arrows; or scattered arrows among them; (Yz, S, K;) meaning, our enemies. (K.) ― -b3- نَضَخَ, (inf. n. نَضْخٌ, L,) It (water) boiled forth vehemently (in gushing, L,) from its source, (L, K,) or boiled up vehemently. (Aboo- 'Alee, L, K.) 3 ناضخا  , inf. n. مُنَاضَخَةٌ and نِضَاخٌ, They sprinkled each other. (S, K.) 8 انتضخ  It (water) became sprinkled. (S, K.) 9 انضخّ  and ↓ انضاخّ It (water) poured out, or forth. (TA.) 11 إِِنْضَاْحَّ see 9. نَضْخٌ  A mark, or effect, that remains upon a garment or other thing, (Aboo-'Othmán EtTowwazee, S, K,) as the body, (TA,) from perfume, (K,) or mire, or a soil or pollution: (TA:) or from blood, and saffron, and mud, and the like: نَضْحٌ being with water, and with anything thin, such as vinegar and the like. (AA.) [See also نَضْحٌ.] نَضْخَةٌ  A rain; a shower of rain. (S, K.) غَيْثٌ نَضَّاخٌ  A copious rain. S, Msb, K.) ― -b2- عَيْنٌ نَضَّاخَةٌ A copious spring of water: (S:) or a spring that boils forth, or gushes forth (S, Msb) copiously. (Msb.) ― -b3- نَضَّاخَةُ الذِّفْرَى A she-camel that sweats copiously in the part called ذفرى, behind the ear. (L.) مِنْضَخَةٌ  , [in the TA منضخ,] vulgo نَضَّاخَةٌ, i. q. زُرَّاقَةٌ: (K, TA:) [in the CK, زَرَاقَة, which is a mistake: see مِنْضَحَةٌ]. Credit: Lane Lexicon