1 سَمَدَ  , (S, M, &c.,) aor. سَمُدَ , (M, L,) inf. n. سُمُودٌ, He (a man, IAar) was, or became, high, or elevated. (IAar, S, M, L, K. [عَلاءً in the CK is a mistake for عَلا.]) ― -b2- He raised his head; (L; [and the same is implied in the S; see سَامِدٌ;]) and so سَمِدَ: (M, L:) [and] he raised his head in pride. (S, L, K.) And in the former sense it is said of a camel, in his going along. (Bd in liii. 61.) ― -b3- Also He (a man) stood, raising his head, and with his breast erect; like as the stallion [camel] does when excited by lust: (A:) [for] it is said of a stallion [camel] when thus excited. (L.) ― -b4- And hence, (A,) (tropical:) He sang: (M, A, L:) because the singer raises his head and erects his breast: (A:) but Th says that this is rare: (M:) accord. to I'Ab, سُمُودٌ signifies the act of singing in the dial. of Himyer. (L.) ― -b5- Also, (M, K,) aor. as above, (TA,) and so the inf. n., (S, M,) (assumed tropical:) He diverted himself, sported, or played. (S, M, K, TA. [For لَهِىَ in the CK, I read لَهَا, as in the M, and in MS. copies of the K, and in the TA; and agreeably with the S, in which the inf. n. is expl. as syn. with لَهْوٌ.]) ― -b6- He was, or became, negligent, inattentive, inadvertent, inconsiderate, or heedless; and went away from, or relinquished, or left, a thing. (L.) ― -b7- He was, or became, confounded, perplexed, or amazed, and unable to see his right course; or affected with wonder; or cut short, or silent, being confounded, or perplexed, and unable to see his right course; syn. بُهِتَ: inf. n. as above: (M:) [or] he stood confounded, or perplexed, and unable to see his right course; syn. قَامَ مُتَحَيِّرًا. (K. [After this explanation and لَهَا immediately following it, it is said in the K, والسُّمُودُ يَكُونُ حُزْنًا وَسُرورًا: meaning that it is by reason of grieving, or mourning, as signifying the “ standing confounded ” &c.; and by reason of rejoicing, or being happy, as signifying the “ diverting oneself ” &c. See as an ex. of its usage in a case of grief the verses which I have cited at the close of the first paragraph of art. رد, and which are cited in the present art. in the L and TA.]) ― -b8- Also He kept constantly, or continually, (M, L,) to an affair, (M,) or upon the ground, or in the land. (L.) ― -b9- He strove laboured, or exerted himself, or he wearied himself, in work, (K, TA,) and in journeying. (TA.) And سَمَدَتِ الإِِبِلُ (S, M, K) فِى سَيْرِهَا, (S,) aor. and inf. n. as above, (M,) The camels strove, laboured, or exerted themselves, in their journeying: (S, K:) or knew not fatigue, or weariness. (M.) [See also سَمْدٌ, (which is likewise, perhaps, an inf. n. of the same verb,) below.] -A2- سَمَدَهُ, inf. n. سَمْدٌ, i. q. قَصَدَهُ [He tended, repaired, betook himself, or directed himself or his course or aim, to, or towards, him, or it; or endeavoured to reach, or attain, or obtain, him, or it; &c.]; like صَمَدَهُ. (M.) -A3- And سَمَدَ الأَرْضَ, inf. n. سَمْدٌ, He made the land, or ground, plain, or smooth, or soft. (M.) 2 سمّدهُ  , (M, TA,) inf. n. تَسْمِيدٌ, (TA,) (assumed tropical:) He diverted him: (M, TA:) [and in like manner, ↓ اسمدهُ ; for] one says to a slave-songstress, أَسْمِدِينَا, [in one of my copies of the S, erroneously, اسْمُدِينَا,] meaning Divert thou us by singing. (S, O, L, TA.) -A2- سمّد الأَرْضَ, (M, Msb, K,) inf. n. as above, (S, Msb, K,) He manured the land with سَمَاد [q. v.]: (S, Msb, K:) he dunged, or manured, the land; syn. زَبَّلَهَا. (M. [So in a copy of the M: in the TA زبلها, without teshdeed; and thus only, I believe, correctly; though it is commonly pronounced with teshdeed in the present day.]) -A3- سمد شَعَرَهُ, (M,) or الشَّعَرَ, (K,) inf. n. as above, (TA,) He removed utterly his hair, or the hair; (M, K, TA;) taking the whole of it [in shaving]: a dial. var. of سبّد. (TA.) تَسْمِيدُ الرَّأْسِ is The removing utterly the hair of the head [by shaving]: a dial. var. of تَسْبِيد. (S.) ― -b2- And تَسْمِيدٌ is also used [alone, the objective complement being app. meant to be understood,] as meaning The leaving off, or neglecting, the anointing of oneself [or of one's hair], and washing: and so تَسْبِيدٌ. (A 'Obeyd, TA in art. سبد.) 4 أَسْمَدَ see 2, first sentence. 9 إِِسْمَدَّ see Q. Q. 4, in two places. 11 إِِسْمَاْدَّ see what next follows. Q. Q. 4 اِسْمَأَدَّ  , (S, M, L,) inf. n. اِسْمِئْدَادٌ, (S,) He, or it, became swollen: (M, L:) or became much swollen: (AZ, M, L:) or he (a man) became swollen with anger; (S, L;) or so ↓ اِسْمَادَّ , inf. n. اِسمِيدَادٌ; and ↓ اِسْمَدَّ , inf. n. اِسْمِدَادٌ. (K.) One says, اسمأدّت يَدَهُ His arm, or hand, became swollen: and اسمأدّت رِجْلُهَا Her leg, or foot, became inflated and swollen. (L, TA.) ― -b2- Also, said of anything, It went, or passed, away: or perished; and so ↓ اسمدّ . (L, TA.) And اسمأدّ مِنَ الغَضَبِ He perished by reason of anger. (L.) سَمْدٌ  Continuing, or unceasing, journeying. (M, L.) [Perhaps an inf. n.: see سَمَدَتِ الإِِبِلُ, and what next precedes it, in the latter part of the first paragraph.] ― -b2- هُوَ لَكَ سَمْدًا, (K, TA,) or ↓ سَمَدًا , (M,) [in my copy of the Mgh سمدًا, and in the O سَمدًا,] He, or it, is thine ever, or for ever; syn. سَرْمَدًا, (Th, M, Mgh, O, K,) and أَبَدًا. (Th, M, Mgh.) And لَا أَفْعَلُ ذٰلِكَ سَمْدًا or ↓ سَمَدًا , (M,) I will not do that ever. (M, TA.) سَمَدًا  : see the next preceding paragraph, in two places. سَمَادٌ  A compost, or manure, consisting of سِرْجِين, (S, Mgh, Msb,) or سِرْقِين, (K,) [both meaning dung of beasts, such as horses, camels, sheep and goats, wild oxen, and the like,] with ashes, (S, K,) or with earth or dust: (Mgh, Msb:) or a manure consisting of strong earth. (M.) سَمِيدٌ  i. q. حُوَّارَى (A, K) [app. as meaning White, or whitened, flour: but said in the TK to mean fine bread]: accord. to Kr, i. q. طَعَامٌ [app. as meaning wheat]; and said by him to be with the unpointed د: (K:) but more chastely, (K,) and better known, (TA,) with ذ. (K, TA.) [In the present day, applied to Semoulia; a kind of paste made of very fine wheat-flour, reduced to small grains. See also إِِسْمِيدٌ, below.] سَامِدٌ Any [man or animal] raising his head [in pride or otherwise]. (S, M, L.) ― -b2- A man standing: (IAar; and so in a copy of the S:) or standing, raising his head, and with his breast erect; (A, IAth;) as the stallion [camel] does when excited by lust. (A.) ― -b3- [And hence, as is indicated in the A, (see 1,)] (assumed tropical:) A singer; or singing. (M, L; and so in two copies of the S.) And the latter is said to be the meaning of the pl. in the Kur liii. 61. (M, L.) ― -b4- [Hence also,] Behaving proudly. (I 'Ab in explanation of the pl. in the Kur liii. 61; and IAar.) ― -b5- Diverting himself; playing; or sporting. (IAar, S, M; and Bd in liii. 61,) ― -b6- Negligent, inattentive, inadvertent, inconsiderate, or heedless. (Lth, IAar A.) Thus the pl. is said by Lth to mean in the Kur liii. 61. (TA.) ― -b7- Standing in a state of confusion, perplexity, or amazement: (Mgh:) and so the pl. is said to mean in the Kur liii. 61: (TA:) or confounded, perplexed, or amazed, by reason of inordinate exultation. (IAar.) ― -b8- And Silent. (So in a copy of the S.) ― -b9- And Grieving, or mourning, and lowly, humble, or submissive. (So, too, in a copy of the S.) ― -b10- In the saying of Ru-beh, (K,) describing camels, (TA,) “ سَوَامِدُ اللَّيْلِ خِفَافُ الأَزْوَادْ
” the meaning is, Continuing journeying, (K,) or striving, labouring, or exerting themselves, or wearying themselves, [during the night,] having no fodder in their bellies: (L:) F says that J has erred in saying that the meaning is, “ having no fodder in their bellies: ” but this is the explanation of the words خفاف الازواد, as IM and others have expressly stated; and this necessarily indicates that سوامد has the meaning assigned to it in the K; so that no error is attributable to J in this case: or, as some say, خفاف الازواد means not having upon their backs [much] provision for the riders. (TA.) ― -b11- سَامِدٌ as an epithet applied to a وَطْب [or skin in which milk is put] means (tropical:) Full, [so as to be] standing upright. (A, TA.) إِِسْمِيدٌ  What is called in Persian سِمِدٌ [app. a mistranscription for شَمَذْ, i. e. white bread]; an arabicized word: [so says ISd; and he adds,] I know not whether it be the same as سَمِيدٌ expl. by Kr as signifying طَعَامٌ, or not. (M.) مِسْمَدٌ  i. q. زَبِيلٌ [i. e. A basket of palm-leaves; probably one used for carrying سَمَاد, or manure]: so says Lh; adding that one should not say مِسْمَدَةٌ. (M.) Credit: Lane Lexicon